ICWA Weekly News 10-17-23
Pharmacies turning into vaccine clinics; more on all-cause mortality data; breaking down the $1.7B of CARES Act money received by Washington; is Bryan Ardis right about venom in the shots?
In this issue:
Radio Show: watch / listen to John Verd, ex-Seattleite, who lived in New Zealand for much of the pandemic. And more analysis of the excess death data slowly being updated by the DOH.
Pharmacies are turning into vaccine clinics
The latest all-cause mortality data
Tracking Washington’s nearly $1.7 billion CARES Act money
Great Northwest Awakening is this Saturday Oct. 21 with Bryan Ardis and his latest research. All signs point to his being right!
October 13 Episode of An Informed Life Radio - show links
Hour 1 Guest: John Verd
In the first part of today’s ‘Informed Life Radio,’ John Verd updates viewers on New Zealand medical freedom efforts. His referenced links:
River of Freedom – Must-see documentary; available on screen only in NZ
The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, by Kennedy Jr.
And how local communities are connecting for resilience
Hour 2: guest host Dr. Xavier Figueroa and Bernadette discuss all-cause death data in WA, as well as last week’s Vaccine Advisory Committee meeting (Did you know there was one of those dreaded Heat Domes in 2021?)
Vaccine Advisory Committee Meetings | Washington State Department of Health
Report: Excess Deaths During the COVID-19 Pandemic and 2021 Heat Dome
"Cause Unknown": The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022 by Dowd, de Becker & Kennedy
Washington Pharmacies Turn Into Vaccine Clinics
There was a day when your local Washington pharmacy was just a place to go to with a piece of paper in hand to fill your doctor’s prescription. Then came the COVID-19 shot rollout, and in less time than it took to yell at someone to put their mask over their nose, vaccination tables were popping up everywhere from schools to shopping malls to stadiums to nurses clad in white on street corners, yelling out to passersby, “Hey did you get your COVID shot, yet?”
Yet, the most lasting of this change has been at your local pharmacy, so much so that Dr. Robert Malone wrote in his October 11 newsletter that CVS and Walgreens pharmacy employees, including pharmacists, were walking off the job.
Malone has heard a main reason for walking out was “Increased focus on vaccinations from management has added to their workload and made it more difficult to focus on filling prescriptions and customer care.”
An October 10 article in Yahoo Finance expounded on this:
A 2022 National Community Pharmacists Association survey showed that nearly 75% of respondents felt they did not have enough time to safely perform clinical duties and patient care.
Stores often operate with just one pharmacist behind the counter for a 12 hour shift.
“Pharmacists are so overwhelmed and worried that they’re going to make a mistake. It’s so easy to make a mistake under those conditions,” said Shane Jerominski, a pharmacy labor advocate who spent a decade working at chain pharmacies including Walgreens and now manages an independent pharmacy.
“Walgreens and CVS have turned into a vaccination clinic first and a pharmacy second,” said Jerominski. “Because immunizations are so profitable, filling prescriptions is almost an afterthought.”
One Walgreens technician told CNN that they now spend their entire day in the “shot room” jabbing arms.
“That’s the one thing that’s driving us absolutely bonkers,” they said, “the fact that management cares way more about us giving vaccines than anything else.”
Perhaps more disconcerting is the fact that pharmacies can be traced as the shot administrators behind a significant number of the suspected deaths from the shots. Using the VAERS data field called “Administered by:” these pharmacy shot rooms are clearly the source of thirty-seven deaths following the COVID-19 jabs here in Washington, or 17% of the total.
The first instance of this came on January 15, 2021, of a seventy-one-year-old male, two days after he was jabbed with a Moderna shot at a pharmacy.
VAERS ID: 1014774
The submitted write-up included, “We do not have any details about what happened; we were informed by one of his employees. We have no knowledge that this had anything to do with the vaccination in any way.”
The VAERS entries in the ‘Administered by:’ field reveals the following counts per each of the seven categories of the 222 deaths in Washington following the COVID-19 shots.
Private: 69 deaths
Pharmacy: 37 deaths
Public: 18 deaths
Senior Living: 17 deaths
Military: 3 deaths
Unknown: 55 deaths
Other: 23 deaths
The above figures show that the pharmacy source is more than half of the “private” source. Adding on the “public” source of eighteen deaths leads one to argue that making the shots more accessible to the public raises the number of deaths following the COVID-19 jabs. Further, given that there are 55 unknown and 23 other administrations, the number attributed to pharmacies and the other categories must be much higher.
Now that COVID-19 is waning, along with uptake/demand, what are the pharmacies doing? Our Department of Health is helping market the shots for them. As we covered last week, vaccinators are marketing the administration of multiple shots as safe and effective without any data to back up the claim. The DOH gave the unsubstantiated green light to consumers to mix their COVID-19 shots with other shots:

In turn, consumer demand is created, as reflected in the Yahoo article:
CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, Amazon and a number of other stores are encouraging customers to seek non-emergency care at their locations. That’s gaining traction, according to Wolters Kluwer’s Pharmacy Next survey. More than 80% of respondents said they trust a pharmacist, nurse, or nurse practitioner to diagnose minor illnesses and prescribe medications to treat them.
“There’s been tremendous consumer demand for those services,” Dr. Peter Bonis, the chief medical officer at Wolters Kluwer Health, told CNN.
Taking the nod from the DOH, and to overcome that jab anxiety by Washington residents, pharmacies are incentivizing you with the convenience of shopping while visiting the in-store pharmacy, and grocery discounts. Does 10% off your grocery bill overcome your hesitance?
The Walgreens website is raising the bar and advertises four shots or more at once:
The CVS Pharmacy website makes no mention of mixing COVID-19 with other shots, but, as with Safeway’s ten percent off groceries with any vaccine, they do offer an incentive to get you over that nagging doubt that you might need to file a VAERS report:
Stay informed. Make the right choice.
If you are a healthcare provider or pharmacist and want to speak out about the triple-jab, science-free campaigns, please contact us to provide the science that backs up the safety and efficacy, OR allow us to tell your thoughts in our Weekly News & Views.
The Latest on All-Cause Mortality in Washington
Ever since the rollout of the COVID-19 shots, there has been a public outcry about the sudden and drastic rise in all-cause mortality across the world. Meanwhile, the Washington Department of Health (DOH) has been unusually slow at releasing the state’s all-cause mortality figures.
For the first eight months of 2023, the BOH received a barrage of criticisms for not being forthcoming with mortality data from as far back as 2021. ICWA volunteer Melissa Leady, one of those critics, has discovered a different source of DOH data that includes 2021 deaths, titled ACH and State Dashboards:
In the September 27 issue of ICWA Weekly News, we made the following observations on the above figures:
When compared to other year-over-year increases, the rise in all deaths for the year 2020 was significant: An increase of 4,880 deaths between 2020 (63,177 deaths) and 2019 (58,297 deaths). One could argue that the deaths were COVID related in one form or another. For the rollout of the COVID-19 shots in 2021, the overriding propaganda campaign would lead one to expect the number of deaths to level off or go down. Instead, from 2020 to 2021, the number of deaths rose even higher by 5,572 (63,177 to 68,749).
In what seemed like a response to these public complaints, the DOH published a study titled, “Excess Deaths During the COVID-19 Pandemic and 2021 Heat Dome.” (We recognize that the DOH was probably working on this paper for quite some time, but readers are left to speculate why they don’t just publish the data in a more timely manner).
At the October 9 Washington Board of Health meeting, Melissa Leady expressed her concerns about the report:
The report raises several concerns, but the one I would like to mention to you today is the alarming number of excess deaths in the younger age group, which the Department of Health aggregated as ages 0-54. While deaths in the elderly age groups increased 2% and 7%, and were all due to COVID, deaths in the younger age group increased 31%, and were largely not accounted for by COVID.
These excess deaths are significant. They’re not minor. Many people are concerned they could be related to the covid vaccines, which were introduced in 2021. But, the Department of Health report did not mention anything about the increase in the younger, non-COVID deaths, other than bury it in the data table on page 8. The sharp 31% rise in younger excess deaths, the majority of which are not due to covid, should alarm the board of health.
On last Friday’s episode of An Informed Life Radio, the show’s co-host, Dr. Xavier Figueroa overlayed significant pandemic milestones on DOH’s presentation Figure 1. (We guess the DOH didn’t have enough time or funds to do so themselves).
Dr. Figueroa explained:
When the mRNA shoots were rolled out, you did see a spike of excess deaths coming up, and then it tapers down, but then the expected death rate all of a sudden, as shown on this graph, doesn’t dip down again. It stays up. Now, there’s a huge spike in June of 2020 and 2021, and it is just around the time when we start experiencing higher than normal temperatures. But there’s a problem. It is not consistently hot throughout the entire time, so saying that the heat dome caused these excess deaths is not likely and can’t be explained by a heat stroke. You look at 2020 and the death rate, and you don’t see that huge spike. It’s more of a steady state where you have people dying at a slightly higher death rate.
Pointing to the spike for 2021, Xavier observes:
And for that spike right there, I don’t know what that is. That doesn’t make any sense for it being a heat stroke. And then it goes down, and then it starts rising back up again and stays elevated and stops at 2022, which is the exact period that the Department of Health stopped looking at data. They went looking all the way through 2021, and 2022 the excess death rate remains well above goes two or maybe three deviations outside the norm of excess death rates per 100,000 people. And it was not hot, anymore.
During this segment, Melissa added over the phone:
And that problem is going to continue all through 2022. They didn’t release the tracking data for 2021 until September of 2023, which was almost two years later, so that is my worry that we have to wait yet another year for them to release to the public the 2022 data. But they have released the number, and it’s way higher. So, the problem persists into 2022.
The shows other co-host and ICWA President Bernadette Pajer made a plea to the audience: “I encourage other people to read the report and write in. We need people to look over the raw data and do their own analysis.”
Washington Received $1,688,853,496 in CARES Act Money
In his October 10th newsletter titled Follow the Money to Understand US COVID Mortality, Dr. Robert Malone revisited one of his controversial remarks on a Joe Rogan podcast:
Long ago and far, far away I had a recorded conversation with Mr. Joe Rogan (#1757) which briefly “broke the internet” and caused Google, aging rockers like Neil Young, and the entire censorship/governmental/industrial complex to lose bladder control and wet themselves. And one of the things that Joe and I discussed were the perverse incentives provided to hospitals by the USG to inflate the COVID death count.
In his newsletter, Dr. Malone further questioned the inflation of the COVID-19 death count:
But what about those huge tallies of American dead that were so endlessly pushed by both government shills and corporate media (most notably CNN)? Did the benign and competent administrative state manipulate those data to support the approved narrative of a highly lethal respiratory virus as I accused them of doing on the infamous Rogan podcast (which in reality had a case fatality rate of a fraction of a percent as Dr. Jay Battacharia demonstrated so early on)? And if so, how was this accomplished? Which US Government HHS agency was responsible for this?
Dr. Malone followed the money to reveal more about these huge numbers:
Did the chronic fearmongering/fearporn by USG, non-governmental organizations, WHO and others use these inflated mortality statistics to justify and obtain compliance with authoritarian practices such as counterproductive mask and lockdown mandates, compliance with NIH treatment protocols, suppression of effective early treatment protocols developed by actual front line physicians, Emergency Use Authorization of inadequately tested drugs and “vaccines”, and of course the notorious “vaccine” mandates.
And if so, which USG Federal program paid for those financial over-reporting incentives, where did the money come from, and who received them, and how much mammon ($$) you might ask?
The “who” that administered the program would be the US HHS Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).
The “where did the money come from” (well, aside from taxpayers, printing presses and those that finance the massive deficit spending of our current government) would be the congressionally-approved CARES act.
Dr. Malone then looks at the first two phases of monetary distributions from the HRSA under the CARES act and quotes the purpose of the funding from the Act itself:
For Phase 1 and 2 of the program, who got the goodies would be 46 Billion dollars that was “designed to distribute relief to providers who bill Medicare fee-for-service with a payment of 2 percent of the provider's gross patient revenue regardless of the provider's payer mix. Payments were determined proportional to providers' share of annual patient revenue.”
Two weeks after enactment of the CARES Act, on April 10, 2020, HHS distributed $30 billion to eligible Medicare providers as Phase I.
Read the breakdown of the initial $30 billion general distribution by State (PDF - 429 KB)*.
Read the breakdown of the initial $30 billion general distribution by Congressional District (PDF - 1 MB)*.
*Note that these breakdowns show the amount allocated to billing organizations for eligible recipients based on the billing organizations' address, not necessarily the state where the providers are operating.
Before getting to the HRSA distribution figures, for comparison purposes, we note that, according to World Population Review, Washington is the thirteenth most populous state:
For Phase 1, the number of providers and systems who received payments in Washington was 5,362, which ranks seventeenth in the country. Washington received $553,838, 806, which ranks nineteenth in the country.
Looking at the congressional breakdown for Phase 1 distribution of funds:
District #of payees Amount
WA-01 409 $28,576,662.02
WA-02 596 $42,389,486.31
WA-03 441 $39,644,212.38
WA-04 497 $51,529,294.95
WA-05 592 $98,034,491.78
WA-06 692 $71,285,166.02
WA-07 645 $100,887,491.86
WA-08 345 $28,604,853.21
WA-09 579 $56,896,501.27
WA-10 497 $34,423,677.56
The HRSA web site detailed Phase 2 where Washington moved up to twelfth in state ranking with 2,874 providers and systems paid, and eleventh with a total payment of $122,334,086.
For Phase 3, HHS announced $24.5 billion in new funding available from existing PRF funds for Phase 3 General Distribution allocation in October 2020. Providers were funded for a baseline 2 percent annual patient care revenue plus an add-on that considers financial losses and changes in operating expenses caused by the coronavirus.
In Phase 3, Washington ranked twelfth at 1,656 providers and systems paid and moved up to eighth for its payment received of $630,083,863, which was the state’s highest amount of the four phases even though this was the lowest number of providers and systems paid. These figures further show that, for this phase, Washington received a higher dollar amount than four other states that had a higher number of providers and systems paid. For example, New Jersey had 2,972 providers and systems paid but received only $381,084,010.
For Phase 4, HHS initially announced $17 billion in new funding available for Phase 4 General Distribution payments in September 2021, and began making the first payments in December 2021. Providers received payments based on changes in revenues and expenses as well as the amount and type of services provided to Medicare, Medicaid, and/or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) patients.
In Phase 4, Washington ranked fifteenth at 1,763 providers and systems paid and ranked twelfth for its payment received of $382,606,741. So, for this phase, Washington received a higher dollar amount than three other states that had a higher number of providers and systems paid. For example, Maryland had 2,194 providers and systems paid but received only $284,595,672.
Running the total for Washington: $554M + $122M + $630M + $382M = $1,688,863,496.
All the CARES Act funding breakdowns by Phase can be found here.
Dr. Malone then went on to support his claim on the Joe Rogan podcast that the inflated death count dropped after CARES act money to hospitals ran out. He wrote, “A UC-Berkeley scholar uses the CDC's own data to suggest a sharp decline in COVID ‘deaths’ once federal reimbursements to hospitals ended.”
Dr. Malone was referring to the following post:
Supposedly we’re on the cusp of—or already in the middle of—another COVID variant outbreak, with calls for reviving mask and vaccine mandates. The Branch COVIDians will not be denied. Funny thing, though. Is it merely a coincidence that the sharp drop in COVID diagnoses coincided with the end of special federal reimbursement for COVID cases?
CDC COVID Data Tracker: Trends by Geographic Area
Simple suggestion: if the Branch COVIDians want the COVID numbers to soar again, just get Washington to reinstitute reimbursement formulas. Problem solved! -Stephen Hayward
Dr. Malone also pointed out the astute reporting by an obscure news outlet about the COVID death count dropping once the federal money to hospitals ran out:
Nik Rajkovik quoted a former nurse at Houston Methodist hospital, which has been part of multiple lawsuits for getting rid of workers, supports Dr. Malone and others about reporting distortions due to incentive payments:
After the $178 billion in CARES Act money for the "Provider Relief Fund" dried up in January 2022, hospital coders were no longer required to list COVID as cause of death.
"They got paid individually for positive tests. If you got ventilated. If you died a COVID-related death, it was $70,000 plus. It was really high numbers," says Jennifer Bridges, former nurse at Houston Methodist Hospital.
"The hospitals were actually trying to get them to switch the cause of death to COVID-related so they could get higher reimbursements. Some of them did, but the ones that I know lost their jobs because they refused to. They said no, that's unethical and we're not doing that."
Bridges is among those suing Houston Methodist after being fired for refusing the COVID vaccine.
"We still have 113 people strong, all the way from doctors to dietary, physical therapy, nurses. You name it, they're on our lawsuit," she says.
The lawsuit, says Bridges, has reached the federal court level.
In related news, and in what looks like a snub to Dr. Malone, Nobel Prizes were recently awarded to two “pioneers” of mRNA, and the Wall Street Journal stated that the shots “saved millions of lives during the pandemic.” (Warning – pay wall: Nobel Prize Goes to Duo for mRNA Vaccine Medicine Development - WSJ)
Further misleading, the newspaper did not take into account that Dr. Malone has nine patents to prove that he pioneered this mRNA technology in 1989.
The Lancet published a study by Watson et al making claims of lives saved during 2021 using a computer model.
The Commonwealth Fund has produced a similar study to support that the claim that “Two years of United States COVID-19 vaccines have prevented millions of hospitalizations and deaths.”
The second study, sure to be cited as incontrovertible proof by public health agencies and their media agents, used a “computer model of disease transmission to estimate hospitalizations and deaths averted through the end of November 2022.” The study has the following findings:
From December 2020 through November 2022, we estimate that the COVID-19 vaccination program in the U.S. prevented more than 18.5 million additional hospitalizations and 3.2 million additional deaths. Without vaccination, there would have been nearly 120 million more COVID-19 infections. The vaccination program also saved the U.S. $1.15 trillion (Credible Interval: $1.10 trillion–$1.19 trillion) (data not shown) in medical costs that would otherwise have been incurred.
These grandiose claims have not gone unrefuted. Luckily, Denis Rancourt, Ph.D. and Joseph Hickey, Ph.D. have examined the Watson paper, funded by the WHO and the Gates Foundation, and found the assumptions to be unrealistic and the conclusions baseless. Brenda Baletti Ph.D. from The Defender reported on October 16th in the analysis.
From Baletti’s assessment of the Rancourt analysis:
In Canada, there is also “no visible decrease in actual all-cause mortality” temporally associated with the roll-outs, which one might expect if the roll-outs affected mortality. Rather, they wrote, “the opposite is apparent, with excess mortality proportionately accompanying rollouts.”
This same result was found in most of the 95 countries analyzed during their vaccine rollout programs, begging the question – did the vaccine rollout cause excess deaths? The actual data seems to indicate this. Asked a different way, why did the virus wait to be more fatal until vaccines were being rolled out?
ICWA Sponsors The Great Northwest Awakening
On Saturday, October 21, Informed Choice Washington is a sponsor of The Great Northwest Awakening, presented by Patriots United Washington, whose mission includes protecting medical freedom and elimination of vaccine mandates. Speakers, like Bryan Ardis, Stella Emanuel, and Robert Scott Bell, will provide insight and actionable solutions to protect parental rights, health, election integrity, and ideas to work with legislators. Door prizes now include a chance to take home one of 200 MyPillows. $25 Seats now available to enjoy the amazing lineup and reunite with all those you stood shoulder-to-shoulder with over the last few years.
Must-see speakers, comics and country rock star Ryan Weaver at the Great Northwest Awakening.