ICWA Weekly News 1-24-24
Action Alert: SB 6095 would make permanent Standing Order powers-Senate Cmte votes Jan. 26; Dr. Ryan Cole testifies for 3rd time in DC; New VAERS reports of WA deaths; Radio show - Measles v MMR
(To our readers: If an issue runs too long for you, don’t forget that the awesome Substack App on smartphones has an accessibility feature - a play button - that reads out loud to you. You can keep up with us when doing chores or driving around. Tell us what you think about issue length and content in the comments)
In this issue:
Senate Bill 6095 Could Give State Government More Authority and No Liability
Action Alert: SB 6095 scheduled for Executive Session Friday January 26, 8 AM: Write to your Senators on the Health Committee: Cleveland, Rivers, Muzzall, Padden, Holy, Dhingra, Conway, Van de Wege, Randall.
Dr. Ryan Cole Testifies for a Third Time at the Nation’s Capital
Curious New Death Reports in Washington following COVID-19 Shots
Radio Show Links - Measles vs. MMR vax risks with Ginger Taylor
Meme ‘o the Week
Senate Bill Could Give State Government More Authority and No Liability (Action steps below)
Senate Bill 6095 about issuing standing prescription orders for patients across the state is a power grab by the Department of Health (DOH) trying to hold on to what they had during the pandemic. The DOH, headed by the Secretary of Health Dr. Umair Shah, requested the bill and Dr. Shah was given free rein to promote it during its initial committee hearing on January 18.
The bill reads, in part:
Establishing clear authority for the secretary of health to issue standing orders…Provides authority for the Secretary of Health or the secretary's designee to issue a prescription or standing order for a drug or device for the purpose of controlling a threat to public health.
The background given for the bill mentions the power they enjoyed during the COVID-19 era:
Standing orders are instructions from a prescriber or qualified health care professional for patients to receive tests, vaccines, clinical services, or procedures without an individual prescription. In 2019, the Legislature granted authority for the Secretary of Health (secretary) to issue standing orders for individuals at risk of opioid overdose to receive opioid reversal medication. During the COVID-19 pandemic the secretary issued standing orders for vaccines, testing, and epinephrine autoinjectors, under now expired federal authority.
The most disturbing part of giving Umair Shah this “authority” is on page two, lines four through eight:
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, neither the state nor the secretary nor the secretary's designee shall be liable for any civil or criminal damages, or any professional disciplinary action related to the issuance of prescriptions or standing orders pursuant to this section.
“Wow,” gasped Natalie Chavez, leader of Be Brave Washington, when asked for her thoughts. “Perhaps this part of the bill was created as a result of all the COVID-related vaccine and Remdesivir lawsuits that have been filed in the aftermath of the COVID plandemic. Regardless, they definitely want clear authority established moving forward to make 'standing orders,' and they also want no liability for these standing orders even if the standing orders end up doing harm to Washingtonians.”
The two bill sponsors are both Democrats. June Robinson serves the 38th legislative district, which includes Everett, Marysville, and the Tulalip Reservation. She is the vice chair of the Health and Long-Term Care committee. Javier Valdez serves the 46th legislative district in Seattle and sits on the State Government committee, among others.
If passed, this Limitation of liability would be nothing new for our state government, as the following RCW 70.290.080 for the Washington Vaccine Association, created in 2010, reflects:
No liability on the part of, and no cause of action of any nature, shall arise against any member of the board of the association, against an employee or agent of the association, or against any health care provider for any lawful action taken by them in the performance of their duties or required activities under this chapter.
The question is, do Washington residents want to turn over this kind of authority without liability to the Secretary of Health, especially considering it is a Governor-appointed position currently filled by Umair Shah? This is the same person who completed an international health policy internship at World Health Organization headquarters in Switzerland.
For this in turn means that his indoctrination was heavily funded by the Gates Foundation:
Though the UN’s World Health Organization is run by member states which donate public funds, it relies heavily on private donors. One of those is the Gates Foundation, by far the largest private contributor to the WHO, accounting for some 10% of its budget. Only the US government pays more, and had the US pulled out as threatened by the former Trump administration, the organisation would have found itself in the unprecedented position of having the Gates Foundation as its top donor.
The Expose’ elaborated on this in an October 1, 2023, highly detailed exposition about Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation funding extra-governmental groups:
The Swiss publication cited above, has good reason to ask if Gates has too much influence as out of the four health organisations that took a lead on the “global pandemic response”— The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and the Wellcome Trust are actually all founded and/or funded by Gates despite all four claiming to be independent organizations.
During the earliest days of the plandemic, these organisations began a coordinated effort to identify vaccine makers, fund tests, drug treatments and mRNA shots, and develop a global distribution plan in collaboration with the WHO (source).
On January 18, SB 6095 was the last of five bills heard on Thursday morning and captured on TVW.
After the prime sponsor Sen. Robinson introduced the bill, the committee chair Sen. Annette Cleveland granted the Secretary of Health himself, Dr. Umair Shah, and Dr. Scott Lindquist ample time to promote the bill claiming the success of the ability to address non-infectious diseases and opioids.
Meanwhile, other commenters were granted one and a half minutes to convey their thoughts – because Chair Cleveland said so many people had signed up. It turns out ICWA director Bob Runnells was the only one to testify against it, the few others not being able to figure out the Zoom connection. It was highly notable that 540 citizens registered CON against the bill, while the nineteen who registered PRO were either employed by the state’s health apparatus or were from large pharma-backed organizations.
(Update 26-Jan: Passed out of Senate Health committee (Video) with little fanfare and two barely-audible Nay’s from Republican Senators Padden and Muzzall. Sen. Rivers and Holy were absent. Next step: Rules committee and maybe floor. Stay tuned for further Calls to Action).
ACTION ALERT: SB 6095 is scheduled for Executive Session in the Health Committee Friday Jan. 26, 8 AM.
Please follow up on the 540 citizens who registered CON by emailing and calling committee members to Oppose. You can still raise a ruckus! Especially if you’re suspicious of standing orders.
As explained above, the bill would extend Standing Order emergency powers to the Secretary of Health anytime they want to issue a prescription for vaccines, biologics, devices, and most other "tools" to control disease (whether infectious or not) AND to control ANY threat to public health. This includes products to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent disease. The bill exempts the Secretary from all civil or criminal damage claims that will arise from issuing an order. Standing orders are one step below mandates and compromise informed consent because providers use a presumptive approach with their patients (“Today, we’re going to…"). These orders are used to overcome "hesitancy." Amendment ideas: (1) can be invoked only if a state of emergency is declared in a jurisdiction; (2) administrator of the product must provide package insert or similar prior to administering.
If you are in these Senators’ District, please use the website form to send comments. If not, send a letter to their legislative email address.
Sen. Annette Cleveland, Democrat, LD 49 (Vancouver) annette.cleveland@leg.wa.gov, (360) 786-7696
Ann Rivers, Ranking member, Republican, LD 18, (North Clark County) ann.rivers@leg.wa.gov, (360) 786-7634
Ron Muzzall, R, LD 10, (Island County) ron.muzzall@leg.wa.gov, (360) 786-7618
Mike Padden, R, LD 4 (Spokane Valley) mike.padden@leg.wa.gov, (360) 786-7606
Jeff Holy, R, LD 6, (Spokane) jeff.holy@leg.wa.gov, (360) 786-7610
Manka Dhingra, D, LD 45 (No. Seattle, King Co.) manka.dhingra@leg.wa.gov, (360) 786-7672
Steve Conway, D, LD 29 (Tacoma) steve.conway@leg.wa.gov, (360) 786-7656
Kevin Van de Wege, D, LD 24 (Clallam, Jefferson, Grays Harbor Counties) kevin.vandewege@leg.wa.gov, (360) 786-7646
Emily Randall, D, LD 26 (Port Orchard) emily.randall@leg.wa.gov, (360) 786-7650
(We left off the bill Sponsor Robinson as a lost cause: June.robinson@leg.wa.gov)
To track bills, you can register on the Legislative website to Get Email Notifications directly from Olympia. Registering CON in the thousands and signing up to testify will be an essential show of force to derail this public health power grab. Sign up to make sure you’re receiving ICWA Action Alerts.
Dr. Ryan Cole Testifies for a Third Time at the Nation’s Capital
While the Washington Medical Commission (WMC) was preoccupied with disciplining Dr. Ryan Cole, the pathologist and physician appeared as one of three witnesses for a January 12 hearing held by United States Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene on blood-related adverse events following the COVID-19 shots. Drs. Peter McCullough and Kirk Milhoan joined the panel as witnesses.
Dr. Cole had appeared for two of Senator Ron Johnson’s roundtable discussions. He and Dr. McCullough accompanied Senator Johnson at the head of the table for the December 7, 2022 discussion. For this hearing, Senator Johnson participated at the head table alongside Greene and Congressman Warren Davidson.
Greene began the hearing by stating the following:
I would like to get to the bottom of the COVID vaccine that the government forced on so many people. The reason I am holding another hearing on COVID-19 vaccines, despite being part of the COVID-19 select committee, is because our committee refuses to do anything about what Americans actually care about. We all know that COVID came from a Chinese lab in Wuhan. We don’t need to investigate the origins of COVID anymore. We need to look at the data at which shows so much that the vaccine hurt or killed thousands. The Vaccine Adverse Events Records System has seen a massive spike in reports following the rollout of the COVID vaccines. So many people have been affected yet politicians here in Washington are too afraid to do anything about it...Why is it that so many members of Congress are scared to talk about the issues that their constituents care about?
A side note for Washington residents: the reluctance to speak out against the COVID-19 shots rings ever so true. We have Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Spokane, District 5) leading the House investigation into the SARS-COV-2 virus origins, yet she was very supportive of the jabs with this statement on August 23, 2021.
This approval will build more confidence and trust in the vaccines, which are safe and highly effective at preventing severe illness, hospitalizations, and death from COVID-19. For anyone in Eastern Washington who hasn’t yet been vaccinated, I encourage you to talk to your doctor. Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself and your family. It’s how we beat this pandemic and restore our way of life…The COVID-19 vaccines, made possible by President Trump’s historic partnership with the private sector, turned that hope into a reality. The vaccines are saving lives, lowering risks so we can keep our schools and businesses open, and giving people the courage to dream again.
We are trusting that Rep. McMorris Rodgers finally learned what our readers know and is ready to indict criminals.
Back to the Adverse Events hearing in DC conducted by Rep. Taylor Greene. Dr. Cole first introduced himself.
I’m a board certified anatomic and clinical pathologist trained at the Mayo Clinic. I’ve been in practice for over twenty years and ran an independent medical laboratory for two decades and ended up having to sell that because I spoke against this COVID narrative and got cancelled by insurance companies for quote “unprofessional behavior” telling the truth. So, it’s an honor to be here today.
His openings statements were equally fiery, calling out pharma-fascism and warning about their continued uptake:
We’re at an unprecedented time in American history. It used to be that we were a nation of the people for the people by the people, and now were of the corporation for the corporation and by the corporation. Countless Americans have been harmed because people have believed biased media. People have believed corrupt pharmaceutical narratives. Countless people in this nation are hurting and being ignored.
Now, I’m a pathologist, and a pathologist is the most important doctor that you that you never meet, and you always hope is right. So, we see a part of people every day. We see your blood. We see your microbiology. We see your tissues under the microscope. And the cells don’t lie, and what we’ve found in this, which is unfortunate, for four years, is we’ve been ignored. We’ve seen the damage and later in the hearing I have some slides if we have time, I’ll share, as a picture is worth a thousand words. But we see what’s happening to the people, and I’m tired of the American people being gas lit and being told that it’s anything and everything, but it’s not quote “vaccine.” This is a gene transfection product that billions of people have received, and genetic products need to be monitored for a long period of time. We have countless injured people who are being ignored. And we just can’t do this here anymore. I’m not here to judge—one shot, two shots, three shots—whatever. I’m not here to judge. I’m just saying don’t get another one. This is an unproven, unsafe product. We need to acknowledge that injuries are happening around the world, and we need to stop these products immediately. Not just the COVID, but any mRNA platform going forward is unproven and unsafe, and this is about an oath that all of us took. We took an oath to first do no harm. We take that to oath seriously. Most of us sitting here have given up almost everything, so we’re grateful to be here.
Rep. Taylor Greene ask Dr. Cole, “About the blood clots and that this has been labeled a conspiracy theory, what do you see as a pathologist when you’re looking at tissue?”
Dr. Cole responded in great detail at times. We’ve gathered the following highlights.
It’s a scientific fact; it’s not a conspiracy theory…We saw during COVID increasing clotting markers in patients who were sick with COVID. The spike protein in this virus has the propensity to cause blood clotting. These are unusual clots. These clots are like a rubber band or a rubber ball and in pathology whereas a normal clot is more jelly-like…But in the mRNA shots, the gene is wrapped into a little fat bubble, a lipid nanoparticle. Now if you look at the manufacturer’s list of ingredients, all of these are not approved for veterinarian or human use and yet went into billions of arms. This fat bubble can go anywhere and everywhere in the body instead of staying in the arm…and that’s why we’re seeing the side effects in the vaccine injured that we don’t traditionally see with typical vaccines.
Lipid nanoparticles were designed to be chemotherapeutic agents to the brain. So, these were designed to go everywhere, and so the first place they go is circulation. And then, like a magnet of a positive-negative charge, that fat bubble will attach to a cell where the gene will go in. Human cells are meant to make human proteins. Human cells are not meant to make foreign proteins. When our cells start making foreign proteins, our immune system goes on high alert and says “attack, attack” and so our own immune system, our killer cells or natural killer cells, will go in and say, “This is an enemy, so start destroying those cells,” so we see liver damage, we see adrenal gland damage, we see brain damage. We see heart damage. We see damage of the blood vessels. So, these clots are because an inflammatory response is happening in the lining of the blood vessels first and foremost.
…And as Dr. McCullough mentioned, clinically he’s seeing in patients clots that we have not seen historically…
Does it cause neurological harm? Absolutely. An Italian study of 19,000 patients showed that thirty percent, almost a third, had neurologic harms.
So, as much as we know about the blood clotting and heart harms, the neurological harms are way up there, and the autoimmune harms, too. And this is why I’m against this whole technology platform. Perhaps it can go on the research level for rare genetic conditions or for targeting certain things.
But when you put something into the body, and it goes everywhere, and, as Dr. McCullough mentioned, it doesn’t have an off switch. This gene doesn’t have an off switch. And it isn’t mRNA. It is synthetic mRNA. Researchers out of Cambridge and Oxford recently published and showed that it’s not just making spike protein. It’s that this little message and code is slipping, and if you shift the frame when you’re trying to make a protein, you may make other proteins, and that’s another harm of this technology that we found out four years after rolling it out onto billions of people. You’re not just making the spike protein alone. You may be making fragmented proteins that can cause all sorts of other harms and clotting.
As for the slides Dr. Cole had referred to at the beginning of his question, he showed them near the end of the meeting, starting at the 2:22:36 mark:
“The cells do not lie. This is the picture that is worth a thousand words,” he said.

He continued:
“This is the spike protein lining the blood vessel in the body. Every brown dot, this is after injection, and, like I said, it goes through circulation first. That initiates these clotting processes. This was a few days after the injection. This was from an autopsy patient done by Dr. Arne Burkhardt, and this patient died a couple months later. This was still expressing spike protein in these tissues months after their last injection. One of the patients was, 123 days after death, still making the spike protein in multiple organs in the body.”
Dr. Cole’s testimony included many other slides evidencing the damage being done to blood vessels from mRNA-induced spike proteins.

Midway through the hearing, Senator Johnson recalled his asking Francis Collins, while he was still director of the NIH, about the number of deaths following the COVID-19 shots. Collins only answered with, “People die.” Johnson then showed a drug adverse event comparison chart:

Focusing on the 37,000 U.S. deaths following the COVID-19 shots, Sen. Johnson asks his question:
I know VAERS doesn’t prove causation, but that’s a correlation that people ought to be looking at… One of the pushbacks we get is that we gave billions of doses…So we can do the calculations. In the U.S. the deaths per million doses of COVID vaccines is 25.1. It’s hard to get this for the flu, but we can assume 70% of the flu vaccines distributed are actually injected. The deaths per million from the flu vaccine, assuming 70% are injected, is 0.46. That is 55-fold higher death per million rate for the COVID vaccine. So my question: why isn’t the rest of the medical community acknowledging this?
(Note: VAERS data is tabulated for injury reports in the U.S. and its territories, while Senator Johnson mentioned worldwide; we omitted that from the quote)
After Dr. Milhoan addressed the question, Dr. Cole responded with:
I want to piggyback on Dr Milhoan’s excellent comment. Fear, the simple answer is fear.
The body of the profession of medicine is almost all employed now, the number of people who have spoken out have mostly been independent, and those who weren’t independent did pay that price, lost their jobs for speaking truth.
And, are our colleagues, awake? Are people getting these boosters?
No, they’re not, because the people are awake, they’re still pretty quiet as well. There’s obviously a vocal 30% of Americans who are speaking out. We have a booster for something that’s extinct, and it’s still being pushed by our government agencies. XBB.1.5 [variant] is now 0.0% prevalent. We’re at .JN1 which is 62% prevalent we have a booster vaccine from Pfizer for something that doesn’t exist, and we still have a government pushing it.
But we have physicians, and we have health care systems that are dependent on the government’s teat, and they’re nursing that teat for every dollar they get and anybody that speaks against that cash flow gets the hatchet.
So why are people not speaking up? I don’t know why they forgot the oath that we all took. Yes, we took that oath, and we’ve paid the price. Would I pay the price over again? Would all you? I bet we would, because this is about humanity, and it’s about the long-term health of humanity.
And so I just encourage my fellow physicians around the world to speak up. Don’t be afraid even if you’re in the truth of one, be that voice of truth.
And that’s what we’re up against, fear, and how do you overcome fear? With courage.
The full Expose article: A Hearing on Blood Related Adverse Events Post Covid Vaccine – What Happened to the Medical Profession? (expose-news.com)
Link to MTG’s Subcommittee Hearing on YouTube - while it’s still there.
It was this fear, and top-cover from the Federation of State Medical Boards, that allowed the WMC to issue its September 22, 2021 COVID-19 Misinformation Position Statement, which was weaponized against doctors who were trying to save lives during the height of the pandemic frenzy. One of its targets is Dr. Cole:

In an attempt to stand up for Dr. Cole and the other doctors being unjustly harassed by the WMC, ICWA Director Bob Runnells told the commission to drop these kinds of investigations in his public comments to the January 19 WMC business meeting attendees.
Hello Ms. Boyd, Mr. Farrell and the entire Washington Medical Commission.
I’m speaking on the topic of doctors’ licenses being challenged after the WMC suddenly applied the Federation of State Medical Boards letter that threatened disciplinary action if doctors performed their jobs contrary to the one standard of care declared by the CDC.
The notice provided by the WMC is self-contradictory. It begins with "The (WMC) position on COVID-19 prevention and treatment is that COVID-19 is a disease process like other disease processes..."
But every authority on the matter labeled SARS-COV-19 as novel, therefore, COVID the disease needs doctors to bring to bear all available information to treat a novel disease.
It is disingenuous that the WMC would use a notice from the Federation of State Medical Boards as a new criteria by which to enforce its licenses. It is egregious that the WMC is harassing doctors with a policy not properly passed, based on a letter from a non-government group that you're not beholden to, yet seem to be.
As a state-level commission, we look to you to protect us from bad federal policies. You should drop any harassing investigations and actions against licensees who were using other resources to help save lives where early treatments needed to be tried during a pandemic from a so-called novel virus.
Curious New Death Reports in Washington following COVID-19 Shots
Since the ICWA Weekly News report on December 13, 2023 of three more Washington deaths following the COVID-19 shot, eight more such deaths have occurred, raising the total number of deaths in Washington to 233.
The most recent six reports in VAERS, all entered on December 20, 2023, are very ambiguous and questionable to count as legitimate death reports. The first three did not provide any administration dates, victim age or gender. The Write-ups for each were either blank or contained the following common statement indicating an incomplete submittal:
died from that God damn vaccine; This is a spontaneous report received from a Consumer or other non HCP, Program ID. A patient (age and gender not provided) received BNT162b2 omi xbb.1.5 (COMIRNATY (2023-2024 FORMULA)), as dose 1, single (Batch/Lot number: unknown) for covid-19 immunisation. The patient's relevant medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. The following information was reported: DEATH (death), outcome "fatal", described as "died from that God damn vaccine". The date and cause of death for the patient were unknown. It was not reported if an autopsy was performed.
The curious new VAERS IDs: 2726074, 2726075, 2726076, 2726077, 2726078, 2726083
Two of the new reports were more complete and seemed legitimate:
VAERS ID: 2722958
A 100-year-old female died after a second Pfizer shot. The report was entered on December 11, 2023 although the report did not give the date of death.
End of submitted write-up: Clinical course: “It killed reporter's mom two years ago. She died from the COVID vaccine; she was 100, and the second one just knocked her out into strokes. She got TIAs after the second on like right after that week, and she died of a stroke a week and half later." The information on the batch/lot number for bnt162b2 has been requested and will be submitted if and when received; Reported Cause(s) of Death: killed my mom two years ago/strokes; TIAs
VAERS ID: 2724299
A fifty-three-year-old male died on July 11, 2021 after the first dose of the Janssen shot. The report was entered on December 15, 2023. The onset began fourteen days after the shot, and he died fifty-seven days after that.
Submitted write-up: Around Mid-May, 12-13th, patient started not to feel well. Tired, stomach was a little bloated, a little dizzy. He said he felt he was getting a cold. End of May beginning of June, his symptoms had not gone away. He was bloated, had cramping in legs and tired. End of June, he had sharp pains in ribs, thought he pulled a muscle. On July 5, he was so dizzy he thought he was going to pass out. He couldn’t walk up the stairs. Called 911 and they took him to ER. He had submassive pulmonary Embolism. The doctor believed it was from Janssen vaccine and gave him heparin, and forty-five seconds later, he had a heart attack and died right in front of me in the ER. After forty minutes of CPR, he had a heartbeat but was in non-induced coma. July 11th I had his breathing tube removed because he was brain dead.
Even with these ongoing tragedies, at the November 8, 2023 Washington Board of Health (BOH) meeting, board member Tao Sheng Kwan-Gett said that the VAERS data show that the COVID-19 shots are safe:
So, I think VAERS is very important to be able to detect adverse events and describe them,” he said. “And for me personally, the VAERS data and the analysis of the VAERS data just bring home the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine to where I made sure that my parents got the updated COVID-19 vaccine now, because I had the confidence that the VAERS data showed that the vaccine is safe.
This was covered in more detail in our Weekly News 11-14-23
At last Wednesday’s January 10 BOH meeting, your humble author asked the board in person, during the public comment period whether they would think that the VAERS data show that the COVID-19 shots were safe if an adverse event occurred to one of their fellow family members or loved ones. I then gave them four instances of deaths in Washington following the COVID-19 shot.
VAERS ID: 1683324
Jessica Wilson Berg was a 37-year-old mother of two children. She died a week later of blood clotting after taking the COVID-19 shot, which was required for her to do so to be a school classroom mom. I asked the board, “Does this report show that the shots are safe to you?”
VAERS ID: 1690161
Victor Castillo Simoes was a 34-year-old Amazon manager with no health conditions. He died (May 5, 2021) just sixteen days after taking his first Pfizer shot at a Seattle Safeway from an acute aortic dissection. The condition mostly affects men in their sixties and seventies. I asked the board, “If this were your son, would you say that VAERS shows that these shots are safe?”
VAERS ID: 2715729
A 67-year-old female died on October 27, 2023. The case was entered on November 20, 2023.
She had no current illnesses, and nothing is listed for preexisting conditions. She received her sixth Pfizer shot on October 19, 2023 and died suddenly on October 27, 2023.
VAERS ID: 2303434
A 65-year-old in perfect health and an avid Marathon runner, he died after his first COVID-19 shot. His wife reported that following the shot, her husband suffered Atrial fibrillation (AFib) and died. She wrote in the report, “I am so upset by the fact these shots were required. Pfizer was the manufacturer, and I'm heartbroken by the effects.” I then said to the board, “This was reported by the man’s wife, so if this were your husband, would you think that VAERS shows that the shots are safe?”
On page sixty in the January 10 BOH meeting packet, concerned citizen Arne Christensen wrote the following about Kwan-Gett’s personal claim about the VAERS data.
Sent: 11/21/2023 9:54:46 AM
Cc: Subject: science and credibility
I will not pay heed to what the Health Department says about COVID until Chief Science Officer Tao Sheng Kwan-Gett figures out that masks don't stop respiratory viruses and stops talking about his personal opinions and "confidence" in regard to the COVID vaccines and instead discusses precise data from studies of the vaccines. Also, until he stops referring to the non-existent "COVID-19 vaccine." It is not a single vaccine; they are multiple vaccines. Has he forgotten about Moderna and Novavax, and all the other COVID vaccines that aren't made by Pfizer? You people are supposedly experts who can guide us. When the Department of Health can't even communicate intelligibly, it's asking to be ignored.
VAERS now reports nearly 37,000 deaths following the COVID-19 shots in the United States and its territories.
During the public comment period at the January 10 BOH meeting, Be Brave Washington leader Natalie Chavez again alerted the board about the destructive adverse events after the COVID-19 shots across the country. After wishing them a happy new year, she told them the following:
Unfortunately, there are many families who did not have happy new year because of loved ones who died or have suffered a permanent injury due to COVID-19 injection, such as the New York firefighter O’Brian Pastrana who was diagnosed with permanent heart damage from the city mandated experimental COVID-19 vaccine. O’Brian’s COVID vaccine injury forced him to retire early, and his lawsuit was filed after the board of trustees of pension funds denied his request for more benefits in June even though the New York Fire Department doctors said that O’Brian’s heart damage was caused by the experimental COVID-19 vaccine. Court records show that he was diagnosed with myocarditis from this experimental vaccine. In his court affidavit, he wrote, “I am in total financial ruin and emotionally and physically devastated.” He wants justice for other injured COVID vaccine firefighters that he knows are suffering from exactly the same thing.
Natalie Chavez also referred the board to the following two websites to learn more about the COVID-19 shot injuries:
January 19 Episode of Informed Life Radio - - Notes and Links
Guest: Ginger Taylor
HB 2157 / SB 5982 Updating the vaccine definition to say Immunization with improper grammar.
SB 6095 Giving Secretary of Health permanent emergency power to issue Standing Orders
Physician’s for Informed Consent Measles Information Statement
PIC info Measles vs MMR https://physiciansforinformedconsent.org/measles-faq/
NFID on Vitamin A & D in measles
NFID on public health stopping way short of encouraging checking all kids for Vitamin A levels, or giving Vitamin A to all measles cases, and don't emphasize that infection depletes A levels.
Inverse relationship between serum vitamin D level and measles antibody titer
WA State Historical Measles Cases and Deaths 1920-1983 Data with Kanthak notes; Full Report Link.
Karl's Substack Safer Childhood Vaccines Task Force
Physicians for Informed Consent: Is the MMR safer then measles?
Senate HELP Hearing; Secretary Weisman starts whining @18:30
Senate Health Committee Hearing on Vaccines, Outbreaks and Vaccine Hesitancy Mar 5 2019; Note Wiesman's comments as incorrectly recalled by Sen. Cassidy (R, Louisiana)
The real story https://www.sequimgazette.com/news/measles-led-to-death-of-clallam-county-woman/ about an undetected measles infection.
The House Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee February 27, 2019 "Confronting a Growing Public Health Threat: Measles Outbreaks in the U.S."
[Dr. Messonier and Dr. Fauci quizzed by the House Health Committee on Capitol Hill; @41:50 Fauci uses favorable dates in a graph, and @53:15]
Current national fear article based on a few cases uses file photo from Eastern Europe
Meme ‘o the Week (Is it true?)
(Actually, it’s not the first time in history. Many people have been shamed in the past into vaccinating with this kind of blaming - just not on a worldwide basis all at once. Measles vaccine failure is a known issue yet the unvaccinated are sought out and blamed. We’ll forgive Dr. Malone, because we think that by now he’s been reminded of all the parallels between the childhood vaccine program and the way that the COVID shots were rolled out)
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