ICWA Weekly News 11-14-23
Great Legal News from SMF (last article); WA Dept. of Health reassures the shots are safe while failing to acknowledge deaths; Reports of panic attacks from COVID-19 shots; Nov. 10 Radio show links
By Gerald Braude & ICWA Staff
In this issue:
WA Board of Health re-iterates shots are safe – despite deaths
COVID-19 shots lead to panic attacks
PeaceHealth’s motion to dismiss fails – double negative equals good news!
Great radio show links from Friday’s Informed Life Radio – New Format
Washington Department of Health Says VAERS Data Show COVID-19 Shots Are Safe
The Washington Board of Health (BOH) meeting on November 8 began with public commenters asking the board to address the dangers of the COVID-19 shots.
ICWA Vice President Lisa Templeton started her public comments by referring to an article from the Canadian Covid Care Alliance, a volunteer-run organization with over 700 Canadian physicians, researchers, healthcare practitioners, and legal and ethics professionals.
In April 2023, Dr. Kevin McKernan reported the COVID-19 mRNA genetic vaccines contained unexpected components. Monovalent and bivalent vials of both the Pfizer and Moderna products were found to contain residual DNA fragments from the DNA plasmids used as templates to create RNA copies for spike protein production.
Canadian virologist Dr. Speicher investigated vials from the recently approved Moderna XBB.1.5 updated genetic vaccine. The FDA and the WHO have determined acceptable threshold levels of DNA in vaccines. These accepted levels are for foreign DNA found outside the cell.
In the COVID-19 genetic vaccines, DNA fragments are carried into the cells via the lipid nanoparticles.
Dr. Speicher’s team measured DNA fragments in the vials and found them to be from 188- to 509-fold in excess of FDA and WHO accepted levels. Another unexpected component was the SV40 promoter sequence detected in the Pfizer vials. Health Canada has confirmed the SV40 sequence in the plasmids.
Lisa ended her testimony by asking the board to attend to the dangers of the COVID-19 shots:
We plead for the Board’s help in protecting the public’s health by urging that the proper forensic analysis of Covid-19 genetic vaccine contents be carried out and the implications of these contaminants on human health be examined. In light of the precautionary principle, we ask that you cease promotion of all Covid mRNA vaccines in Washington pending an understanding of these issues.
Be Brave Washington Leader Natalie Chavez summarized the story of the eight-year-old Israeli “Poster child” for the COVID-19 shots who died of sudden cardiac arrest. She ended her testimony by asking the board to address the dangers of the COVID-19 shots with the Department of Health (DOH).
I ask the board to encourage the department of health to put on hold the COVID-19 shots until better quality control has been done.
At all the five previous board meetings I had attended this year, I told the board about the alarming number of deaths following the COVID-19 shots in the CDC’s VAERS reports, which is currently 36,501 across the nation, 222 here in Washington.
But the board members never addressed this during the Department of Health updates, except to mention that VAERS reporting was important. With that in mind, I looked each one in the eye and said, “And so I ask you, to look into your heart, to look into your soul, and ask yourself, is this matter important enough to you to ask about when the Department of Health gives its update at 10:40?”
One of my Jefferson County Commissioners joined the board in March, but instead of directly asking about the 222 deaths following the COVID-19 shots, Kate Dean said the following at the 1:42:25 time point during the meeting:
I want to honor that one of my constituents drove all the way here from Port Townsend for the meeting today, and I was wondering whether you could give us a quick description of how the Department of Health interfaces with VAERS data, and the limitations of the self-reporting system, and how you view data that comes out of VAERS.
DOH Chief Science Officer Tao Shen Kwan-Gett, who, along with Secretary of Health Umair Shah, was absent for the public comment period, gave the following response through his black mask:
Thanks for that question. VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Event Recording System, and it’s deliberately designed to catch a very big net, for we encourage health care providers to report anything that can remotely possibly be related to vaccine, and then it’s up to the epidemiologist to do the careful work of determining of this large bucket of reported events which ones really are related to vaccine. And so when we do that careful work, it’s been shown that the COVID-19 vaccine is very safe, and studies have shown that all-cause mortality for those who are vaccinated is lower than expected. So, I think VAERS is very important to be able to detect adverse events and describe them. And for me personally, the VAERS data and the analysis of the VAERS data just bring home the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine to where I made sure that my parents got the updated COVID-19 vaccine now, because I had the confidence that the VAERS data showed that the vaccine is safe.
Recording of November 8 State Board of Health Meeting - Zoom
Is Kwan-Gett actually unaware that most practitioners do NOT “report anything that can remotely possibly be related to vaccine”? That in fact, whistleblowers have revealed many hospital administrators discourage reporting?
Kwan-Gett does not cite any study to back his statement that “all-cause mortality for those who are vaccinated is lower than expected.” If anyone knows of any studies that exist on this matter, we at Informed Choice Washington would very much like to see them.
As for systemic problems with VAERS, if Kwan-Gett didn’t know about them before, he should now. The BMJ just published their investigation: “Is the US’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System broken?” The short answer is yes. Read the article for details. And send it on to Dr. Kwan-Gett here: OHS@doh.wa.gov
Kwan-Gett’s reference to his parents is one of the strategies that the Washington State Medical Association (WSMA) uses in its presentations to healthcare providers about getting their most reluctant patients to take the COVID-19 shots.
The top bullet point shows personal family reference as a tool for promoting the COVID-19 shots.
Kwan-Gett’s reference to his parents was just one of the many instances in which the DOH used the BOH meeting to further promote vaccines. Kwan-Gett made the following two promotional points during the DOH update period:
Getting up-to-date on vaccines is so important.
Vaccination is one of the most important tools for combatting COVID-19.
During the question-and-answer part of the DOH update, Kate Dean rolled out the red carpet for the DOH to further promote vaccines when she asked, “Is the current COVID booster still effective in the variants that we are seeing in currently over fifty percent of the cases?”
Tao Sheng Kwan-Gett’s reply:
That is an excellent point. That’s why it’s so important to get this updated vaccine because it is more effective for the currently circulating variants than older versions of the vaccine. So far, we don’t see any signs that are more evasive of the vaccine than previous. So, it’s really important to get that updated vaccine, which will give you best protection against the current circulating variants as possible.
Umar Shah added:
I would like to add that holidays are right around the corner, and people indoors in large settings, and so this is a real opportunity right now to get the set of vaccines—COVID, flu, and RSV—because you want to be protected well in advance of those holiday gatherings. So, it’s not too late.
Panic Attacks in Washington following COVID-19 Shots
Last week, The Epoch Times published a piece about a sixty-year old neurologist who began experiencing panic attacks following the COVID-19 shots. Let’s read a summary of the article and take a peak at this unexpected adverse event in Washington’s VAERS data.
Dr. William Slater had a full-time medical practice in Austin, Texas. He enjoyed hunting and fishing during his downtime. Then, in October 2021, he came down with cerebellar ataxia, a disease affecting movement. He couldn’t eat or go to the bathroom without help.
While his ataxia could be managed by using drugs, it was not always effective against his biggest complaint: unprecedented panic attacks. Almost every night, he experienced panic attacks that left him in “abject terror.” He thought about killing himself many times, he told The Epoch Times.
No one could provide a satisfactory answer to his symptoms, but Dr. Slater was convinced that the COVID-19 shots were the culprit. He was suspicious when the symptoms first appeared within about two weeks of getting the second dose of the COVID-19 shot. The second—and worse—wave of career ending symptoms had coincided with his third shot. “After taking the booster, there was no question in my mind,” Dr. Slater said.
A look at the VAERS data on Medalerts shows that Dr. Slater is not alone. Across the United States and its territories, 2,795 cases of panic attacks have been reported to VAERS.
Fifty-two cases of panic attacks have been reported here in Washington.
More than half of the reports were under the 39-year age range. Most of those were female. Below are examples.
VAERS ID: 990022 for a 32-year-old female
Submitted write-up: Within 10 min of injection I went to the 15 min waiting area and began to have a racing heart, feeling of impending doom, tingling in my mouth and throat, dizziness, shaking, sweating. They came in waves or rushes for the next hour. Doctor said i look like im getting oxygen and confirmed i had a racing heart. I took lorazepam to calm myself down and doctors concluded it was a panic attack although i know this was something i had never experienced before.
VAERS ID: 1239252 for a 32-year-old female
Submitted write-up: 15 minutes post-vaccine: some dizziness, slight spots in vision; resolved before leaving clinic. I felt no abnormal anxiety prior or within the 15 minute wait time. 35 minutes post-vaccine, driving home: Dizziness returned, more pronounced visual disturbances, hand tremor, tachycardia, feeling disoriented, confused, extreme brain fog, racing thoughts, panicky. Throat started to swell but resolved itself in about 10 minutes. 1.5 hours post-vaccine: Mentally and emotionally overwhelmed with this unexpected reaction, couldn’t keep eyes open due to extreme fatigue - took a nap. After 3 hour nap: Remaining dude effects were brain fog, fatigue, general feelings of confusion, some dizziness, not myself. Moderate insomnia despite the fatigue. Day after, 4/16: Upon waking, left arm (injection site) extremely sore and stiff, moderately swollen, warm to the touch. 4/16, around 6 PM: I found small, raised red bumps that weren’t itchy on upper left chest, spreading down onto top of breasts. I watched as similar bumps but darker in color appeared on upper shins, knees, and halfway up thighs on both legs. Both legs and feet showed unusual discoloration presenting as purple/ruddy with splotches of normal skin tone peaking through. The little red bumps next appeared spreading up the left side of my throat/left side of neck, on both forearms (top of right forearm is where I will most frequently find hives indicating a reaction), and just a few on right hand and on thumb and index finger. I started to experience unbearable itchiness and feeling of skin crawling all over, on areas with or without the little bumps. Throat felt tight and swallowing became slightly more difficult; I took 37.5 mg of Benadryl as precaution for my throat and to ease the itching. 4/20: Contacted my doctor’s office about my reaction including in-depth details. 4/21: Advised not to get the second dose by a physician standing in for my PCP on leave, and told to report.
VAERS ID: 1715838 for a 37-year-old female
Submitted write-up: Received the shot Friday 8/20, Saturday experiences nausea dizziness, cognitive impairment, site shot arm pain. Sunday: chest and back pain, palpitations, panic attack, hot & cold flashes, cognitive impairment or extreme brain fog: trouble focusing on completing daily tasks including walking and talking, nausea, fatigue, site shot pain, tingling in arms and legs Monday: chest and back pain, palpitations, panic attack, hot & cold flashes, cognitive impairment or extreme brain fog: trouble focusing on completing daily tasks including walking and talking, nausea, fatigue, site shot pain, tingling in arms and legs Tuesday: still shaky and unsteady mentally and physically, able to work desk job only a few hours a day. appetite started to return. Wed-Sunday: something felt different inside of me. including: involuntary muscle twitches all over my body: arms, legs, chest, back, stomach, unable to workout, shortness of breath. Since then I have experienced what you would call waves or flare ups or episodes every day, sometimes multiple times a day: site shot arm pain, muscle twitches/spams, extreme brain fog (cognitive impairment), elevated heart rate while stationary, panic attacks, chest pain, joint pain, unable to workout like i used to- cardio workout triggers heart palpitations. motor skills and reflexes are delayed. quality of life is NOT the same. I had never had a panic attack just minor anxiety until after the shot. it has exacerbated my anxiety 100X. I had mild work related anxiety prior to the shot but left a stressful job in march and from march to aug had no anxiety until after the shot. pain in my right leg (suspect blood clot). i will NOT be taking the second or any subsequent doses. would please beg you grant medical exceptions. I have had TWO major episodes where i felt i was going to pass out, high heart rate spikes while laying in bed, uncontrolled shaking, clenched jaw like i was going to have a seizure. only benzodiazepines helped calm the episode down. I am scared of what long term effects this will result in. Please please stop the mandates. it does not work the same for everyone. i have research my Lot number and found 250 adverse VAERs reported during same timeframe. Please tell me these symptoms will go away someday.
VAERS ID: 1940025 for a 28-year-old female
Submitted write-up: Severe and unbearable anxiety and panic attacks. Everyday to the point where they are debilitating and causing me to not be able to sleep or eat normally.
VAERS ID: 2475312 for a 25-year-old female
Submitted write-up: About 30 hours after my first shot I experienced severe and debilitating vertigo and anxiety started. I thought it was related to how terrible my vertigo was but my anxiety continued to increase over the next 4 days, while my vertigo decreased, to the point of an urgent care and ER visit. During this time I began having panic attacks, for what felt like no reason. I’ve never had these before. The urgent care doctors and ER doctor said it was just anxiety and would go away. I was prescribed lorazepam and took that for a week while trying to regain normalcy. I then got my period again, even though I had just had it right before being vaccinated. The panic attacks began again and I became complete debilitated for 9 months. Have 1 week in the middle of my cycle where I was somewhat functional, but the week before, during my period, and after, I experienced severe anxiety, dread, fear, panic. I wanted to die. I’ve tried so many antidepressants, gone to so many doctors trying to figure out what’s wrong, had a brain MRI, a vagina and thyroid ultrasound. Along the way I discovered I have Hashimoto?s but finding my right thyroid hormone dosage did not change my mental health, only fatigue. We also discovered extremely low estrogen and I was put on hormone replacement therapy but that caused back to back periods, and therefor never ending panic attacks, so I stopped it. I am finally on a high dose of 2 antidepressants and I am functional again but not back to my normal self. I still feel on edge and nauseous every day and my anxiety still gets more severe during my period. I was a high functioning worry wort before this but never experienced anything like this. My friends and family would’ve described me as stead and calm. I never got the second dose. I am traumatized and in therapy for a what has happened to me this last year.
Most alarming were the three reports for those under seventeen years of age. Below are two of them.
VAERS ID: 1462151 for a 14-year-old female
Submitted write-up: 3 days after dose 1, which was given on 05/28/21, PT reported feeling not herself. She was experiencing brain fog and not able to focus on her school work. She was worried about not being able to finish up the school year. We figured it was just "burnout", but knew this was strange behavior for PT who is usually very focused and has no problem getting good grades. We let her get the 2nd vaccine on June 18th. About 10 days later, PT reported feeling like her mind was racing and she could not sleep for 5 nights. She was very anxious and having panic attacks. On July 4th, PT came to us and told us, "the only way to stop the thoughts is to hurt myself." We immediately took PT to the Hospital ER. We have NEVER seen PT like this and she has NEVER had thoughts like this. She was talking to herself, making strange body movements and this frightening behavior came out of nowhere. They kept her overnight and sent her home with referrals to other doctors. She is still having suicidal thoughts and cannot function. We have had to cancel all trips, summer camps and check her out of soccer for the next month. There is no way she is going to be able to go to anything.
VAERS ID: 2108814 for a 15-year-old female
Submitted write-up: A 15 year-old female patient received bnt162b2 (BNT162B2), administered in arm right, administration date 14Jan2022 (Lot number: FJ16U) at the age of 15 years as dose 2, 0.3 mL single for covid-19 immunization. The patient had no relevant medical history. There were no concomitant medications. The events "fluttering", "heart pounding/she is having come and go palpitation" were evaluated at the physician office visit and emergency room visit. The events "bad panic attacks", "chest pain", "has been having trouble with shortness of breath", "has come down with anxiety", "even when she is sleeping, she gets like that when she is sleeping" and "feels awful" were evaluated at the emergency room visit. The patient underwent the following laboratory tests and procedures: blood test: unknown results; electrocardiogram: normal; unknown results; sars-cov-2 test: negative. Therapeutic measures were taken as a result of cardiac flutter, palpitations, panic attack, chest pain, dyspnoea, anxiety, insomnia, feeling abnormal. Event description Caller states that every night, especially at night, because of the fluttering, pounding and palpitations, her daughter has come down with anxiety and bad panic attacks. It is breaking her into pieces, and they don't seem to know what is wrong.
Silent Majority Gets Great News about Zimmerman v. PeaceHealth Case
On November 9, the Silent Majority Foundation (SMF) received an order from the court in their Zimmerman versus PeaceHealth case that denied PeaceHealth’s efforts to dismiss the lawsuit. The double negatives of denied…dismissed means this is a good thing - this suit against the PeaceHealth hospital system will move forward.
In December of 2022, SMF filed a lawsuit on behalf of fifty PeaceHealth employees who were placed on indefinite administrative leave without pay for failure to receive the COVID-19 shot. These employees sought religious exemptions and received them, but PeaceHealth refused to accommodate them. SMF is seeking injunctive relief (to end the indefinite leave without pay and regain employment) and damages.
Watch Pete Serrano’s video update on the case [7 mins]
SMF says that this latest order from United States District Court Judge Tiffany M. Cartwright denied in part and granted in part PeaceHealth's Motion to Dismiss. “This is a huge step in the right direction for this case given the government overreach issues facing Washington state,” said Serrano.
The judge kept the following three claims alive:
Plaintiffs’ Failure to Accommodate - PeaceHealth granted religious exemptions but then refused to provide accommodations citing “undue hardship.” It is thus the burden of PeaceHealth to prove undue hardship was at play when determining their vaccination and exemption policy. The judge states: “At this stage, with the limited record before the Court, Defendants have not met their burden.” Motion to Dismiss - denied!
Unlawful Employment Discrimination - This has been SMF’s original claim cited by laws defined in the WLAD. The judge has denied the Motion to Dismiss on this point, as well.
Plaintiffs' Claim for Injunctive relief regarding Plaintiffs’ individual reasonable accommodation - Claim for Injunctive Relief regarding the Vaccine Policy was GRANTED with prejudice (as we understand, the policy is no longer in place as it was replaced with other similar “requirements”).
SMF included individual PeaceHealth executives in their claim. The judge dismissed these individual defendants but retained the PeaceHealth organization. This is a very good moment in the numerous cases against government and employer overreach that many employees experienced during the pandemic. Please support the SMF as they continue litigation.
Links for Nov. 10th Episode of An Informed Life Radio – HEALTH HOUR
Reform Pharma – CHD campaign to stop pharmacide
The Wet Sock Treatment: A Home Remedy For Colds & Flus (drgreenmom.com)
The Great Iodine Debate, Sea air is good for you — it has Iodine! "It can also be absorbed through the skin from air in seacoast areas, which may explain why many report improved health after a visit to an oceanside resort" — Westin A. Price
Gargling with salt water to reduce COVID-19 hospitalization? Sounds like misinformation, but is now being published in the mainstream. If exposed to infection, or at first sign of symptoms, simply include iodine per the FLCCC to achieve even more viral elimination.
Links for Nov. 10th Episode of An Informed Life Radio: LIBERTY HOUR
Department of Health Update presented at 8-Nov-2023 BoH – see slide 8 showing $6 to $162 million grown of Foundational Public Health - if you wondered why there are so many public health advertisements.
https://fiscal.wa.gov/Staffing/Salaries for WA State employee salaries – filter Agency=Health
Latest from SMF: Zimmerman v Peacehealth
Also tracking:
Turner vs. WMC https://silentmajorityfoundation.org/turnervwmc/
Wilkinson, Cole, Eggleston vs. WMC https://silentmajorityfoundation.org/wilkinson-cole-eggleston-v-wa-medical-commission/
Going pro-se and winning. WCRC advises employees how to get justice in the courts – and they won. https://wcrc.us/its-time-for-justice/
This news article understates the importance of the failure to dismiss the Zimmerman case. It’s actually huge news, but the authors are just being cautiously optimistic I guess.