ICWA Weekly News 11-6-24
Health Freedom fight on DC frontlines with RFK Jr.; BOH returns to Tumwater Nov. 13; Hep B Vax Harms Washington Infants; Guillain-Barré Reports Climbed Sharply in WA in 2021; Mucho Guano Reassortment
In this issue: RFK Jr. role in Trump Whitehouse to be closely watched; WA Board of Health returns to Tumwater Nov. 13; Hep B Vaccine Harms some Washington Infants; Guillain-Barré Syndrome Reports Climbed Sharply in Washington During Pandemic; Guano Report on Dripping Guano Campaign
The mission of Informed Choice Washington and more specifically Children’s Health Defense just made a quantum leap forward. Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s suspended presidential bid turned into the Make American’s Healthy Again (MAHA) campaign, partnering with Donald Trump for access to the Whitehouse. This isn’t the clear cut health freedom victory we might have hoped for, but it’s a huge victory when you consider all the public shaming, censorship and shadow banning that had to be overcome by the Kennedy campaign.
Informed Choice WA members should hold their heads high today because of their conviction in health freedom and for what many have had to endure. Health freedom goals are now so much more attainable. Yes, there’s more work to do, (e.g., codifying informed consent and the right to freely refuse any medical procedure), and so we will be watching closely in hopes that RFK Jr. is able to make the changes he’s fought for and talked about for over twenty years.
One of the early benefits we can expect is that our state legislators will be much more likely to listen to our bill ideas. We will be sending out a survey of potential bills as we approach the 2025 legislative session.
Tune in to the Liberty Hour on Informed Life Radio this Friday November 8 at 4 PM as we discuss election results and what this could mean for health freedom now.
November 1 Episode of Informed Life Radio - - notes and links
Health hour: Holistic Oral Health
Guest: Thomas “Dr. Thom” Lokensgard DDS, NMD, ABAAHP, discusses his new book MATTERS OF THE MOUTH: A Holistic Guide to Achieving Optimal Oral and Overall Health. This highly praised book is published under the ICAN Press imprint of Skyhorse Publishing.
Book: Matters of the Mouth
Find holistic-biologic dentists in your area:
Dr. Thom’s other professional memberships (most have provider finders)
Liberty Hour: COVID-19 UNMASKED
Guests: PhDs Steven Pelech and Christopher Shaw are tenured professors at the University of British Columbia (UBC), and editors of the highly anticipated book DOWN THE COVID-19 RABBIT HOLE: Independent Scientists and Physicians Unmask the Pandemic to be released November 19, 2024.
Down the COVID-19 Rabbit Hole (Skyhorse Publishing)
Canadian Covid Care Alliance (rebranding to Canadian Citizens Care Alliance)
Washington Board of Health Meeting Returns to Tumwater November 13
For the first time since January 10, the Washington Board of Health (BOH) will be meeting in Tumwater on November 13. This last meeting of the year will be from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Washington Department of Labor and Industries auditorium at 7273 Linderson Way SW.
In the Draft Agenda, 20 minutes are allotted for public comment from 9:50 a.m. to 10:10 a.m. In-person commenters should sign up by sending an email by noon on Monday, November 12, to wsboh@sboh.wa.gov. To attend virtually or make a public comment remotely, one must register for the meeting by way of the Zoom webinar link.
For written comments to have the most effect, it is best to have them included in the corresponding meeting materials package. Send written comments to wsboh@sboh.wa.gov by noon on Friday, November 8.
You can also dial in using your phone for listen-only mode: (253) 215-8782 Webinar ID: 841 9960 3546 Passcode: 682856
For the first time since the August 9, 2023 BOH meeting, the Thurston County local health jurisdiction will provide their update. At the 2023 meeting, the Thurston County representatives were Dr. Dimyana Abdelmalek, who is also a state BOH member, and David Bayne, who was the Director of the Thurston County Public Health and Social Services. This time around, the presenters for Thurston County at 10:25 a.m. will be Ashley Bell, who is member of the BOH staff, and Jennifer Freiheit, who is the interim director of Thurston County Public Health and Social Services. Interestingly, the state Department of Health (DOH) will not be giving an update.
At 11:10 a.m., a panel of seven will discuss the State Agency Response to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS). This panel discussion stems from an announcement two weeks ago that the BOH would be working with the DOH on an emergency update to chapter 246-290 WAC titled Group A Public Water Supplies. As understandable as it is to limit PFAS in the public water supply, the BOH has made no mention thus far of the fluoride in Washington’s drinking water. Fluoridation, like vaccination, has decades of false marketing ingrained in public health that will take time and effort to overcome.
We are curious about the 2:25 agenda item with Patty Hayes on a School Rule Review Project.
At 3:20 p.m., Board Chair Patty Hayes and Executive Director Michelle Davis will be leading the way to “recognizing board member contributions.” But this patting on the back will be done under a cloud of hypocrisy.
Accolades will probably be showered on those who worked on the bi-annually updated 2024 State Health Report published on October 29.
Washington law requires the BOH to create this report for the governor every two years. This time around, the report outlined public health priorities and policy recommendations for the next legislative cycle. The report’s highlights include:
Promoting data equity through data disaggregation,
Improving the accessibility and availability of culturally appropriate care,
Increasing access to community-driven and culturally and linguistically relevant services,
Advancing school environmental health, and
Strengthening investments in environmental justice efforts in Washington State.
The hypocrisy sticks out with the first bullet point, which is then addressed on page eight under the heading: Recommendation Number One, Improve Data Equity in Washington Through Data Reform
The second paragraph states the following:
Disaggregated data, which break down information among key demographic categories like race, ethnicity, sex, income, disability, geographic location, and Veteran status, are indispensable for achieving health equity in Washington. Disaggregated data exposes inequities within and across groups, particularly those most impacted by racism, ableism, and other forms of systemic oppression. They also illuminate community health outcomes, revealing who accesses public health programs and whether services reach institutionally underserved and underrepresented communities.
The Health Report eventually ties COVID-19 into these inequities:
The Board recently learned from a community organization that talked about “genocide by data” [2] and how Indigenous people, especially Urban Indigenous communities, are often erased or undercounted in Census and other population data. Urban Indigenous communities account for roughly 70 percent of people who identify as American Indian and Alaska Native(AI/AN) in the U. S.[3]. Although not a new issue, the COVID-19 pandemic brought to light ongoing data genocide. The lack of disaggregated data for AI/AN people hindered public health responses and limited equitable policy and resource allocation.
But nowhere in the above two paragraphs or the rest of the report is there any mention of the violation of human rights for the Washington residents who refused to take a COVID-19 shots in which there is absolutely no evidence that it prevents transmission of the virus. This hypocrisy from the BOH and DOH is further detailed in the September 18, 2024, issue of ICWA Weekly News.
Furthermore, the DOH has started a Be Well Washington program that, as explained by its Public Health Officer Dr. Tao Kwan-Gett at the October 8 BOH meeting in Yakima, has four pillars of health.
Notice the fourth pillar about the importance of social connections that “can occur with neighbors, family, friends, coworkers, and other people in our community.”
If social connection was so important, then why did the Washington government enforce lockdowns and other untested restrictions during the COVID-19 panic, notably forcing the elderly to die in hospitals and nursing homes without having their families by their sides? Then when the shot rollout occurred, why did Tony Fauci and other government officials instruct people to exclude family and friends from social gatherings, family events, holidays, and even funerals based on whether or not they received the jabs?
Help us during the 2025 legislative year to make laws and rules that will stop public health overreach from happening again.
Harms from Hepatitis B Vaccine on Infants in Washington
For the past two weeks, the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) has been sending out fundraising releases to announce they are “prepared to take hospitals and doctors to court for trampling on parental rights and subjecting defenseless infants to a vaccine they don't need and never consented to.”
The vaccine they are referring to is for hepatitis B. Last Saturday, November 2, ICAN called the Hepatitus B vaccine “a dangerous experiment on our babies.”
ICAN provides some background on the hepatitis B vaccine:
This vaccine was originally developed for high-risk, sexually active adults – clearly, a far cry from a newborn baby. When those high-risk groups didn't want it, the CDC, influenced by Big Pharma, added it to the routine childhood schedule in 1995.
ICAN went on to note that this was done because billions of dollars were at stake for Big Pharma.
“To justify this, the CDC called for the vaccination of all newborns, making the case that this action would prevent future cases,” ICAN says. “This is nothing but agency capture: an institution compromised by pharma funding, peddling an unnecessary vaccine to helpless infants. Parents who recognize this do not consent to the vaccine being given to their newborn. But that is not stopping some hospitals and healthcare workers who inject the babies despite a lack of consent.”
ICAN then showed the lack of safety monitoring for the hepatitis B vaccine on children:
The hepatitis B vaccines licensed for newborns in the U.S.—Engerix-B and Recombivax HB—were given just 5 days and 4 days, respectively, of safety monitoring before being unleashed on our children.
Think about it. Just five days to assess the safety of a vaccine injected within hours of birth! There has never been a comprehensive study proving this product's long-term safety for infants, and we have already demanded the FDA revoke its license until there is. Until that happens, at the very least, informed consent must be given before a baby is injected – that crucial step is being ignored in hundreds if not thousands of cases.
A search on www.medalerts.org leads to a link for researching the adverse events for the hepatitis B vaccine.
The results from the above entry show 76,887 adverse reactions following the hepatitis B shots in which 1,411 of those events resulted in death, and 748 of those deaths were to those under six months of age.
Washington has reported 1,538 adverse reactions following the hepatitis B shots with 238 of them occurring for those under six months of age.
In Washington, twenty have died following the hepatitis B shots, including thirteen under six months of age. Below are writeups of the eighteen reports on those under one year of age who perished.
VAERS ID: 80138
Listed as a 0.2 old male. Submitted write-up: Patient came into hospital ER the morning of 01DEC95 DOA; probable SIDS; autopsy performed 1DEC95
VAERS ID: 91557
Listed as a 0.1 female. Submitted write-up: pt was given vax @ approx 1PM & died @ approx 8PM:pt went into coma in afternoon & was rushed to hospital.
VAERS ID: 100174
Listed as a 0.2 female: Submitted write-up: death 11FEB97 6PM;autopsy result SIDS: autopsy report given pathological dx SIDS w/intrathoracic visceral petechiae, visceral congestion & minute foci of early bronchopenumonia;
VAERS ID: 114917
Listed as a 0.1 female. Submitted write-up: pt recv vax 16SEP97 - SIDS on 21SEP97;parents requested VAERS on 22SEP98-1yr anniversary of pt death;
VAERS ID: 118636
Listed as 0.17 male. Submitted write-up: pt started getting a fever @ 1PM the same day as vax;pt had swelling @ the site of DTP as well as soreness;pt was very cranky & was sore for 3 days following vax;3rd day pt died;
VAERS ID: 197618
Listed as a 0.3 male. Submitted write-up: A nurse reported that a male infant received a dose of Prevnar along with DTaP, IPOL and hep B vaccines on 9/5/02 at 4 months of age. On 9/26/02 at 5 months of age, the infant died. SIDS was the reported cause of death. No further info was available at the date of this report. This report of a serious, labeled event is being submitted in a 15-day time frame as requested. Info regarding this event has been forwarded to manufacturer of IPOL vaccine. From initial information received at manufacturer on 03/03/2003 from another manufacturer regarding an event that happened in the U.S. concerning a 4-month-old male patient who received IPOL on 02/05/2002. The lot number and site/route for the vaccination was not reported. The patient died on 09/26/2002 from SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME. From additional information received at manufacturer on 04/24/2003, it was reported that the patient also received Prevnar, DTaP and Hepatitis B Vaccine on 09/05/2002. The manufacturer, lot number and route/site were all not reported for Hepatitis B Vaccine and DTaP. Prevnar was given intra-muscular. Autopsy results showed Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (LLT, SIDS) as reported cause of death. From additional information received on 05/13/2003 from manufacturer, it was reported that their manufacturer number be added to WAES 0305USA00241.
VAERS ID: 199646
Listed as a 0.6 male. Submitted write-up: Patient previously healthy. Six days after 6 mo WCC and vaccines x 3 (hep B, DTaP, HIB), patient presented with vomiting and jaundice. Transferred to hospital on 12/20/02. Developed fulminant liver failure of unknown etiology and died 1/22/03. Principal diagnosis: idiopathic liver failure. Secondary diagnoses: hypoglycemia. Coagulopathy. Citrobacter freundii bacteremia and line infection. Multiorgan system failure.
VAERS ID: 206350
The listed 0.17 males died two days after taking a second Merck Hepatitis B shot as part of six shots. The only thing said in the submitted write-up was, “Coroner ruled SIDS.”
VAERS ID: 265462
Listed as a 0.13 female. Submitted write-up: After administering vaccines child became very fussy and over tired, would not wake to eat and passed away a little over a day later. Autopsy could not say that vaccines did not play role in death.
VAERS ID: 335226
Listed as 0.3 female. Mother’s account as part of the long submitted write-up: I would like some help to find out if my daughter’s death was caused by a Vaccine Induced Reaction. This all started on November 13 2008. This is the day the I took my daughter to the clinic. She was supposed to be seen for her 2 month well child exam which she was not. The primary doctor had only seen her once and this was on her 2 week well child exam. When we went in for her 2 month checkup we had seen a nurse practitioner. The doctor never came into see her not even once on this day nor did the nurse weigh her do any of the measurements of check to make sure that everything was growing normally. She had me sign for 2 vaccines when after all this i found out that she was given for 2 that i didn’t know about. We were sent home right after the vaccines were given and told to come back in 4 weeks for more and to expect drowsiness, fussiness, low appetite, not sleeping, irritability, that’s what had happened Thursday night. She slept most that afternoon and evening with very little to eat. Friday morning she was a little fussier then usual. Later on into the day we had noticed her to be warm to the touch but i had checked and it was normal a few more hours into the night. She developed a fairly high pitched cry and it seemed like she had a belly ache but yet eating very much. She was up about every 30 min during that Friday night and she usually was a really good sleeper through the night. On Saturday morning, I had gotten up to feed her I made a 6 oz bottle she still had about 2 oz left. When she was finished I burped her changed her she was still really fussy so i laid her down on a u shaped pillow and put her on her belly and I lay down beside her and patted her on her bottom and I fell back asleep next to her and was woke up by her father that had just gotten out of bed and told me to make sure the baby is breathing. I grabbed her and her body was limp but still warm to touch. I held her close to my body and ran across the street to the police station where the ambulance had responded and took us to the hospital. They were able to resuscitate her but she could not breath on her own nor did she have any brain function. They then air lifted us to the hospital. After being there for 24 hours the doctor had told us that our baby was not going to live and they see retinal hemorrhaging in the back of the eyes and the only 2 ways were a car wreck or some body had to of shaken her. Well, I know that that is not what happened and i have research about these vaccines and all the signs start the day she was vaccinated. Thank you for your time.
VAERS ID: 356473
Listed as a 0.7 female. She had taken three doses each of the Hepatitis B (Engerix-B), Pentacel, and Prevnar vaccines. Submitted write-up: Death. 9/11/09 Autopsy received DOD 07/09/2009. Sudden Unexplained Death in Infancy (SUIDI or SIDS). The manner of death is natural. Additional information abstracted: Infant was found dead in crib, positioned supine. No evidence of injury.
VAERS ID: 362090
Listed as a 0.17 female with the write-up only saying “Infant was found dead.” The data sheet shows that the death occurred after taking the vaccine on October 14, 2009.
VAERS ID: 402744
Listed as a 0.18 male. Submitted write-up: Per police report, pt was found deceased in parents bed, in prone position. Vaccines were given 4 days prior to death. No complications occurred in the Doctor’s office on that day.
VAERS ID: 456170
Listed as a 0.82 female. The death occurred one day after taking a third dose of the Hepatitis B vaccine (Engerix-B) on May 9, 2012.
VAERS ID: 744185
Listed as 0.0 male. Submitted write-up: Extreme congestion (runny nose, etc) starting about a week after birth/vaccination and up until his death on 10/28/17. The only vaccine listed on the data sheet is the Engerix-B shot for Hepatitis B.
VAERS ID: 779618
Listed as a 0.17 female. Submitted write-up: Child found unresponsive at 0450 am on 9/26/18 and EMS called immediately. CPR was initiated. Child was last seen breathing at midnight. Child taken to the emergency department at hospital. Child pronounced dead at 5:44 am.
VAERS ID: 959237
Submitted write-up [says it all]: My daughter was given 2 vaccines in her first 24 hours of life. We were released from the hospital at hour 28 of life, and she died at home at hour 39, due to "unknown causes" which they later diagnosed as SUIDS.
Guillain-Barré Syndrome Reports Climbed Sharply in Washington During Pandemic
Last October 26, Dr. Peter McCullough reported on the huge increase in Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) coinciding with the skyrocketing increase in vaccinations over the past few decades.
Dr. McCullough wrote the following:
Over each year the number of new vaccines expands and is applied to large populations including, newborns, children, adults, and pregnant mothers. With each shot, there is an opportunity for immune system misadventure. If there is an off-target immune attack on the neurological system a variety of severe debilitating syndromes can result. One of the most dreaded vaccine-induced paralytic diseases is Guillain-Barre syndrome. Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) was previously considered a rare disease that occurs when the body's immune system attacks the peripheral nervous system. This damage causes muscle weakness, tingling, numbness, and sometimes paralysis and loss of control over the bowel and bladder.
VAERS shows 8,940 cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome.
Here in Washington, 102 cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome have been reported.
The cases of GBS remained relatively steady year-by-year in Washington, as the following table indicates, until the COVID-19 shot rollout in 2021 in which twenty of the twenty-two GBS cases were listed as following the COVID-19 shots.
One of other two cases of GBS in 2021 was related to the flu shot, and the last was listed for an unknown vaccine. (huh?)
For 2022, one shot was listed for COVID-19, another was listed for both COVID-19 and influenza, and the third was listed as unknown. For 2023, two shots were listed for COVID-19, and one shot was listed for RSV. None of the shots listed for 2024 were listed for COVID-19.
The following rundown of the twenty cases for GBS after the COVID-19 shots in 2021 show how debilitating these shots can be.
VAERS ID: 1052705
Submitted write-up for this 27-year-old female: GBS strongly suspected Patient received dose #2 of Moderna COVID vaccine on 02/12/21. She had a low grade fever and lower extremity aches that evening. The morning of 02/13 she began experiencing tingling in her bilateral toes. She presented to the emergency department 02/17 because this lack of sensation continued to progress until she had no sensation to her mid thigh and began to be unable to feel her perianal region. Her fingertips also started to go numb. She also reported some diplopia. Received IVIG Somewhat improved strength and sensation on discharge. Discharged to inpatient rehabilitation facility.
VAERS ID: 1086367
Submitted write-up for this 58-year-old male: Guillian Barre Syndrome with symptoms of: CSF protein increased, CSF white blood cell count, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Lumbar puncture abnormal
VAERS ID: 1089444
Submitted write-up for this 57-year-old male: Miller Fisher syndrome, an acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (GBS) variant. Acute onset of transient diplopia, and persistent dysarthria, ataxia, and areflexia starting approximately 1 week after vaccination. Patient was treated with IVIG, with good improvement in symptoms, allowing discharge home.
VAERS ID: 1161162
Submitted write-up for this 82-year-old male: 82 year old male with history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, mild dementia presented with progressive worsening weakness over the past 2-3 weeks. Patient reported that he has noticed whole body weakness that has progressively worsened over the past few days. Reported that he has noticed feeling weak, fatigue and requiring more energy to do his daily activities over the past few weeks. He went to his PCP''s office yesterday and had laboratory tests for further evaluation. Initially his PCP thought he might have PMR since he had bilateral UE soreness. However, the labs returned reassuring and does not seem to suggest the diagnosis of PMR. Since yesterday, he has noticed worsening of his weakness. Reported that last week, he was still able to play golf. Today, he was unable to get out of his car or get up from a sitting position without help. Associated with unsteady and poor gait. And reported that he has numbness in both hands and feels like his grip is weak. Denied fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, chest pain, shortness of breath, headache, vision changes, no urinary/fecal retention or urinary/fecal incontinence. Primary Discharge Diagnoses 1. Guillain Barr syndrome., 03/16/2021 Secondary Diagnoses: Guillain Barre Syndrome (AIDP) Hypofibrinogenemia Thrombocytopenia and Anemia, have been fairly stable for more than a week Hypokalemia Hyperlipidemia Hypertension, BPs controlled Mild dementia.
VAERS ID: 1166746
Submitted write-up for this 39-year-old female: Symptoms started as numbness and weakness in her feet which progressed to her hands, and eventually whole body. Diagnosis is Guillain-Barre syndrome. Remains hospitalized and receiving IVIG.
VAERS ID: 1177991
Submitted write-up for this 65-year-old female: Severe Guillain Barre Syndrome
VAERS ID: 1207893
Submitted write-up for this 43-year-old female: Guillian Barre syndrome: 43-year-old woman with COVID-19 infection in late 2021 followed by two mRNA COVID vaccinations presents with 4-week history of lower extremity paresthesias and 2-week history of lower extremity weakness with diffuse areflexia. CSF protein is elevated, without pleocytosis. This constellation of findings is concerning for Guillain-Barre syndrome.
VAERS ID: 1382577
Submitted write-up for this 55-year-old male: Weakness of lower extremities and arms that started around 5/26 and progressed over the next week until admission on 5/31. MRI brain and spine with diffuse enhancement and CSF with protein $g 500. Started on PLEX for presumed Guillan Barre Syndrome. He is slowly improving after 4 sessions.
VAERS ID: 1464471
Submitted write-up for this 19-year-old female: Patient currently hospitalized at hospital with high suspicion of Guillain Barre Syndrome.
VAERS ID: 1475203
Submitted write-up for this 68-year-old female: Admitted for HTN, diagnosed with GBS and discharged on 13 April.
VAERS ID: 1490563
Submitted write-up for this 56-year-old female: Developed back pain and pain in her torso that spread to the extremities, starting on 7/8. She then developed paresthesias, dysesthesia, and shortness of breath. LP showed elevated protein. The patient has been diagnosed with AIDP/Guillian-Barre.
VAERS ID: 1526242
Submitted write-up for this 46-year-old male: Four falls. Extreme upper and lower weakness. quadriplegia. Hospitalized for one month. Diagnosed with AIDP/GBS. Given IV''s. In wheelchair currently since April.
VAERS ID: 1632834
Excerpts from the submitted write-up for this 60-year-old female: I received my second dose of the Moderna vaccine in my right deltoid in 1 May 2021. All my joints were very painful and sore for about two weeks. I took acetaminophen at least once a day during this period, I cannot take NSAIDs, After this, I noticed my right pinkie tingled. My assumption was that this was the beginning of a repetitive stress injury and I wore a wrist braces. Over the next month, my ring and middle finger became numb as well and I could not control these three fingers at all,. I had minor pain in the location I received the injection if I touched or engaged the muscle … The diagnosis is: (D89.89, G63) Immune-mediated neuropathy (MA-HCC) (primary encounter diagnosis) (G54.0) Brachial plexopathy without trauma Positive asialo-GM1 and GD1a antibodies supporting immune-mediated neuropathy in the form of Parsonage-Turner syndrome (idiopathic brachial plexitis). It is likely a variant of Guillian-Barre syndrome (AIDP, Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy), and may be triggered by Covid-19 vaccination.
VAERS ID: 1638445
Submitted write-up for this 42-year-old male: Guillain-Barre- progressive numbness, weakness lower extremities starting about 6 days after vaccination.
VAERS ID: 1901939
Submitted write-up for this 53-year-old male: Guillain-Barre syndrome. Muscle weakness and joints swelling.
VAERS ID: 1902197
Submitted write-up for this 69-year-old male: Patient received his COVID-19 mRNA vaccine #3 (booster) on 11/16/2021. The following day (11/17/2021), he noticed weakness of both legs, such that he had difficulty lifting his legs to get into his work truck. The weakness progressed over the next few days to the point that even walking was difficult, necessitating use of a walking cane. When standing, he feels a cramping discomfort in the posterior pelvis. MRI of the entire spine was performed, demonstrating multilevel degenerative disc disease. There are no imaging findings to account for his presentation. Cerebrospinal fluid shows albuminocytologic dissociation. He was seen in consultation by neurology. He has reflexes on exam, and it is felt that we are seeing him early in the course of Guillain-Barre Syndrome secondary to the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, with progressive bilateral lower extremity weakness starting 1 day after administration. He was treated with IVIG.
VAERS ID: 1995887
Submitted write-up for this 51-year-old male: Patient now has Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Symptoms started on Nov. 28th, 2021 with numbness and tingling in fingers and feet. By noon the next day he couldn’t walk. He became mostly paralyzed. He’s been in the hospital for over a month now. He received IVIG treatments and plasma exchange treatments. He is in inpatient rehab now.
VAERS ID: 2091219
Excerpts from submitted write-up for this 59-year-old (gender is listed as unknown): Guillain Barre syndrome; I had a blood pressure impulse, 212 and then it decrease but it''s fluctuated there is no consistency to my diastolic and systolic impulse; I had a blood pressure impulse, 212 and then it decrease but it''s fluctuated there is no consistency to my diastolic and systolic impulse; Headache; Elevated heart rate; Total restlessness; Nose bleeding; Everywhere I had surgery or injury, I was extremely sore; Foamy urine; Real problems with concentration; Sore throat; Constant diarrhea basically really soft stool; Monocytosis;
VAERS ID: 223867
Excerpts from the submitted write-up for this five-year-old male: 2/4/21: 2nd dose of Pfizer Covid vaccine 12/23/21: FIrst symptom of LEFT sided ptosis (did not resolve) 1/13/22: Noticable worsening of LEFT ptosis 1/23/22: Limping began 1/24/22: Limping worsened with LEFT leg splinting (knee pointed inwards) 1/26/22: Presented to PCP; labs obtained: WBC 9.4 (37N, 55L), H&H 14.2/41.9, Plts 274. ESR 2, CRP <1.0. Glu 84, cr 0.38, AST 33, ALT 17. Left lower extremity XR done and showed a "cortical irregularity of the left femoral head". 1/29/22: Presented to ED: Pelvis XR showing LEFT femoral head flattening and irregularity, possible AVN vs benign variant. Ortho consulted and felt consistent with LCP … Continues to follow with Neurology and Rehab / Therapy
VAERS ID: 2609203
Submitted write-up for this 69-year-old male: Gillian-Barre` syndrome type. Nearly comatose; loss of all muscle control in entire body for nearly 48 hours. Could not walk or move muscles. No control over urination or defecation. Still unable to walk without using a cane. Imbalance. Weakness, muscle pain and fatigue.
🐓 Guano 💩 Report 🥚— Dripping Viral Reassortment News
A few weeks ago, in the episode of Informed Life Radio when the hosts were discussing a recent WA DOH VAC (Vaccine Advisory Committee) meeting, the subject of “viral reassortment” came up. In the meeting, WA Chief Science Officer Dr. Tao Kwan-Gett had supported the efforts of those working on the “agricultural seasonal flu outreach campaign”, saying,
“. . . the thought that a seasonal worker might get infected with a seasonal flu and at the same time get infected by avian influenza from exposure to animals, and then through a genetic reassortment event wind up with a strain of avian influenza that has the person-to-person transmission of seasonal flu, is definitely a scary thought.”
Bernadette commented that Kwan-Gett’s concern smacked of plandemic seed planting (by likely unwitting game players). Xavier, a research scientist, commented that such genetic reassortment was mainly theoretical, that co-infections of animal and human virus are rare, and that for co-infection to lead to genetic reassortment, well, he said you’d have to be working in a biolab.
A very brief search of the topic leads to sources that claim animal-human viral genetic reassortment is common, yet only two examples of such reassortment are commonly mentioned. The 1918 Spanish Flu and the 2009 Swine Flu fiasco, and “conspiracy theories” abound that they were, if not lab-created, then at least lab-hastened. And of course there’s the whole SARS-COV-2 Wuhan Wet Market Bat origin vs Wuhan Fauci Lab creation. So, if the “consensus” is correct and reassortment is common, then it seems that influenza viruses are like breeds of dogs that naturally happily “reassort” and create fluffy little mongrels whose odds of being showstoppers are pretty darn low. The odds of a viral reassortment being a world-stopper of epidemic proportions seems unlikely. And H202 against any respiratory viral infection is cheap and effective.
We decided to track two terms to see if Kwan-Gett’s seed had a growing number of friends mentioning either “genetic reassortment” or “cross-species transmission”. A Google Alert setting began to regularly report evidence. Here are a few that popped in:
October 18
Avian Flu Spreading in California Raises Concerns About Pandemic Threat Amid Dairy Crisis
October 20
Study on sentinel hosts for surveillance of future COVID-19-like outbreaks
October 29
From poultry to public health: Understanding the H5N1 threat
October 31
Bird flu could become deadlier if it mixes with seasonal flu viruses, experts warn
Bird flu found in a pig in U.S. for the first time, raising concerns about potential risks to humans
November 1
Bird Flu Is One Step Closer to Mixing with Seasonal Flu Virus and Becoming a Pandemic
Grappling with supply-chain crunch
Black Cat Brings More Than Treats: Unveiling a New Virus This Halloween
Bird flu virus detected in pigs for the first time in US
November 3
Experts call for stronger health measures to counter rising pandemic risks
We bring up all this genetic reassortment news so that you’ll be aware of the double-speak that may be used to astroturf the public to cover up the next lab leak from gain-of-function testing (or “death maximization” as Elon Musk put it during his latest Joe Rogan podcast).
Maybe we could do an in person work session to get legislative bills on paper. We meet in Olympia on a Saturday and take over the cafe in the basement?