ICWA Weekly News 12-11-24
King County medical freedom advocates voted in; Update on Lawsuits Against Ferguson: SCOTUS to hear WMC injunction and Fergie's fired workers file suit; The 🍎Washington Worm🪱 turns up dirt on Fauci
In this issue:
From Marching to Voting for Medical Freedom in King County.
Update on Health Freedom Lawsuits:
Stockton vs. Bob Ferguson & WMC will have SCOTUS decide on injunction Jan. 10; and
Hanson vs. Bob Ferguson where SMF filed a complaint from his former employees.
The 🍎Washington Worm🪱 turns up dirt on yet another award given to Fauci.
Upcoming Events:
SMF Fundraiser Thursday December 12 in Spokane.
Keep reading to hear about their latest lawsuit.

Informed Life Radio Friday December 13 - Fantastic Guests
First Day of Legislation is January 13
It’s not too late to schedule meetings with your legislator. Talk to them about the top bills our readers support.
December 6, 2024 Episode of Informed Life Radio - - notes and links
Health Hour: Freedom Healthcare: An Alternate Healthcare System
Guest: Julie Wentz, founder of Freedom Healthcare, an alternative healthcare system, discusses the structure and mission of this new approach. Bonus: Julie discusses her new book: ‘Twas the Night Before Christ’s Birth: The True Story of Christmas.
Freedom Healthcare – nature-based healing and true “Spirit-Mind-Body” focused “whole-istic” wellness; Pure-Blood Ministry
Twas the Night Before Christ’s Birth by Julie Wentz (on Amazon)
Liberty Hour: Washington Liberty at Risk
Guest: Tim Eyman is no stranger to lawfare. As a successful conservative activist in a liberal state, he’s been the target of the state’s Attorney General, Bob Ferguson. Now, Ferguson has been elected Governor and will be positioned to push forward his pet project, a community-based politically-biased tattle-tale dystopian program being developed by his “Domestic Extremism and Mass Violence Task Force”. Eyman and ICWA are dedicated to raising awareness and fighting this dangerous development.
HB 1333 Domestic Violent Extremism Commission – the failed 2023 bill that has come back to life as a new AG Task force
Attorney General’s Task Force Page – For latest info on both the Domestic Extremism and Mass Violence Task Force Meeting and the Hate Crimes and Bias Incidents Hotline Advisory Committee, which is preparing to open a hotline in three counties on July 1, 2025: Clark, King, and Spokane.
Anti-Hate Task Force Resurfaces Despite Public Rejection in 2023 - Burien News
Background info on the new 31-member Domestic Extremism and Mass Violence Task Force: https://informedchoicewa.substack.com/p/icwa-weekly-news-11-27-24
Recap of Task Force meeting - Conservative Ladies of America
Donate to help Tim Eyman’s Legal Defense against the lawfare being conducted against him by the Washington Attorney General’s office, and seemingly by Governor-elect Bob Ferguson himself.
From Marching to Voting for Medical Freedom in King County
Holding a microphone, Victoria Palmer looked over the Wednesday, December 4 gathering at Razzi’s Pizzeria on Greenwood Avenue in Seattle, and said, “Thank you Governor Inslee for bringing me all these friends.”
She had known only two of the forty-plus in the room before the 2020 lockdowns. “The lockdown did wake me up to become an outright protestor and to start leading marches.”
A hand then shot up from the back corner of the room. A lady stood up and, referring to the COVID-19 jabs, she shouted, “I work in the heart department of a hospital, and every single one of the patients we received were vaccinated.”
This kind of injustice reflected the need for this 36th Legislative District Republican Christmas Party as organized by the Seattle 36ers. After all, later on in the evening Victoria had said of the Washington state political balance, “We have had such a lopsided political system, a one-party system of no checks and balances.”
But for the moment, Victoria continued to tell the gathering that the marches were a turning point. “People flipped us the finger, but many others rushed up to us and gave us hugs. People were loving and hating us, but they knew we were there.”
The first March for Freedom from the mandates and restrictions was on March 27, 2021, where she led a march down Mercer Street in Seattle.
In the fall of 2021, March for Freedom saw people terminated for not getting the COVID-19 shot, college students facing mandates, and vaccination status cards required to enter restaurants. So, they went to the heart of downtown activity and marched from Westlake Center through Pike Place Market where they often encountered opposing viewpoints expressed by the likes of this "COVID Cowboy." [3:19; Volume alert]
March for Freedom October 30th, in Seattle’s Pike Place Market.
The man said to Victoria, “I hope you die like my best friend did, because the shot’s about saving lives.” Victoria responded, “We don’t flush the constitution because your friend died.”
After marching through Seattle’s Pike Place market every Saturday for ten weeks, interest was building up to the BIG MARCH January 8, 2022 with nearly 1,000 people. “This was a turning point,” Victoria said. “We were at the darkest time, under the height of mask and vaccine mandates, not knowing which way it would go. Within weeks after our march, the mandates eased up, and we started to hear announcements that they would be ending. Our efforts were certainly aided by other groups pushing back in Washington as well as the Canadian truckers that lit a fire under governments around the globe.” [March for Freedom Jan 8, 2022 video 16 mins]
The last march through Seattle [20 mins] was on March 26, 2022 at Westlake. Antifa thugs arrived and were completely covered in black outfits.
Victoria then yelled out to them, “Why are you hiding your faces?” They then left before the march began.
The March for Freedom took to a new form with the self-styled Queens of King running for Washington state legislature.
Lisa Rezac ran as a Republican Representative for Position 1 in the 32nd legislative district but lost to Democrat Cindy Ryu.

Lisa told the gathering that she was a Republican until she received her bachelor’s degree in political science at University of Washington. She found herself chanting “equity and equality for all.” She admitted that in 2016, she had Trump derangement syndrome (TDS) and used to say, “Why is this guy not in jail?” The start of her “sitting on the other side” began during the weekend of her birthday in March 2020. “I told myself that if the governor is going to shut us down, then I will know that they have been lying about Trump. After that weekend, the governor shut down Washington, and I went forward from there. From them, I met Victoria Palmer. In the summer of 2021, we became the Queens of King.”
When Lisa ran for the legislative seat, she was one of eight candidates in King County who spoke to the Seattle Times editorial board.
Victoria was also one of those candidates. She lost her race to Liz Berry for the 36th legislative district seat, position 2, even with this tremendous opening statement during endorsement debates with the Seattle Times:
During the COVID pandemic we all showed our true colors. I stood for civil rights and medical freedom against oppressive public health measures. Liz Berry stood by Governor Inslee using this tragedy to funnel tremendous federal funds into our state at the expense of our people. The Seattle Times did its best to ignore any opposition or to paint them as irresponsible. You are all accessories to the crime of human experimentation on the population of Washington state. You helped Inslee unlawfully mandate and coerce the population into taking an experimental gene modifying pharmaceutical product. We the people are not as stupid as you like to think. We know why our friends are dying suddenly, so it is utter hypocrisy that Liz Berry clings to her pro-choice stance for women’s reproductive health, but where was choice when you terminated 1,800 state workers who couldn’t vaccinate?
Victoria told the gathering at Razzi’s, “The real problem is the Seattle Times carrying the propaganda from the University of Washington. We are going to demand equal coverage.”
Victoria then announced, “The key item for tonight is participation. We have seen an outpouring of optimism after the election of Trump and Vance, and we want to bring that to King County.”
A man sitting at the front table, wearing a “Make American Godly Again” baseball cap, yelled out, “If you don’t do politics, politics will do you.”
Victoria then discussed the need for more precinct committee officers for the 36th legislative district, pointing out that the district covers the neighborhoods of Ballard, Queen Anne, Magnolia, Interbay, Phinney Ridge, Crown Hill, and Greenwood.
Whereas most of the attendees were from the 36th legislative district, Victoria also took a hand count of attendees from nearby districts:
Four from the 43rd district
Three from the 37th district
Eight from the 34th district
Two from the 46th district
One from the 33rd district
Victoria closed by encouraging everyone to attend the Saturday, December 6 King County GOP biennial reorganization meeting. As it turned out that Saturday, both Lisa Rezac and Victoria Palmer landed seats on the KCGOP executive board and will have a lot to say about how the county party is run and how they’ll recruit and support candidates over their two-year terms.
Update on Health Freedom Lawsuits against Bob Ferguson
SCOTUS on January 10 will consider injunction against WMC in Stockton v Ferguson where CHD WA Chapter members are co-plaintiffs; and
SMF files new legal complaint from Ferguson’s own employees
Bob Ferguson will not go quietly into his new job as Governor if the Supreme Court slaps down the Washington Medical Commission that he represents.
On Wednesday December 4th, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas accepted the second emergency request to stop the Washington Medical Commission (WMC) from proceeding against licensed physicians who didn’t agree with COVID-19 policies. This override of Justice Kagan’s denial only a week earlier was unusual and made national news. It was initially covered by Law & Crime on Thursday Dec. 5, followed by The Epoch Times and Northwest Public Broadcasting on Saturday the 7th, and reprinted by MSN.
Law & Crime summarized the development:
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas on Wednesday overrode Justice Elena Kagan in a high-profile First Amendment case involving COVID-19 regulations, basketball legend John Stockton, and putative Donald Trump administration cabinet nominee Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Stockton is the lead plaintiff in the fast-paced litigation that aims to avail the free speech rights of physicians who, in the original petition’s words, “speak out against the mainstream Covid narrative.”
Maybe the case is fast-paced according to the usual Supreme Court timeframes, but the case was originally filed back in April of this year. The case background and developments have been regularly tracked in The Weekly News, with the most recent summary of the case history on November 27.
Plaintiffs in the case include all members the Washington Chapter of Children’s Health Defense. If you reside in Washington, you can still increase the standing of CHD in this case by signing up for their free newsletter.
The injunction is now scheduled to be considered by all nine justices during a closed-door judicial conference on January 10, 2025. The justices could grant an injunction against the commission, deny the injunction, or schedule the case for oral argument.
“The country needs some guidance from the Supreme Court as to what the First Amendment means in terms of a physician’s free speech,” said applicants’ lead attorney, Rick Jaffe.
You can read interesting case insights on Rick Jaffe’s website and sign up to receive his blog articles.
The New Case Against Ferguson’s Discriminatory Policies
In related legal news this past week, Washington Attorney General/Governor-elect Ferguson was served with another medical freedom lawsuit, this time from those who had worked for him but were let go under the office’s COVID shot policy that was applied callously.
Last Tuesday, December 3, the Silent Majority Foundation (SMF) filed a lawsuit on behalf of ten former employees of the Washington State Office of the Attorney General (AGO), challenging the AGO's adoption and implementation of AGO Policy I.58, Vaccination, which required AGO employees and volunteers to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 as a condition of employment.
SMF wrote the following of the case in a comprehensive, cited Substack article:
While the Attorney General’s oath requires adherence to the Constitution³ and laws of the US and Washington, AG Ferguson discriminately applied the mandate against our clients, violating their rights. While vaccine mandates were pushed throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the expectation for the Attorney General is that he would first look to uphold the rule of law⁴ and the constitution and protect his employees’ rights before pushing an alleged health mandate. But that’s not what happened.
SMF explains the most compelling points against the defendants:
The draft vaccination policy included the statement that it would be imposed as a “qualification of fitness for duty.”⁵ The mandate’s purpose: the AG’s office was “focused on providing the safest possible environment for our employees.”⁶ As is the typical case with Ferguson, this purpose statement was a sham! The true purpose, discussed via email by Defendant Sonju with Kathryn Leathers (Governor Inslee’s attorney) was to increase vaccination rates in the community through a “lead by example” approach. Remember, at this time there was very little information about the “vaccine’s” (lack of) safety, and its effectiveness was in question. The mandate’s true purpose was not based on research or any known facts, but on a set of beliefs that the Plaintiff’s were expected to hold to and were simply developed from a broad spectrum of the State government.
A broad, templated approach (adopted from the Office of Financial Management’s [OFM] exemption tool) was used to respond to and potentially deter the approval of exemptions and accommodations encouraging the infringement of rights specifically around requested religious exemptions.
The complaint highlights the evidence contained in the Sonju/Leathers email:
Defendants Sonju and Petrie were included on an email thread dated August 3, 2021, in which religious animus was clear, and they made no objections to such animus. Specifically, Kathryn Leathers stated that medical exemptions would be allowed, but as to religious exemptions, she stated, “religious (if we have to; if yes, as narrow as possible).”
SMF then discussed that this was a clear case of religious animus.
What is religious animus? “Animus-based lawmaking targets religion for disadvantage without any plausible justification… it targets religion, or religious individuals or groups, on the basis of nothing more than bias, dislike, or hostility toward the religious beliefs in question or against the people who hold them.”
As with the Stockton versus Ferguson case, SMF also touched on the attorney general’s violation of First Amendment rights:
The AG’s approach is completely backwards from a constitutional perspective as the Constitutions (US and Washington) broadly grant liberties while limiting the government’s ability to narrow our guaranteed rights. The Sonju/Leathers email clearly demonstrates that the protection of First Amendment rights was not a priority in the decision-making process for accommodations. Additionally:
The AGO Policy Statement issued on September 21, 2021 required that all employees be vaccinated regardless of whether they worked from home full-time or not. What is the “health and safety” basis for including teleworkers?
Accommodation requirements were centered around the Organization’s ability to accommodate without placing undue hardship on the organization. An undue hardship requires the organization to prove two elements: (1) an individualized assessment of (2) current circumstances that show that a specific reasonable accommodation would cause significant difficulty or expense. All Plaintiffs were teleworking, with some at 100% telework up to and through the exemption, accommodation, and appeals processes. Clearly, the Plaintiffs were not impeded by working from home -- accommodations could and should have been allowed.
Workers fired through religious exemption and accommodation abuses during the pandemic are winning cases, even in our 9th circuit. Will this be the next win? With a whole raft of lawyers in the Attorney General’s Office available to fight against their former colleagues, this will certainly be one of the most interesting cases to track. We hope and pray that the Silent Majority Foundation and their plaintiffs are a winning combination with this case.
A 🍎Washington Worm🪱 Exclusive: Fauci Receives Yet Another Award
by Worm Staph
As he recovered from his West Nile virus infection, Anthony Fauci must also have experienced cabin fever and concocted a way to return to the public’s eye. Not being satisfied with the seven weighty awards he has already received, including a Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2008, induction into the Government Hall of Fame inaugural class in 2019 (apparently it’s a thing), and 45(!) honorary doctorates, he copied the proven formula to create an award in his name, but this time bestowed it upon himself during a small ceremony in his home, surrounded by his bestest new friends forever - his Secret Service detail - double masked we’re told.
Our bookworm researchers were able to find a press release that no one else dug up:
Anthony Fauci Creates and Wins the 1st Annual Dr. Fauci Knighted-Saint Award
(Washington, D.C.) — In a move that has once again baffled the scientific community, Dr. Anthony Fauci announced the creation of the “Dr. Fauci Knighted-Saint Award” during a surprise press conference this morning. In a shocking about-face after repeatedly saying he wouldn’t do it, the inaugural recipient of this prestigious honor was Dr. Anthony Fauci himself. As a newly sainted knight of the realm, the now Sir Doctor Doctor Saint Anthony Fauci receives a lifetime pardon for crimes against humanity, as by definition saints cannot commit such atrocities. He also gave himself a sceptre that reportedly repels FBI agents. When asked to comment, Sir Dr. Dr. Saint Anthony Fauci replied: “I am so pleased and surprised that I never thought of this before! I am most proud of this award because it really takes the pressure off of Joe Biden from having to preemptively pardon me! Frankly, I’m not sure he remembers who I am, even though I was the one to orchestrate the surprise outbreak got him into the Oval Office.

Stay tuned Worm Turners, who knows what award Sir Dr. Dr. Saint Anthony Fauci might win next week…