ICWA Weekly News 12-19-23
Merry Christmas to our many faithful readers and thanks for your support; Exposing deadly hospital protocols; fundraising request for Misty + kids; Vaxxed movie in PT Dec. 27th; a warming Fauci meme
In this issue:
Exposing Deadly Hospital Protocols in Washington; EUA Remdesivir
Focus on Medical Freedom Forum: Dr. Jason Kinley
Raising funds for Misty Gehrke, injured by MMR vax
Radio Show Links: Dr. Ealy’s Grand Jury update
Upcoming Event: Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe, Dec. 27th, Port Townsend
Meme ‘o the Week
Exposing Deadly Hospital Protocols in Washington
The December 13 issue of The Expose’ wrote about a Children’s Health Defense (CHD) interview with Gail McCrae, a hospital nurse in the Bay Area of California. The transcript of the interview revealed the shocking changes at the Kaiser Permanente establishment where she worked. Before the rollout of the COVID-19 shots, McCrae found herself in virtually an empty hospital:
So, in my community when COVID was first announced and they locked down the hospitals and they stopped the elective surgeries, our hospital completely emptied out and this was … when I really first saw that we were being lied to because the public was being told in the news that the hospitals were full and overwhelmed and they weren’t.
But all of that changed after the COVID-19 shot rollout:
So by the beginning of March, I was starting to notice that my hospital was becoming slammed and this is unusual because we get, you know, winter rushes. This is how the hospital works: it’s dead in the summer and it’s full in the winter … this is the cycle. And so I started noticing in March of ‘21 that it was very peculiar that I was starting to get all these calls to come to work because the hospital was understaffed and it did not stop …
And then in June, my manager approached me and he said to me, Gail, this hospital has had three times more admissions than we have ever had since the hospital opened their doors. So that’s a 300% increase in hospitalizations directly associated to the onset of these shots.
According to McCrae, however, the hospital refused the COVID-19 shots as a possibility for this sudden, unprecedented rise in admissions.
So I was fired in October of ‘21. So there was six months where I was intermittently in the hospital witnessing how they had altered the Epic system. So my hospital used Epic and in my hospital specifically. [For any] patient who was diagnosed with COVID, the chart would automatically populate as unvaccinated ... It was a red bar that went across the top of the chart that said unvaccinated and they did not teach us how to change that.
So, I’ll tell you for a fact that …within a week of the onset of these vaccines released to the public, working on the COVID units, it was easily fifty percent of the COVID patients that we had that were vaccinated. There was never a time when my hospital had a unit full of unvaccinated patients once these vaccines were rolled out.
McCrae explained how this never got explained to the public:
There were two options in the system: I could select that patient was unvaccinated or that their vaccination status was unknown. So any patient who had COVID, we were forced to document those patients as unknown … and then when I saw how the media spun that to say that all the patients who were hospitalized were unvaccinated, this is how they did it. They manipulated our charting systems and didn’t teach the staff how to alter the charts to produce truthful evidence.
So what would end up happening is that these patients who were actually vaccinated [and] with COVID, we would try and go in and put notes in that they were vaccinated and that they had COVID. But to tell you the truth, a lot of the staff members wouldn’t even ask what the patient’s vaccination status was. They would just assume that they were unvaccinated because that’s what we were being told. It is that only unvaccinated patients were being hospitalized with COVID, but that was never the case.
Also muffled by the hospital were the adverse reactions to the COVID-19 shots:
I’d taken care of patients with Guillain-Barre. Within a few weeks period of time I’d seen four, and I had the opportunity to ask two of those patients directly what they thought was the cause of the onset of their Guillain-Barre and two of them did tell me that they had received those COVID shots within 24 hours of onset of symptoms. And when I approached my managers and said I have gotten reports on two units full of patients that are all having the weirdest set of symptoms and several of them are confirming that they’ve just gotten these COVID vaccines. How can I report this? And my direct manager’s response was we cannot report these because we cannot prove that these are [caused by] these injections.
One of her colleagues, a nurse at the COVID injection clinic, was afraid to come out publicly for fear of losing her job said to me her manager said “if she reported a single adverse event she would be fired. So we were constantly under pressure not to report.”
As disturbing as keeping this information from the public was, even worse was the treatment of the patients.
And then with the rollout of the isolations, they also started the COVID protocols, and I didn’t notice right away the harm of these protocols until I had to tell family members that they couldn’t come to the bedside of their dying loved ones. That to me was a crime against humanity and a violation of my oath that I knew right away should not have been happening. We isolate people in prison.
And then came the administration of remdesivir.
“This was an experimental use authorization medication. It was the only drug that we were allowed to administer to patients who were hospitalized with COVID. And it was an antiviral.
And I’d been taught in my undergrad, my bachelor’s degree program for nursing, that you do not administer an antiviral more than twenty-four to forty-eight hours post-symptom onset for a viral infection. And so this medication was being given to patients who were hospitalized with COVID, usually not until between ten and twelve days post-symptom onset.
So I would ask my colleagues, why are we giving this medication? The administrators, my hospital, why are we doing this? And their eyes would glaze over. And I would say to them, we have evidence showing that the administration of antivirals more than two days post symptom onset has caused more harm than good. The risk benefit analysis does not correlate. And in addition to that, this was an experimental use product. And I knew that each one of those doses was over $3,000. So, that was another huge red flag.
In the end, McCrae was a lone warrior at the hospital for truly looking out for the patients’ wellbeing.
This whole situation on the COVID floors, it reminded me of how I felt in high school when I was homeschooled and I wasn’t with the in crowd. And I saw this happening with my colleagues. I saw them wanting to be with the in crowd. They didn’t want to rock the boat. They didn’t want to potentially jeopardize their income. They had mortgages and so they chose to, you know, do what was easy and go along, and I would say to them, this is something that I have found to be the most powerful of all of the things that have happened in the last two years is that I’m free. You know I look at my colleagues and I know that – they’ve sold their souls.
COVID Nurse Exposes Deadly Hospital Protocols (expose-news.com) (pardon us for using a literal transcript for accuracy)
Perhaps most unfortunate, the brunt of this treatment was felt by their loved ones as captured by the Human Betrayal Memory Project website. Hospital attendants were overheard talking about Phillip Carron, Ashley Wines fiancé, while he lay in his hospital bed: “The unvaccinated get what they deserve.”
Phillip had been admitted to St. Joseph’s Peace Health Hospital in Bellingham for COVID-19 on September 23, 2021. He had not received the COVID-19 shot. While Phillip was on the ventilator for fifteen days, he lost eighty-six pounds. After he initially refused remdesivir, he was put on morphine overnight. According to Ashley, this increases respiratory distress. It was one of over forty medications he was given. When Phillip was eventually weak enough, they convinced him to accept remdesivir, and he went into complete liver failure. He died on October 14, 2021.
In another account of Human Betrayal, when asked whether her father had been treated differently because he had not received the COVID-19 shot, Kristina Grace Lloyd answered, “Yes. I overheard a nurse near to me at Yakima Valley Hospital say to other nurses that all the vaccinated are going to live, and all the unvaccinated are going to die. At Lady of Lourdes, they asked my dad multiple times about the vaccine, and he said that he did not want it. They were more concerned about that than my dad’s health or care.”
Kristina’s father, Donald Kale Lloyd, who was born with asthma, was fifty-nine years old when he walked into Lady of Lourdes Hospital on September 11, 2021 with COVID-19 pneumonia and shortness of breath. According to Kristina, “They immediately started him on remdesivir without his informed consent or knowledge.”
At his request, they gave him antibiotics and oxygen. He began to improve, but the remdesivir continued to hurt him. Once he found out that he was receiving remdesivir, he had them remove that as well as the Dexamethasone. Donald then asked for Vitamin C and D, hydroxychloroquine, and Ivermectin but was told that all of them had not been approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for COVID-19 treatment. The staff insisted that he follow the hospital’s COVID-19 protocol; Donald steadfastly refused. So, they sent him on a helicopter to Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital.
According to Kristina, Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital had received his records and in turn knew that he did not want to be intubated or follow the COVID-19 protocol. They started him back on remdesivir and sedated him. “They gave him drugs so that he was not able to communicate verbally and had delirium,” Kristina said. Soon, he was pulling at his IVs and was trying to remove his BIPAP mask. According to Kristina, he wanted to leave, but they wouldn’t let him go home. “He was put on restraints, sedated, and then ventilated,” Kristina said. “My dad became a prisoner of the hospital.”
Kristina is certain that the doctors knew that Donald had wished not to be intubated. But, with Kristina’s sister’s consent, they did it.
Donald then got sepsis and, after initially refusing, was put on antibiotics just before he died on September 28, 2021 from acute hypoxic respiratory failure, adult respiratory distress syndrome, SARS-COV-2 pneumonia, and SARS-COV-2 infection. Other conditions listed were acute kidney injury, sepsis, septic shock, and acute fibrillation with rapid ventricular response. According to Kristina, no autopsy was done because it was a COVID-19 case.
Donald was on remdesivir for a total of fifteen days. Besides not consenting to the medicine, he was never informed of its side effects or emergency use authorization (EUA) status. He was also on a ventilator for sixteen days.
The COVID-19 Human Betrayal Project is part of The FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation (FFFF), which is a New Jersey-based 501(c)(3) organization comprised of former federal agents, prosecutors, lawyers, medical professionals, researchers, and volunteers from around the United States and all over the world.
Their web site says, “Many of our former feds are ‘former’ because they witnessed the corruption of our most fundamental systems firsthand and subsequently became conscientious objectors.”
The mission of the FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation is threefold:
Our primary mission is to restore America and the Western world to those conditions existing and considered normal prior to the emergence of the pandemic crisis and the unconstitutional mandates that accompanied it, all of which seem directed towards a so-called ‘New Normal’ we consider antithetical to traditional American and Western concepts of liberty and community.
We will save lives by exposing the ‘FDA Death Protocol’ for what it is and forcing hospitals to administer safe and efficacious treatments for COVID-19.
We will help people assert their legal right to refuse to submit to harmful COVID-19 vaccination and testing mandates, and call a halt to what might otherwise shape into a practically inexorable momentum towards COVID-19 ‘vaccine passports’ and draconian Digital ID systems.
When ICWA Weekly News last reported on the Human Betrayal Project in its May 2, 2023 issue, eight more Washington state entries have been reported, raising the total to fifteen.
It is important that all reports from Washington are summarized in this issue of the Weekly News, not just the ones for Phillip Carron and Donald Kale Lloyd. Brace yourself – this section may be long – but these unsuspecting victims and their families deserve our recognition. On a bright note, there is one positive story that amounts to surviving remdesivir.
1. Name of Victim: James Christopher Rutherford
James was sixty-seven years old when he was admitted to Skagit Valley Hospital in Mt. Vernon on October 5, 2021. They gave him remdesivir even though his wife, Barbara, had asked for Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin. But the internist said it was not in their protocol, and they would lose their license if they administered those medications. James died two months after being admitted.
2. Name of Victim: Barbara Daniel
Barbara was seventy years old when she entered Tacoma General Hospital on September 14, 2021. She was put on remdesivir for five days. Her son, Albert, says that Barbara was “drugged and deprived of personal contact with family.” She gained sixty-two pounds in four weeks in the hospital. At autopsy, she weighed 135 pounds more than confirmed at the hospital admission. She contracted pseudomomis while on the ventilator and after being given Baricitnib. “To go into the hospital at 150 pounds and gain over 130 pounds in less than forty-five days seems very odd for someone with a supposed respiratory illness,” Albert said. “She was mistreated because she did not get the COVID-19 shot. An RN gave flippant remarks about her not having the shot.”
3. Name of Victim: J. Allen Blodgett
J. Allen was sixty-two years old when he entered Providence Sacred Hospital on September 5, 2021. He died on September 30, 2021. He was on remdesivir for fifteen days. He was informed of its EUA status but not of its side effects. According to his wife, Bavonnie, the hospital did not give him food for the first day and most of the next day. “The doctors continued to tell him and me that because he didn’t have the vaccine, he was sick,” Bavonnie said. “They gave him remdesivir and then days later put him on the ventilator. After he was on the ventilator for at least a week, they took him off. The doctors initially told me they would wean him off slowly, and it would take several days. I believe they ruptured a lung because then he started having an air leak from his lung. The hole kept getting bigger.”
Under the “Experience” section, Bavonnie wrote the following:
They also put a PICC line in, and it was supposed to go in his vein to put medicine in his heart. But they put it in his artery so it took medicine straight to his brain. The doctor did not notice it for an overnight and a full day! My husband had to have surgery to remove it and repair his artery. The doctor who noticed it, sent it for review, so their risk management team reviewed the error in the procedure. The doctor who noticed it said it could cause a stroke, blood pressure issues, or kidney failure. By the next day, all these things happened. My husband passed away seven days later. They explained the person who put in the line wasn't trained adequately.
4. Name of Patient: Joel Finch
In one of the few positive stories on the website, Joel Finch survived his four days of remdesivir. He says he was never told of its Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) status or of its side effects. He adds that he was treated well at both hospitals: Swedish Issaquah and Swedish Cherry Hill (Seattle.) He says he “did not know” when asked whether he had been treated any differently after stating his vaccine status.
5. Name of Victim: Wendy Gene Nickelson
Wendy was seventy-two years old when she entered PeaceHealth Southwest Hospital on January 1, 2022. The hospital also happened to be where her daughter Shannon Adams worked. She says the following about her experience.
My mother was denied a support person for six days. After we fought, they finally let my sister be her support person but wouldn’t let her use the bathroom, even in my mom’s room. I was told if I put one foot in my mom’s room, I would be fired. They denied my mom antibiotics for her pneumonia, failed to give her blood thinners until January 11, even with an elevated d-dimer, and bullied both my sister and me. When I went to the house supervisor, asking to be allowed to be a support person as well since my sister could not go more than seven hours without going to the bathroom or drinking some water, I was denied, even though that’s against the hospital’s own policy. I was told by the RNs that they were sick of the unvaxxed. When I asked the attending medical doctor to try other medications, he simply asked me whether my mother was vaccinated. I was shocked. When I told him that she was not, he said there was nothing he could give her. He did this to me two times. My mother’s HFN was found in her mouth one day instead of her nose. No one would take the time to help her prone or allow me to help even though I’ve worked in COVID-19 units throughout the pandemic. There were so many criminal things that happened.
Wendy died on January 24, 2022. Shannon said, “I’ve worked in healthcare for thirteen years and have never seen anything like what happened and is still happening.”
6. Name of victim: Tony G
Fifty-nine-year-old Tony entered Multicare Valley Hospital on October 7, 2021. He was administered remdesivir for eight days. He was never informed of its EUA status or side effects.
His story:
The drugs given to me to “cure” this imaginary illness did kill me on October 16, 2021. I developed severe bleeding ulcers and lost enough blood that my heart stopped twice before I was able to get into surgery. After my treatment for the Covid, I was unable to walk, talk, and see clearly for over six months. I was told I would never walk again without an appliance and would never be able to live without supplemental oxygen, both of which were untrue. My eyesight is still terrible and goes from bad to better daily. Prior to Covid, I was a strong, healthy, and active man. Today, I struggle to do those things that came so easily eighteen months ago. I’m angry and bitter and waiting for the day justice is served and those who perpetrated this horrible lie are brought to justice.
About being treated differently after stating his vaccine status, he said that he experienced, “No overt mistreatment by the staff except for the grunts and groans of disapproval of the non-vaxxed status.”
7. Name of Victim: Shannon Michael Washburn
Shannon was sixty-five years old when he entered the Kadlec Regional Medical Center on August 11, 2021. He died there on September 4, 2021. He was on remdesivir for five days. He was never informed of its EUA status or side effects. Asked whether Shannon had been treated differently because he had not taken the COVID-19 shot, his wife, Diana, recalled:
He wasn’t allowed to question his treatment plan. He tried to participate in his own care, but the staff ignored him and dismissed his concerns. He felt he was suffocating from the high levels of oxygen being forced upon him. The nurses refused to address his discomfort, and he was considered non-compliant. He was terrorized, gaslighted, bullied, and treated like he deserved to be sick because he would not obey and follow the “rules.”
Diana added the following:
The autopsy yielded some questionable results that contradict Kadlec doctors’ assessment of Shannon’s condition, and the toxicology screen showed excessively high levels of fentanyl, propofol, and rocuronimu as well as other potent sedatives, paralytics, and pain killers.
8. Name of Victim: Dan Swecker
Dan was seventy-three years old when he entered St. Peters Hospital on August 10, 2021. His wife, Debby, says that Dan became sick after being around vaccinated friends. He was sick for eight days and had low oxygen.
I foolishly took him to Urgent Care, where they decided to transport him to St. Peter’s Hospital. They kept pushing him to take remdesivir, but he refused. They administered tranquilizers and sedatives, which lowered his oxygen further, giving them the excuse to put him in the ICU. He was tied to the bed and given paralytics. We were told we could not see him for twenty-one days. Eventually, he was placed on a ventilator. On day twenty-one, I called and told them that my four children and I were coming to see Dan. They said their policies had changed, and we could not see him now unless we wanted to do Comfort Care. Comfort Care consisted of removing the ventilator, administering morphine, and being with him while he died. I threatened them and said if I didn’t get to see him that day, I would make the political life of St. Peter’s a living hell. In less than thirty minutes, they had moved him into a private room, and we were ushered in. Dan’s teeth, tongue, lips, and chin were covered with dried blood. He had not been cleaned or cared for. He was thirty pounds heavier and looked extremely bloated. His skin was so swollen and tight that I feared it would split. He was dosed with tranquilizers and morphine. They removed the ventilator, gave him more morphine, and he died in twenty minutes.
9. Name of Victim: Michael Hobbs
Michael was seventy-seven years old when he entered Whidbey Health Hospital, where a PCR test diagnosed him with COVID-19, and then a chest x-ray showed he had COVID pneumonia.
“I was not allowed to accompany him or be in the hospital,” his wife, Terresa Hobbs, said. The hospital immediately began looking for another hospital to which to transfer. When a bed was found at University of Washington Medical Center Northwest, he was told he had to be intubated for the transfer or sign a DNR. He agreed to the ventilator for the transfer. After a brief call to Terresa on a nurse's phone, he was sedated, intubated, and transferred. Terresa never spoke to him again.
Even though Michael was never given informed consent, he was on remdesivir for five days. He was never told of its side effects or emergency use authorization status.
10. Name of Victim: Molly Reitz
Molly was seventy-seven years old when she entered Ferry County Hospital in central Washington on April 22, 2021. Her daughter was not allowed to see her. According to her daughter, the hospital staff kept telling Molly that she was going to die. Molly was on remdesivir for five days even though she was never told of its side effects or emergency use authorization status. The daughter is seeking an attorney to hold the hospital accountable for her mother’s death.
11. Name of Victim: Stephanie Istvan
Stephanie was sixty-three years old when she went to Cascade Valley Hospital to seek treatment for shortness of breath on November 26, 2021.
Her web page indicates that she had taken the COVID-19 shot. Nevertheless, she tested positive for COVID-19 and was admitted to the hospital. Julie, her daughter, demanded that she not be administered Remdesivir or be put on the ventilator. From that moment, it became an uphill battle for Julie and her family to try and save Stephanie. Water and nutrition were denied, and sedatives were administered. Stephanie was given morphine, which she was allergic to, numerous times.
“They blew out my mom’s lungs with ninety liters per minute of high flow oxygen, starved, dehydrated her and then put her on a respiratory depressant after I told them not to, and I was the POA,” said Julie.
After many confrontations with the hospital staff, the family requested a welfare check by the Arlington Police Department because of the lies and lack of communication by the doctors and nurses.
Against the medical advice given, Julie contacted several government officials and the Frontline Doctors, requesting assistance for critical care transport to move her mother from the hospital to her brother’s home for hospice care. Her father was physically removed from his wife’s bedside. Stephanie passed away on the transport gurney in her son’s living room December 11, 2021.
12. Name of Victim: Cyndee Ellis
On January 2, 2022, seventy-two-year-old Cyndee was admitted to the hospital after passing out in her bathroom. She had received the COVID-19 shot.
While on a ventilator, she was administered a four-drug cocktail of Fentanyl, Precedex, Midazolam, and Propofol. Cyndee’s husband, Dr. David Ellis, who is a family physician, told them that because she had fatty liver disease, she should be taken off these drugs. The hospital staff told him that, under directions from the computer, they could not do that. At Dr. Ellis’s request, they ended up reducing the dosage. On the twelfth or thirteenth day, her arms and legs began swelling up. Eventually, the drug combination cut off circulation to her feet, resulting in gangrene on the entirety of each foot. Cyndee was left in a state of paralysis for over sixty days post discharge to a rehab center. Her feet are slowly healing, but she is unable to bare weight or walk.
Medications given: antibiotics, anxiety meds, blood thinner, blood pressure meds, dexamethasone, Decadron, diuretic, fentynal, insulin, lasix, midazolam, Oxygen, precedex, propofol, sedatives, Steroids, vassopressin
Dr. David Ellis said in the interview, “Doctors... hospitals rewarded for patients dying? We used to get paid to save people. This isn't medicine anymore.”
13. Name of Victim: Richard Crum
At fifty-eight years old, Richard entered St. John Medical Center on October 21, 2021. Richard had not received a COVID-19 shot. For this reason, according to his wife, Kat, the doctor started yelling at him, “This is all your fault. You are an idiot. I just want to put you on remdesivir and throw you on a ventilator."
Kat says that her husband was isolated, yelled at, and restrained. A treatment that was working was stopped by the weekend doctor. Richard died on November 5, 2021. Kat is pursuing legal action.
Gail McCrae’s testimonials and the Human Betrayal Project entries personify a medical system that Dr. Paul Marik, the second-most published critical care physician in the world, calls a “hoax.”
It’s impossible to talk about COVID without looking at our health care system. And our health care system is a hoax. And so, my advice to you is don’t get sick, don’t go to the hospital, because they’re going to kill you.
During his presentation at the Florida COVID Summit, instead of seeking help from the hospital, Dr. Marik recommended eating right, sleeping right, getting enough sunshine, lowering stress, and taking care of your lifestyle because, again, “The medical system will kill you.”
Focus on Medical Freedom Forum: Dr. Jason Kinley
Eight video presentations from the Medical Freedom Forum, held at the Deer Park Tri-County Christian Center last November 11, are posted on the ICWA Rumble Channel.
Last week, ICWA Weekly News featured a presentation by Dr. Steven Palmieri called, “When Thought Experiments Become Thought Crimes.”
This week, we feature Dr. Jason Kinley, in which he explains the actual history of medicine and why we’re experiencing failures in hospitals, and then he offers solutions.
Dr. Kinley is a naturopath who operates his own practice in Spokane. At one time, he was investigated by the Washington Medical Commission (WMC) for writing COVID-19 shot exemptions, but the WMC dropped its case.
Summarizing Dr. Kinley’s presentation, he first discusses the death of George Washington in which the doctor removed a half-gallon of blood and then gave him sixty-eight grams of mercury chloride. “He was bled and poisoned, because that was the medicine of the day from a regular doctor,” Dr. Kinley says.
His recount of actual history, with credit to Dr. Rick Kirschner, ND (retired), begins with the homeopathic college in Allentown, Pennsylvania in 1835. The American Medical Association (AMA) was founded later in 1847. The AMA went on to create a code of ethics in which the “regulars” were not allowed to talk with the “irregulars.” Doing so runs the risk of losing one’s license. In 1868, the AMA prohibited “The sale or administration of drugs or treatments that are not approved by legally constituted medical authorities.” In 1899, they began to lobby in Washington, DC, to the local health boards to make smallpox vaccines compulsory.
Dr. Kinley’s excellent talk detailed the influence of the Rockefeller Foundation for Medical Research, and the Flexner Report (Carnegie Foundation) in 1910, which surveyed 110 universities. Homeopathic and eclectic schools were ranked the lowest as well as schools designed for women and African Americans. Down the road, this put the AMA into the position to govern all the medical schools in the United States. Schools that were homeopathic or eclectic were forced to change or had to close. “Due to this report, we lost most rural medical schools, all but two African American schools were forced to close, and physicians replaced midwives,” Dr. Kinley said. He then referred to a recent CNN quote in 2022, that the United States has the highest maternal mortality rate of any developed country. Not something to be proud of.
Kinley then discussed the history of the FDA. Most alarming is his quote from Dr. Herbert Ley, director of the FDA from 1966 to 1969:
The FDA protects the big drug companies and is subsequently rewarded. And using the government’s police powers, they threaten those who attack the big drug companies. People who think that the FDA is protecting them, it isn’t. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it is doing are as different as night and day.
Kinley then shows the following chart created by homeopath Benedict Lust, considered the father of modern naturopathy in the United States:
As Dr. Kinley’s winds up his presentation, he asks, “Is there hope? Absolutely.” He points to ivermectin, where “Doctors stepped away from the system, and it worked.” He then discusses his successes using naturopathic treatments on patients who had issues with low blood platelets, food protein induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES), and liver cancer, after the medical establishment had failed in these cases. In sum, Dr. Kinsley offers the following recommendations.
Turn to those who are leaving the system. COVID-19 opened the eyes of many to the corruption.
Ask questions of your doctor, and if you’re not heard, leave.
Join others who are like-minded.
Pray often.
Take today’s information to improve your life and the lives of others.
We ask again for your support of Misty Gehrke and her family this Christmas.
A former Early Childhood Educator in Clark County, she was disabled by the MMR vaccine in 2019 when she felt forced to get it in order to return to work. While she was busy rehabilitating herself, the state legislature passed the bill that now requires child care workers to get the shot. The bill not only removed the personal exemption to the MMR vaccine for kids, but also enacted Washington’s first vaccine mandate for adults that she would have to deal with, requiring day care workers to show proof of MMR vaccination, proof of immunity, or a medical exemption. [RCW 43.216.690]
This is a tragic example of the collateral damage and lack of informed consent that Informed Choice Washington warns about. Read Misty’s page at GiveSendGo for more about her situation. Look for her full story to be published soon.
A big THANK YOU to those who have already donated.
December 15, 2023 Episode of Informed Life Radio - Notes and Links
Health Hour 1 with Carrie Bennett, MS, ACN on The Health Wonders of Water – Exclusion Zone Water
Carrie B. Wellness | Quantum Health Educator & Clinician (carriebwellness.com)
The Wellness Enterprise | 3rd Party Lab Tested Water Filters & Structured Water Devices
Liberty Hour 2 with Dr. Henry Ealy, ND on The Grand Jury Petition to find death certificate fraud
The good stuff that was talked about:
And the (Probable) Bad Stuff:
IHME | The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (Started by Gates Foundation)
IDMOD | Institute for Disease Modeling (in the Gates Foundation)
Upcoming Events:
Port Townsend Public Library will screen "Vaxxed" on Wednesday, Dec 27, at 2pm.
1220 Lawrence Street, Port Townsend, WA
This is the 2016 movie that basically started it all (for many) when it was revealed by a CDC whistleblower that lies and corruption had been happening for years in regard to the impact of childhood vaccines and the injuries they could cause. Please contact Sue at 714-337-4331 for more information and to RSVP.
Supporting Misty! Looking forward to hearing more.