ICWA Weekly News 12-24-2024
Just in time to place under your tree: Mainstream Media Attacks COVID-19 Presenters in Franklin County; What about Polio? RFK Jr. is incorrectly implicated in latest pHARMedia accusations.
In this Christmas Eve Issue:
Mainstream Media Attacks COVID-19 Presenters in Franklin County.
Polio Vaccine in the News - A look at Adverse Events in Washington; RFK Jr. is incorrectly implicated in this latest pHARMedia accusation.
Be sure to read the two merry memes at the end.
and Happy Hanukkah - starting Thursday
December 20 Episode of Informed Life Radio – notes and links
Health hour: Visions of unSugar Plums
Guests: James Lyons-Weiler, PhD. How do we MAHA traditional holiday Sugar Plums? Skip the outer sugar coating! What remains is a healthy snack of dried fruit, nuts, and spices. While most MAHA solutions won't be so simple, guest James Lyons-Weiler explains that the health rewards will be as sweet, if we all work together.
Get Educated: Institute of Pure and Applied Knowledge
Get Peer-reviewed and Published: Journal of Science, Public Health Policy and the Law
Breaking News Guest: Laura Demaray, RN organized a major presentation to the Franklin County Board of Commissioners, likely helped by Chair Clint Didier, a newer famous voice on the Washington medical freedom stage.
12-18-2024 Franklin County Board of Commissioners Meeting. Laura Demaray and team speak from 1:14:00 to 2:12:00.
Idaho's County Commissioners Advise Against Gene Therapy Shots (Update 12/19/24)
Tri-city Herald: Why did Franklin Co. host panel of COVID-19 vaccine skeptics?
Yahoo News: Discredited COVID-19 vaccine skeptics tied to RFK Jr. group try to sway Franklin County
Liberty Hour: Hopeful Holidays
Guest: Julie Barrett. Washington state may be entering some, let's say, interesting times ahead, but there is much reason to be hopeful this holiday season as we look ahead. Guest Julie Barrett, founder and president of the Conservative Ladies of WA, discusses local actions advocates can take to create change that matters and state level efforts to rally behind.
Website: Conservative Ladies of Washington (and America)
Mainstream Media Attacks COVID-19 Presenters in Franklin County
At the 1:14.00 mark of the December 18 Franklin County Board of Commissioners meeting, Board Member Clint Didier, a two-time Super Bowl champion tight end with the Washington Redskins, introduced Laura Demaray and “subject matter specialists” on the COVID-19 shots.
We are not here to frighten, confront, or embarrass anybody about the COVID vaccine. But we do oppose it on any level—for the children of the United States without parental consent. ~~ Clint Didier, Franklin County Commissioner ~~
Laura Demaray, having just delivered handouts to each Commissioner, then sat at the presenter’s table and delivered an introduction to an hour-long presentation of experts in the field:
My words are my own opinion and not any organization or place of work. Thank you so much for having us here today to contend for life, our health, our children, our military members, our cellular integrity, and no less than the future of humanity.
VAERS is the only public accessible conduit to us public. The healthcare professionals are eighty-five percent of the individuals that fill out VAERS. The CDC U.S. VAERS show over 18,000 United States deaths, including 188 children from this shot, over 18,000 permanently disabled victims, including 615 children.
My colleagues are subject matter experts that will demonstrate very respectfully to you today that the genetic shots do not prevent COVID, its transmission, nor hospitalization, nor death, but instead is distributed by LNPs throughout the entire body. It can uptake in the human genome, be passed onto your children, promotes and increases cancer chances. And they’ll explain how it sheds, can cause miscarriages, and autoimmune and neurological disorders, strokes, heart attacks, and cardiovascular devastation. The more you take, the more immunocompromised you are. No study shows when the spike protein is done being produced.
I hope to encourage you today that as lesser magistrates (elected or appointed officials like you) have the authority and the duty to stand in the gap, to interpose and to protect person, liberty and property of the citizens in your jurisdiction. When the higher authorities of the land fail to do so, it is your historical and biblical precedence, God-given authority really, that directs the lesser magistrates. You can mitigate, oppose, resist unlawful, unjust, harmful or evil laws or policy. Not one agency wants to own this toxic shot, not one. In Southwest District Health [Idaho], they voted to defund the COVID shot and its promotion. People can still go get it if they want to. They have not been crushed. No one is owning it, and no one is saying “please take it” except for a few media outlets.
One of those media outlets was the local newspaper, the Tri-City Herald. In a “Reality+Check” column the day after the Franklin County Commissioners meeting, titled “Discredited COVID-19 vaccine skeptics tied to RFK Jr. group try to sway Franklin County,” Cory McCoy wrote the following lead paragraph:
A panel of medical professionals, who have all previously been investigated for spreading misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines, were invited to a Franklin County Commission meeting this week, where they made inflammatory and discredited claims.
The article then followed the Trusted News Initiative (TNI) playbook, explained by Dr. Robert Malone in a February 28, 2022 Substack article:
The Trusted News Initiative (TNI): Is a British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) led organization which has been actively censoring eminent doctors, academics, and those with dissenting voices that contravene the official COVID -19 narrative. Anything contrary to this narrative is considered disinformation or misinformation and will be deleted, suppressed or de-platformed. Misinformation and disinformation are considered anything not aligned with the World Health Organization and/or the regional Public Health Authority-approved “truth”. In the case of the USA – that “truth” is established by Anthony Fauci, the CDC and the FDA. The TNI uses advocacy journalism and journals to promote their causes. The Trusted News Initiative is more than this though; if you go back to Hitler’s basic principles, the members of the TNI are using these core principles to control the public. The known TNI partners include: Associated Press, AFP; BBC, CBC/Radio-Canada, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Facebook (whose founders fund articles being written for The Atlantic), Financial Times, First Draft, Google, The Hindu, Microsoft, New York Times, Reuters, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Twitter, You Tube, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post.
Although Yahoo News is not known as a TNI partner, it also picked up (republished) the Tri-City Herald story.
Dr. Kirk Milhoan led the presentations from the subject matter experts, and at 1:18:30 he summarized a study from the Cleveland Clinic:
In a healthy population, especially of children, the risk of COVID is profoundly low. And everyone agrees on that, even the American Academy of Pediatrics. Therefore, the risk is so low that any preventative measure must have very low risk and be effective in decreasing infection. What we have seen from the Cleveland Clinic study that studied 52,000 employees, who knew all about how to take protective measures, that their lowest risk of getting reinfected with COVID was those who were unvaccinated. And for each additional vaccine you got, one was more at risk than the unvaccinated…If you had two vaccines, you were at higher risk those those who took one. It went all the way up to those who had greater than four. So, we saw a negative efficacy that as you got more vaccines and more boosters, you’re actual risk of getting the COVID infection was increasing.
(See also Children’s Health Defense coverage).
Dr. Milhoan then used many studies to support his claims of myocarditis on those who had received the COVID-19 jabs.
This is because the spike protein has been shown to be cardiotoxic. This is going down the exact pathway that I did my PhD research on over twenty-five years ago... All of us of have known that we have seen much more sudden cardiac death, especially in the teenage and the young adult populations. It’s been something we’ve never seen before… What I am seeing on a daily basis in my pediatric cardiology clinic is not only the issues of remaining myocarditis, but it's this continual issue of arrhythmias and irregular heartbeats.
Instead of debunking the studies cited by Dr. Milhoan, the Tri-City Herald attacked his professional credential:
The first speaker Wednesday was Dr. Kirk Milhoan, a pediatric cardiologist from Hawaii, who was investigated by the state’s medical board for allegedly spreading misinformation about the use of hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin as treatment for the virus.
The Herald article then took on the second speaker, Dr. Christina Parks (one of our favorites who was awake before the plandemic), casting aspersions on her professional opinions:
Another speaker was Dr. Christina Parks, a molecular biologist who teaches science for a Michigan home school organization, according to her previous testimony before the Michigan Legislature.
Parks said the vaccine does not actually prevent transmission, claiming it was actually a form of gene therapy.
Two paragraphs later, the article tried debunking this claim by referring to the Food and Drug Administration, whose credibility had been crushed weeks beforehand in a congressional subcommittee report with the following finding:
The Tri-City Herald article said, “The claim that the vaccine is gene therapy has been widely disbunked, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.” The story used the following link to show the debunking of the COVID-19 shots as gene therapy:
No, COVID-19 vaccines aren’t gene therapy | AP News
[Editor’s note: The Tri-city Herald did not respond to our inquiry about their usage of ‘disbunked’ and why they would misuse the term ‘debunked’ which is the gold-standard term used by mainstream pharmedia to distract people away from interesting theories and as was popularized in coverage of Andy Wakefield].
The crux of the argument by AP was as follows:
The COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna use mRNA to instruct cells to make a protein from the coronavirus and trigger an immune response. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine uses a modified adenovirus, a cold virus, to elicit an immune response.
But none of the vaccines can alter humans’ DNA, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains.
The problem with the above claim is that a Swedish study has demonstrated and confirmed that the mRNA in the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid injections infiltrates cells and transcribes its message onto human DNA within 6 hours, altering our own DNA. Added to their ignorance are the numerous studies and lab results that have found reactive DNA plasmids in COVID-19 vials.
The Tri-City Herald also went on the attack, attempting to undermine the other two presenters:
Sasha Latypova, purportedly a retired pharmaceutical research and development executive, has become well known for claiming the coronavirus pandemic was a military operation, not a viral pandemic. A 2017 Rochester Business Journal article describes Latypova and her husband as owners of a medical device company. Her evidence for this was based on a total and complete misunderstanding of what emergency declarations and emergency use authorizations are used for and the role they play in allowing emergency authorizations of drugs and funding for research and crisis response, according to the Annenberg Policy Center’s Factcheck.org. She later said the vaccine was the result of an “international biological weapon and racketeering organization.”
She was followed by Dr. James Thorp, who said he was investigated and had his accreditation threatened over his claims about vaccine related miscarriages. He claimed his research showed there was an 81% miscarriage rate among pregnant women who take the vaccine, comparing it to the abortion pill. The Annenberg Policy Center also had scientists and experts review, fact check and debunk Thorp’s research.
The last attack in the Herald story falsely went the woke route:
Dr. Renata Moon also spoke to the commissioners. She recently sued Washington State University after she was removed from teaching duties after some students took issue with remarks she made about race and gender discrimination and her questioning of whether the COVID vaccine was appropriate for children, according to the lawsuit.
The real reason Washington State University (WSU) terminated Dr. Moon’s contract was her voicing concerns about the dangers of the Covid-19 mRNA shots for all children at a U.S. Senate fact-finding subcommittee in December of 2022, which we’ve been proud to cover here at the ICWA Weekly News.
During Senator Johnson’s Roundtable Discussion on December 7, 2022, Dr. Moon used the package insert that comes with the COVID-19 shots to express dismay:
It says ‘left intentionally blank’ on it. So how am I to get informed consent to parents when I have … This is what I have: a government that is telling me that I have to say ‘safe and effective,’ and if I don’t, my license is at threat. And so how am I going to give informed consent to patients? We’re seeing an uptick in myocarditis. We’re seeing an uptick in adverse reactions. We have trusted these regulatory agencies. I have for my entire career until now. Something is extremely wrong.
“It’s blank,” says Dr. Renata Moon about the COVID-19 shot package insert as she shows it to Senator Ron Johnson and the other panel members at a December 7, 2022 hearing.
We look forward to hearing more from Laura Demaray and her excellent collection of connections. Ms. Demaray said offline that Ryan Cole was going to present but experienced a flight delay and couldn’t get online. And that Dr. Peter McCullough has spoken to the Idaho health boards previously.
Ms. Demaray referred our Informed Life Radio listeners and Washington state activists to their library of resources useful for holding similar presentations or work sessions to any County Board or Commission on the surprisingly-named Big E’s Big Mouth Substack for an extensive set of supporting information.
Polio Vaccine in the News - A look at Adverse Events in Washington
The hot medical freedom topic last week was the New York Times’s set of lies about Aaron Siri concerning his petition to the FDA for better safety testing for the IPOL polio vaccine.
Just as mentioned above in the Tri-City Herald article, the New York Times used guilt-by-association tactic by invoking Robert F. Kennedy Jr. into the situation.
John Leake from Courageous Discourse explains:
A critical reader will observe several misleading elements in this report. First is its obvious attempt to smear Kennedy with guilt by association. Kennedy did not retain Siri to file a petition for the purpose of prompting a thorough safety review of a particular polio vaccine. Siri’s client in this case was ICAN, not Kennedy.
Leake then mentioned Siri’s rebuttal editorial, which was actully published in the Wall Street Journal:
Second is the totally misleading statement that Siri “has petitioned the government to revoke its approval of the polio vaccine…” This leads the reader to believe that he filed a petition to take ALL polio vaccines off the market. In fact, as he stated in his recent Wall Street Journal editorial:
“Reports recently published in the New York Times and elsewhere mischaracterize the contents of three petitions my firm filed with the Food and Drug Administration from 2020-22 on behalf of a client, Informed Consent Action Network. One of these petitions related to IPOL, which is one of the six polio-containing vaccines currently licensed by the FDA. The petition wouldn’t affect the other five vaccines. …. No one, least of all our client, wants anyone to have polio. The goal is simply to ensure that vaccines are subject to proper testing for safety and efficacy. The media falsely claimed the petition sought to eliminate all polio vaccines.”
Leake quickly discussed the safety of polio vaccines:
Like all Vaccine Cartel propagandists, the New York Times presumes that there is no reason to be concerned about the safety of polio vaccines. This ignores the fact that the history of polio vaccines is marred with massive safety failures such as the Cutter Incident. As was reported in a 1996 paper published by the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine:
“In April 1955 more than 200,000 children in five Western and mid-Western USA states received a polio vaccine in which the process of inactivating the live virus proved to be defective. Within days there were reports of paralysis and within a month the first mass vaccination programme against polio had to be abandoned. Subsequent investigations revealed that the vaccine, manufactured by the California-based family firm of Cutter Laboratories, had caused 40 000 cases of polio, leaving 200 children with varying degrees of paralysis and killing 10.”
Then there was the Simian Virus 40 (SV40) incident. As reported by the CDC:
“From 1955 to 1963, an estimated 10-30% of polio vaccines administered in the US were contaminated with simian virus 40 (SV40). The virus came from monkey kidney cell cultures used to make polio vaccines at that time. Most of the contamination was in the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV), but it was also found in oral polio vaccine (OPV). After the contamination was discovered, the U.S. government established testing requirements to verify that all new lots of polio vaccines were free of SV40.”
The VAERS reports also show a cause for concern for the polio vaccines. The United States has 119,666 adverse events following the polio vaccine.
Of those adverse events, 3,077 of them resulted in death.
Here in Washington, 2,747 adverse events have been reported following a polio-virus containing vaccine.
And fifty-three of those adverse events in Washington resulted in death.
Most disturbing, the above table shows that forty-six of the deaths were for those under six months of age. All of the fifty-three deaths occurred with the polio vaccine being administered with other vaccines. The Washington Department of Health’s web page on the polio vaccine makes no mention of administering the jab with other vaccines.
We leave you with breaking news of a study just featured in Coffee & Covid that further shames COVID-19 shot policies still held onto by the CDC and by most U.S. states. The article is titled “Pharmaceutical product recall and educated hesitancy towards new drugs and novel vaccines” and the following image pretty much speaks for itself – with death reports 3,754 times worse than the Cutter polio vax incident of 1955. This graph glaringly points to the irreparable loss of confidence the public has (or soon will have) in organizations (CDC, NIH, FDA, state boards of health, etc.) that persist in pushing COVID gene therapy products.
As confounding as the situation is, we are hopeful that new administrations in 2025 will rectify the situation. Prepare to help.
Merry Memes:
Thank you so much for covering the Franklin County presentation and the mainstream media misinformation in such detail. WELL DONE!