ICWA Weekly News 12-27-23
How fear-mongering by public health agents led to uninformed consent; the WMC continues to harass Dr. Reni Moon; radio show links; Video: Amanda Ewing on mental health during the pandemic; Mom meme
In this issue:
How Measles Fear-Mongering Led to Vaccine Injury
Dr. Moon and Silent Majority Lawyers Tell the WMC to Cease and Desist
Radio Show Links: Health Hour on Gifts of the Magi; Liberty Hour with Pete Serrano, Esq., Chief Counsel, Silent Majority Foundation
Featured Freedom Forum Speaker: Amanda Ewing on mental health during the pandemic
Upcoming Event Today: Vaxxed movie screening in Port Townsend Dec. 27th
Meme of the Week: Something a mom should ask
How Measles Fear Mongering Led to Vaccine Injury
It all started when the Clark County Council declared a public health emergency on January 18, 2019 in response to reports of eighteen measles cases. When it was all over, a total of 71 individuals, mostly children, had caught and fully recovered from the measles—and they were all likely part of a small religious community that respectfully isolated themselves, quite comfortable with being “inoculated” the old-fashioned way. Those 71 individuals now have lifetime immunity, unlike the vaccinated who have inferior and less durable protection.
But public health officials, through their media minions, never told the public those inconvenient details. Instead, they fanned fear that every person in the state was in danger of a “dread” disease.
Over the next week, seven more cases were reported in Clark County and the first case in King County, which Governor Jay Inslee deemed enough of a reason to declare a health emergency for the entire state on January 25th.
WHEREAS, Clark County has declared a local public health emergency beginning January 18, 2019, after identifying an outbreak of measles that creates a substantial likelihood of risk to the citizens of Clark County and the seven cities therein; and
WHEREAS, The Washington State Department of Health has confirmed the existence of 25 cases of the measles in Clark County and 1one case in King County as of January 24, 2019; and
WHEREAS, The measles virus is a highly contagious infectious disease that can be fatal in small children, and the existence of 26 confirmed cases in the state of Washington creates an extreme public health risk that may quickly spread to other counties;
Does all this sound a little like the COVID-19 outbreak just one year later? And like the COVID-19 response, the answer to the measles outbreak (which was actually an “inbreak” that never threatened the general public), was to put needles into arms, as also reflected in the governor’s declaration:
WHEREAS, The measles vaccine is effective at preventing the disease when given prior to exposure, and proactive steps to provide the vaccination and other measures must be taken quickly to prevent further spread of the disease;
His declaration concluded with:
State agencies and departments are directed to utilize state resources and to do everything reasonably possible to assist affected political subdivisions in an effort to respond to and recover from the incidents.
The governor’s declaration “to do everything reasonably possible” led the Clark County health department to contact-trace (alerting anyone who might have been exposed to an infectious person), and to blindly recommend that everyone (children and adults) get the measles, mumps, and rubella (“MMR”) vaccine if they’re unsure of their inoculation status.
Until early March 2019, Misty Gehrke was an early childhood educator in Clark County. Both of her seven-year-old twins had received childhood MMR shots, so she wasn’t worried about them or the so-called outbreak before she was called by the health department. She had read that state legislators proposed a bill requiring daycare workers to be up-to-date with their MMR shots.
“I wasn’t concerned at all,” Misty told Stephen Stock, an investigative reporter for CBS News in a recent interview that has yet to be aired. The reporter had asked what happened and if there was a lot of fear. She continued, “I mean, the only thing that brought fear into me was getting called by the health department. And being a single mom of seven-year-old twins at the time, I could not miss work. So, I basically feel like I didn't have an informed choice. I made the wrong choice because I feel like I had to.”

Misty did have her measles titers checked. The level was low and they said she should get the ‘booster’ if she wanted to return to work as soon as possible. Eighteen days later, she was paralyzed.
“So I called my mother, and she took me to the emergency room.” The neurologist diagnosed her with Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), which is recognized on the injury table for the vaccine court established under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Program.
Part of the interview between Misty Gehrke and Stephen Stock from CBS national news:
Stock: And so I want to get this on the record. You talked about your neurologist. You've had medical professionals tie this to the booster shot?
Gehrke: Yes, sir.
Stock: So what did they tell you? When they say this is definitely because of that?
Gehrke: Because there was nothing else wrong with me. I mean, now I have high blood pressure. You know, I've always had, I had scoliosis, but nothing else, nothing else was wrong with me. And I knew it. You know, we're older. We know our own bodies by now. I knew that something was terribly wrong. And that is the only thing that happened different in my life. No new soap, no new diet, no sushi, no raw chicken. Shot!
When asked what else happened, Misty recounted: “And they told me I had three years to get better. And that three years has come and gone. So, I actually had a nerve conduction test at the three-year point, and none of this, 90% poly-neuropathy,” as she pointed first to her hands, and then gestured that the condition was over all her body.
Misty also talked about her concerns if these policies stayed in place:
I just worry about single hard-working parents like myself who…I don’t feel like I was given a choice. I got scared. It was like fear-mongering. I didn’t want to miss my work. And then I left the kids in my daycare. Some of them were just 12 months (old), some of them hadn’t had the booster yet. I didn’t want to harm any of them. It was just this whole fear tactic. But now knowing and doing my research, I really have nothing to be fearful of. And my life could be much better today if I just stayed out (of work) and didn’t get the shot.
When pressed by the reporter, Misty said she felt forced, that she didn’t have an informed choice. “I felt like I was basically forced and bullied into it. I mean, what do you do? I didn’t know. I thought I was going to kill everybody and I needed my job.”
While Misty was busy rehabilitating herself, the state legislature passed the bill that now requires child care workers to get the shot. The bill not only removed the personal exemption to the MMR vaccine for kids, but also enacted Washington’s first vaccine mandate for adults, requiring day care workers to show proof of MMR vaccination, proof of immunity, or a medical exemption. [RCW 43.216.690] This law for adults does not allow for religious or non-medical exemptions, while parents can claim a religious exemption from the shot for their kids.
ICWA fought two restrictive vaccine bills in the 2019 session by bringing in Del Bigtree, Mary Holland, Brian Hooker, Toni Bark, and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to testify in committees. More than three thousand citizens showed up for a protest rally. But the other side mounted a measles-fear campaign, utilizing their extensive government and media tentacles, that pressured legislators to vote against common sense, against facts (the outbreak was constrained to a small community and county vaccination rates were not as low as they claimed), and against the human right to informed consent.
Misty’s message to those who say there shouldn’t be a choice and that herd immunity must be protected: “…would you like to live a day in my shoes? Because you never know. It could happen to anybody, and it happened to me, and it's not a fun life. I can't wear makeup. I can't wear anything with buttons or zippers, you know? And I can't work.”
Seeking compensation for this injury, Misty brought suit against the Secretary of Health and Human Services in the United States Federal Claims Court. On January 17, 2023, nearly four years after the injury and three years after filing the claim, the court recorded the following settlement decision:
On January 5, 2023, the parties filed a joint stipulation concerning the petition for compensation filed by Misty Gehrke on November 27, 2019. Petitioner alleged that the measles, mumps, and rubella (“MMR”) vaccination she received on March 5, 2019, caused her to suffer Guillain Barre Syndrome (“GBS”). Petitioner further alleges that her symptoms persisted for more than six months … Respondent Secretary of Health and Human Services denies that the vaccine caused petitioner to suffer from GBS. Nevertheless, the parties agree to the joint stipulation, attached hereto … Damages awarded in that stipulation include a lump sum of $50,000.00 ... This amount represents compensation for all damages that would be available under 42 U.S.C. § 300aa-15(a).
Denial of causation while awarding compensation is common. It’s one way the government attempts to bolster trust in vaccines by creating doubt about injuries even when the mechanisms of injury are well known.
So, the entire compensation this single mom received for doing what she thought was the responsible thing to do was $50,000. Sadly, she felt she was lucky to even get this much from the court after three years of waiting. She needed finances quickly. She was able to catch up on past-due rent and bills for a moment. Now she is having to seek other financial supports since she can’t work. Her lack of feeling in her extremities make it impossible, and dangerous, for her to engage in her previous career. This is an example of the accidental harm that Informed Choice Washington tries to warn about. Read Misty’s page at GiveSendGo to help her while she seeks other government support.
Misty’s MMR injury report is not visible in VAERS. It is unknown if it was reported at all. VAERS does show 141 cases of GBS following the MMR shots.

Two of the reported GBS cases have occurred in Washington.
VAERS ID: 75806
A 26-year-old female’s onset began two days after the vaccination on May 2, 1995. It began with odd sensations in her hands. Her arm felt tired, and her legs hurt. Initially, she thought it was because of work. But then, an ambulance took her to the hospital while she experienced secondary paralysis of her legs and had difficulty breathing. The rest of the write-up: dx GBS, acute inflam demyelinating polyneuropathy progressive motor weakness
VAERS ID: 254623
A 29-year-old female’s onset began six days after vaccination on August 19, 2005. A numbness ran up her right knee, then a few weeks later, it went over to her left knee. Two doctors treated her. One diagnosed her with a mild case of GBS “when her insurance ran out.” She then wrote, “I am okay now but have chosen not to get my second MMR shot.”
One can see the shortcomings of the supposedly mandatory VAERS reporting system as we’re left to wonder how these injured ladies are faring today. “Progressive motor weakness” and “When her insurance ran out” are ominous entries, especially without comments from follow-up diagnoses. It’s like the last chapters were torn out of their biographies and we can’t learn if these ladies were successfully treated, for how long the condition persisted, or if things got worse.
WMC Continues to Harass Dr. Reni Moon; Dr. Moon and Silent Majority Answer with Demand to Cease and Desist
The December 15 issue of the Epoch Times provided an update on the Washington Medical Commission’s (WMC) ongoing harassing investigation of Dr. Renata Moon, whose teaching contract was not renewed by Washington State after she raised the alarm on COVID-19 shots during an event held by United States Senator Ron Johnson.
During her testimony in December 2022, Dr. Moon said she saw a jump in cases of heart inflammation after the COVID-19 vaccines were released, noted that COVID-19 poses little risk to children, and highlighted how the insert for the vaccines is blank.
WSU had expressed their concerns over Dr. Moon's testimony with the Washington Medical Commission (WMC), which licenses doctors in Washington state. The WMC looked into the allegations, and a panel of commissioners authorized an investigation, citing that she may have acted unprofessionally. Adam Calica, chief investigator for the WMC, sent a Letter of Cooperation (LOC) on October 1, 2023 with twenty-two questions or requests for data. Dr. Moon and her lawyers sent their reply to the WMC on December 4th and asked the commission to Cease and Desist their investigation.
Summarizing the more notable portions of the letter, request number three said:
Please provide data or evidence to support your assertion that children have essentially a zero percent risk of harm from contracting a COVID-19 infection.
Dr. Moon’s response began with: “Much of what the WMC asked for is information commonly known by now to the public, including how COVID-19 poses little risk to children.”
The Epoch Times offered their own evidence that corroborated Dr. Moon’s original statement:
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data presented at the hearing, for instance, showed that just 0.01 percent of infections among children and 0.05 percent of infections among adults aged 18 to 29 led to death.
“When you have such low or nonexistent mortality in these low age groups, the potential severe adverse effects of the vaccine will surmount the nonexistent mortality of these age groups,” Dr. Harvey Risch, a professor emeritus of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health, said during the 2022 hearing.
Dr. Moon cited a study using data from that time period, titled The differential impact of pediatric COVID-19 between high-income countries and low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review of fatality and ICU admission in children worldwide | PLOS ONE. She also sternly suggested that the WMC "may conduct its own research on this issue and cannot hold me accountable for its lack of information or expertise."
Point number seven in the WMC’s letter referenced the now infamous COVID-19 vaccine insert that was intentionally left blank:
Produce a copy of the vaccine package insert mentioned during your testimony on December 7, 2022.
Dr. Moon refused to deliver the copy as it was her only one and she realized this was only busy work. The Epoch Times article provided definitive information on the matter, “The commission also asked for the package insert Dr. Moon displayed, even though the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has acknowledged that the inserts shipped with the vaccines are blank.
Is the WMC really that ignorant that they don’t know what the package insert to the COVID-19 shots looks like? Or is this just part of its harassment, as Dr. Moon points out in her response to the WMC:
Initiating this investigation appears intended to intimidate and harass a physician acting in support of her Hippocratic Oath to 'do no harm' and her obligation to speak about valid safety concerns.
As expected, the narrative-protecting fact checkers have attempted to justify these blank inserts. Specifically, the AFP fact check team came up with the following on a similar video recordings. They miss miss the point that doctors have a hard time providing informed consent without a proper insert and because it wasn’t approved:
The vaccine insert videos are misleading, as the blank papers are meant to ensure individuals have access to the latest information on the shots, not to conceal it.
"The information on those inserts is communicated in a patient 'fact sheet' which are posted on our website," FDA spokeswoman Alison Hunt told AFP, adding that "for an approved vaccine, information is communicated in a package insert. Fact Sheets typically are not shipped with the vaccine," said Hunt, adding that the vials of the vaccines feature QR codes that providers of the shots can be used to download the latest available information.
Point number two in the WMC letter asks for evidence of myocarditis or other countries banning the shots for young people:
On or about December 7, 2022, in Washington, D.C., at an event titled “Covid-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries,” you testified that:
a. in your clinical experience there has been a massive increase in patients developing myocarditis or other adverse reactions after COVID-19 vaccinations. Please provide the data or evidence from your own practice to support this assertion, and
b. “other countries have banned this product because it’s too dangerous for young people.” Please provide evidence to support this statement.
Dr. Moon declined to answer the WMC for failing to do their own research, and because the things she said are now self-evident. Dr. Moon could have pointed to the story from Ernest Ramirez, a father from Austin, Texas, whose only son collapsed playing basketball and passed away from myocarditis following Pfizer vaccination.

On November 2, 2021, Senator Johnson held an expert panel in which Ernesto said the following about his son’s death:
Next week is his birthday. That and upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas, I’ll spend at the cemetery. All I want is my son back, so don’t make the mistake that I did. I did it because I thought it was the correct thing to do. It wasn’t. It wasn’t worth the risk to me. They need to quit pushing this on our children. I lost mine; I need to protect yours.
Is the WMC so unaware that they don’t even know about the CDC study, done in the summer 2021, of nearly 400 reports of inflammation in teens following the COVID-19 shots?
Even worse, how could the WMC not know about the study done in its own state at Seattle Children’s Hospital. As covered by The Defender, the peer-reviewed study showed more than two-thirds of adolescents with COVID-19 vaccine-related myopericarditis had persistent heart abnormalities months after their initial diagnosis, raising concerns for potential long-term effects.
As for point “b,” how could the WMC not know that Sweden, Finland, and Denmark have halted the Moderna shots for young people because of cardiovascular issues.
Finland joins Sweden and Denmark in limiting Moderna COVID-19 vaccine | Reuters
Or how could the WMC not know that this past summer, England banned the COVID-19 and flu shots for those under sixty-five for the upcoming winter:
The Epoch Times did not mention point number four in the WMC letter:
Please explain your understanding of the purpose of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System and how it works.
More busy work? Washington Medical Commission members obviously haven’t looked at the alarming VAERS data themselves. As of the November 24th update, there are reports of 36,726 deaths following the COVID-19 shots in the United States and its territories, and 225 of those deaths have occurred here in Washington.
Dr. Moon declined to answer some of the questions, asserting they had "nothing to do with the practice of medicine."
Dr. Moon summed up the situation best when she told the Epoch Times, "This WMC investigation of my free speech is a direct violation of my civil liberties and Constitutional rights."
Read more about Dr. Moon’s legal situation at the Silent Majority Foundation and consider donating specifically to her defense.
The full Epoch Times article:
Pediatrician Being Investigated by Medical Board After Talking About COVID-19 Vaccines in Public
December 22 Episodes of An Informed Life Radio – Show Links
Health Hour – Gifts of the Magi: Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh
Sponsored by the Washington Chapter of Children’s Health Defense
https://greenmedinfo.com/substance/gold-nanoparticles; 9 articles
Frankincense & Myrrh
https://greenmedinfo.com/substance/frankincense; very large number of papers
https://greenmedinfo.com/substance/myrrh; 41 research articles.
Liberty Hour – No Longer Silent Majority
Guest: Pete Serrano, Esq.
And as mentioned on the show, don’t forget to read The Wuhan Cover-Up by RFK Jr.
ICWA Video Replay of the Week
Amanda Ewing, LICSW, mental health counselor, relates the mental health trends she has seen over the last few years and shares hopeful advice moving forward.
Spokane, Nov. 11, 2023 [18 minutes]
Upcoming Events:
Port Townsend Public Library will screen "Vaxxed" on Wednesday, Dec 27, at 2pm.
1220 Lawrence Street, Port Townsend, WA
This is the movie that basically started it all (for many) when it was revealed by a CDC whistleblower that lies and corruption had been happening for years in regard to the impact of childhood vaccines and the injuries they could cause. Please contact Sue at 714-337-4331 for more information and to RSVP.
Is there a way to connect with the other two WA State residents who were injured by the MMR?
How best to fight back and help Dr. Moon and other health professionals? Can ICWA help with info for us, the public fighting for informed consent, to show our discontent with the WMC and their policies? The WMC needs to know that the people of the state of Washington will stand up to their gross misconduct and draconian measures to harass respectful and concerned health professionals who are making it a priority to "first do no harm". This is unbelievable and I am outraged.