ICWA Weekly News 12-4-24
More calls for COVID shots to be pulled; Still more death reports from COVID shots in Washington; Where was the ACLU during COVID? Giving awards to Fauci.
In this Issue:
Calls Intensify for a Moratorium on COVID-19 Shots
Fall Season Marks Two More Deaths in Washington following COVID-19 Shots
Washington ACLU Appears with a Fundraising Survey
Giving Tuesday - Yes, it’s Wednesday, but it’s not to late to join our matching funds challenge. We sincerely thank you if you’ve already donated.
Upcoming Events
The 2025 Legislative session begins on January 13. Pre-filed bills are already out there. Sen. Fortunato (R-31) has filed the first bill (SB 5012) that ICWA is likely to support, titled “AN ACT Relating to the organization of interscholastic athletics.” This bill would clarify and in some cases reverse the Title IX gender confusion in high school sports. Ask your legislators to sign on as sponsors.
Have you shown your support for RFK Jr being Nominated to head the HHS?
Please send our Senators Murray and Cantwell a love note talking about how great a job Bobby will do making long-needed changes throughout the department and sub-agencies (CDC, FDA, and more).
November 29 Episode of Informed Life Radio - - notes and links
Health hour: 2,500 Years of Acupuncture
Guest: Dr. Michael Gaeta discusses the long, rich history of acupuncture, how science has begun to reveal the mechanisms of action, and the many health issues for which acupuncture has proven successful.
Liberty hour: State Level MAHA
Hosts talk about expectations that industry will use coercion and deception to sell products and services, but we should not accept such behavior from our taxpayer-funded state agencies or their policies. Learn why Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) is needed at the state level and how local advocates are needed to make it happen.
Science, Public Health Policy and the Law | Peer-reviewed Journal
Healthy Immunity Now - Prevention, Treatments, & Natural Immunity
Make America Healthy Again | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. | Kennedy24
Calls Intensify for a Moratorium on COVID-19 Shots
Nicolas Hulscher of the McCullough Foundation reported that on November 25th an international coalition of politicians and prominent medical and other professionals called the NORTH group, addressed a letter to the heads of state of ten European nations—Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. The letter called for immediate suspension of all modified mRNA vaccines due to serious health concerns.
Excessive levels of residual DNA identified in Australian samples1 confirming data from France, Germany, Canada, and the USA 2-5 . The introduction of foreign DNA into cells via lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) may damage human DNA leading to genomic instability, cancer, and other extremely serious conditions.
This echoed the recent statement from Australian Federal MP Russell Broadbent, who called for the immediate removal of COVID-19 vaccines from the market due to significant synthetic DNA contamination.
The same article reminds us that Americans for Health Freedom lists 17,000 signatures of physicians and scientists and now a great number of elected officials who are calling for a moratorium on the COVID-19 shots:
As of 11/19/24, we have 228 elected officials, 5 Candidates, 1 surgeon general, 1 state republican party, 1 state congressional district, 17 Republican Party County committees and 7 physician organizations pledging to call for the COVID shots to be pulled off the market and not take donations from big pharma.
Below are the three who have signed on here in Washington:
Jeryl Reinbolt is a Precinct Committee Officer in Spokane County, representing precinct 6038.
Laura Pierce is a 6A District Leader for the Spokane County Republican Central Committee
Cynthia Stang is Precinct Committee Officer, representing #241 Hoodsport, for the Mason County Republican Party.
A short side-story: former political candidates are also listed on the Americans for Health Freedom site, and Jerrod Sessler popped up as a Republican candidate who ran for the United States House of Representatives in District 4 here in Washington. Jerrod Sessler for Congress
But Jerrod lost to Dan Newhouse in this 2024 election, 52.02 to 46.16 percent.
Newhouse also represents the Republican Party and carries a bit of stigma since he voted to impeach President Trump (45). A January 14, 2022, news release had Newhouse applauding the Supreme Court’s ruling that President Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate was unconstitutional, and for that, we thank him.
Back to our main story: Even as early as January of this year, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, Florida’s Surgeon General, was already “calling for a halt to the use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.”
As these calls for an immediate moratorium on COVID-19 shots intensify, Nicolas Hulscher reported on a new study in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons by Oldfield et al, titled: Pfizer/BioNTech’s COVID-19 modRNA Vaccines: Dangerous Genetic Mechanism of Action Released before Sufficient Preclinical Testing.
The conclusion section in the study bolstered the need for a moratorium on the COVID-19 shots:
For any other medicinal product, the regulatory submission would have been considered incomplete and most probably rejected. Therefore, a moratorium on the use of Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines and boosters should be enacted at minimum, but ideally, they should be removed from the market and their use in humans should be stopped. It should be the responsibility of the pharmaceutical industry, not independent scientists, to determine whether a medical intervention is safe. Based upon Pfizer/BioNTech’s data, safety of their COVID-19 modRNA vaccine has not been proven.
Notes: We were concerned upon reading “It should be the responsibility of the pharmaceutical industry…” It is widely believed by our readers that pharmaceutical manufacturers have too great an incentive to report biased or even fraudulent test results to the FDA as part of the approval process. We believe these study authors, one of whom is Dr. Peter McCullough, mean to say that the pharmaceutical companies should prove, beyond a doubt, the safety and efficacy of their products, and that independent scientists should not have to go hunting to find reporting biases or potential fraud.
Fall Season Marks Two More Deaths in Washington following COVID-19 Shots
Even with the low 14.8 percent uptake of the COVID-19 shots in Washington (2024-25 formulation), adverse events continue to be reported, including two new deaths. The youngest death of a Washington resident following the COVID-19 shot occurred this past October 13, 2024.
VAERS ID: 2798693
The age of death in the VAERS report is listed at 1.75 years-old, which is reflected in the top row in the following table for deaths at “1-2 years.”
The death of this child occurred one day after taking the first dose of the Moderna shot on October 12, 2024. The report was submitted the day after the death. The boy had no preexisting conditions or allergies and COVID was the only shot shown as administered. The record is fairly barren of supporting information, so we will check back in on this for any revisions.
The other death this fall in Washington also occurred one day after taking the Moderna shot. The death of this 66-year-old male occurred on September 6, 2024, and was entered into VAERS on September 16.
VAERS ID: 2790900. The number of COVID-19 shots taken before the deceased’s September 5th shot is unknown. The following submitted write-up to VAERS shows the timeline of events:
9/5/24 5:00 PM Covid 2023/24 (2nd dose for those $g65yrs), vaccine administered , no adverse side effects noted. 9/6/24 AM-C/O Tooth pain , 3:00 PM returned from Dentist, where 2 teeth were extracted, tolerated procedure w/out difficulty. 9:15 PM tachycardic and dyspneic, Oxygen sats 37% on 3L, Fentanyl patch removed, Narcan given. 10:08 PM Resident expired at ER.
The above table shows that 238 Washington deaths have now been reported to VAERS following the COVID-19 shots. It is true, as Dr. Scott Lindquist stated during an April 10, 2024 Board of Health (BOH) meeting in Spokane, that doctors are required by law to report any adverse event from a vaccine to VAERS. And always keeping in mind the 2011 Harvard Pilgrim Health Care study which estimated that perhaps only one percent of adverse events from vaccinations are reported to VAERS.
This is reflected in an August 2023 Steve Kirsch podcast in which Jay Bonnar told him of the sudden deaths of fifteen of his Seattle acquaintances following the COVID-19 jabs.
ICWA Weekly News 8-28-23 - by Informed Choice Washington
Of those fifteen deaths that Bonnar reviewed with Kirsch, only the death of Jessica Wilson Berg had been reported to VAERS.
Furthermore, one Washington death following the COVID-19 shot was recorded in VAERS for the state of New York. Victor Castillo Simoes a senior manager at Amazon, received his first Pfizer shot on April 20, 2021, at a Seattle Safeway.
He died May 5, 2021, from an acute aortic dissection — an uncommon medical emergency in which the inner layer of the large blood vessel branching off the heart’s aorta tears. The condition mostly affects men in their sixties and seventies. But because the health care providers in Washington did not report the death to VAERS, Victor’s mother, Henrietta Simoes, reported the death from her residence in New York, as reflected in the following VAERS report:
Henrietta, appearing at the 20:03 minute mark in the recent documentary VAXXED III, tells the story of her son’s death (slightly edited for clarity):
My son, Victor Simoes, was killed by the Pfizer vaccine. He only took one shot. He took it on April 20th, 2021, and, on the morning of the sixteenth day, he passed away suddenly. He had been feeling chest pains in the morning. Around one o'clock, he called 911. He had a lot of pain. He also had a racing heartbeat. The medics arrived. He went downstairs from his apartment, where he was living in Seattle, and he was sitting on the bench. He started taking his blood pressure. His girlfriend arrived. He says, “This is my girlfriend,” and he collapsed. He became unresponsive. The medics worked on him. They took him to the ER, and he passed away. So now we are a bereaved family. We are lost to a better son. Um, you know, we'll never be the same. Our lives are gray. They’ll never be bright again. I cry every day. My husband goes to the cemetery every day. These are, you know, people don't realize, you know, you lose a family member, I'll move on. You don't move on.
Washington ACLU Appears with a Fundraising Survey
Have you ever wondered what happened to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) when we needed them to defend our freedom of choice with the COVID-19 shots?
They finally popped up with a fundraising survey sent to Washington mailboxes.
Part One of the survey covered questions about defending freedom of choice for abortion. Part Three covered “Strategies for Defending Democracy and Advancing Equality.”
But nowhere is there a mention of defending freedom of choice for the COVID-19 shots, or any vaccine for that matter. This omission sticks out in the following series of questions in Part Two concerning issue priorities.
At least the survey included a fifth question where a survey taker can express any other concerns, like I did: “How come you so-called defenders of liberty never came to our defense when it came to being coerced into taking those experimental COVID-19 gene therapy shots and when are you going to do so? And when are you going to defend our free speech on all COVID-19 issues?
At the same time, it is not totally accurate to say that the ACLU stayed away from the COVID-19 subject, for on October 12, 2021, the Southern California chapter of the ACLU honored Dr. Anthony Fauci with a Bill of Rights Award:
LOS ANGELES — Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has been the towering voice of reason during the COVID-19 pandemic, will be honored at the annual Bill of Rights Awards of the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Southern California, along with universal health care advocate Ady Barkan, artist and Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors, author Cathy Park Hong, and the STARZ network for its #TakeTheLead initiative.
Towering? This adjective is more likely a reference to the many tall tales that he told and certainly not a reference to his stature, unless sarcasm was being used.
If the above isn’t weird enough, it gets even worse with the following personal write-up on Fauci for the award:
Anthony Fauci — Bill of Rights Award
Director: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and Chief Medical Advisor to the President
No one has done more to guide the nation through the terrors of the pandemic than Dr. Fauci. As a passionate leader in the fight against health misinformation — even in the face of threats and attempts to discredit him by politicians, conspiracy theorists, and charlatans alike — he has never wavered in his drive to impart honest information rooted in science. As he said of anti-science forces, “I represent something that is uncomfortable for them — the truth.” He is a national hero, but not for the first time. In the 1980s, he was an advocate for compassionate, science-based treatment of people with AIDS at a time when those patients were so often shunned.
We at ICWA invite the ACLU of Southern California, Washington, or anywhere else to point out our “health misinformation.”
This past Thanksgiving, Blaze Media shed some light on reasons why the ACLU could have abandoned defense of our liberties during the COVID-19 plandemic.
Nadine Strossen, former president of the ACLU, told James Poulos, “Younger cohorts within all of these institutions that had traditionally supported free speech, academia, journalism, publishing, ACLU librarianship, etcetera, every indication, including surveys, show that the younger you get, the less supportive people are of classical free-speech values.” Strossen then added, “You see that even in the legal profession, so at some point, that dwindling support for classical liberal free speech values may affect the judiciary as well.”
Memes for our themes
The Pfizer calendar is profound.