ICWA Weekly News 2-12-25
Rally in Olympia on February 15 to Support Parents Rights; Revealed: The Transgender Industry forces arrayed against parents; Chelan-Douglas County BOH hears full slate of passionate public comments.
In this issue: Rally in Olympia on February 15 - Support Parents Rights and more is revealed about The Transgender Industry; Chelan-Douglas County Board of Health hears full slate of great public comments.
February 7 Episode of Informed Life Radio – notes and links
Health hour: Optimal Immunity
Guest: Dr. Joyce Choe, author of The Autoimmune Plant Based Cookbook. How to achieve optimal immunity through diet, lifestyle choices, and safe and natural remedies. She is also concerned for the direction Washington State is moving in regards to public health policies.
Listen to Testimony on HB 1531 by Dr. Joyce during Health Committee on Jan. 31
Liberty hour: WA Bills Censor Sheriffs and Local Governments
Hosts discuss bills moving through Olympia: HB 1399, which is attempting to remove a Sheriff's right to interpret the state and federal Constitutions (what is known as being a "Constitutional Sheriff"), and HB 1531, which would censor local government bodies, forcing them to "implement and promote" what the state deems to be "evidence-based, appropriate measures to control the spread of communicable diseases", and nullifies any local statute, ordinance, rule, or policy that the state considers to be in violation.
Potential bill discussed at 1:44.35 mark to “Stop the weaponization of vaccination status in family courts.”
HB 1531 Preserving Public Health's Ability to Address Communicable Diseases
ICWA Laws Page for more info on how we track legislative action in Olympia
Parental Rights Rally this Saturday, February 15
A transgender industry drives the gutting of the Parent’s Bill of Rights
Last week, the Washington State Senate voted along party lines to pass Senate Bill 5181. This bill, which would gut the Parents Bill of Rights law, has been referred to the House Education committee but hasn’t been scheduled for a hearing yet. This is the same committee that on January 30 passed a very similar bill HB 1296 titled Promoting a safe and supportive public education system. Both of these bills would diminish parent’s rights to know what is going on with their school children.
To support parental rights and show opposition to HB 1296 and SB 5181, the Washington State GOP (WAGOP), Let’s Go Washington, and The Family Policy Institute of Washington are calling for a rally this Saturday, February 15 at noon on the north steps of the Olympia Capitol.
ICWA highly encourages you to attend, where our support on a chilly day will make a strong statement when we barrage the Democrat supports with photos, videos and messages to amend or stop their bills.
The Washington Parent’s Network latest post goes into some depth on the issues being debated as parent’s rights legislators try to amend the take-down bills. Including addressing Senator Pederson’s bragging that 13 year olds have better judgement than Parents and that the legislature had voted unanimously in the past to grant kids the right to consent to health treatments.
The Washington Parents Network brings up many reasons to oppose HB 1296 and SB 5181, starting with the rationale: “Anyone who has raised an actual teenager probably already knows this, but from a scientific child development point of view, the ages from thirteen to seventeen are the absolutely worst time to allow kids to make life altering decisions without the benefit of their parents.”
The Washington Parents Network website shows the senate majority leader’s explanation for support of this bill:
In explaining why parents should not be told when their child decides to take toxic Trans drugs that will permanently sterilize them and greatly increase their risk of cancer, Senator Jamie Pedersen stated:
"Kids over 13 have the right to make their own decisions about their mental health care. Parents don't have the right to have notice, they don't have the right to have consent about that" - Washington State Senate Majority Leader Jamie Pedersen (D) February 7, 2025
A central argument by the left against the Parent’s Bill of Rights, is that kids should be allowed to explore and express their gender identity - without letting their parents know. They claim to be supporting student’s rights, at the expense of parents who might not like what their kids are doing, or those parents who simply need to know in order to support or work with their kids through what used to be referred to as “puberty.”
The question is: are teens making an informed choice? Or are they, along with many adults, being exploited so that Big Pharma can make billions of dollars? One of the early steps of so-called gender-affirming care is puberty blocking drugs, which can be administered under the guise of mental or behavioral health services.
In his book Controligarchs published in 2023, Seamus Bruner explains the Rockefeller’s marketing of transgender drugs:
In 1941, an entomologist named Alfred Kinsey got his first grant from the National Research Council (NRC)—a predominantly Rockefeller-funded organization. Just a few years later, the NRC allotted $40,000 per year for Kinsey’s sex project. That funding—more than $600,000 annually, adjusted for inflation—came entirely from the Rockefeller Foundation.
Funding a Sexual Revolution: The Kinsey Reports - Resource
Between 1941 and 1954, Rockefeller-backed organizations promoted sex research, including the Kinsey Scale—which asserts that human sexuality is largely nonbinary—and the concept of gender fluidity. In the 1960s, the Rockefellers’ Population Council in partnership with Planned Parenthood proposed advancing alternative sexual preferences to “reduce fertility.” The resultant “transgenderism” has arguably become a social contagion. It has exploded into a $2.1 billion annual windfall for medical and pharmaceutical companies and is expected to more than double to $5 billion by 2030.
U.S. Sex Reassignment Surgery Market Size Report, 2030
The market analysis report that Bruner referred to begins with the following overview:
The U.S. sex reassignment surgery market size was estimated at USD 2.1 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.25% from 2023 to 2030. The rising prevalence of gender dysphoria and the increasing number of individuals in the U.S. opting for gender affirmation surgeries are expected to boost market growth over the forecast period. As per the study conducted by Cedars Sinai in June 2020, approximately 78% of transgender males in the U.S. reported signs of gender dysphoria by the age of 7 years. In addition, the mean age to experience gender dysphoria in transgender males was around 6.2 years, comparatively less than that in transgender females.
The market analysis also shows the “key companies” profiting from this transgender money-making scheme:
The market is fragmented, and the companies are offering advanced and innovative surgeries, including male and female breast reduction, neo-vaginoplasty, tracheal shave (chondrolaryngoplasty), and genital remodeling. The service providers focus on providing services to the LGBTQ+ community by investing in LGBTQ+ healthcare. For instance, in May 2023, Cedars Sinai established an LGBTQ+ Center that comprises a team of specialists in various fields, such as primary care, transgender surgery, reconstructive surgery, pediatrics, and anal cancer screening. This center aims to cater to the needs of patients in an inclusive and culturally sensitive environment. Some prominent players in the U.S. sex reassignment surgery market include:
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Moein Surgical Arts
Cleveland Clinic
Transgender Surgery Institute
Plastic Surgery Group of Rochester
Regents of the University of Michigan
CNY Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery
Boston Medical Center
The Johns Hopkins University
Kaiser Permanente
University of California, San Francisco Center of Excellence for Transgender Health
New York Presbyterian Hospital
Mayo Clinic (Transgender and Intersex Specialty Care Clinic)
In breaking news, the public is now finding out more about the huge scope of transgender projects being funded through the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and extensive testing that has apparently been going on for some time – notably encouraged under the previous presidential administration.
On February 6, The House Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Government Innovation held a hearing titled ““Transgender Lab Rats and Poisoned Puppies: Oversight of Taxpayer Funded Animal Cruelty.” It was highlighted that $241 million has been spent to test various animals with transgender treatments, with that estimate said to “be the floor” according to Justin Goodman of the White Coat Waste Project, testifying before the committee. [5:23 minutes video clip]
We look forward to the day when undergraduate students who take jobs in the labs funded by this $241 million don’t have to measure the change in size of mice genitals. (We’ll spare you the AI-generated image of 20-year old with a tiny ruler and a tiny rodent).
Chelan-Douglas BOH Hears Plenty from the Public about COVID-19 Shots
For nearly thirty minutes on January 27, the Chelan-Douglas Board of Health faced a deluge of public comments calling for an end to the promotion and administration of the COVID-19 shots.
The first public comment referred to the Notice of Liability served to the board on July 15, 2024 that we covered in this Weekly News.
The commentor pointed out, “This notice of liability and this document puts the board on notice for action due to the COVID-19 public health emergency declaration.” She then listed four demands:
Cease and desist from recommending the COVID-19 gene therapy products;
Provide a full disclosure statement regarding the potential benefits and risks in the COVID-19 shots handbook in compliance with the Nuremburg Code as a product of medical ethics;
Cease and desist from making recommendations against the use of ivermectin, for it is a safe and effective treatment against COVID-19. This decision should be between patient and doctor; and
In your conduct of duties within the Board of Health, refrain from making unscientific, unsupported, and false information to the people of Chelan and Douglas Counties. By marketing these lethal injections, you are subjecting yourselves to class action lawsuits.
The second public commentor referred to a January 2024 study in PubMed concerning exposure to the COVID-19 shots, titled COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Lessons Learned from the Registrational Trials and Global Vaccination Campaign.
The study abstract summarizes the findings:
Re-analysis of the Pfizer trial data identified statistically significant increases in serious adverse events (SAEs) in the vaccine group. Numerous SAEs were identified following the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), including death, cancer, cardiac events, and various autoimmune, hematological, reproductive, and neurological disorders. Furthermore, these products never underwent adequate safety and toxicological testing in accordance with previously established scientific standards. Among the other major topics addressed in this narrative review are the published analyses of serious harms to humans, quality control issues and process-related impurities, mechanisms underlying adverse events (AEs), the immunologic basis for vaccine inefficacy, and concerning mortality trends based on the registrational trial data. The risk-benefit imbalance substantiated by the evidence to date contraindicates further booster injections and suggests that, at a minimum, the mRNA injections should be removed from the childhood immunization program until proper safety and toxicological studies are conducted.
The commentor said, “Despite this and other studies, the Chelan-Douglas Board of Health continues to support the distribution of experimental shots." After mentioning the side effects listed on TV ads for drugs, the commenter said, “This board should also list the side effects for the COVID-19 shots.”
The third public commentor started out by stating, “In late 2021, the CDC recommended that children should get these shots as well even though they were not proven to be safe or effective.”
She then told the board that in December 2024, Edward Dowd, a world-renowned data expert, issued a red alert after uncovering evidence that reveals excess deaths are continuing to skyrocket in children who received Covid mRNA “vaccines.”
“The statistics used come from the United Kingdom, which has been more forthright with the data on excess deaths,” the commentor said. “There is evidence of other countries, including the United States, having similar data.” The commenter then covered the specifics from Dowd’s findings:
According to Dowd, excess deaths for children in this age group spiked by a staggering 22% in 2023 – the last full year of data.
Dowd notes that this trend didn’t start until “the magic juice started to be issued to children later in 2021.”
The data shows that deaths were actually lower than expected in 2020 but started surging in 2021.
According to Dowd’s findings, each year’s data shows:
2020: 9 percent fewer deaths than expected
2021: 7 percent fewer deaths than expected
2022: 16 percent MORE deaths than expected
2023: 22 percent MORE deaths than expected
The fourth public commentor was a registered pharmacist in Douglas County:
I previously provided plenty of information about the harms from the COVID-19 shots, but only one of you responded to my email, and I thank you Bill Sullivan for doing that. For three solid years, we the people have been inundated with information on the shots while we professionals on the frontlines of this epidemic have been warning you of their safety. I have seen the Board of Health respond to other comments, but we have been ignored when we express our concerns about the COVID shots. This board has a one-sided agenda. I personally worked on the frontlines, and it took over a year until I was fully convinced of the harms from these shots. For the Swine-flu shots, the warning came out eventually to stop giving those shots. This should have happened with the COVID shots. The records of these meetings will show that for every single month for the last three years, you have ignored the information that the COVID shots are not healthy and are harmful. You still have a chance to do the right thing: Stop recommending these shots like other states have done. This will save many lives.
Joan Steichen, who appeared on the August 9, 2024 episode of the Liberty Hour on Informed Life Radio, also commented on the notice of liability:
We’ve been trying to provide plenty of information to the public on the harms of the COVID-19 shots, but because of censorship it has been very hard to get the message out. We have asked the board to be aware of the dangers of the genetic manipulation injections that you are promoting and administering. We have asked you to look at research that we have been sharing, notably the actual documents from the Pfizer clinical trials, which the FDA tried to hide from us for seventy-five years, but the court wisely ordered to be shared. We asked you to offer true informed consent forms to citizens, warning them of the side effects. We have also asked you to shut down the COVID shots program. But, except for one board member, it all fell on deaf ears.
Last summer, we presented the board with the notice of liability. We warned you that you would be personally responsible for the deaths from these injections. We are here to warn you again that you are liable to a class action lawsuit similar to others. So, we ask you to reconsider your course of the administering and promoting these shots.
The sixth public commentor discussed the harms of other vaccines done to her children:
I am giving you a different viewpoint from someone who has had two vaccine injured children. My fifteen-year-old had seizures from a vaccine and has yet to recover. She currently has had high temperatures for over two years. My son took the RSV vaccine and then had bowels in his large intestine problems. I was not aware beforehand of this kind of side effect. He had to go to the hospital three times and eventually have surgery. From all this, I ask you above all not to have mandates on vaccines.
The seventh commenter was the first male to speak, and he talked in a matter-of-fact manner:
Among those injures, deaths, and all those things following the COVID shots, I don’t know what you people look at, where you get your information from, but it seems to be coming only from the medical experts of government. What you need to look at is what is going on all over this country. It’s just amazing to me that we are still here talking about this. It’s like major ignorance. You don’t want to look at the real things that are happening, and yet you keep pushing this bioweapon into people against their will. I think one of these days, this storm is going to come, and ignorance is not going to be the way to get out.
The eighth commentor was a male appearing on Zoom:
All of you, except for one, continuously violated our trust, and I don’t know how you’re focused on the mission of this organization if you continue to ignore all the COVID shot information that has been pushed on you for years. So, I’d say that the tone of all the comments today are pretty consistent.
Lisa Templeton from ICWA appeared on Zoom to make the last public comment, starting with the following:
Besides the many grave concerns that you have just heard again, this comment could give you a chance to act by giving you a brief summary of four studies that demonstrate the negative efficacy of mRNA COVID shots and ask you to discontinue the department’s recommendation of these products as they are counterproductive to your mission to protect and improve health. Negative efficacy means that the vaccines actually increase the risk of getting the disease or experiencing a more severe form of it rather than preventing it. This could be due to an immune response causing a skewing of resistance.
Lisa then listed the four studies:
A study during an Omicron wave in Ireland indicated that the odds of a COVID infection was 42 percent higher for those who took two or more vaccine doses compared to those who took one dose or none.
The study of over two million people showed a negative efficacy of up to 20 percent after two doses.
The study of 51,000 Cleveland Clinic employees shows a steady rise of COVID positive test results as the number of vaccine doses increased from zero to more than three. Review of the Cleveland Clinic Study: "Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Bivalent Vaccine"
The study from the CDC found children given a Pfizer shot (the thought of that just makes me cringe) without prior infection were 159 percent more likely to get infected and 257 percent more likely to develop symptomatic COVID-19 compared to unvaccinated children without prior infection.
Lisa concluded her public comment with:
Besides the injuries that these shots cause, known and unknown in the long term, that have been brought to your attention, discontinuation of the promotion of these products would benefit the community by avoiding negative efficacy. Please honor this request to stop the promotion and administration of these products.
The next Chelan-Douglas Board of Health meeting is scheduled for February 24 at 3 p.m.
Thank you to all who commented at the Chelan-Douglas Board of Health meeting!