ICWA Weekly News 3-5-25
Big Pharma directly pays physicians(?); Guillain-Barre Syndrome warning for two RSV vaccines; Will the Pfizer CEO be liable for auto accidents? Long-COVID, PVS, or is it Brain Fog?
In this issue: Washington Board of Health to Hold First Meeting Since Kennedy’s Confirmation; Big Pharma Direct Payments to Washington Physicians; FDA Issues GBS Warning for RSV Vaccines; Will Pfizer CEO Bourla Face Any Washington Auto Accident Lawsuits? and Brain Fog following COVID-19 Shots in Washington.
February 28 Episode of Informed Life Radio – notes and links
Health Hour: Circadian Fitness
Guests: The "Power Couple" Roman Shapoval and Bohdanna Diduch review the elements of resetting your circadian rhythms -- your natural 24-hour biological clock that regulates sleep, energy, hormone levels, and metabolism.
Roman Shapoval on Substack, and specifically about this episode.
Liberty hour: Bill Review
Hosts help you stay in the know about bills in play, including one at the state level regarding the public restriction of mRNA shots. If you oppose or support any of these measures, get educated, and be sure to make your voice heard. BONUS: Guano Report
Idaho SB 1036 - moratorium on certain uses of human gene therapy products
Franklin County Resolution passed on February 19, 2025
Short video on YouTube
HB 1531 “Communicable disease” or "Preserving the ability of public health officials to address communicable disease..." Status: in House Rules; not yet available to the floor. Chamber of Origin Cutoff is March 12. See why this bill must die.
Preventing/delaying parental notification bills:
SB 5181 status: Passed out of Senate; awaiting scheduling in House Education Committee.
HB 1296 status: House Rules; not yet available to the floor.
Both bills continue to prevent/interfere with disclosure of health information to parents by schools.
OSPI Bulletin dated February 12, advising schools how to deal with those pesky parents who might want to know about their kids.
HB 1399 “Modernizing, harmonizing, and clarifying laws concerning sheriffs, chiefs, marshals, and police matrons.” (That doesn’t sound suspicious at all!)
Would give legislature or governor-appointed committee the ability to remove a sheriff.
The State Sheriff's Association is opposed to this bill.
Requires the upholding the Washington Constitution as interpreted by Washington courts, with no mention in duties to uphold the US Constitution.
Ethics of Mandating EUA Vaccines - our Chief Science and Public Policy Advisor's conversation with Grok (v3) (because her peers are not as fun to talk to ;-))
Page 1: "Critics of revision argue emergencies need speed, but if CDC lied about vaccine necessity and buried treatments, that speed served Pharma."
Page 2: Mandates were unethical when considering natural immunity, iodine and other alternatives. Utilitarianism is not served in presence of lies.
Guano Report
KFF Health News, an NPR partner: ‘We’ve tried everything. So we really need vaccines!”
“Bird flu vaccines don’t work” - stated as fact on Michigan NPR - at 7:56
KFF Health News, February 10 – House Cats Pose Risks to Public Health
Zoetis gets conditional approval for bird flu vax for poultry
Did you take us up on the offer of a complimentary Bill Track 50 account to track ICWA bills?
Send an email to contact@informedchoicewa.org to request an account, which you can use to receive a daily email of upcoming bill action.
Washington Board of Health to Hold First Meeting Since Kennedy’s Confirmation
The Washington State Board of Health (BOH) will hold its first meeting since Robert Kennedy Jr.’s confirmation as Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). The meeting will be next Wednesday, March 12, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:55 p.m.
March 12, 2025, Board Meeting Draft Agenda
The Tumwater meeting will be held at:
Washington State Department of Health, 111 Israel Road S.E. Building: Town Center Two, (TC2, Rooms 166 and 167)
Since both Washington U.S. Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell voted against his confirmation, Kennedy naturally did not invite them to his swearing-in ceremony. But he did invite Wisconsin U.S. Senator Ron Johnson as a tribute to his roundtable discussions on the COVID-19 shots, which representatives from the FDA and CDC refused to attend, and for his advocacy for those injured by COVID-19 shots, a topic that Murray and Cantwell can hardly acknowledge, if at all.

On Monday, Senator Johnson wrote to his constituents about the ceremony and MAHA:
I had the honor of attending the swearing-in ceremony for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. after being confirmed Secretary of Health and Human Services.
The ceremony was held in the Oval Office, a unique honor.
I'm looking forward to working with Secretary Kennedy in his commitment to radical transparency and conquering chronic illness. I believe this is a watershed moment for America.
The Make American Healthy Again movement held a press conference after RFK Jr's swearing-in. Watch my remarks here, but the entire MAHA press conference with Del Bigtree is well worth watching. Truth is about to be revealed.
But even beyond the wall that Murray and Cantwell have put up in Washington, D.C., this revealing of truth is expected to get plenty of resistance inside our Washington State borders.
On Monday, Attorney General Nick Brown expressed his defiance:
Washington is at the forefront of a multistate effort to sue the Trump administration, including the Department of Health and Human Services and the National Institutes of Health, for improperly slashing funds vital to cutting-edge medical and public health research.
Brown may very well be concerned about the Department of Health (DOH) losing its $11,357,284 grant from the CDC to support the National Emerging Infections Program. He could also be concerned about losing the twenty-three grants from the NIH, one as high as $46,715,173, being funneled to the University of Washington for vaccine development research.
As for the Washington Board of Health, they are already getting signs of resistance to the new HHS secretary from the county boards of health.
Near the end of the February 20 King County Board of Health meeting, Board Chair Teresa Mosqueda said:
In the context of a public crisis, as noted in the public comments, we have vaccines, programs, and core public health services that are potentially going to be on the chopping block from the federal administration. We need to retain our public health clinics and personnel to respond to that.
On that same day, on the Olympic Peninsula, the Jefferson County Board of Health meeting had County Commissioner Greg Brotherton broach the idea of the county joining forces with the World Health Organization. Later on, Public Health Officer Allison Berry chimed in that the CDC is now being modified so that it is less trustworthy. “On the West Coast, we can be sure of accurate information,” Berry said. “We should ignore information at the top. We are coordinating with Oregon and California.” County Commissioner Heather Dudley-Nollette expressed hope by way of trusted people keeping the information coming. “King, Pierce, and Snohomish Counties are protecting that,” she said.
For those wishing to express their support for Kennedy and MAHA at the state BOH meeting, they can do so during the twenty-minute public comment period starting at 9:50 a.m. In-person commenters should sign up by sending an email by noon on Tuesday, March 11, to wsboh@sboh.wa.gov. To attend virtually or to make a public comment remotely, one must register for the meeting. If you are attending the meeting in person and did not sign up in advance, you may write your name on the sign-in sheet to provide comments if time allows.
For written comments to have the most effect, it is best to have them included in the corresponding meeting materials package by sending them before noon on Friday, March 7, to wsboh@sboh.wa.gov.
The much-anticipated agenda item on drinking water fluoridation is not specifically on the agenda, even though the Science Review team has been meeting. The 3 PM agenda item #10 might discuss it, but 246-390 WAC seems to be only about drinking water test lab certification. At the last board meeting, Lauren Jenks laid out a timeline in which “March of 2025 is for the governmental health system to listen to one another and to be able to describe what the science says.”
She then added, “We then plan to bring that back to the board. This way, we’ll have a better idea of what a science-based policy would look like.”
Dr. Bill Osmunson has been lobbying the BOH for fourteen years to remove the fluoride from public water supplies. Since the last board meeting, his efforts have intensified by directly corresponding with the Department of Health. The following excerpt is from a letter he wrote to them on February 20, summarizing his frustrations with this timeline:
An economic evaluation before the science is considered makes no sense and is not really in keeping with the charge to the panel. An economic analysis before understanding and determining benefits and risks is the cart before the horse. Dental fluorosis costs, lower wages with lower IQ, greater rate of incarceration, greater rate of divorce, increased dropouts from school are just a few risks of lower IQ. So many risks we have not touched on in the short six hours covered so far.
Four hours were given to one risk measured with one measurement, and the science presented of risk to just the brain is incomplete. Backwards logic comes from the fluoridation lobby to confuse and delay. It looks like they are pressuring you.
If the evidence does show risks, then the costs of treating those risks need to be determined first, before an economic analysis.
And certainly, determining the degree of benefit, if any, is essential to be reviewed and presented by both sides of the controversy before a cost estimate can be determined. It sounds like throwing a wedding party and determining the costs when we don't know how many guests will be invited or what will be served or where it will be held.
We look forward to the time when Dr. Osmunson will be allowed to present to the fluoride policy review committee.
Meanwhile, news coming out of Utah says it will be the first state to stop community water fluoridation. House Bill 81 has passed through both chambers and is likely to be signed by the governor soon.
Big Pharma Direct Payments to Washington Physicians
On February 27, The Defender republished an article by U.S Right to Know about U.S. medical specialists, from neurosurgeons to anesthesiologists and oncologists, receiving billions of dollars’ worth of individual payments not related to research from pharmaceutical and medical device industries.
The article emphasizes the obvious conflicts of interest: “Evidence shows these types of non-research, direct-to-pocket relationships impact medical decision-making in ways that benefit drug and device companies.”
The article points to the Open Payments website, which shows that Washington ranks twentieth in the United States for total number of payments per year up through 2023. The total payments in 2023 from Big Pharma to medical specialists in Washington State alone is $40,743,524.19.
Washington moves up to thirteenth in the rankings when it comes to “mean” payment amount by physician, which is $3,736.21. This is above the national mean of $3,617.46 paid to each physician in the United States.
FDA Issues GBS Warning for RSV Vaccines
On February 25, Dr. Peter McCullough reported on Focal Points that the FDA is warning physicians and consumers about Guillain-Barre syndrome, a form of severe and potentially life threatening paralysis occurring within forty-two days of receiving an RSV shot.
Dr. McCullough wrote, “This should trigger the ACIP committee to reconsider their broad recommendation for adults before more cases of paralysis, disability, and death occur from the unnecessary adult RSV vaccines.”
The two RSV vaccines mentioned are Pfizer’s Abrysvo and the GSK’s Arexvy. The Med Alerts website does not show an entry for the Pfizer Abrysvo, but it does show ninety-three cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome following the GSK Arexvy jabs.
Only one GBS case occurred in Washington following the GSK Arexvy shot. The 65-year-old female’s onset began twelve days after taking the vaccine on November 27, 2023.
VAERS ID: 2783989
Submitted write-up: 11/27/23 Severe back pain;(11/29/23 X-rays thoracic spine and abdomen);12/2/23 abnormal smile on one side of mouth, unsteady walking, numbness in feet and hands (CTA scan head and neck no stroke & blood vessels normal);12/3/23 eyelid drooping both sides, bilateral eyelids unable to fully close, flattening of L naso labial fold, ataxia, numbness in feet and hands, back pain, slurred speech, facial muscle weakness (MRI brain and neck age related small vessel changes, C3-C7 arthritis, bloodwork CBC high WBC count, CMP low sodium, slightly low chloride, SIADH);12/4/23 Lumbar Puncture (elevated protein, elevated glucose, no infection. GBS diagnosis given. Bloodwork magnesium normal, thyroid slightly high,urine test normal, MRI thoracic spine normal) 12/3 -12/9/23 Hospitalization (IVIg''s 12,4,12/5,12/6,12/7); 12/27/23 bloodwork multiple tests'' 1/8/24 EMG testing (abnormal results consistent with GBS;1/10/24 MRI brain and spine thoracic; 1/11/24 to present IVIg''s ongoing; 3/4/24 EMG testing (abnormal results).
Will Pfizer CEO Face Any Washington Auto Accident Lawsuits?
Remember that January 11, 2022 congressional hearing when CDC Director Rochelle Walensky told Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville that adverse events, including deaths, from the COVID-19 shot could actually have been just road traffic accidents?
To refresh your memory:
Thank you for that question. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reports System is a mandatory system of any adverse event that happens after being vaccinated, so if you get hit by a car tragically after getting vaccinated that gets reported in the vaccine adverse events reporting system, their system, so the vaccines are incredibly safe, they protect us against Omicron, they protect us against uh Delta they protect us against COVID. They don’t protect us against every other form of mortality out there. - Rochelle Walensky
Well, on the same day that the Franklin County Commissioners passed a resolution warning against mRNA gene therapy shots, The Defender published an article in which Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla offered his own variation on auto accidents following the COVID-19 jabs:
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla defended the law protecting vaccine makers from liability for vaccine injury, telling CNBC in an interview Tuesday that in a system where “litigations flourish, anyone can create a demand that the accident in a car happened because of a vaccine.”
The chances a jury would buy that story is a mere “flip of a coin,” Bourla told CNBC when asked why vaccine makers need a liability shield if their products are “safe and effective.”
But had Bourla taken the time to study the VAERS reports on auto accidents following the COVID-19 shots, he would have learned that any plaintiffs filing such cases would hold plenty of compelling evidence for him to be concerned about. Let us remember that these reports are filed because the shot was plausibly related to the event(auto accident), and the large majority of reports filed are evaluations by a health care provider.
VAERS currently shows 482 auto accidents in the United States following the COVID-19 shots.
Thirty-nine of those accidents resulted in death.
Washington has eight VAERS reports of road traffic accidents following the COVID-19 shots, with some write-ups that Bourla should take note of.
VAERS ID: 1017743
69-year-old male had a cardiac arrest. He had just received his first Moderna shot and was pulling into an observation area when he lost control of his truck. He lost consciousness and crashed into a light pole. This occurred in front of the standby medic and other fire department staff, and the patient was determined to be in cardiac arrest.
VAERS ID: 1208416
Submitted write-up for this 33-year-old male: I received my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine at 11am at the Safeway pharmacy. I had consumed several glasses of water in the morning before the event, a cup of yerba mate tea, and a piece of toast. I smoke and had smoked one cigarette in the morning before my appointment. Just after receiving the vaccine I ate a few pieces of jerky and maybe 15 Jojo potatoes from the Safeway deli. I was advised to wait 15 minutes before leaving. I set an alarm. I bought some food to eat (jojo potatoes and jerky) and waited to leave the site until 11:22am. I felt strange/weird, but this isn’t an unusual feeling after receiving any kind of shot/vaccine for me. I was driving to work, and I started to feel just a little bit strange after smoking another cigarette. I got a little nauseous but nothing too bad. Thirty seconds later, I started to get dizzy; my ears rang, I felt my blood pressure drop, and I passed out on the interstate going freeway speeds. I woke up around a minute and half later according to my brother who was on the phone. I was treated for injuries at emergency room.
VAERS ID: 1490529
Submitted write-up for this 25-year-old female: A week after the first vaccine had a seizure with no history of them. Got the second dose and a week later had another seizure while driving and crashed my car into a ditch.
VAERS ID: 1670939
Submitted write-up for this 57-year-old female: Security notified us that a person had crashed her car into a building as she was leaving the campus. It was discovered she was a person who had received a vaccine here at the clinic. Emergency number was called by someone and paramedics showed up to the scene and patient was taken to the hospital.
VAERS ID: 2649734
Submitted write-up for this 39-year-old female: I had the 1st dose of the Pfizer Covid vaccine on 4/21/21. I had my 2nd dose on 5/12/21. On 6/5/21 I had the first seizure of my life. I am 39 years old. I did not have any noticeable side effects up to this date. I had felt normal all day. I was driving home at night and remember driving down my long driveway. I have no recollection of actually driving my truck into the back of my husband’s car and pushing it through the garage door and halfway into the garage. His car was totaled and my truck and my house (garage door and brick work surrounding the garage) were severely damaged. There is a video of this event on our security system camera. My husband says he came outside to see what happened. He said he opened the truck door. My eyes were glazed over and I was unresponsive. I was still pushing on the gas pedal. He put the truck in park. He helped me out of the truck. There is video of him walking me to the front door. The next thing I remember is being in the house, going to the bathroom and seeing my dogs. After using the bathroom, I went out of the front door. I saw the truck license plate laying on the grass and thought that was odd. Then I saw the damaged truck. I looked toward the garage and saw what I thought at the time was a boat. It was really my garage door caved in. I did not go the hospital at that time since I was not injured from the crash. I did not have a migraine or any migraine warning sides all day or any days previously. My head felt normal. I saw my regular doctor on 6/8/21. He was concerned and suggested a MRI. I had my MRI on 6/14/21 and it showed a normal healthy brain. I was referred to a neurologist who I saw on 8/13/21. He thought what I described to him was a seizure and recommended an EEG. I had this EEG on 8/16/21. It showed abnormal brain activity and he said I had partial epilepsy. By 8/20 I was placed on anti-seizure medicine. I have not had any seizures since 6/5. My life has been challenging since I am now unable to drive for six months since the seizure occurred. I have not been against the COVID-19 vaccine and willingly accepted it in April. I do not speak negatively about the vaccine to others. It is interesting though that I have talked to other adults who had the first seizures of their lives after taking this vaccine. In my case I was lucky that this event happened in my yard and I did not harm anyone else and only damaged my own property. They claim I now have partial epilepsy (i.e. only one seizure).
VAERS ID: 2448058
Submitted write-up for this 24-year-old female: Passed out 10 minutes after vaccination. I was driving, resulted in a car accident. The pharmacy did not have me wait after vaccination.
Brain Fog Following COVID-19 Shots in Washington
The Defender reported on a Yale University study that Dr. Ryan Cole had mentioned during the February 21 episode of Informed Life Radio.
Yale University researchers found that people thought to be experiencing long COVID may be suffering from post-vaccination syndrome. Researchers detected the spike protein in the blood of vaccinated study participants from between 26 days up to, in one case, 709 days after vaccination.
Just like we often do in the Weekly News, we show you the receipts. The main data source the public has access to for vaccine injury surveillance is VAERS, which shows 657 cases of Post-Vaccination Syndrome (PVS) in the United States. Fortunately, no such cases have been reported here in Washington.
But the headline of the article mentioned “brain fog,” and the article stated brain fog as a symptom of PVS:
PVS symptoms, similar to those of long COVID, commonly include brain fog, dizziness and tinnitus.
(Editor’s note: can you imagine telling the school nurse or your boss that you need to go home because of brain fog? Whacko…)
And of the 1,286 cases of brain fog reported to VAERS following the COVID-19 jabs, nineteen came from Washington.
Here are examples of the Washington write-ups in VAERS for brain fog following the COVID-19 shots:
40-year-old female: I had vaccination 02/2022. In 03/2022 I started to have a fever aches and fatigue and I tested COVID-19 positive. I still have brain fog but I am uncertain if it is from COVID-19. I had really bad chest pain after having COVID-19. I was informed that it could be inflammation around the heart. I took anti inflammation medication and it helped the symptoms.
73-year-old female: I had my vaccination on 09/20/2022. On 01/31/2023 I started to have a sore throat. I tested COVID-19 Positive on 02/01/2023. I contacted my physician and was prescribed Paxlovid on 02/02/2023. I stopped taking it after 3 days. I had horrible mucous and unable to leave my bed. It felt like I had the flu and cold with all the symptoms. I had brain fog and fatigue. These symptoms lasted for a full 2 weeks. It took till 03/2023 till I started to feel better but I have not been able to exercise at full capacity since diagnosis. I have had cardiac issues since as my symptoms for edema of the ankles presented 02/28/2023. I do have follow up appointment upcoming with primary care physician for a referral to cardiology.
71-year-old female: I had a headache and muscle pain. I hurt all over into my head and neck. I started coughing, stuffy nose, sore throat. As it progressed, I got a brain fog and kind of half here. I lost my taste for a few days which may have been from the cough drops. I had a lot of fatigued and tired with wobbly knees. I had to lay down a take a nap.
56-year-old male: Was feeling in full health prior to this vaccine so went in with my wife/ partner to get our 4th boosters. Within 2 hours of receiving the vaccine, my left arm was noticeably sore. Woke up with fever about 2 a.m. the next morning. The fever persisted and was low grade but was intermittent for several days. Did my best to stay hydrated. Deep exhaustion and fatigue. Slept a lot. Up to 18 - 20 hours per day. Loss of smell for 3 - 4 days + (couldn’t smell bacon cooking or coffee brewing. No specific treatment applied. Intermittent, brief sharp headaches. Brain fog Anxiety Tested negative on April 29, 2023 at approximately 10 am Ongoing symptoms in recovery - fatigue, brain fog, anxiety.
46-year-old female: Red, hot swollen hands, knees and feet in all weather Finger joint stiffness/synovitis White and blue blanching numb/painful fingers in cold weather Feeling like I''m on fire on the inside Debilitating fatigue Extreme brain fog All over pain/deep muscle aches Feeling feverish.
50-year-old male: Minor pain at injection site. Malaise during day 9/13, but then had the worst night of my life and feared I was actually going to die. Temperature kept spiking up to 104-105, chills to the point of continual physical shaking/ shuddering, heart racing with fitbit showing 150, could not sleep, extreme weakness, mental fog and couldn''t think. Switched to low grade fever and fatigue by about 5 in morning.
71-year-old female: Nausea (1 day), abdominal pain (2/28/21 - 3/3/21 and frequent flare-ups afterward) severe chronic fatigue and exercise intolerance (started 2/28/21 and is continuing) persistent cough, tinnitus, heat intolerance vertigo (started 2/27/21 and is on-going) Brain fog on-going.
37-year-old male on the same day of the Moderna shot: Chills, headaches, brain fog for 48 to 72hrs. Fully bed bound for 24hrs.
35-year-old male one day after the Moderna shot: On Saturday, October 5, 2024, patient developed fever, chills, and diarrhea. On Sunday, patient developed aches, fatigue, and brain fog. On Monday, fatigue ended but continued with aches and developed congestion and cough. The cough has persisted until 10/10/24.
21-year-old female: 1 week after first dose in 2021: Tachycardia, heart palpitations, chest pain, fatigue, brain fog, concentration issues, anxiety, and severe dizziness. 1 week after 2nd dose in 2021: Dry eyes and mouth, burning abdominal pain, itchy skin throughout body, increased urination/urgency, diarrhea/constipation, food intolerances, and histamine intolerance. I was diagnosed with dysautonomia in 2024 and am working on treating my symptoms with supplements and lifestyle changes. My symptoms have not improved much, and they make it hard for me to function on a daily basis. I have not been able to work after graduating college.
38-year-old female: Chest pain about thirty-six hours after injection; nausea, headache, brain fog, fatigue 48 hours after injection for one day; chest tightness started 36 hours after injection and is still continuing as of four days post injection.
We hope that all these injured people can recover.
After so many VAERS reports, we definitely need some memes of good humor.
This is such a fantastic newsletter! Thank you ICWA. And thank you for fighting in a state where all the odds stack up against you. You and your brave cohorts in Franklin County continue to show courage and scientific integrity when others do not. Great job, all!
Someday, you will be properly hailed for your efforts. You are making a difference, moving the “needle” of knowledge closer to the truth day after day.
Bohdanna and I had a blast chatting! Thank you for sharing our links!