ICWA Weekly News 5-21-24
NIH emails reveal they knew of anaphylaxis and heart rate issues - mostly for women; The DoH promotes its One Health program - how it's tied to Globalist ambitions; And the WHO gets wise (if only).
In this issue:
Upcoming Events by Healing for the A.G.E.S.:
Thursday May 23, 5-7 PM Pacific, Free Masterclass: EMFs – There’s Nothing to Worry About, Right?
Saturday May 25, 9 AM-6 PM, EMFs & Earthing Virtual Solution Summit.
Women have disproportionate anaphylaxis and speeding heart rate reactions to COVID shots
The Hypocrisy of One Health
Broken News (our attempt at satire): The WHO Finally Hears Us
May 17, 2024 Episode of Informed Life Radio – notes and links
Health Hour: The Art and Science of Earthing
Guest: Dr. Henele Ealy (Dr. H), ND, explains how the various methods of grounding, also known as “earthing”, can greatly reduce the impact EMFs (electromagnetic fields) have in our everyday lives. (CHD.TV Recording also has Liberty Hour interview of Katie Thompson)
Liberty Hour: Struck Twice by Pharma
Guest: Katie Thompson courageously shares how she was severely injured by Merck’s Gardasil and subsequently prescribed an antidepressant with frightening withdrawal side effects.
Merck Sued Again for Gardasil Vaccine Adverse Events – The Vaccine Reaction
Pristiq (desvenlafaxine) Label (fda.gov)
Events this week by Healing for the A.G.E.S.
Drs. Ardis, Group, Ealy & Schmidt have teamed up to help all create LIFE-HEALING experiences using medicine God intended for us all! This week, there are two events that will give you good reason to get to know them and learn from them.
Thursday May 23, 5-7 PM Pacific, Free Masterclass: EMFs – There’s Nothing to Worry About, Right?
In this lead-up to the A.G.E.S. 2024 EMFs & Earthing Virtual Solution Summit, Drs. Ardis, Group, Ealy & Schmidt discuss the problems and share their latest research into the invisible killer that electromagnetic fields (EMFs) can be. From cancer to anxiety and depression, from adrenal exhaustion to blood disorders, EMFs are a major part of the problem. Because they are invisible, they often get ignored or outright dismissed as a potential cause thanks in large part to uneducated allopathic doctors and the mainstream media.This event will be live-streamed and available to the public worldwide for FREE on HealingfortheAGES.com; email registration is required.
Saturday May 25, 9 AM-6 PM, EMFs & Earthing Virtual Solution Summit.
Only $79 for an all day seminar. Save $10 with discount code ‘ICWA’
Drs. Ardis, Ealy, Group, and Schmidt will share their latest research, offer simple solutions to help you live in confidence, and once again feel in control of your health in our age of manmade EMFs.
Women Constitute Vast Majority of Anaphylactic Reaction and Tachycardia Cases following COVID-19 Shots in Washington
[Keep in mind with all the VAERS reports below that the government only gives access to initial reports filed. Follow-up reports—which may show a worsening or broadening of symptoms, or death—are not made available.]
The May 16, 2024 issue of The Defender ran a story on a 300-page batch of documents released to Children’s Health Defense (CHD) on April 21, which contained emails between the NIH and people reporting COVID-19 shot injuries. CHD requested the documents via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request in November 2022.
The first specified adverse event in the article was of anaphylactic reactions. This subject began as follows:
In a Jan. 22, 2021, email (pages 162-163), a vaccine-injured person contacted Dr. Alkis Togias, branch chief of Allergy, Asthma, and Airway Biology at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, after having “ended up in the ER” following an anaphylactic reaction after the first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.
“I had never had severe reactions to anything, until the last year, when I have had three,” the individual wrote, asking Togias if it was safe to receive the second dose.
For another case further on in the story, Togias suggested reporting an anaphylactic reaction to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS):
In another instance, someone contacted Togias on Feb. 24, 2021 (pages 289-290), informing him of “a pretty scary reaction” to the first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine “within one hour of getting it.”
“This was a frightening occurrence, and I suspect it was a mild anaphylactic shock,” the individual wrote, noting that they had “never felt anything like this.” The person asked for “any advice on whether I should get the second shot in a month.”
In his Feb. 24, 2021, reply, Togias said it was hard to say “whether it was an allergic reaction or not” but noted that “Both the Moderna and the Pfizer vaccines have induced allergic reactions” and suggested it might not be a good idea to get a second dose.
“The most important decision is, of course, whether you should receive your second dose or not,” Togias wrote, recommending the patient consult with an allergist and report their reaction to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
VAERS currently shows 9,165 reports of anaphylactic reactions in the United States and its territories. Anaphylaxis is defined as a “severe and life-threatening allergic reaction.”
Here in Washington, fifty-nine cases of anaphylactic reaction have been reported to VAERS:
Females constituted forty-nine of those cases. The youngest was of a nine-month-old female.
VAERS ID: 2359583. She had eczema. The submitted write-up says that she had two adverse reactions:
at time of shot there was a needle retraction malfunction, so when doser began giving the dose, some squirted out. Baby subsequently had to be redosed with a second shot so may have received a higher than standard dose.
patient had angioedema/anaphylaxis at 545 pm while eating dinner. Had to go to the Emergency room and get epinephrine/steroids/famotidine/Zyrtec. No history of previous food allergies. Possible this was related to food as it was during dinner but was the same day as the vaccine.
The second youngest was of a 12-year-old female with no pre-existing conditions.
VAERS ID: 1394280. The write-up said, “Anaphylaxis, trouble breathing, throat swelling.”
The Defender article then revealed the NIH’s mixed signals of “underreporting” and then “over reporting.”
NIH officials gave mixed messages about VAERS in other emails. Notably, in a March 24, 2021, email (page 175), Togias said “VAERS is based on self-reporting and it misses a tremendous amount of information that would have been so helpful to everybody.”
But, in a June 13, 2021, email (page 257), Nath wrote, in response to whether 110 VAERS reports of transverse myelitis after COVID-19 vaccination constitute a safety signal, that “the reliability of the VAERS database is poor since anyone can enter the information and there may even be duplication of entries.”
Transverse myelitis, or inflammation of the spinal cord, is not listed on the Med Alerts website, which is posted by the National Vaccine Information Center. Guillain-Barre’ is often grouped with transverse myelitis, as OpenVAERS does, with 5,282 reports.
The Defender article then covered the reporting of tachycardia, or fast heart rate:
In a Dec. 25, 2020, email (page 167), a person injured after getting the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine said that, within 30 minutes, they felt “burning and tingling of my face, tightness at the base of my tongue, shortness of breath, heart racing, chest tightness and had a near syncopal event.” Symptoms, including facial swelling and hives, recurred the next day.
“I believe I am having a significant allergic reaction to the vaccine,” the person wrote, adding that they were “very nervous about receiving the second dose of the vaccine.”
In his Dec. 27, 2020, reply (page 166), Togias said he “can understand [the person’s] hesitancy for receiving the second dose” and that he was aware of such reactions to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.
The individual sent follow-up emails on Dec. 29, 2020, and Jan. 2, 2021 (page 165), reporting they were still ill, “really afraid” and “frightened,” reporting “tachycardia … chest tightness, anorexia,” and an opinion from a rheumatologist and immunologist, who believed they were experiencing “some time [sic] of immunological/neurological reaction.”
In a Jan. 3, 2021, reply, Togias suggested the patient file a VAERS report, but in replies on Jan. 3, the injured individual wrote that they filed reports “to VAERS, v safe [sic], Pfizer multiple times but have had no response from anyone.”
With no response from Togias, the individual sent a Feb. 10, 2021 (page 164), email, saying they were “very desperate,” “still very ill with neurological symptoms” and “completely incapacitated … with severe paresthesias in my face, tongue, chest wall, limbs,” asking Togias for “anyone … who might be able to help me in some way recover.”
In Togias’ Feb. 11, 2021, reply (page 164), he said that similar injuries “have been reported by other people; so the various agencies and the companies know about them” but that he was “not aware whether any research is being conducted to understand their nature.” No other responses appear in the documents that have been released.
The “similar injuries” that Togias was referring to now adds up to 23,735 VAERS reports of tachycardia in the United States.
Here in Washington, 188 of those cases of tachycardia have been reported.
As with the anaphylactic reaction, females make up the vast majority of tachycardia reactions with 144 of the 188 cases. But females constitute only two of the eight cases for the six through seventeen age range. One of those involved the death of a seventeen-year-old female.
VAERS ID: 1828901.
Write-up: Patient reported symptomatic (non-severe) case of COVID-19 August 2021 and recovered fully. She reported receiving Pfizer COVID vaccine 9/3/21 and second dose 9/15/21. She present to the emergency department of my hospital 10/23/21 with chest pain and dyspnea for 48h. Was feeling completely well prior to onset of chest discomfort. Symptoms were mild. No sick contacts or family members. ED evaluation remarkable for normal exam, no hypoxia, normal blood pressure. EKG with diffuse ST elevation. Troponin elevated at 20. CTA chest negative for PE or pneumonia. SARS-CoV-PCR positive but thought to be persistent positive rather than reinfection because of lack of clinical symptoms, recent COVID-19 and recent vaccination. Cardiologist consulted, thought acute coronary syndrome unlikely based on age and lack of risk factors. STAT Echo resulted depressed EF 40-45%. Simultaneously she had become increasingly tachycardic and EKG appeared more ischemic. Cardiac cath lab was activated and she was about to be transported when she suffered cardiac arrest. Initial rhythm was VT. Received ACLS protocol CPR x 65 minutes including multiple cardioversion, amiodarone, lidocaine, magnesium and other antiarrhythmics. Unfortunately she was not able to be resuscitated and died. Cause of death possible acute myocarditis.
The other female was fifteen years old:
VAERS ID: 2471477
Below are notable write-ups of Washington males in the six through seventeen age range reporting tachycardia to VAERS:
VAERS ID: 1940726. 8-year-old male with no pre-existing conditions.
Submitted write-up: About 10 minutes following his vaccine, patient complained his stomach was hurting. He became very pale, head began to fall back, and he vomited all over himself. Mom was able to catch his head as it went back. The RN on duty immediately checked his pulse and blood oxygen levels, proclaimed he was hypotensive and experiencing a tachycardia episode with a low systolic in the 60s. Blood oxygen levels sustained in the high 90s consistently. While he did not fully have a syncope event, he did was very sluggish, slow to respond, but remained conscious and responsive. We transferred him to a cot, and had EMS arrive to assure safety for the young boy. They checked is vitals, spoke with patient and Mom, and believed he was okay to go home. Lt. from FD escorted Mom and patient to their car to assure his stability. This all occurred between the hours of 1720 and 1800. Also suggested Mom make an appointment with his primary care provider.
VAERS ID: 1334563. 15-year-old male, after second dose of Moderna who has a past history of Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) sp ablation 2019.
Submitted write-up: Received vaccine on 5/14 around 6 pm. Started noticing chest pain, chills and fatigue on 5/15 around 6 pm. Evaluated by ED on 5/17 subsuquently admitted to PICU with intermittent chest pain and elevated troponin in the setting of recent Covid vaccination as well as a history of WPW status post ablation with recent onset of intermittent tachycardia. EKG demonstrates nonspecific ST segment changes and has elevated troponin which likey points to myocarditis as a diagnosis. Continues with elevated troponin level, no medication intervention at this time, no longer having chest pain.
VAERS ID: 1334629. 17-year-old male after first shot from Pfizer.
Submitted write-up: 17-year-old male with a past medical history notable for autism who presents with 3-day history of worsening tachypnea, shortness of breath tachycardia. Patient presents with elevated BNP and troponin as well as severely depressed LV function on echocardiogram with associated EKG changes. Echo on admission with EF 22% and severe acute LV systolic and diastolic heart failure. Now on milrinone 0.5 mcg/kg/min, Lasix 20 mg IV q8h. Repeat 5/18 today continues with severe dysfunction, EF 28%. Troponin 0.09, BNP 616. Started carvedilol 5/19.
VAERS ID: 1351401. 16-year-old male after second Pfizer shot who has asthma as a pre-existing condition.
Submitted write-up: patient presented w/ acute onset Chest pain, tachycardia Found to have cardiomegaly on xray elevated BNP, elevated CRP and Echo with severe decreased Left Ventricle Function.
VAERS ID: 1395229. 16-year-old male with Crohns.
VAERS ID: 1670722. 13-year-old male with no pre-existing conditions.
Submitted write-up: Tachycardia, 130s, X 9 days started the day after the second vaccine, non-specific EKG changes
The Defender article then covered an autopsy that “concurred” that a death from myocarditis was caused by the COVID-19 shot:
A person who lost their brother to a vaccine injury sent a Jan. 24, 2022, email (pages 139 and 184) to Togias, stating that an autopsy “concurred that his death was caused directly due to the Pfizer booster vaccine” as a result of “severe myocarditis.”
“Please give us answers and follow up to why this occurred,” the individual wrote. But in his Jan. 30, 2022, reply (page 184), Togias said myocarditis caused by COVID-19 vaccines is “rare” and “more commonly seen in young males,” adding that the victim “was in the very, very small group of people who lost their lives” and suggesting the filing of a VAERS report.
VAERS shows 17, 598 cases of myocarditis in the United States, and 1,197 of those reactions occurred within one day after taking the COVID-19 shots.
Of the 136 cases of myocarditis reported to VAERS following the COVID-19 shots here in Washington, twenty-three of those onsets began within one day after taking the shot.
Eleven incidences occurred within the six and seventeen-year-old age range. Below are examples of submitted write-ups for this age range.
16-year-old male: Previously healthy 16-year-old young man presenting with chest pain admitted for myopericarditis. He was in his usual state of good health until 2 days ago when he experienced fever, chills and myalgias after receiving his 2nd dose of COVID pfizer vaccine. He improved until 5/2 when he developed a crushing, non-radiating, substernal chest pain which was waxing and waning in nature without specific alleviating factors. He had shortness of breath, but no palpitation, dizziness, or changes in pain on exertion vs rest.
16 year old male who got first Pfizer Covid vaccine 4/30, then by the next morning experienced non-bilious emesis for a few hours, as well as fever, chills, body aches, and HA. The body aches and HA continued through today when he began experiencing chest pain while lying down. Chest pain improved on sitting up, standing, sitting forward. No shortness of breath.
15-year-old male: Received vaccine on 5/14 around 6 pm. Started noticing chest pain, chills and fatigue on 5/15 around 6 pm. Evaluated by ED on 5/17 subsequently admitted to PICU with intermittent chest pain and elevated troponin in the setting of recent Covid vaccination as well as a history of WPW status post ablation with recent onset of intermittent tachycardia. EKG demonstrates nonspecific ST segment changes and has elevated troponin which likely points to myocarditis as a diagnosis.
16-year-old male: Chest pain, fever, headache and fatigue starting morning after vaccination. Progression of chest pain prompting evaluation in the emergency room where he was found to have a Troponin of 23,000 (nl less then 50). D''Dimer mildly elevated. ST changes on EKG. CTA negative. LFT mildly elevated. Sent to hospital where admitted to cardiology service pm 5/19 and given a diagnosis of myocarditis. Still under care at this time of report.
15-year-old male: myocarditis. transferred to hospital.
14-year-old male: Fever and chills onset 12 hours after shot. Then chest pain radiating to axilla worsening with exertion with associated orthopnea onset 6/18, aprx two days after shot. Admitted on 6/20/21 with elevated troponin to 16, with suspected covid vaccine related myocarditis.
15-year-old male: Post COVID-19 immunization myocarditis
14-year-old male: At around 11;30pm the day after my son received his 2nd Pfizer Covid vaccine, he woke me up and was complaining of significant chest pain. He could not get comfortable. I called the consulting nurse, as he was not having problems breathing she said I did not need to take him into the emergency room but to continue to monitor him and suggested giving him ibuprofen … We ended up having to follow up with a cardiologist and when we describe the event she determined based on what she had seen in other patients and that the ibuprofen stopped the symptoms that it is likely he had myocarditis as a result of the 2nd vaccine.
17-year-old male: Myopericarditis following Pfizer booster
15-year-old male: Admitted for mild pericarditis/myocarditis.
The Hypocrisy of One Health
On its community and environment website, the Washington Department of Health asks and answers the question, “What is One Health?”
One Health is a collaborative effort of multiple disciplines working locally, nationally and globally to improve the health of our ecosystem, including humans, animals, plants, and our environment. One Health promotes multi-sectoral and cross-disciplinary collaboration to solve health challenges.
As for the ecosystem part, this is where climate change comes into play:
At the Washington State Department of Health, we're working with partners to reduce and respond to the effects of climate change on people's health. The information below describes how climate change can have an impact on our health. Taking action today can help protect our children and future generations from the effects of climate change.
To combat (or play on) these fears, Governor Jay Inslee came up with his Climate Commitment Act. His latest newsletter featured the story headed “Whatcom County forestlands gain protection under Climate Commitment Act.”

The newsletter states “The Climate Commitment Act is helping the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) protect a 575-acre swath of mature forest for good. In total, DNR plans to conserve 2,000 acres of forestland statewide.”
The newsletter then quoted DNR:
"We manage our forest lands under the principles of climate-smart forestry, which means that our forests not only capture and store more carbon over time compared to conventional practices, but we also manage for climate resilience and adaptation and habitat benefit," said DNR policy director Csenka Favorini-Csorba. [If that’s their real name]
Reducing carbon has been much in the news for combatting climate change, and the newsletter goes on to address this:
Old-growth forests mitigate the impact of climate change. They churn out oxygen and store away carbon.
If forest preservation is being used to “store away carbon,” then why is Bill Gates chopping down trees to preserve carbon in order to stop climate change? The November 3, 2022 issue of the Expose’ provided the following overview of this seeming hypocrisy:
Bill Gates and other investors are betting Kodama Systems can reduce carbon dioxide in the air by chopping down and burying trees. The move will see 70 million acres of forests, mostly in the Western United States, cut down over the next decade.
After cutting down the trees, Kodama plans to bury them – to reduce global warming. However, “global warming” is a scam to enable the rich to become richer and the real reason for the destruction of forests is to reap saleable carbon offsets.
The Expose’ then got into the details:
At the end of July, Forbes was given the task of promoting Gates’ latest plan to destroy and capitalise on the natural world in the name of “climate change” in an article titled: ‘Chop Down Forests to Save the Planet? Maybe Not as Crazy as it Sounds’. Yes, it is as crazy as it sounds.
At least Forbes was honest enough to highlight why the article was being published in its drop head: “Bill Gates and other investors are betting Kodama Systems can reduce carbon dioxide in the air by chopping down and burying trees. Now if only Uncle Sam would get on board with tax credits, too.”
The final sentence gives a clue to what this latest scam is all about – money. Let’s see what the article has to say and how Forbes manipulates and outright lies to try to sell the idea that Gates and other investors are doing this for the good of the planet.
It’s not long into the article that Forbes links carbon to trading of carbon credits and carbon offsets:
Yes, the conventional idea is to plant trees to soak up carbon dioxide from the air and to then sell credits to corporations, private jet owners and others who need or want to offset their emissions. But scientists say burying trees can reduce global warming as well – particularly if those trees would otherwise end up burning or decaying, spewing their stored carbon into the air.
Chop Down Forests to Save the Planet? Maybe Not as Crazy as it Sounds, Forbes, 28 July 2023
Trees are “spewing” carbon into the air. Really? It’s shameless propaganda.
This stopping carbon dioxide in the air was recently covered during Del Bigtree’s interview with Patrick Wood, Editor-in-Chief of Technocracy News and author of six books on technocracy.
In this May 9, 2024 interview, Bigtree mentioned the following:
How is climate being attached to health? We’re going to stop disease by stopping CO2 in the air, and right now, as we speak, Joe Biden is looking to claim a climate emergency so that he can have emergency powers as if being attacked by Russia, but this time it is the sun and CO2, and he’s going to do something about it. Where does this brainchild come from?
Patrick Wood then tied his answer into One Health:
This is embedded into the WHO Pandemic Treaty. This has been embedded in our country since at least 2002. It is in full blossom at this point. The CDC and other agencies have been infected with this ideology. We have mastered it. It’s been talked about secretly, but now you can see it. One Health is something you now see from the government all over the place as if where did this suddenly come from? The ideology behind it is absolutely insane. You cannot wrap everything together in one package and think you can have “one health.” That’s stupid because basically what they’re going to say is, “Over here, we have an issue with the ecosystem, and it’s you humans who cause it, and, therefore, you need to stop eating red meat. How does that play out? Well, they’re actually not related.
Del Bigtree added:
You can see how devious it is. Number one, is to stop eating red meat, which is what Bill Gates has stated publicly, they want to do. They recall all your beef, saying that there’s this terrifying bird flu that is going to make this jump that we haven’t seen in zoology or anything since the dawn of man, but it might just happen. And it will kill enough cows that the cost of the remaining cows will be so high that only Bill Gates will be able to afford to have that steak. And we’re going to see this in so many different ways. Eventually, this is how they are going to control this entire narrative.
In his May 18 newsletter, Dr. Robert Malone tied Bigtree’s zoology concerns into One Health:
This initiative is commonly known as the WHO Global Pandemic Treaty (or “accord”, in an attempt to sidestep US Senate treaty oversight). This is one of two legs of the current attempt to expand the power of this globalist organization, the other being modification of the “international health regulations”, also initially proposed by Biden’s HHS. All of this is wrapped up in justification and authorization language involving the “One Health” initiative which seeks to link the health (and health “rights”) of all species on the Earth. We have previously seen the weaponization of public health fear porn to advance this agenda in the context of “Monkeypox”, as well as “Disease X”. H5N1 provides an almost perfect focus for advancing the logic of the “one health” agenda because it is predominantly an infection of birds but now has been shown to rarely infect cattle and also rarely infect humans. Many viruses can be genetically traced back to plant and/or bacterial ancestors, often followed by insect ancestors, and so viruses can be used to make the case that proper pandemic planning and risk mitigation should extend all the way back to plants.
In this same May 9 Highwire interview, Patrick Wood stated that this One Health insanity can be traced to the Trilateral Commission: “When we look at the Trilateral Commission,” he said, “we can see their footprint on everything that has happened, including trade treaties, Agenda 21, the Rio Conference, and the genesis of Agenda 2030.
The following excerpt from Patrick Wood’s book Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order, best sums up the Trilateral Commission’s use of its furtive torpedoes [we recommend you sit down before reading this]:
The idea for the Trilateral Commission was originally conceived in 1972 at a Bilderberg meeting in Europe. It was founded the next year and Rockefeller invited several media giants (mostly those who were already attending Bilderberg meetings) into membership and then promptly gave them a gag order to not report whatever they would hear. (Yes, this was censorship back in 1973!) These included the head of CBS, Chicago Sun-Times, Washington Post, Time Magazine, Media General, Times-Mirror, New York Times, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Dow Jones, Wall Street Journal and others.243 Collectively, these were the power elite of the media world and what they would write about would determine what eventually got into the history books 25 years later. Their conspicuous silence was finally praised by Rockefeller himself when he addressed the 1991 Bilderberg gathering:
We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a World Government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.
In Broken News: The WHO Finally Hears Us
(our attempt at satire; aka The Washington Worm column)
The WHO, in a surprising turn of events plans on scrapping the new Pandemic Treaty. Citing a newfound sense of morality and consciousness, WHO director general Tedros Ghebreyesus announced yesterday that the WHO will be completely abandoning their blatant power grab and proposing to member states on the best way to dissolve the organization and to return sovereignty back to individual medical professionals around the world. He also mentioned that he is of sound mind and not suicidal in any way. It is unclear at this moment whether Bill Gates feels the same way about Tedros’ mental state.
(...excuse us for imagining a better world).