ICWA Weekly News 6-26-24
Remembering Dr. Jim Meehan - National Speaker, Doctor, Activist; Great News from the Courts Again; a new 'Toxic Source' Misinfo List; Smart Meters Forced on Lewis County; Take the EFU Challenge.
In this issue:
Medical Freedom Movement Mourns Loss of Significant Force – Dr. Jim Meehan
Legal Beat:
Court Agrees to Partial Injunction Against Parents’ Bill of Rights; ICWA Joins Defense
Synopses of Medical Freedom Cases in the Courtroom
ICWA Affiliates Named to New Top Ten List of “Toxic Sources”
We the People 2’s Role in Defeating Washington’s Domestic Extremism Commission bill
Smart Meters in Lewis County
Call-to-Health-Action: Are you ready for the EFU Challenge?
June 21, 2024 Episode of Informed Life Radio - - Notes and Links
Health Hour: Vax Injuries in Washington State (sponsored by WA Chapter of CHD)
News Break
BIOTERRORISM: Gates Foundation awarded $9.5 million to UW-Madison to make H5N1 bird flu transmissible to humans – NaturalNews.com – News Reminder from 2009
Parent's Bill of Rights Initiative 2081 – Under Attack
Lucky v Landmark Medical of Michigan – Religious exemptions upheld
Autopsy Review of Death Within 2 Weeks of Covid-19 Vaccination – McCullough Foundation (X post, Forensic Science International pre-pub)
Guest: Karl Lambert
Karl Lambert, ARNP, of the Pacific Northwest Wellness Center, reviews the sort of vaccine injuries he’s been seeing and the treatment protocols helping patients.
Liberty Hour: Citizens Taking Action (sponsored by ICWA Members)
Guest: Ron Bouchard on Common Law, wethepeople2.us
Guest: Andrea Delaplane – Needs Funds for Lawsuit to Opt-Out of Smart Meter installation in Lewis County
Lewis County Smart Meter Lawsuit Fund – Utility threatens to shut off power if you don’t comply; there is no opt-out.
Successful Temporary Restraining Order in Ohio keeps water turned on for those refusing smart meter.
In Memory of Jim Meehan – Doctor Exposed Risks of Vaccines and other Medical Interventions.
(NVIC Newsletter) James C. Meehan, Jr., MD, 59, an ophthalmologist and functional medicine doctor, who was an outspoken critic of COVID-19 shot risks and failures, a brave vaccine choice advocate, and longtime supporter of the work of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), lost his heroic battle with cancer on June 15, 2024. A celebration of life service will be held on Friday June 28, 2024 at Life Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
And it should also be mentioned he was a World Champion and hall of fame inductee for Jiu Jitsu.
Please read the complete obituary for Dr. Meehan from the National Vaccine Information Center.

🏛️ Legal Beat
Summary of key court cases related to your ability to choose and refuse drugs, biologics or medical devices in Washington state.
⚖️ Court Agrees to Partial Injunction Against Parents’ Bill of Rights; ICWA Joins Defense
Last Friday, the court agreed that Informed Choice Washington, along with Let’s Go Washington (LGW), OneWashington and Representative Jim Walsh, can join Silent Majority Foundation to intervene in defense of Initiative 2081. In a situation rarely seen for ICWA, we are on the same team as the Washington Attorney General’s office, who lead the defense since I-2081 is now a law on the books as of June 6.
With 454,372 signatures gathered in 2023, the People of Washington qualified Initiative 2081, the Parent’s Bill of Rights, to the legislature, where it was passed last session on March 4, 2024. The Initiative acknowledges that parents are the primary stakeholders in their children’s upbringing, that parental involvement is the single most significant factor in increasing student achievement, and access to student information encourages parental involvement and strengthens student safety.
Furthermore, I-2081 requires parental notification for educational and health services provided through schools including access to inspect textbooks, curriculum, and supplemental materials used in their child’s classroom, academic and disciplinary records, medical or health records, mental health counseling, vocational counseling, and records of attendance.
But the Legal Counsel for Youth and Children (LCYC) challenged Initiative 2081 by filing a Complaint and a Motion for Emergency Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) and a Preliminary Injunction in King County seeking to stop the implementation of I-2081. The TRO was heard and DENIED on June 4, 2024,
To further complicate matters, Chris Reykdal, Washington Superintendent of Public Instruction, has instructed schools to “ignore” this codified law “until additional clarity is provided on the areas where the initiative conflicts with existing state and federal law.” In directing school districts to ignore the law, Mr. Reykdal is refusing the plain facts that the People and the Legislature have already spoken on this matter. There should be no doubt as to what is, in fact, Washington state law.
One of the main sticking points argued by the LCYC was that the Initiative conflicts with existing Federal and State law regarding confidentiality of youth mental health information. As currently provided for, school-age children can choose to keep certain health records private ostensibly to protect against potential violent reactions in the home setting.
The purpose of ICWA and the other groups to intervene is to ensure that I-2081 is adequately defended and that court filings can be made in a timely manner if varied input is required. While the Attorney General’s Office is the lead counsel defending the action and did a great job in the initial appearance before the judge, Pete Serrano, General Counsel for the Silent Majority Foundation, has said, “We will stand with Let’s Go Washington and other individuals and organizations who spent significant resources on the passage of the Parents bill of rights.”
Even more recently, Silent Majority Foundation lead counsel (and candidate for State Attorney General) Pete Serrano was with fellow intervener Jim Walsh and provide an update by video [7 mins]
It should also be repeated that a new group has stood up in efforts to support parents’ rights in schools called the Washington Parents Network to organize or form parent communities in your area. They are advocating for more visibility into school activities as well.
⚖️ June 18: Eastern WA Appeals Court Revives Spokane Firefighters Case against COVID-19 Vaccine Requirement.
In the biggest news of last week, U.S. circuit court Judge Ryan Nelson disagreed with District Judge Thomas Rice’s dismissal of Bacon v Woodard in 2022. The reversal basically says the Spokane fire department treated unvaccinated department members differently than their fill-ins from out of district. Bottom line – they discriminated unevenly against the unvaccinated fire fighters. A general policy must be applied evenly, and must use the least restrictive means to enforce the policy. Congratulations to lead attorney Nathan Arnold.
ICWA Analysis: We can definitely say that firing someone is not a ‘least restrictive’ method. Spokane fire department leadership could have dealt with those not wanting to comply in gentler ways – especially since they had adequately and safely performed their duties for 18 months prior to the vaccine mandate. We wonder how many other government agencies and health care employers brought in external contractors, traveling nurses, etc. who weren’t subject to the same vaccination policy? ICWA received many messages during the pandemic from employees looking for mandate help, claiming that other unvaccinated workers were taking their jobs. We hope those who were discriminated against like this can now start to think about fighting for compensation.
As for any case related to a COVID-19 vaccine mandate, we also hope that the Carvahlo v LAUSD appeal decision can now be cited to result in all defendants being guilty of illegal firings for using a completely ineffective product that wasn’t a vaccine.
⚖️ June 12, 6th Circuit Court of Appeals: LUCKY v. LANDMARK MEDICAL OF MICHIGAN
There are many cases winding through the courts related to religious exemptions. An appeal was decided in the U.S. 6th Circuit that said, “It is not within the judicial ken to question the centrality of particular beliefs or practices to a faith, or the validity of particular litigants’ interpretations of those creeds.”
This confirms what Informed Choice Washington has been pointing out for many years, even before the pandemic, that tests of your religious faith are not allowed under the first amendment, and explained by executive order such as In Exec. Order No. 13798 § 4, 82 Fed. Reg. 21675 (May 4, 2017). Therefore, we are reminded that Freedom of religion is a broad right protected in the Bill of Rights.
Brian Ward of CovidPenalty.com has more to say on X about the successful appeal.
Children’s Health Defense and Stand for Health Freedom Named to Top Ten List of “Toxic Sources”
Devin Burghart, who is the executive director for the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights (IREHR) and who coordinates a Seattle office, recently provided a top ten list of “toxic sources” of COVID-19 misinformation at a webinar sponsored by Immunize Colorado. (One of our brave members watched this webinar for us so you wouldn’t have to risk your sanity).
Before the webinar, Burghart had created a major stir in the medical freedom movement with a thirteen-chapter report titled “Facebook and COVID Denial.”
The following two paragraphs are the crux of the report:
Though it has received little attention, a surging far-right protest movement rages against governmental and community efforts to stop the spread of the virus. Animated by a refusal to accept the pandemic’s gravity and reality, this is the new face of COVID denial.
New research by the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights finds that Facebook has become an epicenter of COVID denial activism. For the past year and a half, the IREHR research team tracked anti-mask, anti-vaccine, anti-mandate, anti-lockdown, and other COVID denial efforts on Facebook. The research team examined thousands of public and private Facebook groups. The research team cataloged membership, posts, videos, ads, and events in those groups. This massive trove of data allowed report researchers to capture the first complete picture of how COVID denial spread on Facebook and into the real world.
He then used this ammunition during the webinar to discuss his top ten COVID-19 toxic sources.
ICWA advocate Karen Waugh attended this webinar and noted that Burghart was introduced as an expert on “far right” movements, such as the COVID denial and the anti-vaccine movement. In fact, their web site promotes Black Lives Matter up front, and purports to study white nationalist movements in order to stop them. So, vaccine skepticism is getting lumped in with supposed domestic extremism? Again? (See HB 1333 article below). Seems like a good gaslighting strategy.
Burghart began his presentation with the history of the anti-vaccine movement, dating back to the smallpox era of the late 1800s. He then stated that COVID-19 had changed the playing field with the number of online groups and members exploding with “Toxic Sources” of misinformation regarding COVID. Burghart claimed that in 2022 the revenue for these ten groups was $57 million. According to him, this was a 350 percent increase from 2019. Burghart listed the top ten organizations by detailing their networks, key creators and influencers, tactics and messages. The following is the list he created, ordered from largest to smallest budget:
Children’s Health Defense: “A disinformation hub during COVID in which twenty-three state level groups have formed.” ICWA is an affiliate to Children’s Health Defense, so Burghart could very well be referring, in part, to our radio show and weekly newsletter. We invite him to point out what he deems to be our “toxic” misinformation. Since they found their way into ‘private’ Facebook groups, we are somewhat confident IREHR already subscribes to this Weekly News. (Hello, Mr. Burghart, if that’s your real name).
Informed Consent Action Network: “slick, well produced and creates confusion with all of their FOIA requests.” Those FOIA requests have led to court orders to release Pfizer documents that the FDA did not want released for another seventy-five years and the release of the CDC’s V-safe data that revealed harms reported after the COVID-19 shots.
America’s Frontline Doctors: “white coat summit jump-started COVID denial.” Did Burghart even watch the summit? Because far from denying COVID, the doctors participating talked about treating COVID with hydroxychloroquine and saving patients’ lives.
National Vaccine Information Center: “their med-alert website has caused havoc.” Med Alerts provides the same VAERS information as the CDC’s Wonder system, but is easier to search since the government doesn’t feel the need to make it more user friendly: 1,640,416 adverse events following the COVID-19 shots in the United States and its territories, including 37,647 deaths. Does this mean that the CDC is creating “havoc” as well? They certainly have a bigger budget.
Organic Consumers Association (OCA): “Promotes Andrew Wakefield and Dr. Mercola.” We invite Mr. Burghart to tell us why he is scapegoating these two. At least, Mr. Burghart has enough class for not specifically blaming the late Ronnie Cummings, founder and president of OCA, for misinformation. Cummings, by the way, co-authored the book The Truth behind COVID-19 with Dr. Mercola.
Alliance for Natural Health: “pushing health freedom agenda”
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons: Established in 1944 and referred to as a “right wing” by presenter. The influential United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit would disagree with this, for it just handed the American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) a landmark First Amendment/Free Speech victory on June 3.
Health Freedom Defense Fund: “files lots of lawsuits,” while not mentioning their legal successes to keep masks off planes and the recent appeal against LAUSD vaccine mandates.
Stand for Health Freedom “pre-drafted customizable letters for elected officials.” Stand for Health Freedom sent over 33,000 emails to Washington legislators to defeat HB 1333 bill (Discussed further in the following story). Along the way, they welcomed 1,000 new advocates to their movement.
National Health Freedom Coalition: 23 state groups “push for Parental Rights and Informed Consent.” They also operate the Right to Refuse initiative. So does Burghart support the opposite? Is he anti-parental rights? Anti-informed consent? A right-to-refuse denier? Does he actually want the government making all decisions for him?
Karen Waugh also noted that Burghart posed that the solution to the growing grassroots movement of medical freedom is to be one step ahead of these groups in case there is another pandemic. (can you say ‘pre-bunking’?) He further advised that pro-vaccine groups should educate themselves on these above groups and work to change vaccine hesitancy and “anti-science” views. He concluded by saying that the “freedom” issue has been the biggest success of the anti-vaccine movement. So we can add “anti-freedom” to the list of what Burghart stands for.
We the People 2’s Role in the Failure of HB 1333
During last Friday’s Liberty Hour of Informed Life Radio, Ron Bouchard from We the People 2 briefly mentioned his organization’s influence to stop Washington state’s House Bill 1333.
The bill was meant to establish a domestic violent extremism commission within the office of the attorney general. ICWA Weekly News covered this regularly during the 2023 session.
The following slide during the first committee hearing for the bill visually explains why health freedom advocates were concerned about this bill. The arrow makes a cause-and-effect from “Anti-Mask and Anti-Vaccine Narratives” to “Increase threats against elections officials, medical professionals, school board members.

But there was much loud and active pushback from ICWA, other freedom groups, individuals, as well as Bouchard and his organization who set out to stop this bill by sending 360 various notices that the bill would be unconstitutional if passed.
As things turned out, the HB 1333 died in the House after two committee hearings. It did not make it to the full House of Representatives. The bill was automatically re-introduced in the 2024 session, but did not move any further.
And let’s hope the Attorney General’s new Artificial Intelligence Task Force doesn’t stray too far from their mission when they study what AI can do – by asking it to surveil their desired target groups anyway.
The failure of the bill was a day of relief and celebration for health freedom advocates and a success story for We the People 2. Their web site states as much:
Success Report
Details of Notice:
Notice Subject: HB 1333 Domestic Terrorism- HB 1333 would criminalize certain forms of expression based on what members of a state commission consider to be their definition of ‘domestic extremism. Creating a state-level ‘Ministry of Truth’ would not only undermine democratic norms, but it would also have a chilling effect on public debate, freedom of speech, and civic participation in Washington state.
Date Introduced: Jan 16, 2023
Sent to: Washington State Legislature
Sent on: January 23, 2023-March 11, 2023
Number of Notices Sent: 360
Instructions Given: Abolish House Bill 1333 – Establishing A Domestic Violent Extremism Commission (2023-24)
Action Taken by Recipient: Referred to Rules 2 Consideration
Action Date: March 13, 2023
Compliance Status: [Compliant]
Result of Action: 2024-02-20 – House Rules “X” file.
Impact on Operations: “X” filing a bill is just a way for the Rules Committee of each branch (House or Senate) to note that it is very unlikely for the bill to continue progress in the current legislative session
Smart Meters in Lewis County
In the second half of the Liberty Hour on last Friday’s Informed Life Radio, Andrea Delaplane covered the details of her planned lawsuit against Lewis County for providing her with a smart meter without any prior notification and not replacing it with a basic meter upon her request.
As it turns out, Andrea is not alone concerning her smart meter dispute in Lewis County. The Daily Chronicle reported last May 24 that a Lewis County Superior Court judge had dismissed a $13 million lawsuit against the Lewis County Public Utility District (PUD) over a plan to install new, advanced metering infrastructure for roughly 30,000 connections.
Judge James Lawler dismissed the lawsuit filed by Glenoma residents William and Alice Budd without prejudice, meaning the Budds could refile their suit if they choose to do so.
Following the hearing, Alice Budd said she was undecided on whether she would refile the lawsuit. The Budds represented themselves during the hearing.
Filed on April 10, the lawsuit made broad allegations and accused the PUD of having nefarious motivations for the new meters. “Here I am in front of the judge, and I just want to ask one thing, which is, ask them to take this meter that’s poisoning me off my house,” Budd said during the proceedings. “I have nowhere else to live, and it’s not asking too much.”
In a filing, a lawyer for PUD noted that the “electrical meter currently installed at the (Budds) residence is a digital meter that does not have radio transceiver functionality.”
“In other words, it is an older type of meter that preceded the PUD’s use of AMR meters and does not transmit radio frequency electromagnetic energy,” the May 22 filing states.
While the couple alleged that they have developed negative health effects since a new meter was installed “sometime in late 2023 or early 2024,” a lawyer representing the PUD wrote on May 22 that the Budds “offered no evidence of any kind linking the presence of this meter to the claimed health effects.”
In the suit, the Budds asked for $3 million in compensatory damages and an additional $10 million in punitive damages due to “egregious dishonesty, lack of transparency and failure to inform” customers of the “real motives” of a plan to install new electronic meters throughout the county.
The lawsuit alleged the new meters could be part of a “worldwide agenda” to implement a smart grid, which could serve as a “Trojan horse.” In their complaint, the Budds said the option to turn off the radio transceiver in the new meter did not “resolve the conflict.” The Budds also declined an offer to disconnect from the power grid. In the complaint, the Budds allege the $25 monthly fee to manually read the meters equates to extortion.
It should be noted that for those further north in Jefferson County who opt for analog meters instead of smart meters, the monthly manual read fee is just $5.
As for Big Brother watching over them, a lawyer for the PUD stated the claims were broad and unsubstantiated.
“The complaint is replete with allegations that have no clear connection to any cause of action, such as the existence of a ‘social credit’ system in China or Canada, or the theory that COVID-19 vaccinations are ‘gene therapy,’” a lawyer for the PUD wrote in a motion to dismiss. “For the PUD to respond to all of these allegations that have no apparent connection to an identifiable legal theory or the actual gravamen of the plaintiff’s dispute with PUD is burdensome and wasteful of the parties’ resources.”
As inaccurate as the PUD lawyer was that the COVID-19 shots are not gene therapy, the same holds true with the false claims about the surveillance of smart meters. In his book Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order, Patrick Wood sketches the following hypothetical scenario to warn of what could lie ahead with the surveillance capability of smart meters:
As he turned on the shower, the water heater immediately started drawing electricity through the new Smart Meter on the side of his house. The AI program at Dave’s utility company, Acme Electric, recognizes the device ‘signature’ and model and was able to immediately compare his unit to those of his local and extended neighbors.
As Dave turned on his computer to check his Gmail account, his router address went live and alerted his ISP and the cable company. As he checks a couple of web sites, Dave casually notices a popup ad for a high-efficiency water heater. He thinks, “I ought to check out replacing my old water heater someday,” but he is too late to do anything about it right now.
After fitting in a customer call, Dave arrives at his office and takes a restful break in order to eat lunch and kick back with his laptop computer. As he opens his personal Gmail account, he notices an ad for a high-efficiency water heater. “That’s strange”, he thinks. “This is the second thing I’ve seen today about water heaters.”
Checking his personal Gmail account as he turns on the TV, he immediately sees three more ads for high-efficiency water heaters and immediately thinks “What the heck is up with this? Why am I being bombarded for ads about water heaters?” The next email that pops in that offers the first clue:
Dear Dave,
Your American Water heater, model G61050T40, is 20 years old and 5 years beyond its specified life-cycle. According to our energy efficiency policies we must increase your bill by 10% to adjust for the extra energy consumption. However, we would be happy to assist you in choosing a new and efficient model that meets all Energy Star specifications. If you install a new water heater, we will be happy to waive the 10% surcharge and give you an extra 10% credit on your next bill. Thank you for being our customer.
Kind regards,
Acme Utility Company
As he scratches his head, he remembers that Acme replaced his analog electric meter with a new digital “Smart Meter” just last week. “I’ve owned this house for 10 years and nobody knows what kind of water heater I have or don’t have”, he thinks, “The only way Acme could find this out is from that stupid Smart Meter!”
“Dang, and those rats sold my information to those marketing companies to hustle me for new water heaters.”
Besides invasive monitoring leading to financial nudging to drive human behavior, smart meters are being touted as important for addressing “climate change.” They can be used easily by utilities for selective black-outs and brown-outs as fossil-fuel power plants are taken off-line and “renewable” energy sources are unable to keep up with demand. The LA Times published an opinion piece on this idea last year.
It is hoped that this ongoing case about smart water meters in Ohio might help Andrea’s next filing, for which she is seeking funds for their lawyer.
Again, here’s the GiveSendGo link to the Lewis County Smart Meter Lawsuit Fund.
Call-to-Health-Action: Have you taken the EFU Challenge?
The website Healthy Immunity Now reminds you how simple and early treatment with basic antivirals in nasal sprays and gargling can effectively combat respiratory infections. A protocol that’s been re-discovered during the pandemic.
Don’t just sit there and wait for your next throat tickle or runny nose to turn into a full-blown cold or flu. Try the Eliminate Flu Universally Challenge.
A meme for the weary