ICWA Weekly News
Celebrate Independence Day by Pledging to Take Action to Restore & Defend Medical Freedom!
by Gerald Braude
In this newsletter:
June 30 Episode of An Informed Life Radio show links
Washington DOH Is a Marketing Agent for Big Pharma
June 30 Episode of An Informed Life Radio show links
Guest: Hedley Rees
UK Journalist Exposes Wellcome Trust, Farrar, and Sykes - America Out Loud
NFID Webinar Slides “Addressing Adult Vaccine Hesitancy in the US.”
NID Webinar Video on Youtube “Addressing Adult Vaccine Hesitancy in the US.”
Washington DOH As a Marketing Agent for Big Pharma
Recently, Aaron Siri of the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) gave nearly two hours of testimony to the Arizona state senate about the federal government’s policies that have led to public distrust in vaccinations, most recently and notably the COVID-19 shots.
Early on in his slide presentation, Siri established the dangers of the National Childhood Vaccination Act of 1986:
And since the 1986 act removed private corporations from being responsible for vaccine safety, that responsibility was left to the agencies under the House of Human Services (HHS). Siri then spells out the problems with all this. At the 54:00 minute mark of the above link to the video of his presentation, Siri said the following:
“Why did the HHS abandon its vaccination safety duties? The problem is HHS is hopelessly conflicted. Congress made HHS, which of course includes the FDA and CDC, not only responsible for vaccine safety, but also responsible for promoting vaccines, and when an agency is responsible for doing both promoting and safety, they come into conflicts of interest, and one of them wins out. And here the promotion function won out.”
At the 1:09.42 mark, Siri further drives this point home:
“Let’s start with the FDA. This is the FDA home page.
“Does this look like a regulator to you? (A few laughs from the senate) What does this look like? It looks like a marketing ad. What is the FDA’s job? To ensure that the product is safe and effective to its standard, and let’s put that issue aside, before it is put on the market. What product is it advertising on its home page? The bivalent. Is that licensed? They’re advertising an unlicensed vaccine. The FDA has a the product that has only been authorized—emergency use authorized—and has not been found to be safe and effective enough by the FDA standard as such that it could be licensed yet. Do you think that the FDA after telling 270 million Americans to go get the shot and advertising it like this … next slide please …
Dr. Peter Marks who is the FDA rep doing cutesy videos on YouTube telling you “Just a minute,” and basically trying to convince you to vaccinate you and your kids, again for an unlicensed vaccine, and that when it comes time for the FDA to actually evaluate the clinical trial data in which Dr. Kathryn Edwards ‘independently’ oversaw that it was safe while it was going on. Do you think the FDA is in a position to truly, independently, and objectively evaluate the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine to determine whether they are going to license it after telling everybody to get it, advertising it on its home page, and putting out these YouTube videos? And how about then after looking at the data, going ‘Oops sorry, remember we told you to get that shot; we’ll it’s kind of a problem now.’ That just creates a real problem: The FDA does not stay in its lanes, so to speak; it should be a cold, hard, regulating agency that critically looks at the data and decides whether its safe and effective and nothing more. But instead, it uses itself as part of an industry and goes out and promotes these products even before it’s licensed. I just want you to really think about that for a minute. If an atomic/nuclear regulatory agency, as being responsible for the safety of nuclear power plants, was doing this kind of promoting, people would freak out.”
If Siri were to look at the Washington Department of Health (DOH), he’d see the same problems. The (DOH) home page for the COVID-19 shot has the following undocumented claim:
Speaking of Siri’s reference to the bivalent shot, the DOH web site makes the following recommendations:
CDC’s new recommendations allow an additional updated (bivalent) vaccine dose for adults ages 65 years and older and additional doses for people who are immunocompromised. This allows more flexibility for healthcare providers to administer additional doses to immunocompromised patients as needed.
CDC recommends that everyone ages 6 years and older receive an updated (bivalent) mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, regardless of whether they previously completed their (monovalent) primary series.
The Vaccinating Youth page on the DOH site has the following:
The last two bullet points imply that the COVID-19 shots will slow the spread of transmission of the virus, but Siri’s last major topic of his presentation thoroughly drove home that transmission of the virus following COVID-19 shots has never been tested. Although Siri never mentioned this, Janine Small, as the Pfizer president of international development markets, told Rob Roos of the European Parliament in October 2022, that Pfizer had never tested the COVID-19 shots for transmission, for they had to “move at the speed of science to understand what is happening in the market.”
Since Aaron Siri used the bivalent booster to illustrate his point about the FDA’s promoting of pharmaceutical products, it should also be mentioned that a COVID-19 Vaccine Partner Newsletter from the Washington Department of Health provided the following promotion of the bivalent shot:
A: As of March 16, 2023, the CDC has expanded its recommendation to allow children ages 6 months through 4 years who previously completed the full 3-dose original monovalent Pfizer COVID-19 primary vaccination series to now receive a booster dose of Pfizer's updated (bivalent) COVID-19 vaccine. The bivalent Pfizer booster dose can be administered if it has been at least 2 months since the child's completion of the monovalent primary series.
This update means that all children in this age group are now eligible to receive an updated vaccine, either through completion of their primary series or through a booster dose.
The newsletter also posted the following marketing ad type of photo:
For the DOH update at the April 12, 2023 Washington Board of Health (BOH) meeting, Washington Secretary of Health Dr. Umair Shah MD, used the following slide during his discussion of the Immunization Summit, held on May 25, to promote vaccines:
Dr. Shah said the following about the summit:
“Immunization challenges underscore why we have needed to come together. This was an opportunity to share across the system. We have been doing one of the concerns, which Dr. Kwan-Gett just outlined, is that with the changing landscape, we have seen an increase in influenza related deaths, but we’ve also seen and concerned about decreases in immunization whether it’s adult or childhood vaccines, and we want to make sure that we can do everything we can together. So that was the theme of the opportunity for many people to come together. I believe some people on our board of health were there, and so I’d like to thank them for their in-person or virtual attendance.”
Dr. Shah conspicuously did not mention the large list of corporate sponsors for the summit.
Those from the BOH attending the summit must have been aware of their sponsorship and presence, such as their tables set up along the halls. But none of them asked Dr. Shah about this conflict of interest.
To further illustrate his promoting of pharmaceutical products, and after skipping the slide on misinformation and vaccine hesitancy, Dr. Shah showed the following slide:
Dr. Shah then said the following:
“Continuing with our efforts, we’ve recently partnered at the Department of Health with the Seattle Storm, and so women’s professional basketball is working together alongside our Care-A-Van team to give the opportunity for people to come to a game to get not just child vaccines and COVID-19 vaccines, but also a whole host of information related to the importance of vaccinations.”
Dr. Shah finished this topic by following the most prevalent marketing approach used by corporations for creating new customers when he said,
“It’s included in our strategy of partner and community messaging as well as community engagement that has really allowed us to continue to work together for people coming to a game who may not be thinking about vaccination, and now they have an opportunity to vaccinate their kids or themselves.”
Dr. Shah did not mention to the board that as part of this no cost “Take Your Shot” campaign, the Storm is offering two complimentary tickets to select games for every youth vaccination received.
At the May 3, 2023 COVID-19 Summit in Brussels, Belgium, Dr. Ryan Cole, who is licensed to practice medicine in Washington, told members of the European Parliament, “We’ve seen the death of public health.”
And so long as the HHS and the DOH continue to be a marketing agent, instead of adhering to just their original intention of being independent evaluators of pharmaceutical products, it is safe to say that this will continue to be the case.
This Independence Day, be aware that Public Health works for Big Pharma and that as citizens of this great nation, it’s up to all of us to take back our health and our health agencies.
Thank for this excellent article about our detestable DOH.