ICWA Weekly News 8-21-24
Informed Life Radio interviews autistic adult Spellers while Pharmedia refutes vaccine-autism link - 'n sync; Monkey(pox) 💩 thrown into Guano Report; New deadline to tip Vaxxed 3 screens; more.
In this issue:
Autism Following Vaccines in Washington
Title IX Update: Final Rule More Likely to be Overturned after Latest Supreme Court Decision
NEW & IMPROVED: 🐓 Guano 💩 Report 🐄 🐒
Upcoming Events
Sept. 18, VAXXED III Premiere: theaters given until September 4 to tip
Harms 2.0 in Wenatchee: Sponsors sought
August 16 Episode of Informed Life Radio – notes and links
Health Hour: The Freed Voices of Spellers
Guests: Caden (Cade) Larson and Jameson (Jamie) Handley, two of the eight nonspeakers with autism featured in the award-winning documentary film SPELLERS, join the show to talk-via-typing with us about their life-changing experiences of being freed from silence. Jennifer Larson (Cade’s mom) and JB Handley (Jamie’s dad) lend a helping hand to coordinate the conversation.
Liberty Hour: Science Literacy = Freedom
Guest: Michael Donio. If the average person doesn’t understand how to critically read scientific studies, or doesn’t understand the unethical workings of the science industry, informed consent vanishes. Michael Donio is a senior research scientist and writer, and he discusses his mission to make complex science terminology and concepts easy for us all to understand so that we can protect our health and health freedom.
Autism Following Vaccines 💉 in Washington
The Hidden Games episode 383 this month of The Highwire provided a clip of scientists flatly stating that vaccines do not cause autism. [13:38 of this shorter segment]
Dr. Sanjay Gupta in a CNN interview: “We’re not sure in the scientific community of what causes autism, but we know that vaccines do not.”
Peter Hotez: “We know that vaccines don’t cause autism. The science is clear.”
Anne Schuchat, Director of National Center for Immunization and respiratory diseases, said on C-SPAN, “It is clear that vaccines do not cause autism.”
Dr. Aaron Carrol, professor of pediatrics at Indiana University School of Medicine: “I do not deny in any way that we need to do more about autism, but it has nothing to do with vaccines.”
Dr. Jennifer Caudle, instructor of medicine, John Hopkins University School of Medicine: “Let me be clear. Vaccines do not cause autism.”
And of course, Dr. Paul Offit, vaccine inventor, Chief, Infectious Diseases, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia: “Vaccines don’t cause autism. I’m absolutely sure.”
Why are they all so certain of this? Because the CDC says so?
A June 3, 2021 Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) report points out that the CDC claims on its website that “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism.”
So, how did the CDC reach this conclusion? ICAN requested this information from the CDC but was rebuffed. So, they took them to court, which then revealed the following (with our emphasis):
In this stipulation and court order, the CDC finally identified a total of sixteen studies and four reviews (i.e., a review of studies on a given topic) that it relies on to claim that the vaccines given to babies do not cause autism. Not one of these studies or reviews supports the claim that vaccines injected into babies – DTaP, Hep B, Hib, PCV13, and IPV – do not cause autism. Instead, these studies/reviews include:
1 study concerning MMR (not a vaccine about which ICAN inquired);
13 studies concerning thimerosal (not an ingredient in any vaccine about which ICAN inquired);
3 reviews and 1 study concerning both MMR and thimerosal;
1 study concerning antigen (not vaccine) exposure; and
1 review concerning MMR, thimerosal, and DTaP.
Only one of the studies or reviews listed by the CDC concerned a vaccine given to babies. This was a 2012 review by the IOM, paid for by the CDC, which conducted a comprehensive review looking specifically for studies relating to DTaP and autism. The IOM concluded that it could not identify a single study to support that DTaP does not cause autism. Instead, the only relevant study the IOM could identify found an association between DTaP and autism.
In other words, the only study identified by the CDC in the court-ordered stipulation that actually reviewed a vaccine given to babies with regard to autism found that there is nothing supporting the CDC’s claim that the vaccine does not cause autism!
About that antigen study - a close read shows it’s of “tobacco science” design, comparing one group of vaccinated children against another group of vaccinated children and then concluding that exposure to one ingredient type (antigens) is not related to autism. There’s a buried sentence at the end of the paper, framed by denial, that says: “It can be argued that ASD with regression, in which children usually lose developmental skills during the second year of life, could be related to exposures in infancy, including vaccines”. They know the truth, but they design studies that can’t find it.
The first bullet point above, concerning that ICAN did not inquire about the MMR shots, a May 15, 2024 ICAN report shows, through William Thompson’s whistleblowing, an association between the MMR shots and autism:
In 2014, a senior scientist for CDC’s seminal MMR-autism study revealed that CDC concealed data showing an association between the MMR vaccine and autism. William Thompson, Ph.D. has been a scientist at CDC for nearly two decades and was listed as the Senior Scientist on dozens of CDC peer-reviewed publications, including the core group of CDC’s vaccine-autism safety studies.
Dr. Thompson provided a statement through his attorney, acknowledging that CDC “omitted statistically significant information” showing an association between the MMR vaccine and autism in the first and only MMR-autism study ever conducted by CDC with American children.
The above information was confirmed by Dr. Brian Hooker while challenging the CDC’s stance since his autistic son was one of those injured by vaccination, and which gave rise to the Vaxxed documentary. As covered on that same August 5 Highwire episode, Dr. Paul Offit — the keynote speaker in the above list who said that vaccines do not cause autism — stated his reasoning for not doing vaccine studies that look for autism:
You get to the hypothesis that you should do a trial of the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated children. Well, you certainly can’t prospectively do that trial because if you have a group of unvaccinated children, they are at high risk for vaccine preventable diseases. So, people think that you just do this retrospectively, but you can’t do that either, because those two groups are unlikely to be the same in terms of their healthcare-seeking behavior.
The Highwire’s host Del Bigtree then said that Offit’s admission that it would be unethical to do a trial study shows that a study has never been done to show that vaccines do not cause autism!
Bigtree went on to disagree with Offit about a potential retrospective study, pointing out all our computing power and AI, that it should be easy:
We have been calling for going back to the database of the Vaccine Safety Data Link (VSD), which has ten million in it with all their health records. They’re anonymous because their names have been wiped out. That’s where we do all of our studies from the CDC. So, we should just go back and look at it, and here’s the vaccinated group, and here’s the unvaccinated group and compare the two. I’ve said this before. We are the home of Apple. We are the home of IBM. We are the heads of Artificial Intelligence technologies and computer learning. We can easily tell the computer to compare these two groups. We can ask about the vaccinated and then the unvaccinated and then ask who has more autism? And who has more chronic diseases.
Although no retrospective study has been done, or at least one that is available to the public, the VAERS reports show plenty of anecdotal evidence to support the strong parental belief, as noted in the 2021 ICAN report, that vaccines cause autism:
The CDC claims on its website that “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism.” Despite this claim studies have found between 40% and 70% of parents with an autistic child continue to blame vaccines for their child’s autism, typically pointing to vaccines given during the first six months of life.
Sure enough, VAERS shows 2,475 cases of autism following vaccination.
And these are the ones that are just getting reported. A 2011 HHS-sponsored study estimated that “fewer than 1 percent of vaccine adverse events are reported” to VAERS. Put another way, VAERS could be missing as much as 99 % of vaccine injuries.
In our state of Washington, VAERS shows nineteen cases of autism following vaccination.
Below are summaries and highlights of each of those cases.
VAERS ID: 75900
This male is listed as “1.3”years old. The onset began one year after taking the MMR shot on November 18, 1992. The dosage is unknown. The boy had no preexisting conditions. Submitted write-up: Patient received vax on 18NOV92 & the same day experienced allergies, learning difficulties & stopped talking; no further info provided.
VAERS ID: 151084
This male is listed as “1.4” years old. The onset began 22 days after vaccination on April 9, 1993. He had no pre-existing conditions. Submitted write-up: He became less responsive, lost speech, lost eye contact. Was diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder.
VAERS ID: 155592
This male is listed as “1.25” years old. Submitted write-up: The morning following vax, he had a large (2-3") hot red circle at injection site. The patient also experienced a fever of 101-102 followed by a seizure. He was taken to a nearby pediatricians office. He had another seizure since and now has autism. The annual follow-up states seizure disorder and autism.
VAERS ID: 177303
This male is listed as “1.25 years old.” He had no preexisting conditions. Submitted write-up: Patient stopped talking, become spacey and stopped responding. per doc 212752 patient has never developed appropriate speech language communication. He was right on track before the vaccines. His intestinal system is still messed-up, and he is now on undergoing treatment to rid his body of mercury and other toxins. *F/UP report on 3/21/03: Autistic Sx''s, Severe language loss.*
VAERS ID: 199901
This male is listed as “1.69” years old. On July 1st, 1994, patient was 1 year 6 months. I brought my son in; he was sick with fever. He was vaccinated by doctor. Same night, he vomited, loss his balance, drooling, eye cross. MRI showed there was a damage in the brain. The follow up states, "diagnosed with PDD, ADD, heart valve disorder, tic syndrome."
VAERS ID: 204169
This female is listed as “0.5” years old. After the shots, the patient was lethargic almost unconscious for 72 hours, The doctor’s office called and said it was a common side effect and not to worry....patient never seemed the same again has had mild autistic like symptoms learning disabled and communication problems.
VAERS ID: 218033
This male is listed as “0.51” years old. Submitted write-up: 1990: Within one month of the vaccine on 8/21/90, patient changed from a happy baby to a very unhappy baby. He stopped nursing during this time. Rashes started on and off. At 9 months he became very aggressive, angry, nothing pleased him. Having major tantrums. Behavior problems very severe. His doctor continued to tell me that this was not abnormal behavior. 1993: Heart murmur diagnosed. 1994: Vomiting began. Later diagnosed as cyclic vomiting syndrome as no other cause could be found at the time. 1996: Diagnosed with ADHD. Started medications. 2000: Diagnosed with Asbergers syndrome (High functioning autism). 2003: Diagnosed with mercury (thimerosal) poisoning. This is the cause for all of the patient’s above listed problems. He is currently undergoing chelation therapy. The medical record received on 4/5/04 states hypertension and kidney dysfunction. Information from Annual Follow-up report states that behavioral problems continues, ADHA problems, mercury continue levels are at 4 times normal levels, amino acid levels in hair are low due to mercury. Patient continues at this time with chelation therapy and nutrition replacement.
VAERS ID: 235970
This male is listed as “0.63” years old. Submitted write-up: Child was normal until given his first vaccine DT at 7 1/2 months of age. Later that day, moderate fever, very irritable, lot of screaming. Parents felt that by 2 weeks, he was a changed child, later diagnosed as autistic. Patient’s caregiver reports: I was pt’s mother's caregiver during pregnancy. It was a normal pregnancy. Pt was born by cesarean section because of cephalopelvic disproportion. He showed normal growth and development for the first 7 1/2 months after birth. At his 7 1/2 months visit his development was normal and in fact exceptional in some respects-he was using the potty upon his parents command! He enjoyed peek-a-boo, was laughing, responding to his name. Enjoyed books, etc and was generally cheerful. There was no indication of any neurological or other difficulty. Also at that visit (7 1/2 months) he was given an injection of a single vaccine 0.5 of pediatric diphtheria/tetanus toxoid (DT). He had an immediate reaction to the vaccination that included fever and inconsolable crying. This incident appears to have marked a turning point in the patient’s development. He changed from a good natured, happy child to one who had became increasingly irritable and difficult. The next time I saw him was about 1 month after the vaccination. His chief complaint was a persistent cough. His parents reported that he had displayed unusually severe crying for about a week after the shot, and irritability, restlessness, poor sleep, etc. was continuing. My conclusion at that time was that he had had a significant neurological reaction to the vaccine. I saw him again about 3 1/2 months after the vaccination. His chief complaint at that time was fever with rash, which we diagnosed as a viral exanthem. The irritability etc. was continuing. The next time we saw him was when he was 26 months old. It was obvious at that time that he was suffering from a developmental delay that stemmed from the time of the vaccination, and we recommended that he get specialized diagnosis and treatment. DX with autism about 8 months later. I haven’t seen the child lately (in the past 3 years). I believe he is still autistic. The connection between the vaccination and the behavior/neurological disorder is obvious.
This male is listed as “0.33” years old. Submitted write-up: Approximately three hours after the shots, started screaming uncontrollably for 30 minutes. The doctor’s office had warned us of this and told us to give Tylenol when it occurred. After about 15 minutes the crying stopped. From 6-15 weeks, had been sleeping through the night. The day we got these shots he stopped sleeping through the night (waking every hour) and didn’t sleep more than an hour at a time until the following January, 2004.
VAERS ID: 240873
This male is listed as “1.26” years old. Submitted write-up: At age 16 months (February 2003): Had Rotovirus. Lost all previously acquired speech. Lost ability to point, clap hands, and wave goodbye. Stopped referencing parents for cues. Lost all joint attention skills. Lost interest in peers. Stopped responding to name. Lost ability to maintain even minimal eye contact. In months following this regression: Began playing repetitively with toys (or parts of toys) and engaging in perseverative play. Began arm/hand flapping. Would "zone out" and not seem to hear, see, or notice the world around him. Began to actively avoid peers. Began having tantrums over slight changes in routine. Began having difficulty adapting to new places. Began early intervention with school district (speech and occupational therapy) at age 20 months. To date (6/30/2005), the only one of the lost skills that has been reacquired is clapping. The only maladaptive behavior that has diminished is arm/hand flapping. PLEASE NOTE: I do not believe it was only the last batch of vaccinations (1/14/2003) received prior to the onset of symptoms in February 2003 that caused the heavy metal toxicity, but rather a build up of all the thimerosal-containing vaccinations he had received since birth building up to a toxic "tipping" point that occurred in February 2003. Your form does not allow for entry of this phenomena, so I’ve done the best I could given your form’s parameters. Diagnosis from Medical Record received on 07/25/2005 is autism.
VAERS ID: 289553
This female is listed as “0.5” years old. Submitted write-up: This case was considered medically important for the event of autism. Information regarding Prevnar was received from a consumer regarding a female patient who received the third dose on 16-Aug-2005 at the age of 6 months and was diagnosed with autism and heavy metals including mercury in the patient’s system at the age of 29 months. In Aug-2007, the patient was diagnosed with heavy metals including mercury in the patient’s system and autism. Treatment included amino acid powder and DMSA. The patient had not recovered from the events. No additional information was available at the time of this report.
VAERS ID: 341987
This male is listed as “1.0” years old. Information has been received from a consumer concerning her 12 month old son who on 21-AUG-2002 was vaccinated with an only first dose of MMR II (Lot # 641020/1483L). Concomitant therapy included VARIVAX. On 22-AUG-2002, the next day, the patient had fever of 104 degrees and cranky behavior. On 27-AUG-2002, the patient started throwing up with diarrhea whole week and next week diarrhea changed to large chunk tissue coming out from his stool. On 28-AUG-2002, the patient was hospitalized and stayed there for 3 days; the patient was diagnosed with viral colitis of unknown origin. A week later, the patient was diagnosed with autism, chronic pain and autoimmune response, which were ongoing at the time of reporting. Upon internal review, autism was considered to be an other important medical event. No further information is available.
VAERS ID: 342239
This male is listed as “1.0” years old. Submitted write-up: Information has been received from a consumer concerning her now 5 year old daughter with no drug reactions/allergies who on 22-MAR-2004 at the age of 12 months was vaccinated with MMR II. Concomitant therapy included VARIVAX, but the patient’s mother did not know if the VARIVAX was (MSD) or not (manufacturer not reported). "Around when the patient turned 24 months old" in approximately March 2005, the patient developed autism. The patient had sought unspecified medical attention. The mother reported her son followed an autism program. At the time of reporting the patient was recovering from the autism. Upon internal review, the patient’s autism was considered to be other important medical event. Additional information has been requested.
VAERS ID: 342382
This female is listed as “4.0” years old. Submitted write-up: Information has been received from a consumer concerning his daughter (a year old female) with no medical history or drug allergies who on 3-MAR-2006 was vaccinated with a dose of MMR II (lot # 649748/0301R). Secondary suspect vaccinations included: the third dose of hepatitis B virus (lot # 651854/0306R) and the first dose of VARIVAX (Merck) (lot # 64668/0625R). Concomitant therapy included the third dose of HIB. The patient had been formally diagnosed as Autistic shortly after receiving the vaccines. The patient sought medical attention by visiting the physician’s office. Multiple tests had been performed. At the time of reporting, the patient was not recovered. Upon internal review it was determined that "diagnosed as Autistic" was an other important medical event. There is no additional information.
VAERS ID: 377808
This male is listed “6.0” years old. Submitted write-up: A serious spontaneous report of behavior change presented by hyperactive and oppositional and started exhibiting repetitive behavior, including touching his nose repeatedly, repeatedly bobbing his head and repeatedly sniffing his pants, and jumping up and down; autism and pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections (PANDAS) has been received from a mother/consumer concerning her six-year-old male child, subsequent to Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine Live, Intranasal. The patient’s medical history included sinus infection for one year prior to receiving vaccine. On 19-Oct-2009, the patient was also diagnosed with rheumatic fever and strep throat. No concomitant medications have been reported for this patient. On 19-Oct-2009, the patient received Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine Live, Intranasal, for an unknown indication. On 19-Oct-2009, the patient was prescribed amoxicillin/clavulanate. On 03-Nov-2009, the patient stopped taking amoxicillin/clavulanate and his behavior began to change. He got hyperactive and oppositional and started exhibiting repetitive behavior, including touching his nose repeatedly, repeatedly bobbing his head and repeatedly sniffing his pants, and jumping up and down. He was now being tested for autism and pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections (PANDAS). The outcome of the events was unknown at the time of reporting.
VAERS ID: 426317
This male is listed as “0.34” years old. Submitted write-up: At both the 2 month and 4 month vaccination, my son experienced a seizure lasting approximately 10 seconds. Approximately 1 week after receiving shots he was fussy, ran a temperature, had poor coloring. My son experienced a seizure at his two month and four month vaccination. Both seizures occurred approximately 1 week after the 2 and 4 month vaccination. During this time, my son was fussy, ran a fever on and off ranging from 99 degrees to 102 degrees. His coloring was poor as he appeared pale. At birth, he was a normal child. He made eye contact, would respond to voices as any normal child does, however, after the two month vaccination, my child started staring off into space, and would not longer turn his head when hearing a voice; each of the seizures lasted approximately 10 to 20 seconds with my son’s eyes rolling back in his head, body non-responsive. Both incidences occurred at approximately 9:00 PM when I was putting him to sleep for the night. The 2 month vaccination was performed by the doctor of the clinic on 06-18-08. I did not report this to the doctor because I was notified shortly after that she was no longer in business, so therefore I also do not have information on the manufacturer, lot #, route/site. The 4 month vaccination was performed by the County Health District on 8/20/08. My child is developmentally delayed and diagnosed Autistic. He is permanently disabled and will never recover! It is so important as the patient’s parent to report this information. I suspect that vaccinations harm more people in the population that is currently being reported, and therefore the statistics are inaccurate on the likelihood of a child being harmed. Parents should have this kind of information available so they can make better choices for their children, and understand how a few unfortunate souls are sacrificed for the common good of society. To put it rather bluntly, being one of those parents of a child harmed by vaccinations kind of sucks. Thank you for your time in allowing me to report this information on my son’s behalf.
VAERS ID: 472772
This male is listed as “0.25” years old. The onset began on the same day as the vaccination on January 30, 2004. Submitted write-up: Seizure. Stopped talking and walking. Started high pitched screaming within hours of immunization. He was later diagnosed with severe autism and chianti malformation when a brain scan previously did not show chiari. He tested at 24 months the day of vaccination, he was 15 months old at the time.
VAERS ID: 503294
This female is listed as “15.0” years old. Submitted write-up: August 14, 2007 - lot # 0384U - afternoon shot injection site itchy, sore. Flu like symptoms. Sore joints and muscles in the months to follow. Exhaustion. The doctor’s office said the symptoms were normal. November 14, 2007 - lot # 0927U - afternoon shot. Injection site more itchy, sore, red, swelling. Flu like symptoms for days. Sore joints and muscles, headaches, hair loss, exhaustion. The doctor’s office was not worried about the symptoms. February 14, 2008 - lot # 12APR10 - vomiting, shaking, feverish, itchy/sore injection site, redness, swelling entire arm. Sore joints, muscles, fatigue, hair loss (more) migraine, home from school 1 1/2 weeks for flu like symptoms. Many, many, many doctor visits, hospitalization ER visits until October 2009 when she became paralyzed on right side, loss of vision, hearing loss. Stay for couple weeks, home recovery. Learned to walk again. Repeat of above January 2011. Week stay. Hospitalization for seizures (4 days). Medical diagnoses: Perfectly healthy until GARDASIL now suffers daily from: Leaky Gut Syndrome, pins/needles in extremities, dizziness, dental issues, brain fog, sensitivities to chemicals, chest pains, constipation/diarrhea, enlarged liver, sound sensitivity, anxiety, extreme pain tailbone, fainting, fevers and blisters, back pain, hot/cold intolerance, sleep problems, itching, joint pain, knee pain, light sensitivity, blindness (right side), depression, personality changes, panic attacks, loss of bladder control, bladder issues, muscle aches, spasms, muscle tension tumor in left tibia, paleness, chronic fatigue syndrome paralysis, pneumonia, severe nerve pain, shortness of breath, slurred speech, smell sensitivity, sore throat stomach pain, swelling/edema, tremors, random twitching of extremities, bloating, uterine spasms, blood clotting, numerous UTI''s, kidney problems, vision loss, stomach aches, nausea, rashes, appetite loss, vomiting, dyslexia, hallucinations, large weight loss, seizures, autistic behaviors. Tumor removed December 2010.
VAERS ID: 567295
This female is listed as “1.42” years old. Submitted write-up: Inconsolable crying within the week following shots. Decline of social/communication skills from this time forward. Odd behaviors. Loss of speech by 3rd year of life.
We are left to wonder how many other autism cases would be in VAERS if the U.S. Federal Court of Claims had not cherry picked their test cases during the Autism Omnibus Proceeding (OAP) 2007-2010. All court proceedings tilted heavily against victims of vaccine injury as detailed in Wayne Rohde’s book The Vaccine Court, where vaccine injury is now compensated for only in very rare instances. Today, doctors continue to drag their feet against filing VAERS reports, saying…well, you know the drill.
Biden’s Title IX Final Rule More Likely to be Overturned after Latest Supreme Court Decision
On Friday August 16, the Supreme Court declined appeals on injunctions against the Title IX Final Rule in Tennessee and Louisiana. What does that mean? We’ll try to keep this update simple since there are many comings-and-goings of cases, appeals and arguments.
To review, the Title IX revisions initiated on Joe Biden’s first day of office went into effect on August 1, 2024 after going through the Department of Education’s rulemaking process. Court cases to stop it are finally catching up. The 1,577 page Title IX Final Rule revises Department of Education rules for all federally-funded schools. Most notably, the definition of sex discrimination now includes the concept of gender identity. This most contentious aspect of the Final Rule results in boys being allowed in women’s locker rooms and sports, and vice-versa. In addition, there are First Amendment freedom of speech issues when dealing with the ethereal concept of gender identity, while allowing schools to actively hide information from parents. Twenty three states have successfully filed injunctions, mainly to stop the gender-identity provision from taking effect because of its cascading effects on the school environment and on sports fields and courts. Curiously, Alabama’s courts recently became the only state to deny the injunction.
Now, the Supreme Court is weighing in on the matter as various circuit court motions are made. Quoting part of the August 16 case, where the plaintiffs are states of Tennessee and Louisiana:
Members of the Court today accept that the plaintiffs were entitled to preliminary injunctive relief as to three provisions of the rule, including the central provision that newly defines sex discrimination to include discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
The judges decided 5-4 to allow the injunctions to continue, halting for now the Final Rule and sex definition change. Perhaps most importantly, all nine supreme court judges agreed that adding gender identity to the definition of sex is a such a huge change, contrary to the original intent of Title IX. For the lay-people out there, an injunction means that there will still be a full court case to be tried later. Encouragingly, injunctions are only granted if a judge feels there is a good chance the case will succeed.
David Spring of the Washington Parents Network is even more optimistic, hoping that with this Supreme Court decision, the next related Federal circuit court decision - possibly this week - could result in a National injunction, where Washington state plaintiffs would no longer need to file a request for a Title IX injunction at the federal level.
To provide additional context, Informed Choice Washington is against the Title IX Final Rule change since it violates parental rights, harms free speech, and supports pharmaceutically-driven gender transition, which is experimental, has permanence, is often hidden from parents, and simply cannot be provided with fully informed consent.
🐓 The Guano 💩 Report 🐄
NEW & IMPROVED – now Fortified with Monkeypox 🐒
Even with the gravity of the previous story on the tragedy of autism and its high potential for life-long disability, we still want to try to improve the mood and bring some levity by highlighting public health agency excesses.
As COVID-19 and their lab-produced microbes wane into the background, many billion$ risk drying up from disuse. So the CDC and their pals are naturally raising alarms on many levels to justify their existence. Not only are COVID vaccine reformulations getting ‘approved’ regularly to fight the next scariant, but they’re also adding on to bat and bird fears by declaring that monkeypox is a PHEIC.
A PHEIC (pronounced “fake”) is a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Yes, they actually like to devise their acronyms just to rub it in our faces to remind us they can say and do whatever they want. Remember the recent global software glitch that crippled businesses around the world, including hospitals and airlines? Caused by the cybersecurity company “CrowdStrike”? Or how a Pepsi security guard Cheatle’d her way to the top of the Secret Service, allowing Crooks an open shot at the former president (OK, that’s a stretch to say that names were a factor in the assassination attempt, but…it’s 2024).
So this Guano Report needs to expand to include the WHO 💩 poo being slung about, in the same way caged simians doo. (see what we did there? we can have fun with words too).
Lucky for us, Dr. McCullough has a few great takes on Bird-Brained Public Health Management of H5N1 Avian Influenza, where he interviews Dr. Clayton Baker, MD to set us on a calmer path. As well, Dr. McCullough’s Courageous Discourse Substack article highlights the pratfalls and inconsistencies of bird flu through history.
Still, the bird flu numbers aren’t there. The CDC Bird Flu Situation page shows a slowing in cases, even though testing continues to increase. Avian ailment alarm is simply not taking flight, so enter Bill Gate$’ initiative to Eradicate Malaria. He likes to fight against microbes with vaccines and to attack Minnesota’s state bird, the mosquito, through genetic modification. Does anyone wish this guy could get addicted to video games and just lock himself away? We watched the video and read his article so you don’t have to. Spoiler alert: it’s creepy.
And remember, if you’re wanting daily updates on the global guano and droppings being slung about, Meryl Nass bravely updates and informs on her Substack.
Upcoming Events
Sept. 18 Vaxxed III: Authorized to Kill
Please reserve your tickets by September 4
Yes, there has been a two-week reprieve to ‘Tip’ each screening by showing there’s enough interest to fill the theater. Thanks to those who’ve pre-purchased.
AND, all showings are now at 7 PM, so you don’t need to get off work early.
The nationwide premiere of VAXXED III will be on Wednesday, September 18, mainly in AMC theaters in the US. There are four locations in Washington where you can join the nation in witnessing people’s powerful testimonies of deadly protocols.
Reserve Tickets and spread the word:
Sept. 21: Pandemic Harms 2.0 – Connecting the Dots – Forward Boldly
Wenatchee, 1-5 PM
Get your Tickets here
Sponsorships and room for exhibitors with healing protocols are still available.
Thanks for another excellent weekly update! The new humorous touch is welcome, too!