ICWA Weekly News 9-25-24
COVID and flu shots no longer required for Chelan-Douglas health workers; but soon flu vaccines will be take-out; heart attacks from COVID shots; Gates' big misinfo campaign to protect his preciouss💉
In this issue:
Chelan-Douglas Health District Rescinds COVID-19 and Flu Shot Requirements for Employees
Coming Soon! Order & Administer FluMist Vaccine Yourself
Myocardial Infarction in Washington Following COVID-19 shots
Keeping an Eye On Gates as He Creates a New Scapegoat: “Misinformation”
September 20 Episode of Informed Life Radio - - Notes and Links
Health hour: Coping with Stress in Troubled Times
Guest: Erin Westaway explains how your response to stressful situations can undermine your physical, mental, and spiritual health, and how it's possible to restore peace, purpose, and vitality. Also, a small celebration because the University of California system will again honor religious exemptions for students.
Erin Westaway – Finding Your Ground
Letter from President of Univ. of California Forced to Add Back Religious Exemption – but you wouldn’t know it since they simply bury the additional exemption in the wording.
Liberty Hour: A New Parents Guide to Understanding Vaccination
Guest: Ted Kuntz, author of A New Parents Guide to Understanding Vaccination, discusses how the guide is intended to assist parents in making the best possible decision to support the health of their children. A must read for parents of young children who want to make an informed decision.
A New Parents Guide To Understanding Vaccination: Informing Choice Through Education, by Ted Kuntz
Up to Everyone – Vaccine Choice Canada’s new initiative site
Wins of the Week with Dr. Trozzi and Ted Kuntz
Key Quote: Ted Kuntz on the state of vaccination programs
They say that mistakes were made, but I believe that they knew what they were doing, particularly about vaccinating children. They understand the effect that fear has. They understand that they can shame a parent into making a decision that they may not be comfortable with. I believe that we are dealing with criminals who are knowingly harming our children. The greed is too great, or a commitment to an ideology stops them from thinking critically and making logical choices. But the consequence is that we now have generations of children whose immune systems are seriously compromised. Vaccination is forever, and the impact is lifelong.
Chelan-Douglas Health District Rescinds COVID-19 and Flu Shot Requirements for Employees
During its September 16 meeting, the Chelan-Douglas Board of Health voted 8-3 to finally drop the COVID and flu vaccine requirements for health district employees. Furthermore, the revised policy removed a requirement for an employee's faith leader to approve a request for religious exemptions. As before, employees can still claim a medical waiver. (Board of Health Materials. See 2024 Board Packet, Minutes, & Recordings)
"I am personally very proud of the board and I think this is a huge step in the right direction,” said Board Member Bill Sullivan in a September 18 KPQ article. “It's an acknowledgment that these are individual choices, and that the health district is going to benefit by retaining and recruiting the best employees that know that their employer respects their medical wishes."
The Truth and Accountability Project Washington (TAPWA) wrote in their September 17 press release that it recognized and thanked the Chelan-Douglas Board of Health (Board) for rescinding its COVID-era policy requiring Health District staff to receive multiple COVID injections as a condition of employment.
Re-affirming the decision to drop the requirement, the board’s vote went against Chelan-Douglas Public Health Officer James Wallace’s separate proposal that COVID-19 and flu shot requirements should stay. Before the vote, Wallace gave a presentation outlining strategies to minimize health risks to district employees since they might encounter pathogens while performing their duties.
In the face of Dr. Wallace’s recommendation, the board weighed the benefits and risks of continuing to mandate the experimental COVID injections, which remain shielded from liability under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, despite the fact that the “emergency” was terminated by the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services in May 2023. There was also discussion about the detrimental effects that a controversial mandate could have on employee recruitment and retention.
The board agreed that other vaccines against rubella, measles, Hepatitis B, varicella, and Tdap, would still be required for employees. But the board also updated its vaccine exemption policy by allowing employees to self-attest to their religious beliefs and religious objections. This change marked a departure from the previous policy that required objecting employees to “provide the Human Resources Department with a Religious Exemption form signed by a religious leader or spiritual advisor and a statement.” These changes make the Chelan-Douglas policy more in line with the childhood vaccine exemption rules that parents are subject to by state law.
In July 2024, TAPWA submitted a Notice of Liability to the Chelan-Douglas Board of Health, enumerating harms to people resulting from the public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic and urging the board to pivot away from COVID-era policies and provide informed consent to those who received the COVID shots. TAPWA Steering Committee member Kim Darlington, a registered pharmacist, addressed the board during the public comment period at its September meeting, warning of reports that COVID shots are causing unprecedented harm. Referring to the board’s decision to rescind the COVID shot mandate, she said, “This is an important step in the right direction.”
TAPWA, a Wenatchee-based grassroots medical freedom advocacy organization, seeks to bring truth, awareness, and healing resources to those harmed by the Covid-19 "vaccines” and the public health pandemic response. Their second Pandemic Harms Response Event “Connecting the Dots – Forward Boldly” took place last Saturday at the Wenatchee Convention Center with over 150 attendees. This year’s conference continued to help people distinguish truth from COVID-era lies and to promote healing for those harmed during the pandemic.
More information about TAPWA’s advocacy efforts can be found on its web site.
Informed Choice Washington was proud to sponsor the event, providing some remote help to their impressive volunteers.
Coming Soon! Order & Administer FluMist Vaccine Yourself
By Gerald Braude and ICWA staff
On Monday, The Defender published a breaking story that the FDA had approved AstraZeneca’s FluMist vaccine, which is LIVE vaccine manufactured by MedImmune, for at-home administration, making it the first “take-out” flu vaccine that doesn’t need to be administered personally by a healthcare provider.
The FDA’s press release says:
For those interested in self- or caregiver-administration, the vaccine manufacturer plans to make the vaccine available through a third-party online pharmacy. Those who choose this option will complete a screening and eligibility assessment when they order FluMist. The third-party pharmacy determines eligibility based on the completed screening and, if it is determined that the intended vaccine recipient is eligible, the pharmacy writes the prescription and ships the vaccine to the address provided by the individual who placed the order. The vaccine can then be administered to the prescribed household member(s) at their convenience. A caregiver should administer FluMist to individuals 2 through 17 years of age, as individuals in this age group should not self-administer the vaccine.
The recklessness of such a scheme is beyond stupid. It is clear that the FDA has given up all pretense of protecting the public and is now simply sticking out their hand, like a Monopoly game player, saying “Pay us and then you can pass GO.”
Parents of kids aged two and up and adults up to age 49 will be able to obtain a prescription online and administer — at home — a live-virus flu vaccine that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) withdrew in 2016 because it was ineffective, and which has been associated with reports of children’s deaths, according to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
There are forty-eight reports of people who have died after taking nasal flu vaccines.
Two of those deaths have occurred here in Washington.
The first Washington death from FluMist was reported in 2010 of a thirteen-year-old female who took the FluMist along with the Gardasil vaccine. She died sixteen days after onset of symptoms on October 1, 2009.
The submitted write-up, although written from two perspectives – parent and doctor – tells a clear enough story:
Patient received the HPV as well as the flu nasal spray on Aug 25th. I first declined getting her the vaccination but her doctor ensured me that it was safe. I had declined the same vaccination a year earlier at the downtown public health center. Patient was getting ready for school and was standing by her closet, and all of a sudden she fell, she lost total control of her legs. She went to school and could not engage in any of the activities because of the numbness in her legs and the swelling of her foot. She also, started to get a really bad headache. Days later she woke up out of her sleep complaining of a severe headache, which usually she gets if she has a seizure but she hadn’t had a seizure this night. She continued to say she had not feeling in her foot and tingling feeling in her leg. After I examined her foot I noticed it was swollen. The next morning I called her doctors office and made her doctors appointment for October 23rd. During the month of October she had irregular periods. My daughter never made it to October 23rd, which as also her birthday. She passed on Oct. 17th, I found her cold unresponsive in her room at 7am, which I went in to wake her up to take her morning pills.
The other death was of a twenty-one-year-old male, who died three days after taking FluMist on September 22, 2011.
The submitted write-up: Member was given the Flumist on 09/22/2011. On 09/25/2011, member was feeling chest pain and not feeling well after dinner and going to the Club. Member was found down face in vomit by his friends. CPR was started and 911 activated. Paramedics arrived and continued CPR en route to Hospital where CPR was continued unsuccessfully. Member was pronounced dead at 0215 by the doctor.
VAERS also shows 202 adverse reactions to the flu nasal spray vaccines here in Washington.
Even if one escapes the severe adverse reactions, the common side effects include fevers over 100 degrees, runny nose and soar throat. It’s a LIVE vaccine, so you’re pretty much giving yourself or your child the flu artificially. Why would anyone do that, rather than increase natural resilience to these routinely-circulating microbes through proper diet, exercise, sunshine, nasal spray and gargling? To work, the nasal flu vaccine is mimicking how a virus replicates in the nose. And it sheds. And it increases wheezing and hospitalization. Read the product insert, you will be astounded.
And who’s to stop anyone from doing anything nefarious with FluMist? Never before has the public been able to take a live virus product out of a health-provider setting. Accidents and intentional misuse WILL happen.
As for injected flu shots, to further push Bill Gates’s vision of a shot in every arm, Safeway last week began promoting another discount incentive for flu vaccines.
Notice in the yellow circle above that one can get a 10 percent discount on groceries with any immunization. Also notice the hyper-happy family in the advertising copy, so eager for a coercive discount, that they’ve obviously put aside their trypanophobia and fear of vaccine injury. Do you suppose they’re smiling and laughing because they were just told the really good joke that flu shots have absurdly low effectiveness? With some years dipping into negative efficacy (making you more susceptible)? That any protection afforded wanes daily and is gone in 90 days? If you get the shot October 1st, by January 1st any protection is gone. That for a couple weeks after getting the shot, you’re at increased risk of other respiratory infections? That it doesn’t prevent mucosal infection in the nose or throat or prevent transmission? That serious adverse events are reported every year, including death? Or that an alternative choice (informed consent requires the relaying of alternatives) is the use of nasal spray and gargling solutions that can safely inactive flu viruses in 15 or 30 seconds?
We know they’re not telling folks about these alternatives, so we remind you of these more hopeful, effective, no-side effect health solutions as we enter into the so-called flu-RSV-COVID tripledemic, as public health fear departments likes to call it these days.
Myocardial Infarction in Washington Following COVID-19 shots.
After two Seattle doctors in a staged Washington Department of Health (DOH) interview claimed that one is more likely to get myocarditis from COVID-19 than from the COVID-19 shots, Dr. Peter McCullough on August 19 debunked this claim when he published a short article (and ICWA reported on August 28) in which he said the following:
When the Springer Nature CUREUS Journal of Biomedical Sciences retracted one of the most comprehensive and valid risk-benefit analyses of the COVID-19 vaccines, they probably had no idea the message would be greatly amplified and now fully published in a pair of papers in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.
This manuscript evaluated all of the published data and has completely overturned a false narrative held by government agencies and the American College of Cardiology who erroneously assert that SARS-CoV-2 infection poses a greater risk of heart damage than vaccination. Mead et al importantly conclude the vaccines cause actual adjudicated and oftentimes fatal myocarditis while the infection remains a theoretical risk without adjudicated, autopsy proven cases.(emphasis by ICWA)
Then on September 19, Dr. McCullough wrote an article in his Courageous Discourse Substack titled, “Anti-Spike Antibodies Among Vaccinated Predict Major Adverse Events after Myocardial Infarction.” He noticed that vaccine-generated spike antibodies were much more correlated, ‘predictive’ in his words, for heart attacks.
As you might predict, we looked for trends in the CDC vaccine injury data with the outcome of myocardial infarction (heart attacks).
Sure enough, VAERS shows 5,681 cases of myocardial infarction in the United States following the COVID-19 shots.
Even worse, 1,259 of those cases resulted in death.
Here in Washington, fifty-seven cases of myocardial infarction have been reported.
The youngest case (VAERS ID: 2290939) was of a 25-year-old male, eighty-three days after taking the Janssen shot on May 6, 2021. The write-up reads as follows:
Myocardial Infarction, heart attack, caused by single unexplained clot. Aching pain that spread from chest to left shoulder and behind my neck. Hands were numb and tingling, feet were numb and tingling. Struggled to breath. Had cold sweats and nausea. Extremely tired. Pain became unbearable. Didn’t go to hospital for about three hours
Nine of these myocardial infarction cases in Washington resulted in death. Below are a few of the submitted write-ups in VAERS.
88 year-old male: Patient died 3 days after receiving his first dose of the Covid vaccine. He saw his doctor 2 weeks prior to his death with absolutely no complaints, very healthy. He had no prior heart conditions and was pronounced dead of a heart attack.
73-year-old female: Patient’s arm was bothering her after taking the covid vax. On 3/10/2021, patient went to Hospital to have a Echocardiogram procedure. Patient was sent home. The next day, the patient was vomiting and heaving. Her blood pressure was high and she was having symptoms of a heart attack. 911 was called. First Responder was first to arrive so patient was put on gurney and put on a flight to Hospital. Patient was loaded for the heart flight but perished in flight to the hospital due to cardiac arrest.
57-year-old male after the COVID-19 shot was administered on March 26, 2021: On 3/27/21 at around 9pm, he felt tightness in chest which lead to heart attack and death.
53-year-old male: Around Mid-May, 12-13th. Patient started not to feel well. Tired, stomach was a little bloated, a little dizzy. He said he felt he was getting a cold. End of May beginning of June, his symptoms had not gone away. He was bloated, had cramping in legs and tired. End of june he had sharp pains in ribs, thought he pulled a muscle. July 5 he was so dizzy he thought he was going to pass out, couldn’t walk up the stairs. Called 911 and they took him to ER. He had submassive pulmonary embolism, doctor believed it was from Janssen vaccine, gave him heparin and 45 seconds later he had a heart attack and died right in front of me in the ER. After 40 minutes of CPR he had a heart beat but was in non-induced coma. July11th I had his breathing tube removed because he was brain dead.
Please remember, these reports should be considered additive to the many other heart-related injuries we’ve covered, such as myocarditis and pericarditis. Obviously, Florida—which is Washington’s alter-state, both politically and geographically—has got it right. Their surgeon general is warning against COVID shots starting in January of this year, and now specifically against the mRNA shots.
Keeping an Eye On Gates (Part 2) as He Creates a New Scapegoat: “Misinformation”
One mile north of downtown Seattle and next to the Seattle Center and Space Needle sits a Discovery Center. The building provides plenty of tours and exhibits aimed at filling visitors’ hearts with the good deeds of a Seattle native by the name of Bill Gates, who once said to the World Health Organization, “Our priorities are your priorities.”
One could easily argue that the Gates’s main priority has been to put a shot into every arm if you consider how much the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have granted to organizations heavily engaged in developing and delivering vaccines globally:
$957,000,000 to the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI) Alliance based in Geneva, which Bill founded.
$755,210,000 to the Rotary Foundation of Rotary International as of 2007.
$750,000,000, again to the GAVI Campaign in 1999 under its global development program which aims to develop vaccines, deliver and administer them to children in underdeveloped countries.
$750,000,000 to the Global Fund to fight Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Tuberculosis (TB) and Malaria in 2011. “The basic aim behind the release of this fund is to see a HIV free world.”
$682,305,429 pledged to the World Health Organization (WHO) for its Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI). Granted in 2008, the grant sanctioned was focused in intensifying the eradication initiative, particularly in the regions of Africa and Asia.
(From Bill Gates – The Man Behind The Curtain – The Expose (expose-news.com)
But these tours and exhibits don’t tell visitors about the Gates Foundation’s investment profits. For example, The Defender published an article on February 1, 2023 about how the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation made fifteen times its initial investment when it sold its BioNTech shares at the height of the value in 2021. BioNTech has been partnered with Pfizer for the COVID-19 shots.
Investigative journalist Jordan Schachtel reviewed Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings and found the Gates Foundation downsized its BioNTech holdings by 86% — from 1,038,674 to 148,674 shares — over the third quarter of 2021, BioNTech’s best-performing quarter.
The foundation had purchased the shares in September 2019 — just months before the pandemic was announced — at a pre-public offering price of $18.10 per share.
When the foundation sold the shares — at an average sale price of $300 per share — it pocketed a profit of approximately $260 million, or more than fifteen times its original investment. Schachtel said $242 million of that profit is untaxed because the money was invested through the foundation.
In his book Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, Seamus Bruner shows that such investment profits from his foundation have been a longtime affair:
Over nearly two decades, starting in 2000, Gates funneled more than $10 billion into various vaccination and antivirus efforts—including the tens of millions that he had invested in messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology. He called this eleven-figure outlay the “best investment” he had ever made due to a clever accounting trick that estimated a staggering $200 billion return in ill-defined “social and economic benefits.”
So when Bill says pshah to the claim that he’s not making billions, non-taxable profits are definitely being made by his foundation.
But it has taken much more than just erecting a building in Seattle to bolster the Gates image as a world-saving philanthropist. On December 7, 2021, The Defender reported on Gates’s $319 million in contributions to major media outlets.
The start of The Defender article lays out the facts well enough:
According to MintPress News, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation donated at least $319 million to fund media projects at hundreds of organizations including CNN, NBC, NPR, PBS and The Atlantic, raising questions about those news outlets’ ability to report objectively on Gates and his work.
Now here in the fall of 2024, Gates has created a new tactic to bolster his foundation’s propaganda campaign by labeling free speech as misinformation. Last Friday, The Expose’ wrote the following about this endeavor:
According to Bill Gates, online misinformation is the No. 1 unsolvable problem facing today’s young people. Gates spends a lot of his time and money pushing global climate change mitigation measures and vaccines but, as CNBC noted, one problem has him stumped – what he refers to as “misinformation.”
His promotional video, amplified by CNBC on 5 September, is rather sickening to watch, even if it is less than two minutes long. However, if you can stomach it or if not, you have anti-nausea tablets to hand…
https://www.cnbc.com/video/2024/09/05/bill-gates-this-is-the-no-1-problem-facing-todays-young-people.html [1min 39 secs]
The Expose’ article borrowed from another website, SHTFPlan.com, for some commentary:
As, SHTF Plan noted, “misinformation” is the buzzword the ‘elites’ use to lament that the slaves use free speech, and won’t stay in line parroting their official narrative.
So, what Gates is really saying is that his problem is that there seems to be no quick fix or one solution to what he perceives as the free speech problem.
Free speech advocate Dr. Emily Carter has warned that Gates’ proposals could stifle open dialogue, erode informed consent in medicine, and set a dangerous precedent for broader censorship, ultimately prioritising thought control over transparent and open discourse.
The Expose’ article then commented on Gates’s use of what’s between his ears—artificial intelligence—as a means to combat free speech:
As quoted by Natural News, “The idea of AI-driven censorship is fraught with challenges. It risks stifling important discussions and could lead to a situation where only sanctioned viewpoints are allowed,” Carter said. “This approach could erode the principles of open dialogue and informed consent, which are essential for a functioning democracy.”
Natural News continued, “Gates’ psychopathic attempt to control people and bury vaccine injuries and deaths using AI continues a pattern of malicious behaviour.”
Further North of his foundation, we find evidence that Gates has already been fighting free speech for some time, at the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public (CIP). It is listed as number twenty-one on the top fifty organizations of the global censorship cartel.
In an interview with Tucker Carlson, Mike Benz talked about Kate Starbird’s role at University of Washington, which Benz dubbed “Bill Gates University.”
But the next institution was the University of Washington, which is essentially the Bill Gates University in Seattle who is headed by Kate Starbird, who is basically three generations of military brass who got a PhD in crisis informatics, essentially doing social media surveillance for the Pentagon and getting DARPA funding and working essentially with the national security state, then repurposed to take on mail-in ballots.
Earlier in the interview, Benz told Carlson that UW was one of four institutions involved in a United States mass censorship campaign:
…in order to pre-censor the ability to dispute the legitimacy of mail-in ballots.
And here's how they did this. They aggregated four different institutions. Stanford University, the University of Washington, a company called Graphica and the Atlantic Council. Now all four of these institutions, the centers within them were essentially Pentagon cutouts you had at the Stanford Internet Observatory. It was actually run by Michael McFaul, if you know Michael McFaul. He was the US ambassador to Russia under the Obama administration, and he personally authored a seven step playbook for how to successfully orchestrate a color revolution. And part of that involved maintaining total control over media and social media juicing up the civil society outfits, calling elections illegitimate.
This coverage of Bill Gates and related institutions is to let you know the facts about his undeniable, outsized influence on global vaccine programs, the offensive and defensive measures he’s taking, and to callout this misinformation quashing campaign for what it is. The campaign’s core production is what you might call the “Charlie Brown - Why is everybody always picking on me” Episode 2 of his new Netflix series What’s Next: The Future with Bill Gates, where he tries to come across as an innocent and altruistic philanthropist.
He clouds the valid complaints we’ve been making by highlighting the outlandish, harder-to-prove vaccine conspiracies like microchips are in the shots. ICWA, Children’s Health Defense and most other groups don’t go that far because the COVID shots are bad enough and are a clear and present danger – no conspiracies needed. In the Netflix episode, Bill is very disturbed that people criticize vaccines, wishing the theorists would choose to focus on one of the many other conspiracies about him. He said he wants to say to us: "Hey, wait a minute. Pick on something else. Don't pick on vaccines."
Watch the Netflix episode 2 at your own risk, have anti-nausea pills at hand, and prepare to hear from Gates’ pals Anthony (the human ‘roach) Fauci, Lady Gaga and other misinformation experts who you can debate if you see them walking outside the Foundation. But mainly, we hope you watch so you’ll be more prepared to engage in the misinformation vs. censorship debate that is surely coming.
Your meme of the week: an attempt at dark humor
"Coming Soon! Order & Administer FluMist Vaccine Yourself"
That one's a real doozy. What could possibly go wrong?
Only a matter of time before they start misting all sorts of goodies into classrooms, public buildings and subways. Those subway aerosol dispersal tests weren't done just for the joy of knowledge. That information is as useful if you want to BE the terrorist or fight the terrorists. But yeah. It was only to resist the bio terrorists. If nothing else they know how to spin when spending your extorted tax dollars.
The bio weapons peeps didn't spend all your extorted tax dollars on the time and effort to do bio weapons aerosol testing only because they want to protect. We've become painfully aware with the C19 attack and psyop that often they want to ATTACK you. In fact it could be argued that it's a jump ball in many circumstances whether many of our defense strategies are to defend the homeland lab rats or to attack them. In the end the elites are defending themselves. That's it.
If you don't conform they'll have ways to MAKE you conform without you even knowing it. In such instances aerosol bio weapons are wonderful. You won't even be given the chance to be hung or jailed or drawn and quartered for non conformity. They'll save themselves all that aggravation and bad optics and you'll be conforming without even knowing it
Aerosol vax. Imagine that. Those outside the boxster boys (and girls) think of everything