ICWA Weekly News
Radio links, VAERS update, Listening Session, Covid-shot injury, Journalism failure, upcoming events.
by Gerald Braude
In this newsletter:
An Informed Life Radio notes and links
Another Washington Death Following a COVID-19 Shot
News Radio KPQ Covers Wenatchee Event
Testimony of COVID-19 Shot Injury Submitted To Representative Cyndy Jacobsen
Addendum To PBS News Hour Fails Journalism 101
Health Freedom Upcoming Events
February 3, 2023 Episode of An Informed Life Radio notes and links
Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth
EDUCATION - Informed Choice Washington | ICWA
“It can be argued that ASD with regression, in which children usually lose developmental skills during the second year of life, could be related to exposures in infancy, including vaccines” DeStefano CDC study.
Another Washington Death Following a COVID-19 Shot
Since the last ICWA Weekly News report, one more Washington death has been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Recording System (VAERS) at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As of January 27, 2023, 34,122 deaths following the COVID-19 have been reported to VAERS with 212 of them occurring in Washington.
The latest reported death was of an 89-year-old male.
His decline began two days after taking his fourth dose of the Pfizer jab on December 9, 2022. He died on December 19, 2022. The report reads that he had a “history of COVID-19 infection, August 23, 2022.”
News Radio KPQ Covers Wenatchee Event
News Radio KPQ published a January 30, 2023 story on the January 28 healing story session in Wenatchee.
500 Gather to hear impact of pandemic response in Wenatchee (kpq.com)
Organized by the Truth and Accountability Project Washington (TAPWA), supported by ICWA, the four-hour event was designed to facilitate story sharing as a healing process for those harmed by vaccine injuries. About 500 attended the event.
“The keynote speaker was John Stockton, NBA great and Gonzaga alum. Stockton is the host of a podcast Voices For Medical Freedom and received a warm reception from the crowd. His message for those in attendance was centered on freedom. "The whole COVID plandemic attack has been something that ripped the curtain off and shown everybody what they are up to. They are trying to snatch our freedoms, they are trying to force things upon us, trying to limit our ability to speak, to live, basically all our rights that we have as humans and Americans, they are trying to subvert them so it's the most important issue of my lifetime." https://kpq.com/wenatchee-event-draws-500-to-discuss-pandemic-response/
Twenty-one attendees took advantage of the multifunction cardiogram screening provided by a private vendor. Nearly 60% displayed evidence of myocarditis. The vaccination status of those tested was not reported.
Testimony of COVID-19 Shot Injury Submitted To Representative Cyndy Jacobsen
At the January 9, 2023 “Facts not Fear” Informed Choice Washington rally at the State Capitol, Washington Representative Cyndy Jacobsen spoke about the need for passing House Bill 1029, which would “create a pathway for those employees to be re-employed in their former positions if they choose.”
Soon after she walked away from the microphone, the parents of John Sienkiewicz handed her a letter written by John.
Even though John worked from home as an employee for the Washington State government, he was required to take the COVID-19 shot or face termination. His symptoms from the shot, which he’s still dealing with today, include peripheral neuropathy, tinnitus, body tremors, internal vibrations, various paresthesias, involuntary muscle pressure in his head, neck, and face, loss of sensation in his head, hands, and feet, a loss of motor function, and severe immune system dysregulation.
Before receiving the COVID-19 shot, he had no health issues. He hiked three times a week. He never had a broken bone and never even had a cavity.
He loved the job he had for the state, but now he says, “I am forced to use a career’s worth of leave to keep my job and medical insurance to try and get well from the side effects of a mandated vaccine I was told would protect me and others.”
The letter states that he has reached out to Governor Jay Inslee, Senator Patty Murray, and Senator Maria Cantwell about his COVID-19 shot injury, but “none have replied to me.”
His new life outside of work involves researching vaccine injury, seeing doctors to try and get well, and advocating for the injured.
His letter made numerous recommendations, including the following:
Pharmaceutical companies need to provide real data about safety and effectiveness in a transparent and timely way. Not only when required by court order.
The government needs to monitor and report out on all safety and effectiveness data. They should not provide cherry picked or limited data that is tailored to tell a story.
The media needs to let us tell our stories without being censored. They should not have reporters like Rachel Maddow tell us the vaccine stops the virus when it doesn’t.
Researchers should be receiving funding to find solutions for vaccine injury. Instead they are researching any other possible explanation. Like skipping breakfast increases your risk of heart attack.
Doctors need to be able to diagnose and treat using their own clinical judgment without interference from the government. Why is it OK to use a repurposed FDA approved drug like remdesivir but not ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine?
Addendum To PBS News Hour Fails Journalism 101
The last issue of ICWA Weekly News carried a story on Bill Gates’s nearly $500,000 contribution to the Public Broadcast System (PBS) to influence its pro-vaccine shaping of the news and that this came to light during Laura Barrón-López’s interview with Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson concerning Washington House Bill 1333.
The story went on to show the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s investments in shaping vaccine markets.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (gavi.org)
This past week, this point was further driven home when The Defender published an article about how the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation made fifteen times its initial investment when it sold its BioNTech shares at the height of the value in 2021. BioNTech has been partnered with Pfizer for the COVID-19 shots.
Investigative journalist Jordan Schachtel reviewed Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings and found the Gates Foundation downsized its BioNTech holdings by 86% — from 1,038,674 to 148,674 shares — over the third quarter of 2021, BioNTech’s best-performing quarter.
The foundation had purchased the shares in September 2019 — just months before the pandemic was announced — at a pre-public offering price of $18.10 per share.
When the foundation sold the shares — at an average sale price of $300 per share — it pocketed a profit of approximately $260 million, or more than fifteen times its original investment. Schachtel said $242 million of that profit is untaxed because the money was invested through the foundation.
Two Health Freedom Events Coming Up
February 9 in Fall City
Make Americans Free Again (MAFA) and the Silent Majority Foundation (SMF) will be holding a medical freedom fundraising event at Reign Church at 32725 SE 42nd Street in Fall City on Thursday, February 9, 2023. Social time will begin at 6:00 before the 6:30 start of the meeting. The agenda will be about fighting government overreach, standing for medical freedom, protecting medical staff from mandates, and standing against vaccine mandates for our military. SMF General Counsel and Director Pete Serrano will be the featured speaker.
Every Tuesday at the State Capitol
Informed Choice Washington will be joining March for Freedom and other medical freedom groups to bring their message to the Capitol every Tuesday from 11:00 to 1:00 until the legislative session ends on April 23. The messages to the legislatures include ending all COVID-19 mandates, hold all public officials accountable—notably Governor Jay Inslee—support legislation to prevent this three-year nightmare of strangleholds from ever happening again.