ICWA Weekly News 1-29-25
Urgent Action Needed on HB 1531; ICWA Enjoys Court Victory with SMF to save Parent's Bill of Rights - but new bills threaten again; plus Fauci Pardon Clears Washington BoH from a Public Image Disaster
In this issue: Urgent Action Needed on HB 1531 - sign in CON to stop in its tracks; ICWA Enjoys Court Victory with SMF (and Let’s Go Washington, One Washington and the AG Office), only to face new challenges in Olympia Legislation; Fauci Pardon Clears Washington Board of Health of Another Public Image Disaster.
Are you exhaling after the confirmation hearing adn sending prayers for RFK Jr. after his hearing on January 29?
January 24 Episode of Informed Life Radio – notes and links
Health hour: Vital Autism Resources
Guest: Tracy Slepcevic, Certified Integrative Health Coach, discusses the new nonprofit Autism Health, which “connects families with vital resources, including medical professionals and specialists, ensuring individuals with autism receive the comprehensive care they need to thrive.”
Autism Health Summit April 11-13, San Diego
Autism Prevalence Is Climbing, but It's Not Due to Vaccines | MedPage Today (possibly paywalled)
Liberty hour: STATE vs. FEDERAL
Guest: Jennifer Heine-Withee, Family Policy Institute of Washington reviews proposed legislation to undue the recently passed, and upheld in the court, Parent's Bill of Rights, which only seeks to push back a little against the gender-bending Federal Title IX laws. Hosts then discuss the startling statements made during the Jan. 9 Vaccine Advisory Committee meeting.
ICWA Bill Tracker to see all bills we are following, (pro/con or watch).
Links to share for listening/viewing the show live and recorded
Urgent Action Needed against HB 1531 – Prevents Any County or City from Going Against The Science
“This is a very, very bad, no good bill.”
That’s what Julie Barrett, founder of Conservative Ladies of America and of Washington, says of Washington State House Bill 1531, verbosely titled “Relating to preserving the ability of public officials to address communicable diseases using scientifically proven measures to control the spread of such diseases.”
“If you lived in Washington state during the COVID years and you are still a little bit traumatized, or if you’re still living in Washington, you’re definitely going to want to hear about this bill that has a hearing in Olympia,” she says.
Quickly, if you haven’t already done so, please sign in right now in opposition to the bill as CON.
Let’s see if we can stop this bill in its tracks at this first committee hearing, so do this prior to 7 am Friday January 31.
Julie reads the new bill description before breaking it down:
This is an act relating to preserving the ability of public officials to address communicable diseases using ‘scientifically proven measures’ to control the spread of such diseases, adding a new section to Chapter 70.54 of the Revised Code of Washington and declaring it an emergency.
Julie then goes on to state that when a bill uses an emergency clause, two things would happen if passed:
It takes effect immediately when signed into law by the governor.
It makes it so that citizens cannot run a referendum against the bill to try to repeal it.
“Anytime I see an emergency clause, I consider that a cause for concern,” she says.
Julie then digs into the key points in the bill, which has “A lot of bad stuff packed into those two pages.”
It adds a new section to RCW 70.54, stating that public health responses must be guided by the best available science on disease control measures, including vaccinations.
“And so when you hear trust the science, that doesn’t really give us a lot of comfort,” Julie says. “In fact, you might be like me when you hear trust the science, the alarm bells start going off.”
The phrase must conjure nightmares for many ICWA members for when Tony Fauci once said, “Attacks on me are attacks on science because all the things that I have spoken about from the very beginning have been fundamentally based on science
(We still don’t think the word fundamentally means to Fauci what it means to others; maybe he meant to say ‘kinda’ or ‘flimsily’).
The bill further says that “state and local health officials must implement and promote evidence based, appropriate measures to control communicable diseases including vaccines.”
Yep, they specifically mention vaccines as one of the measures they want to everyone to follow – because they don’t work unless everyone takes them ;-)
Perhaps most significantly, it prohibits the state and it’s political subdivisions from enacting any statutes, ordinances, rules, or policies that would “prohibit the implementation and promotion of these measures.”
Julie then adds, “And it has the emergency clause that I told you about.”
“So, what is this all about?” Julie asks. “Well, if you have been in Washington for the last four years, you know exactly what this is about. They’re giving the state the power to mandate vaccines, any kind of health measures they want. So, whether it’s masks or who knows what else, they did so many crazy things during COVID that really anything you can imagine up is probably on the table for this.”
Julie then details the causes for concern about mandating vaccines by way of this bill:
One of the things that I think is particularly concerning about this is that we know that Washington state will not have a problem mandating the vaccines for state workers. But, through this bill, they could even mandate vaccines for nongovernment employees, nonstate employees, and for private business. As a parent, the biggest concern for me is the forced vaccines for children.
Julie suspects this can be done by way of school-based health clinics.
“I don’t think that having these vaccine clinics is out of the question. We know that they did it during COVID. So, that is something that they would do without parental consent by declaring it an emergency.”
It should be no surprise then that three of the bill’s sponsors have received a nice chunk of change from vaccine manufacturer Pfizer for their 2022 elections campaigns:
Dan Bronoske, 28th District, received $1,000 from Pfizer
Nicole Macri, 43rd District, received $2,000 from Pfizer
Tarra Simmons, 23rd District, received $1,000 from Pfizer
The bill is loaded with other sponsors, all of whom represent the Democrat Party.
For starters, there is Liz Berry, who unfortunately defeated Victoria Palmer in this past election for the 36th state legislative seat. It has been an honor and a pleasure for ICWA to have collaborated with Victoria on leading medical freedom rallies.
Here are the rest of the sponsors for HB 1531 – all Democrats.
Alex Ramel from the 40th legislative district (LD)
Beth Doglio from the 22nd
Julia Reed from the 36th
Davinna Duerr from the 1st
Shelley Kloba from the 1st
Nicole Macri from the 43rd
Lisa Parschley from the 32nd
Strom Peterson from the 21st
Timm Ormsby from the 3rd
Gerry Pollet from the 46th
Shaun Scott from the 43rd
Natasha Hill from the 3rd
HB 1531 has a public hearing on Friday, January 31, 2025, at 8 a.m. So, please take action before 7 a.m. Friday. Fortunately, it takes just thirty seconds to do the minimum – to register CON. Just click on the link below, select “con” in the position drop down box, and fill in the subsequent personal information as a Washington citizen.
Please only register your position once. Their system is not that smart and may allow duplicates. Please, we want our unique registrations to mean something.
But know that there are other options to testify and tell them why you think this bill is bad:
Additional talking points for why this bill is bad:
It’s redundant since RCW 70.05.070(2) - (3) is already in the books, which requires and empowers the Local Health Officer to take such action as is necessary to maintain health and to control and prevent the spread of any contagious or infectious diseases within the jurisdiction, and; WAC 246-100-036, requires the Local Health Officer, when necessary, to institute disease control measures as he, she, or they deem necessary based on his, her, or their professional judgment, current standards of practice, and the best available medical and scientific information.
Existing laws are sufficient: few jurisdictions went against the Governor’s emergency orders; when they tried, they didn’t win the County Council’s favor (Clark County), or threat of withheld funds scared them into compliance, and lost school board seats (Richland).
This language is meant for an emergency. Emergency laws already allow health officers extraordinary powers.
As was seen during COVID, the so-called best science was wrong, had little/no evidence and did not allow for multiple solutions: masks, social distancing, the shots still don’t prevent infection or transmission. This bill would only serve to erode trust in public health measures.
Who decides which science is best? The CDC? The WA DOH? One-size-fits-all approaches like vaccination in novel situations will only continue to diminish trust in public health measures.
If HB 1531 were to pass, could you eliminate DOH staff and all the local health officers as redundant?
Overall, the bill will continue to erode the public’s trust in public health agencies.
If you live in any of the committee member districts, please use the Comment on this bill form to tell them your concerns. As constituents, you’ll be much more likely to reach them.
House Health Committee Members (Party, postion, Legislative District map link):
Bronoske, Dan (Democrat), Chair and bill sponsor, LD 28
Lekanoff, Debra (D), Vice Chair LD 40
Rule, Alicia (D), Vice Chair, LD 42
Schmick, Joe (Republican), Ranking Minority Member, LD 9
Caldier, Michelle (R), Assistant Ranking Minority Member, LD 26
Marshall, Matt (R), Assistant Ranking Minority Member, LD 2
Davis, Lauren (D) LD 32
Engell, Andrew (R) LD 7
Low, Sam (R) LD 39
Macri, Nicole (D) LD 43
Manjarrez, Deb (R) LD 14
Obras, Edwin (D) LD 33
Parshley, Lisa (D) LD 22
Shavers, Clyde (D) LD 10
Simmons, Tarra (D) LD 23
Stonier, Monica Jurado (D) LD 49
Stuebe, David (R) LD 17
Thai, My-Linh (D) LD 41
Tharinger, Steve (D) LD 24
ICWA Enjoys Court Victory with SMF to save the Parent's Bill of Rights
Democrats are pushing bills in Olympia to undo it
On Friday January 24, the Silent Majority Foundation lawyer Austin Hatcher appeared in King County Superior Court hoping to hear good news about their motion to dismiss the case that would stop the Parent’s Bill of Rights from fully going into effect.
In a prior hearing on June 21, 2024, the judge on the case filed by the ACLU and other groups declared a partial temporary injunction against some key provisions about parental notification that severely undermined the new law. Namely, that student’s health records couldn’t be accessed, and that parental notification wouldn’t be given when medical or mental health services were offered.
After multiple filings, the judgement to dismiss was made in favor of the Parent’s Bill of Rights, as defended by William McGinty and four other attorneys in the AG’s office, along with the Silent Majority Foundation.
In a phone conversation on January 24th, Pete Serrano, chief counsel at Silent Majority Foundation, said the judgement was a great win, not only because it was a summary decision which is not granted that often, but also because of the ‘dismissal with prejudice’ order, meaning that the groups cannot file the case again in a different way.
One of the defense’s arguments was that the Legislature didn’t know what they were passing when they did so last spring. Pete indicated that this argument didn’t impress the judge in the least.
Pete Serrano didn’t celebrate long during his phone call with us before he turned to the topic of Olympia legislation. Two bills are moving through the legislature that could undermine all of this work. In fact, it was pretty much the plan all along we think. As Pete said in his interview with the Center Square, “Every single level has protected the people’s rights, and the Legislature says, 'Eff you citizen, I don’t care what your thoughts are.'”.
The bills are HB 1296 and SB 5181 and both would remove parental notification for health related services offered to their students, among other rights that would be stripped out of the Parent’s Rights bill.
The bill titles don’t really match up with what they are attempting to do.
The SB 5181 short title is Amending the parents rights initiative to bring it into alignment with existing law.
Well, existing law is now the Parent’s Bill of Rights, so SB 5181 is false from the get-go. And sadly for the 454,372 people who signed I-2081, this bill has already been through the Senate education committee and could be headed to floor debate at the very first chance.
The HB 1296 short title is Promoting a safe and supportive public education system.
The opening phrase runs counter to a Parent’s Bill of Rights by saying “prioritize the protection of every student's…privacy.” (New Section 101). Then an entirely new Student’s Rights sections would be added. This sounds more contrary to parent’s rights.
Then comes the big set up: the Parent’s / Guardian’s Rights section retains the original, aspirational introductory statement:
The legislature finds that: (a) Parents are the primary stakeholders in their children's upbringing; (b) parental involvement is a significant factor in increasing student achievement; and (c) access to student information encourages greater parental involvement.
Sounds good right?
However, the bill immediately strikes out rights like the ability to receive records within 10 days, and the ability to receive any medical or health records.
Both these bills are working their way through each chamber.
Please oppose HB 1296 or ask that it is amended to retain the above parental rights at the minimum, by writing and calling your House Education committee members who could vote on HB 1296 Thursday January 30 at 8 AM.
Fauci Pardon Clears Washington Board of Health of Another Public Image Disaster
In the final minutes of Joe Biden’s presidency, all those hoping for a Nuremburg 2.0 took a tough blow when Biden preemptively pardoned Tony Fauci.
Last January 21, The Defender wrote:
The pardon, retroactive to Jan. 1, 2014, addresses “any offenses” Fauci committed during this period, including in his former capacities as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, member of the White House COVID-19 Response Team and chief medical adviser to Biden.
After mentioning that Fauci would accept the pardon, The Defender wrote the following:
Issuance of these pardons should not be mistaken as an acknowledgment that any individual engaged in any wrongdoing, nor should acceptance be misconstrued as an admission of guilt for any offense,” Biden said, according to ABC News. “Our nation owes these public servants a debt of gratitude for their tireless commitment to our country.
The last sentence should sound a little too familiar, for the Washington Board of Health (BOH) expressed the same kind of gratitude in its January 13, 2023, letter of appreciation to Fauci after he had retired from his post.

As much as the letter of gratitude was a public relations disaster for the BOH (groveling?), Biden’s preemptive pardon saved them from further embarrassment if Fauci were to be questioned. Then again, that embarrassment could still come.
Attorney Rick Jaffe told The Defender he suspects that, despite the pardon, Fauci likely “will be hauled before Congress,” potentially as part of investigations not targeting him directly but examining matters such as federal funding of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Former Senate investigator Jason Foster, founder and chair of the whistleblower nonprofit Empower Oversight, told RealClearInvestigations that Fauci may also face an additional obstacle if called to testify before Congress.
“When testifying in those inquiries or answering written depositions, Fauci will be unable to dodge questions by invoking his Fifth Amendment protections against self-incrimination,” according to RealClearInvestigations. Foster said, “And if he lies about any prior lie, he can be prosecuted for that or held in contempt.”
Attorney Greg Glaser told The Defender that Fauci may also face legal challenges at the state level.
Fauci can still be prosecuted under state law. The U.S. Supreme Court has articulated checks and balances upon the pardon power, so the power is limited to the federal executive branch.
Ebright noted that the pardon did not extend to other key figures who collaborated with Fauci, such as former NIH director Francis Collins.
ZeroHedge has reported that Senator Rand Paul has vowed to continue investigating the COVID origins question, and sources tell RealClearInvestigations (via ZeroHedge report) that Senator Ron Johnson and House Republican investigators plan to do so as well.
Senator Paul’s text messages show that he’s staying vigilante in his pursuit of Fauci. The following excerpts from those messages reflect this:
Biden’s pardon of Fauci leaves no doubt who is responsible for the COVID pandemic.
Biden’s preemptive pardon of Fauci is an admission of guilt. I won’t stop until Fauci is held accountable
Anthony Fauci lied to the American people about dangerous gain-of-function research, the origins of COVID, and engaged in the worst cover-up in modern medical history. And taxpayers were paying $15 million a year of his private security detail and limos. I’m glad President Trump agreed with me and pulled Fauci’s security detail. But now, we need to focus our attention on holding him accountable for his role in the COVID pandemic and cover-up.
Paul has also texted his supporters about the following questions he would like to ask Fauci:
Why did Fauci push for a mask mandate when in private he admitted masks are ineffective?
Was there someone above Dr. Fauci—like a private funding source—influencing his decision to discount the lab leak theory so no blame would be placed on China?
Was Dr. Fauci at the top of the COVID cover-up?
Why did Joe Biden pardon Dr. Fauci if the “great doctor” did nothing wrong?
On the day of the pardon, Jeff Childer’s helped us process this news by shoving Fauci off to the side and looked for justice to be served for the other COVID evildoers:
☕️ OPEN THE DRAINS ☙ Tuesday, January 21, 2025 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
But I’m about to make a very unpopular argument, so get ready: I don’t care that much about Fauci’s pardon. He is spry, but he’s eighty-four years old. Even if he were legally and properly charged, he would still be in his nineties by the time the appeals were done and so forth. They’d never lock him up, if he lives that long.
Fauci just involuntarily served his country by helping make the J6 pardons possible. He’ll be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his natural life, and he’ll die in witness protection.
And Fauci’s pardon cleared the way for something arguably more important.
Listen carefully: Fauci did not work alone. For years, Fauci has covered for a small army of co-conspirators, fellow scientists at the NIH and elsewhere, Fauci’s arms and legs, who carried out his evil schemes (and who aren’t 84 years old).
And who did not get pardons.
Consider all the NIH scientists who made millions from covid shot patents and who have never disclosed that conflict of interest. Think about UNC Professor Ralph Baric, who helped design the spike protein. Think about treasonous EcoHealth CEO Peter Daszak and everyone else on EcoHealth’s board, who all helped engineer the disastrous bioweapon in lockstep with the Communist Chinese military.
None of those people got pardons. And they all need jail cells. In a perverse way, Fauci’s pardon clears him off the deck, exposing the next crime layer down, a layer including the people who actually did the dirty work. With the human cockroach out of the picture, rightly or wrongly, we can now pursue Fauci’s many co-conspirators, who are just as guilty than he is, if not more so. And there are a lot of them.
Indeed, exposure of the truth and prosecution of those others instead would do just fine for the BOH since attention would be diverted from their letter of gratitude to Fauci.
So, these great memes are in honor of the great Dr. Bill Osmunson and Michael Connett who have opposed community water fluoridation for many, many years. This is part of their pre-celebration dance as the practice disappears into history.
HB1531 tasks done. Check! Thank you for letting us know.
Signed in & made my wishes known! Thanks for all you do ICWA!