Two Different Realities: Comparing the U.S. Congressional Report on COVID to DOH After Action Reports; Washington Department of Health Dims Holiday Cheer with Pertussis Fear
I am grateful for all the work that goes into these posts! Although we have no shortage of news sources and information, no one does the trick quite like Informed Choice Washington for our state.
Gerald and team, I don't know how you face reading that stuff for us all. It makes me want to embalden myself. I couldn't make it past that one intro paragraph.
> racial injustice,
Like demanding everyone, without regard to immune system differences in different population clusters (well recognized by, say, the blood products and organ/tissue industries), be injected a one-size-fits-all immune system tinkering drug?
> ableism,
Like systemic, policy-grounded harassment of and threats to people with disabilities who didn’t want to risk getting jabbed with a potion known to create more disabilities?
> high incarceration,
Like lockdowns for all?
> poor eldercare,
Like people over 60 being redefined as ill even when healthy, and not allowed to access health care, or once there not being allowed to leave, or being locked down, or being isolated from their families?
> the school to prison pipeline,
Sounds like public education needs to be defunded and the money given back to taxpayers to develop new, effective approaches.
> lack of worker protection,
Like infrastructure and logistics workers getting injured by forced jabs, and masks interfering with safety equipment, and getting fired for saying no to being made a rat in a global Pharma and MSM experiment?
> no to low wage employment,
Like people using Jay Inslee’s stasi-esque Snitch Line to make sure their neighbors aren’t clawing for their survival by doing day care or cutting hair or grooming pets?
> housing and food insecurity,
Like small businesses being shut down en masse to make way for our GloboTech bankster overlords?
> the pains of social isolation,
Like people feel when locked down, harassed for asking questions, or Pharma/state-media coached to regard their families, friends and neighbors with fear?
> lack of resources for those struggling with addiction,
You’ll have to ask the Sackler PharmaFamily about that one.
> people without healthcare,
Like the gal I know who lost her entire leg, then her heart, then her life, because she wasn’t allowed to see a specialist after routine knee surgery, to assess what turned out to be a site infection that ate her life? (SUPERSPREADER! YOU DIE NOW!)
> life with no internet,
That would be terrible.
> cut-off utilities,
Could use a little specificity there.
> no car or slow transit,
Race cars for all, or you’re a fascist!
> strain carried by all caregivers.
The strain my household and friends’ experienced ENTIRELY resulted from these permastate wankers who meet for things like “after action reports.”
And who was responsible for all this? Who made the policies, created the PR campaigns, surveilled online discussion to silence any questions/dissent, deliberately decided to blame questioners for all problems? Who never stopped, once, and said, "You know, you might have a point about these stabs--let's keep an open mind, thank you for helping me open mine."
The sheer balls of whoever put fingers to keyboard to write in this Permastate Genre—it boggles the mind. The slippery, slimy, institutional-sinecure-holder mentality it typifies is the greatest evil we face as a civilization, in my view.
No matter what, they will always interpret EVERYTHING as not their fault, always the fault of others, or of some dim mysterious invisible forces in the cosmos…that only they, the high priests of SCIENCE, can tame.
For the greater good! Why, look at the sweet language they use--straight out of the Permastate-Schoolmarm/PR Karen Style Manual.
And they will always report on The Lives Of Others (i.e., everybody, in the millions, other than them, in the thousands) as a phenomenon of distanced interest, like scientists watching a petri dish and telling you what’s going on in there.
They always have the bingo card of phraseology to do so. They will never hold a conference where just regular people get an open microphone, and someone transcribes it all. Nope, they want to lock down, mask, and silence DISINFORMATION, MISINFORMATION, MALINFORMATION.
The only voices deserving of your attenion is those BIG TEAMS in conference rooms and Zoom calls. Doing the priestly interpretation of society's entrails, after they have finished gutting it.
The sooner we can deflate state and federal government—by 80+%—the better.
These people masque as benign, and helpful, and caring, and smartier than thou.
In fact they are the worst sort of predators and oppressors. The fact that they vomit their self-privileging, committee-constructed-and-vetted lies right in our faces, with no shame whatever, and an utter erasure/ignoring of actual observable historic fact demonstrates this.
Then they go back to collecting their six-figure paychecks/benefits. And wait for/create the next opportunity to oppress us. While watching the Retirement Clock…and job openings that might give them a millimeter-up climb on the career ladder.
And the thing is?
They get away with it. They create and enable mayhem and destruction at every level. And there is absolutely no consequence. That's the real power of the permastate.
When my in-law family was gung-ho for the stabs in 2020, we didn't say anything much, just that we weren't doing it. They ranted at us (three siblings, mom unit).
Flash forward. They all rushed to get stabbed. Mom unit incarcerated in her elder ghetto, but going to the balcony slider every night to flash the porch light at 1800 hours for the Brave Front Line Health Care Workers. Like everybody else wanting to be part of a cult ritual.
Flash forward a few days to a few weeks. Mom unit ended up in the ER with "stroke like" symptoms. Oldest sibling had her skin bubble up and peel off, with an ugly rash. Multiple rounds of this. Also fainting spells. Youngest sibling had seizures.
I asked oldest sister whether she and the others had submitted their experiences to VAERS. Oldest sister's reply: "I'm not going to do ANYTHING at this crucial juncture in THE PANDEMIC to GO AGAINST SCIENCE like you anti vaxxers." I pointed out that VAERS was a CDC instrument. She got terse, then hung up.
So there are three people, right there, who had massive post-stab problems...never reported to VAERS.
I admit that after awhile I gave up bothering. Part of it was my not wanting to deal with the hostility. But part of it was realizing the monstrous hold Pharma industry psyops had on people, at every level.
Behind every Pharma-PR-firm ginned-up message, talking point, meme, etc., involving ANYTHING in "health" "care"...there is a carefully engineered foundation of FEAR.
In my lifetime Pharma has reached into more and more and more areas of daily life, to implant those FEAR buttons, then push them at every opportunity, as well as add to them. This is a big driver in the explosion in number of stabs given to babies.
"Covid" pioneered, and pushed, new buttons through mass media programs implanting/encouraging ANGER, BLAME, SHUNNING, SUPERIORITY OF INTELLECT (pride), etc.
Perhaps you saw this from early 2022, regarding the goal of manipulating people through PUNISHMENT:
Think of Jay Inslee's Snitch Line as a prime example of that. People encouraged to turn on neighbors and report them to the state, for not following the diktats of a "gubernatorial proclamation."
Now compare the Pharma PR methods of coercion, cheerfully delivered by "blue" governments and endured by the supposed "red" opposition, to the 1956 Biderman Report on coercion methods inflicted on POWs held by Chinese and North Korean captors.
I am grateful for all the work that goes into these posts! Although we have no shortage of news sources and information, no one does the trick quite like Informed Choice Washington for our state.
Gerald and team, I don't know how you face reading that stuff for us all. It makes me want to embalden myself. I couldn't make it past that one intro paragraph.
> racial injustice,
Like demanding everyone, without regard to immune system differences in different population clusters (well recognized by, say, the blood products and organ/tissue industries), be injected a one-size-fits-all immune system tinkering drug?
> ableism,
Like systemic, policy-grounded harassment of and threats to people with disabilities who didn’t want to risk getting jabbed with a potion known to create more disabilities?
> high incarceration,
Like lockdowns for all?
> poor eldercare,
Like people over 60 being redefined as ill even when healthy, and not allowed to access health care, or once there not being allowed to leave, or being locked down, or being isolated from their families?
> the school to prison pipeline,
Sounds like public education needs to be defunded and the money given back to taxpayers to develop new, effective approaches.
> lack of worker protection,
Like infrastructure and logistics workers getting injured by forced jabs, and masks interfering with safety equipment, and getting fired for saying no to being made a rat in a global Pharma and MSM experiment?
> no to low wage employment,
Like people using Jay Inslee’s stasi-esque Snitch Line to make sure their neighbors aren’t clawing for their survival by doing day care or cutting hair or grooming pets?
> housing and food insecurity,
Like small businesses being shut down en masse to make way for our GloboTech bankster overlords?
> the pains of social isolation,
Like people feel when locked down, harassed for asking questions, or Pharma/state-media coached to regard their families, friends and neighbors with fear?
> lack of resources for those struggling with addiction,
You’ll have to ask the Sackler PharmaFamily about that one.
> people without healthcare,
Like the gal I know who lost her entire leg, then her heart, then her life, because she wasn’t allowed to see a specialist after routine knee surgery, to assess what turned out to be a site infection that ate her life? (SUPERSPREADER! YOU DIE NOW!)
> life with no internet,
That would be terrible.
> cut-off utilities,
Could use a little specificity there.
> no car or slow transit,
Race cars for all, or you’re a fascist!
> strain carried by all caregivers.
The strain my household and friends’ experienced ENTIRELY resulted from these permastate wankers who meet for things like “after action reports.”
And who was responsible for all this? Who made the policies, created the PR campaigns, surveilled online discussion to silence any questions/dissent, deliberately decided to blame questioners for all problems? Who never stopped, once, and said, "You know, you might have a point about these stabs--let's keep an open mind, thank you for helping me open mine."
The sheer balls of whoever put fingers to keyboard to write in this Permastate Genre—it boggles the mind. The slippery, slimy, institutional-sinecure-holder mentality it typifies is the greatest evil we face as a civilization, in my view.
No matter what, they will always interpret EVERYTHING as not their fault, always the fault of others, or of some dim mysterious invisible forces in the cosmos…that only they, the high priests of SCIENCE, can tame.
For the greater good! Why, look at the sweet language they use--straight out of the Permastate-Schoolmarm/PR Karen Style Manual.
And they will always report on The Lives Of Others (i.e., everybody, in the millions, other than them, in the thousands) as a phenomenon of distanced interest, like scientists watching a petri dish and telling you what’s going on in there.
They always have the bingo card of phraseology to do so. They will never hold a conference where just regular people get an open microphone, and someone transcribes it all. Nope, they want to lock down, mask, and silence DISINFORMATION, MISINFORMATION, MALINFORMATION.
The only voices deserving of your attenion is those BIG TEAMS in conference rooms and Zoom calls. Doing the priestly interpretation of society's entrails, after they have finished gutting it.
The sooner we can deflate state and federal government—by 80+%—the better.
These people masque as benign, and helpful, and caring, and smartier than thou.
In fact they are the worst sort of predators and oppressors. The fact that they vomit their self-privileging, committee-constructed-and-vetted lies right in our faces, with no shame whatever, and an utter erasure/ignoring of actual observable historic fact demonstrates this.
Then they go back to collecting their six-figure paychecks/benefits. And wait for/create the next opportunity to oppress us. While watching the Retirement Clock…and job openings that might give them a millimeter-up climb on the career ladder.
And the thing is?
They get away with it. They create and enable mayhem and destruction at every level. And there is absolutely no consequence. That's the real power of the permastate.
Now pay your property and sales taxes, serfs.
> In Washington, fifty-seven deaths have occurred
Fifty-seven deaths have been reported. Likely many more have occurred.
I know.
When my in-law family was gung-ho for the stabs in 2020, we didn't say anything much, just that we weren't doing it. They ranted at us (three siblings, mom unit).
Flash forward. They all rushed to get stabbed. Mom unit incarcerated in her elder ghetto, but going to the balcony slider every night to flash the porch light at 1800 hours for the Brave Front Line Health Care Workers. Like everybody else wanting to be part of a cult ritual.
Flash forward a few days to a few weeks. Mom unit ended up in the ER with "stroke like" symptoms. Oldest sibling had her skin bubble up and peel off, with an ugly rash. Multiple rounds of this. Also fainting spells. Youngest sibling had seizures.
I asked oldest sister whether she and the others had submitted their experiences to VAERS. Oldest sister's reply: "I'm not going to do ANYTHING at this crucial juncture in THE PANDEMIC to GO AGAINST SCIENCE like you anti vaxxers." I pointed out that VAERS was a CDC instrument. She got terse, then hung up.
So there are three people, right there, who had massive post-stab problems...never reported to VAERS.
Yeah, they all got boosted, multiple times.
So tragic. We are sorry for your losses. It's a helpless feeling, isn't it? Bravo for broaching the subject with people.
I admit that after awhile I gave up bothering. Part of it was my not wanting to deal with the hostility. But part of it was realizing the monstrous hold Pharma industry psyops had on people, at every level.
Behind every Pharma-PR-firm ginned-up message, talking point, meme, etc., involving ANYTHING in "health" "care"...there is a carefully engineered foundation of FEAR.
In my lifetime Pharma has reached into more and more and more areas of daily life, to implant those FEAR buttons, then push them at every opportunity, as well as add to them. This is a big driver in the explosion in number of stabs given to babies.
"Covid" pioneered, and pushed, new buttons through mass media programs implanting/encouraging ANGER, BLAME, SHUNNING, SUPERIORITY OF INTELLECT (pride), etc.
Perhaps you saw this from early 2022, regarding the goal of manipulating people through PUNISHMENT:
Think of Jay Inslee's Snitch Line as a prime example of that. People encouraged to turn on neighbors and report them to the state, for not following the diktats of a "gubernatorial proclamation."
Now compare the Pharma PR methods of coercion, cheerfully delivered by "blue" governments and endured by the supposed "red" opposition, to the 1956 Biderman Report on coercion methods inflicted on POWs held by Chinese and North Korean captors.