ICWA Weekly News 2-21-24
Bill on New DOH Power Goes Before House Committee; 🐎💊🩺 The WMC’s Hit List of Five Ivermectin Doctors; VAX-unVAX #CHDBUS in Olympia, Seattle and Spokane
In this issue:
🏛️ Senate Bill 6095 On New DOH Power Goes Before House Committee
The WMC’s Hit List of Five Doctors Who Prescribed Ivermectin 🐎💊🩺
Upcoming Events:
Feb. 23 Rally for Initiatives, Olympia
Feb 24 WCRC Town Hall, Wooden Valley
🚎Vaxxed Bus, Apr 16 Olympia Capitol noon-2 PM -- Apr 17 Seattle, Westlake Park -- Apr 19 Spokane
April 19-20 Medical Freedom Northwest, Starting or Finding Successful Cash Healthcare Businesses, Spokane with Shawn Needham, Dr. Scott Jensen, Dr. Kelly Victory and more.
Note from the ICWA board: the authors of this newsletter, board and other active members from across the state conduct a weekly meeting at 7 PM every Monday. We enjoy staying connected and always find important things to update and to plan. If you’d like to join and hopefully become a little more active with ICWA or the new Children’s Health Defense Washington Chapter, please request details and an invite at contact@informedchociewa.org.
Informed Life Radio Links – February 16
Health and Liberty Hour on CHD-TV: Children’s Health Improves with Chiropractic Care + $1 Million Ivermectin Hush Money
Guest: Sarah Kotlerman
Dr. Kotlerman works with the Averio Health Institute
Recommended TPUSA AmericaFest for any political persuasion.
Pottenger's Cats — A Study in Nutrition (on Future Generations)
International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA4Kids.com) to locate recommended/qualified child chiros near you.
Liberty Hour Bill Update in Washington
Watch 6095 Committee Hearing [TVW clip, 11 mins]
Guest: Don Downs, Cara Bookman
Please GiveSendGo - Brenda's Battle
Health and Liberty Hour on ICWA:
🏛️ Senate Bill 6095 On New DOH Power Goes Before House Committee
Continuing our coverage of a critical bill we strongly oppose.
The House Health Care and Wellness Committee held a public hearing this past Friday, February 16, on engrossed (slightly revised) Senate Bill 6095 that would make permanent an emergency power used during the pandemic for the Secretary of Health to issue liability-free standing orders to prescribe vaccines, drugs and tests for every person in the state.
The DOH bill supporters claim it would be easier to reach more patients with treatments during outbreaks, for EMTs on calls, or any DOH-declared need. And that since Local Health Officers already have power orders - no harm, no foul. Informed Choice WA members are strongly opposed as it is unnecessary and would be the first time a public health officer is explicitly allowed this power. Local Health Officers only have implied standing order powers if you read between the lines in the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) and Washington Administrative Code (WAC) for emergency situations.
The background given for the bill mentions the power they enjoyed during the COVID-19 era:
Standing orders are instructions from a prescriber or qualified health care professional for patients to receive tests, vaccines, clinical services, or procedures without an individual prescription. In 2019, the Legislature granted authority for the Secretary of Health (secretary) to issue standing orders for individuals at risk of opioid overdose to receive opioid reversal medication. During the COVID-19 pandemic the secretary issued standing orders for vaccines, testing, and epinephrine autoinjectors, under now expired federal authority.
(why did they need epinephrine injectors? Oh yeah, for anaphylaxis after a shot?)
The bill reads, in part:
…Provides authority for the Secretary of Health [or designee] to issue a prescription or standing order for a drug or device for the purpose of controlling a threat to public health.
The most distressing part is on page two, lines four through eight, which removes any liability that the Washington Secretary of Health, currently Dr. Umair Shah, would have for these standing orders:
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, neither the state nor the secretary nor the secretary's designee shall be liable for any civil or criminal damages, or any professional disciplinary action related to the issuance of prescriptions or standing orders pursuant to this section, other than for acts or omissions constituting gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct.
The last phrase about negligence was added by Senate amendment on February 9 as a way to narrow the liability protection.
The Department of Health (DOH) introduced the bill, and, fittingly enough, their chief science officer Tao Kwan-Gett led off the PRO public testimony on February 16:
I’m a pediatrician and epidemiologist and serve as chief science officer for the department of health... This is department request legislation that would give clear authority for the Secretary of Health to issue standing orders to address infectious and non-infectious public health threats.
Standing orders are written protocols that authorize designated members of a health care team to complete certain clinical tasks without having to get an individual physician order.
Standing orders could include administering epinephrine auto-injectors in schools, giving immunizations to control an outbreak or doing point of care testing.
Standing orders are an optional tool that can increase efficiencies in the healthcare system, especially during times of high demand, worker shortages or limited access to healthcare.
Standing orders are not a directive or a mandate. They are a flexible tool to support the public health system.
Providing this authority is critical to address current and future public health threats.
We appreciate your attention to this priority, and I’m happy to answer any questions.

There was some interest by representatives to clarify the need for the bill.
Rep. Paul Harris (Rish, 17, Vancouver) asked: “Do you have standing authority now? I guess, I’m confused. Do you have the standing authority now or not?”
Kwan-Gett: “Right now, we only have the authority for a standing order for Naloxone. That is the only treatment for which we have a standing order. Under the prior public health emergency, we had the authority for COVID-19 vaccines, but with the ending of the public health emergency, the secretary no longer has that authority.”
Representative Joe Schmick from the ninth district then asked, “Do the local health directors currently have that authority currently?”
Kwan-Gett answered, “Local health officers do have the authority to write a standing order for their local health jurisdiction.”
Again, upon review of the RCW and the WAC, there is no explicit mention of standing order powers. This lack of authority was confirmed by a legislative assistant. So, are the advocates of this bill lying? Why do they feel the need to lie or stretch the truth so much to support this bill? This approach is not rebuilding trust in public health.
The other three testimonies in favor of the bill all came from government or public health association representatives. The first in line was Seattle Fire Department Chief Harold D. Scoggins, pointed to needing different overdose treatments than for the existing naloxone order.
Next in line was an appearance from the Washington State Pharmacy Association’s Jenny Arnold, with the obvious conflict-of-interest that her WSPA members will benefit greatly from this legislation. We know this is ostensibly for a good cause, but still, it’s a conflict of interest to be advocating so openly for increased business. A diligent legislator could have bothered to ask how much their business would increase.
Then they heard from a representative from both academia and the government. Dr. Michael Sayre is a professor of the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Washington and the emergency medical servicers (EMS) director for the Seattle Fire Department. He asked for the ability for EMTs to administer buprenorphine to help treat drug addiction symptoms.
At this point, one would think that the bill had full support from those with a government affiliation. But the first public testimony against the bill came from the wife of a firefighter in Snohomish County, passionate enough to show up in person with two very young kids in tow. She mentioned that she saw nowhere in the bill that this was an EMT issue and about the opioid crisis. She went on to say that the bill basically opens the door for issuing euthanasia to people who have a non-infectious disease. “Because this isn’t about just infectious disease,” she said. “It’s about non-infectious disease or any perceived threat and basically allowing for unlimited authority.”
ICWA Director and News editor Bob Runnells was able to state his objections, which could be summarized as:
Standing orders by the Secretary of Health:
Will interfere with the doctor-patient relationship
Will no doubt violate informed consent.
Are dangerous with significant risks when prescribed as one size fits all.
Are an unnecessary power grab, which will only serve to erode the public’s trust.
Needs to have an emergency-use-only clause.
Be Brave Washington Leader Natalie Chavez then added the additional points in opposition:
would not solve any problem - secretary already has ample capability and funding to broadcast alerts and recommendation
People do not want the secretary of health to possess emergency powers permanently.
Opposition is regardless of people’s political affiliation.
The count of pro/con count at the last hearing was nineteen PRO, all who were state agency employees or affiliated to a public health organization. There were 540 CON, registering as private citizens.
Mary Long then spoke on behalf of the Conservative Ladies of Washington in opposition to the bill.
We do not agree with any legislation that would centralize power in the state government, including the executive branch, especially to someone who is not elected by the people. The secretary of health is appointed by the governor. Over the last few years, we’ve seen more and more of the just powers given to legislature, constitutionally put in place, seated to the governor, primarily by the Democratic Party. This legislation would set a dangerous precedent, likely resulting in future legislation to further increase emergency powers. Our state and local authorities have the technology to act quickly on unfolding issues. Therefore, this policy is unnecessary, and we urge this committee to vote “no.”
The public hearing for SB 6095 concluded with Representative Paul Harris from the seventeenth district asking counsel staff member Chris Blake, “How many states allow clear authorities such as this that we’re trying to do here in Washington state.”
Blake answered, “I don’t know offhand. I can ask for that.”
During last Friday’s Informed Life Radio show, Director Runnells said that the response during the hearing for CON against the bill totaled about 1,150 whereas the PRO in favor of the bill totaled just a handful. Not one concerned citizen signed in to support the bill.
Despite the sound arguments reported above by public commenters, SB 6095 was speedily passed out of committee during the Tuesday February 20 executive session. There was no debate, no amendment. Only a general comment in opposition from Ranking committee member Rep. Joe Schmick – God bless him – as the bill was kicked down the road by the majority Democrat party members: nine in favor, seven opposed.
Next stop: the House floor for debate. Will the bill be amended? Will a representative call out the Department of Health for this power grab?
Humor the authors for a moment with a prediction: this power of standing orders will be used to inappropriately prescribe vaccines or other drugs for an outbreak that will be long gone by the time artificial immunity is achieved by a recipient. Therefore, it will cause unwarranted, surprise injuries much like Misty Gehrke experienced in the 2019 Southwest Washington measles scare. (See Weekly News 12-27-23 for a recap).
🐎💊🩺 The WMC’s Hit List of Five Doctors Who Prescribed Ivermectin
The Washington Medical Commission (WMC) website’s “News and Announcements” section is the official public portal about investigations and disciplinary actions on physician and physician assistants.
Many of the measures taken on licensed doctors seem understandable, such as the cases of sexual misconduct, the overprescribing of opioids, or physically unfit to practice, but five of the prosecutions have been for prescribing ivermectin for treating COVID-19 even though a Federal Drug and Administration) FDA lawyer has stated that doctors are free to do so.
The Feared Five are:
Dr. Ryan Cole, MD
Dr. Richard Wilkinson, MD
Scott Miller, PA
Guito Cassagnol Wingfield
Miguel R. Antonatos, MD
The most well-known doctor to be attacked by the WMC is Ryan Cole, who has testified twice at a roundtable discussion held by United States Senator Ron Johnson, testified in a hearing held by Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, and testified at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium. Here’s the WMC’s side of the story:
Statement of charges served on physician license of Ryan Cole:
OLYMPIA, WA – In January 2023, Washington Medical Commission (WMC) issued a statement of charges against the Washington physician license of Ryan Cole, MD (Lic. #00048229).
Specifically, in section 1.2:
Respondent made numerous false and misleading statements during public presentations regarding the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, COVID-19 vaccines, the use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19, and the effectiveness of masks that were harmful and dangerous to individual patients, generated mistrust in the medical profession and in public health and had a widespread negative impact on the health and well-being of our communities.
The Silent Majority Foundation (SMF) has brought Dr. Cole’s case with the WMC to the United States District Court, Eastern District of Washington at Yakima.
On January 4, 2024, the WMC issued a Final Order on Dr. Cole, placing him on ‘oversight.’ We broke down the order in our Weekly News 1-17-24.
One of the other claimants mentioned in the complaint, Dr. Rick Wilkinson, is also listed in the WMC list of press releases.
WMC Restricts Yakima County Physician’s License
OLYMPIA, WA – The Washington Medical Commission (WMC) restricted the license of Richard S. Wilkinson, MD (License #MD00016229), who owns and operates a medical clinic in Yakima, following a hearing in April of this year. The WMC determined that Dr. Wilkinson failed to meet the standard of care by prescribing ivermectin to seven (7) patients for COVID-19 infections without documenting a sufficient rationale for prescribing the medication and without informing the patients that the medication is not FDA-approved to prevent or treat COVID-19. The WMC also concluded that Dr. Wilkinson failed to establish a physician-patient relationship with some of the patients and prescribed inhaled hydrogen peroxide to one (1) patient even though it has no effect on a COVID-19 infection and is dangerous in vapor form. In addition, the WMC concluded that in his web based blog, Dr. Wilkinson misrepresented information about COVID-19, masking, and vaccines.
The WMC issued a final order placing Dr. Wilkinson’s license on probation for five (5) years and restricting him from prescribing ivermectin for non-FDA-approved indications. The Order also precludes Dr. Wilkinson from prescribing medication or providing care to patients without (1) first establishing a physician-patient relationship by seeing the patient in-person or via real-time video; (2) taking the patient’s history and conducting a physical examination, (3) obtaining informed consent, and (4) documenting all of this in the patient’s medical record.
The Order also requires Dr. Wilkinson to undergo a clinical competency assessment, pay a fine of $15,000, and complete continuing medical education courses on medical record keeping, medical decision-making, and informed consent.
The SMF is appealing the WMC order issued to Dr. Wilkinson.
We are appealing the findings and disciplinary action taken against Dr. Wilkinson for his treatment of COVID-19 with Ivermectin and for his discussion of the treatment on his blogs and in a public meeting. The WA Medical Commission deemed these activities “act[s] of moral turpitude” and claimed that Dr. Wilkinson took an “extremely unbalanced look at COVID-19, downplaying the seriousness of COVID-19.” The WMC’s determination that it can regulate Dr. Wilkinson’s speech and its decision to regulate Dr. Wilkinson’s treatment of patients presents the necessity of our appeal.
In summary, we’re pressing on in this matter as we must represent Dr. Wilkinson in an effort to preserve his rights to free speech and his ability to treat patients with his knowledge and understanding. It is imperative that these rights be protected so we all can enjoy medical freedom.
By far, the one to receive the most attention from the WMC has been PA Scott Miller. The WMC has dished out at least four press releases touting their persecution of him.
Clark County PA Suspended
OLYMPIA, WA - A Washington Medical Commission (WMC) panel has suspended the license of Physician Assistant (PA) Scott C. Miller (#60427988) on October 12, 2021.
WMC alleges PA Miller’s treatment of COVID-19 patients fell below the standard of care. Miller began a public campaign promoting ivermectin as a curative for COVID-19, and prescribed it without adequate examination to at least one person, with no reliable clinical studies that establish its efficacy in preventing or treating COVID-19.
Allegations against Miller also include: interfering with the care of hospitalized COVID-19 patients, engaging in a hostile and threatening public campaign against both hospitals and individual physicians regarding COVID-19 treatment; and lying on his initial licensing application by denying that he was under investigation by the State of California’s Physician Assistant Board.
This last investigatory issue was determined to be a case of mistaken identity, yet they kept the accusation on the complaint for as long as possible, while attempting a clarification, not a retraction, in the news release.
On October 6, 2022, the final order indefinitely suspends PA Miller’s license to practice as a physician assistant.
Clark County PA Suspended On October 12, 2021.
On October 25, 2023, the Washington Medical Commission (WMC) received a health law judge’s default order which permanently revoked the physician assistant credential of Scott C. Miller, PA. Mr. Miller is not eligible to renew or reactivate the revoked license. This revocation is based on Mr. Miller’s failure to respond to the WMC’s August 18, 2023, Statement of Charges.
The WMC alleged that Mr. Miller failed to cooperate with the WMC’s investigation into failing to provide medical records to parents of a minor child and possibly providing treatment while suspended.
The other two Feared Five ivermectin doctors are not represented by the Silent Majority Foundation and appear to have complied with WMC orders.
WMC restricts Lewis County Physician’s License
OLYMPIA, WA – The Washington Medical Commission (WMC) restricted the license of Guito Cassagnol Wingfield (License #00048810) following a hearing in June. The WMC found that Dr. Wingfield prescribed ivermectin to five patients for COVID-19 infection without documenting a sufficient rationale for prescribing the medication, without informing the patients that the medication is off-label and not FDA-approved to prevent or treat COVID, without performing an appropriate risk stratification analysis of the patients’ medical conditions, and without discussing alternative treatments with the patients.
The WMC issued a Final Order restricting Dr. Wingfield from prescribing ivermectin for non-FDA-approved indications, and to abide by routine patient care practices.
In addition to the restrictions, the Order requires Dr. Wingfield to inform eligible patients that monoclonal antibodies are available and effective to treat a COVID-19 infection, and that COVID-19 vaccinations are effective at preventing severe disease. Dr. Wingfield must also review the Centers for Disease Control website and the UpToDate website for current guidelines; take continuing medical education on the prevention, treatment, and management of COVID-19; complete an ethics course; complete a record-keeping course; and pay a fine of $5000.
Out of State Physician Enters into an Agreed Order with the WMC
Feared Dr. Number 5 is Miguel Antonatos from Illinois.
OLYMPIA, WA – The Washington Medical Commission (WMC) and Miguel R. Antonatos, MD (License #61023368) entered into an Agreed Order placing conditions on Antonatos’ license.
Antonatos, who has a telemedicine practice and resides in Illinois, prescribed ivermectin to four Washington patients based on an online questionnaire. Antonatos agreed that he would not prescribe ivermectin for non-FDA-approved conditions and agreed that when he prescribes medication or provides care to patients in Washington, he would first establish a physician-patient relationship by seeing the patient either in person or via real-time video.
Antonatos also agreed to complete courses on record-keeping and on basic infectious disease, submit to compliance audits, and pay a fine of $6,000. Antonatos may petition to terminate the Agreed Order in five years.
We are shocked and amazed at how much trouble the WMC has gone to harass these doctors for tens (not tons) of off-label prescriptions of a Nobel-prize winning medication that is effective against viral infections. Meanwhile, states like Tennessee guarantee that pharmacies can sell ivermectin over-the-counter to residents.
Upcoming Events
Feb. 23 Let’s Go Washington Rally – Support the 6 Initiatives
WHEN: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2024, at 12:00PM
Join Let’s Go Washington sponsor in telling Olympia to support the 6 Initiatives!
WEAR GREEN or your Let's Go Washington shirts !
These initiatives address critical issues:
I-2113 - Allowing police to pursue dangerous criminals
I-2117 – Lowing gas prices by repealing the carbon tax
I-2081 – Empowering parents through broad notification laws
I-2024 – Lowing payroll taxes
I-2117 – Prohibition of state and local income tax
I-2109 – Repealing the capital gains income tax
Be part of the rally to tell Olympia that over 2.6 million signatures is not a silent minority and the will of the citizens should be heard!
Feb. 24 Stay connected with the Medical Freedom Community
The Washington Civil Rights Council will be hosting a town hall on Saturday, February 24 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Wooden Valley Baptist Church in Bothell. “Our side is having success and gaining momentum. Come hear the wins! I'll be one of the guest speakers,” says Victoria Palmer. RSVP directly to WCRC at WCRC@protonmail.com
🚎Vaxxed Bus, Apr 16 Olympia Capitol noon-2 PM -- Apr 17 Seattle, Westlake Park -- Apr 19 Spokane
Medical Freedom Northwest April 19-20 retreat
The retreat’s theme will be “Starting or Finding Successful Cash Healthcare Businesses.” It will start on Friday, April 19 at 7 p.m. and go to Saturday, April 20 at 9 p.m.
Speakers include Dr. Scott Jensen, Dr. Kelly Victory, Kimberly Overton RN
Meme o’ the week.
We hope our news and events can provide some therapy by inspiring you to action. Please have a great week.
I’m so looking forward to the CHD bus parking in the heart of Seattle! It will be an amazing day!
Ivermectin is available over the counter to non-Tennessee residents too, by mail here: HTTPS://medicine-counter01.business.site.