ICWA Weekly News 2-26-25
Franklin County passes resolution against COVID gene therapy shots even with HB 1531 looming; more on kidney injuries; Senator Murray’s One Health gets new leader; tracking hints for bills in Olympia
In this issue: Franklin County passes resolution against COVID gene therapy shots under looming prospect of HB 1531 passing; Kidney Injuries in Washington Following the COVID-19 shots; Senator Murray’s Creation Gets a Global One Health Head; and we give you some handy-dandy links to track bills in Olympia.
February 21 Episode of Informed Life Radio - - notes and links
Health hour: Hidden Toxicity Part 1 – Heavy Metals
Guest: Sarah Kotlerman. In this first episode of a four-part series on hidden toxicity, Dr. Sarah Kotlermen reveals the dangers of heavy metals and what you can do to detoxify.
Liberty hour: Bill Battlegrounds - Citizens v Industry
Guests: Laura Demaray, RN, Ryan Cole, MD, and Xavier A. Figueroa, Ph.D. join the LIBERTY HOUR to discuss the battle to ban gene therapy-based vaccines. Also discussed: Pesticide liability-shield bills. Bayer, the giant drug and chemical company that foolishly bought Monsanto, is attempting to dodge a growing number of lawsuits by pushing lawmakers in several states to pass bills that would protect them--and all other pesticide companies--from civil liability for the harm caused by their products.
Inside Bayers State-by-state efforts to stop pesticide lawsuits
Tennessee HB 0809 - Removing liability from pesticide manafacturers
Idaho SB 1036 - moratorium on certain uses of human gene therapy products
Franklin County WA., Commissioners Meeting 02/19/2025 – Full video
Idaho's County Commissioners Advise Against Gene Therapy Shots (Update 02/23/25) – Big E’s Big Mouth Substack
Adverse Effects of the Genetic Shot Regarding the Military: A Matter of State and National Security [Rumble; 1:25]
Idaho Presentation on Genetic Technology- Adverse Effects and State and Local Solutions [Rumble; 1:42]
React19 fundraiser: A Night of Art & Music: Restoring Hope for the COVID “Vaccine" Injured [Rumble; 3:35]
ICWA Service Announcement - Tracking Bills in Olympia
We hope you’re able to follow and participate in the action in Olympia well enough. There are many bills being heard in finance committees this week - while it’s not so busy for the bills ICWA tracks.
We want to remind you of these best ways to track bills in which you’re interested:
Individual Bill Alerts: on each bill page (using 1531 as an example), on the right side of the screen, you can “Get Email Notifications” for when legislative process steps are planned or completed.
Floor Calendars: when bills are deliberated by the full House or Senate, you can monitor the House Calendar and Senate Calendar for the order of when bills are possibly heard. We say ‘possibly’ because the majority party leader can change the order using/abusing procedural rules at will, often in an attempt to keep the minority party (and the public) off-balance.
If the chamber is in session, the Order of Consideration working calendar should be chosen.TVW.org: to watch live or recorded hearings.
The ICWA Bill Track List: found on our website. We’ve weeded through the hundreds of bills and listed the (now) 20 that are related to health freedom and parental rights; and
Bill Track 50 / LegiNation Email Alert: For ICWA members who would like a daily email reminder for upcoming activity on the bills we track, please request a Bill Track 50 account by emailing Contact@informedchoicewa.org.
Once your password is established, open Bill Sheets and select “+ ICWA watchlist--our website links to this.” Select the Alerts tab, and check the last two boxes: ‘Add Bills to Event Schedule ’ and ‘Send Daily Event Schedule Email .’
Franklin County Passes Resolution Against COVID Gene Therapy Shots under Looming Prospect of HB1531
At mid-morning at the Franklin County Commissioners meeting last Wednesday, February 19, the time had come for part two for the “Adverse Events on the COVID-19 vaccine.” Part one was held last December 18 under a storm of mainstream media attacks.

This time, another storm returned in the way of technical difficulties.
During last Friday’s episode of Informed Life Radio, Laura Demaray explained what happened to get in the way of Part Two: “Every single thing went against us. My phone was jammed. Then all our comms were jammed. All three commissioners had every single phone destroyed just prior to the event.”
Laura was very frustrated and not one remote speaker could log into the remote meeting, so she used her phone’s speaker as the fallback.
Nicolas Hulscher, one of the remote speakers, was first to break the news of the approved resolution by posting on the McCullough Foundation’s renamed Substack Focal Points - BREAKING - Franklin County Becomes First in Washington State to Pass Resolution AGAINST mRNA Injections!
Telling the story as he saw it:
Our presentations were scheduled to be broadcasted live by Children’s Health Defense, but certain individuals within Washington did NOT want the public to see this meeting and cut the feed. For those of us who presented remotely, we were forced to speak over a phone call relayed to the microphone due to so-called “technical difficulties”. These sabotage attempts have become quite common in our efforts.
The best available recordings were cobbled together from an iPhone and the Commission’s recording and this edited version is available on CHD-TV:
The Last Stand of the Lesser Magistrates: A Scientific Presentation on the Dangers of COVID Shots
Through all this, the three Franklin County Commissioners were still able to hear from Laura Demaray RN; Peter McCullough M.D.; MPH; Brianne Dressen; Kimberly Biss M.D.; the vaccine-injured wheel-chair-bound Doug Cameron; Nicolas Hulscher MPH; Janci Lindsey Ph.D.. Dr. Ryan Cole M.D. concluded since he was there in person and was able to answer questions from the commissioners.
Notable moments included Nic Hulscher, who led off his presentation with a summary of Journal studies as evidence to support immediate withdrawal of COVID-19 vaccines from the market:
A total of 450 peer-reviewed studies demonstrate that COVID-19 vaccines are fundamentally harmful due to the widespread biodistribution, persistence, and pathogenicity of modified mRNA, the resulting Spike protein (n = 320 studies, detected 709 days after injection), and their lipid nanoparticle (LNP) delivery system.
Withdrawal is indicated, especially when comparing COVID-19 shot-related reports of death to those of many other drugs before they were recalled. For instance, there were 6,639 Vioxx deaths when it was pulled off the market, and now there are 37,544 death reports from COVID-19 shots.
Nic Hulscher, in rapid-fire fashion, addressed a number of reasons to recall the mRNA gene therapy shots for COVID:
Biodistribution: the lipid nanoparticles allow transportation of the reactive mRNA across many membranes and into many organs.
Excess Mortality: twelve studies show excess all-cause deaths; there could be as many as 17 million deaths from shot side effects
Inefficacy: six studies show the shots are related to increased risk of a COVID-19 infection
DNA Contamination: 11 reports show presence of high amounts DNA plasmids and the SV40 promoter/enhancer which are known to be reactive
Dr. Kim Biss, an obstetrics and gynecologic MD for thirty years, didn’t have enough time to present all the details of the thirty-five types of adverse events related to pregnancy that have been reported to VAERS associated with the COVID-19 shots, so we include it here.

Dr. Janci Lindsay, our guest on a 2023 episode of Informed Life Radio, spoke over the phone as well. A toxicologist for over 35 years, she explained to the commissioners how this gene therapy technology hadn’t made it to market after thirty years of research – until the COVID emergency authorizations. She specifically called out the increase in acute kidney injuries in Washington, considered excess since the shots were rolled out.
The above chart in Dr. Lindsay’s presentation, sent separately to the commissioners, shows that ‘something’ increased the kidney injuries starting in 2021.
Dr. Ryan Cole rounded up the group of speakers and gave his presentation in person. A shorter video of the last half of the science presentation starting with Dr. Cole.
The Last Stand of the Lesser Magistrates Pasco, WA 19Feb25
Recalling how the presentation went, Dr. Cole summed it up on last Friday’s Informed Life Radio:
These commissioners got to hear a lot of data and a lot of information. But the heart of presentation was from those who have been injured. I think that’s what it really boils down to is we take an oath in any office to protect our citizens.
After the presentations, the commissioners discussed their mRNA injection resolution, which has the following “therefore” statements of action:
THEREFORE, Franklin County of the State of Washington declares that we value the health and lives of our citizens including children. Out of an abundance of caution, we recommend:
AGAINST any administration of the gene therapy vaccines for infectious disease indications, in any modality, in our community;
Removing these gene therapy vaccines from the child vaccine recommendations in our county, and in the State of Washington, until:
Completion of a comprehensive evaluation of the pharmacology, immunology, mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, toxicology, and effect on fertility of the COVID-19 vaccines.
Completion of an epidemiological investigation of the health outcomes relating to the use of COVID-19 vaccines used by the residents of Washington State.
Completion of long-term double-blind placebo studies that are made available to the public.
Transparent, accurate, and complete informed consent is available for all individuals and parents.
THEREFORE, Franklin County of the State of Washington supports legislation that:
Creates corporate liability for harm due to products that use mRNA, DNA, or any genetic technology in any product, plant, or animal;
Provides for appropriate compensation and treatment for Washington citizens harmed by the gene therapy vaccines;
Requires informed consent, transparency, and labeling of any product that uses genetic technology for any human, animal or agricultural use; and
Prohibits mandates – local, state, national, or global – regarding medical procedures or interventions in any modality.
THEREFORE, Franklin County of the State of Washington requests that:
Benton Franklin Health District (BFHD) Board conducts a thorough review, presentation and discussion of the adverse effects of the COVID-19 gene therapy vaccines (by subject matter experts) at a public meeting; and
The BFHD board cease to provide, fund or promote gene therapy vaccines for infectious disease indications until the above conditions are satisfied.
Commissioner Stephen Bauman expressed his concern that the resolution did not go far enough to stand against mandates. Commissioner Clint Didier said that the key was to keep the momentum going by just passing the resolution as is and then amending the resolution later on. With that being agreed upon, all three commissioners passed the resolution.
Didier then turned his gaze to the presenters table and said, “Thank you, Dr. Cole and your team for coming out here. You’re making a difference in the world. God bless you.”
During the later public comments period, five of the six comments were expressions of gratitude for passing the resolution. During his public comment, ICWA Director Bob Runnells agreed with Bauman that the resolution might not have been strong enough against mandates, but that other jurisdictions have tried, and that Cowlitz County’s Medical Freedom Resolution succeeded in clearly siding for personal choice, precluding the need for shot mandates or vaccine passports.
The Cowlitz County Medical Freedom Resolution, passed on November 21, 2023 stated, “Cowlitz County shall not force any individual person to put something 'onto' or 'into' an individual's body without informed consent of said individual and respect their right of refusal.”
Be Brave Washington Leader Natalie Chavez complimented the commissioners on their “brave and critical thinking,” and hoped that their resolution would have a “ripple effect from county to county.”
With the resolution being approved at around Noon, it was not a huge surprise when at 4:12 p.m., when this hope of a ripple effect took a lightning strike from Olympia when the Washington House Health Committee scheduled House Bill 1531 for an executive session and possible vote. This could have been done at any time after the January 31 public hearing, but they squeezed it into the calendar on the last possible day – bill committee cutoff - February 21. It is reported from one of our members that the Speaker of the House Laurie Jinkins, herself a paid Senior Advisor at Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department, wants this bill to go to the floor.
If passed, HB 1531 would give an unspecified state entity (DOH? BOH? Secretary of Health? The bill doesn’t say) dictatorial power to declare the ‘best available science’ that counties and cities must use in policies related to communicable diseases, namely around vaccines. The bill would also make null and void any existing policies that differed from this supposed higher authority and would go into effect immediately. This last part is the emergency clause that would prevent We The People from filing a referendum to overturn the new law.
Even though the bill’s hearing on January 31 had over 10,000 “CON” registrations, versus 162 public “PRO,” just like we’ve seen legislators turn a blind eye to public sentiment too often, the House Health Committee completed step one of five by passing HB1531 out of the committee.
Natalie Chavez summed up this emotional swing of events best: “We couldn’t make this up if we tried. There’s never a dull moment around here.”
Kidney Injuries in Washington Following the COVID-19 shots
The week before giving his presentation at the Franklin County Commissioners meeting, Nicolas Hulscher reported on a new study showing that the COVID-19 shots were linked to serious kidney injury. As we reported above, Kimberly Biss was also shocked to see Washington having so many excess kidney injuries.
He wrote about three of the adverse kidney-related events:
Among 120.7 million adverse event reports, increased risks of Acute Kidney Injury (2.4X), Glomerulonephritis (13.4X), and Tubulointerstitial Nephritis (2.4X) were observed following mRNA injection.
He referenced TrialSite News: Global burden of vaccine-associated kidney injury using an international pharmacovigilance database, which was recently published in Scientific Reports.
The following abstract from the study calls out these three types of adverse events.
The number and proportion of reports on AKI, GN, and TIN gradually increased, with a substantial increase after 2020. Disproportionate reporting of AKI was significant for COVID-19 mRNA vaccines (ROR, 2.38; IC025, 1.09).
Doing our own research, VAERS shows 4,356 acute kidney injuries (AKI) in the United States.
Sixty of those AKI’s have been reported here in Washington.
Two of those AKI’s resulted in death.
As for Glomerulonephritis (GN), which is the inflammation of kidney filters, VAERS shows 170 reports.
One of those adverse events occurred here in Washington.
VAERS ID: 1378320 This 58-year-old male’s onset occurred eleven days after taking a first Moderna shot on March 23, 2021.
Submitted write-up: Diffuse palpable purpuric rash, followed by acute kidney injury with gross hematuria and proteinuria.
As for Tubulointerstitial Nephritis (TIN), which is inflammation of the kidney tissue, VAERS shows 158 cases in the United States but none here in Washington.
Two of these adverse events resulted in death, one listed in Ohio and the other listed as “foreign.”
We continue to be amazed at the wide range of injuries being reported as possibly related to COVID-19 shots.
Senator Murray’s Creation Gets a Global One Health Head
A December 22, 2022 press release announced that Washington U.S. Senator Patty Murray had created the PREVENT Pandemics Act:
Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Chair of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP), released the following statement on the Senate’s passage of an omnibus, which includes legislation she crafted with HELP Ranking Member Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) to strengthen the nation’s public health and medical preparedness and response systems—the Prepare for and Respond to Existing Viruses, Emerging New Threats, and Pandemics Act (PREVENT Pandemics Act).
Murray then offered the following quote:
“Time after time over the last few years, we saw how our response to this pandemic could have, and should have, been better. There have been many painful lessons to learn from this pandemic, and today, by passing my bipartisan PREVENT Pandemics Act, the Senate showed the American people we are committed to acting on them in a bipartisan way.”
The following examples of bullet points in this release show the acts emphasis on vaccines and surveillance:
Strengthen the supply chain and government stockpiles of medical products, such as masks, drugs, vaccines, and tests;
Improve our capabilities to detect and monitor emerging infectious diseases and other threats, including through updates to public health data—to quickly provide comprehensive, actionable insight during public health emergencies;
Enhance the development and review of tests, treatments, and vaccines, and mitigate critical shortages of medical products;
Revitalize the public and community health workforce;
Authorize the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) to accelerate innovation in health and medicine by investing in novel, broadly applicable, high-risk, high-reward research projects;
Accelerate biomedical research to develop medical countermeasures for pandemic threats and faster test development;
Last February 13, Dr. Robert Malone reported that Murray’s creation is getting a new head:
With that background in mind, please consider the nomination (appointment?) of US Army Colonel (retired) Gerald (“Gerry”) W. Parker to head up the White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy, which was Congressionally created with the PREVENT Pandemics Act attributed to Senator Patty Murray (D-WA).
The alarming part is Gerald Parker’s background with One Health, not exactly something a freedom lover would want on his resume’. The following excerpt from Dr. Malone’s report understandably sets off the alarm bells:
Colonel Parker is a veterinarian with a PhD. He currently serves as Associate Dean for “Global One Health”. Together with the American Veterinary Medical Association, he is a major supporter of the “One Health” initiative which was examined in a prior substack essay. The “One Health” initiative elevates animal health and welfare to be on par with human health, and is very lucrative for the Veterinary industry and their Pharma partners.
Colonel Parker is a textbook example of the type of government employee that constitute the “Biodefense” Deep State silo, and is a strong advocate for government-sponsored development of vaccine-based solutions to potential biothreats. Just as he is a strong advocate for the “One Health” globalist initiative, which is sort of the “Biodefense industrial/biomedical/government complex” version of the “Green New Deal,” “Diversity Equity and Inclusion” initiatives, “fifteen-minute cities”, open borders, and the whole host of other UN Agenda 2030 programs.
One Health is in full swing here in Washington even though it has moved its upcoming conference dates from March 26 and 27 in Ellensburg to a virtual meeting on April 30 and May 1.
The Washington Department of Health website says this about the conference:
The Washington State One Health, Zoonotic and Vector-borne Disease conference is an opportunity for cross-sector sharing and collaboration on human, animal, and environmental health issues.
This free virtual conference will:
Award continuing education credits for veterinarians and registered sanitarians
Provide an opportunity for individuals across the state to network and share ideas regarding issues at the human, animal, and environmental interface.
The day before his report on the nomination of Gerald Parker, Dr. Malone described the sly agenda of One Health:
I argue that this is fundamentally anti-human. One Health has morphed into something much bigger than fighting zoonotic diseases and creating healthy food systems. It includes sustainable development, climate change, placing environmental health on par with human health. It seeks control of the entire planet through a surveillance system and places the UN at the helm of those controls.
Malone then ties One Health into the Deep State:
Within the government there is a small group of people made up of spooks, career politicians and SES employees, whom we could label the inner deep state. They manage to embed themselves within both Democrat and Republican administrations.
At the heart of the One Health CDC report (7), lies the truth that this program is about more surveillance, more testing, more G-of-F research, more vaccine development, more regulation, more expense, and increasingly draconian public health and agricultural measures.
“Strengthen coordinated surveillance and information sharing for zoonotic disease surveillance and other One Health-relevant surveillance and reporting systems across sectors (7)”
Developing a surveillance state benefits the deep state. It is at the heart of any command economy (socialism and communism). Never forget, Eco Health Alliance was and is a One Health initiative.
~thank you for reading our newsletter.
Hopefully more counties in WA state will want to receive the same presentation and pass a similar resolution as Franklin County.
Excellent work to all the organizers and expert speakers! What an incredible win!