ICWA Weekly News 3-6-24
Board of Health to meet in Anacortes; Four deceitful dialogues for the fourth anniversary of COVID; Book an interview on The Peoples Study Bus in Seattle & Spokane April 17 & 19.
In this Issue:
Informed Life Radio Show Links
Upcoming Board of Health Meeting in Anacortes
Fourth Year Dealing with COVID - Four Deceitful Dialogues
Homework Ideas Served up by the Conservative Ladies of Washington
Upcoming Events - Focus
CHD Bus - The People’s Study, April 17,19 Book an Interview if you or a loved one were injured. Or if your family has their own vax/unvax study taking place.
March 1 Episode of Informed Life Radio - Notes and Links
Guest: Dr. Stephanie Seneff
Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. joined ‘An Informed Life Radio’ to speak on a herbicide ingredient that you are likely familiar with. Dr. Seneff shares her thoughts on its role in suppressing the body’s ability to function optimally. She also provides insights into legal battles, pushing back against the widespread use of this poison, as well as the failures of oversight agencies in protecting the public from its toxicity.
Health Hour 1:
Liberty Hour 2:
Upcoming Board of Health Meeting in Anacortes
The Washington Board of Health (BOH) will meet on Wednesday, March 13 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:50 p.m. in Anacortes. The meeting will be in the Walton Conference Room at the Swinomish Casino and Lodge, 12885 Casino Drive. Draft Agenda.
This will be the board’s second meeting this year. As with the last meeting, the Department of Health (DOH) will not be giving an update, which should be no surprise since the DOH has seemed to be more occupied with lobbying for bills that they requested of Washington lawmakers.
The Department of Health is listed as the requestor of SB 5982 (and its companion HB 2157) to update the definition of a vaccine. Kelly Cooper, Policy and Legislative Relations Director for the DOH, has been active promoting the bill. DOH Chief Science Officer Dr. Tao Sheng Kwan-Gett has appeared in multiple forums to promote it.
The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) gives an overview of the bill on their site:
Changes definition of vaccine to include all FDA approved immunization recommended by the CDC regardless of their ability to protect against disease.
Both ICWA and NVIC opposed SB 5982, which is billed as just updating the vaccine definition used by the bulk-purchaser Washington Vaccine Association. Unfortunately, it’s on the way to the governor’s desk to be made into law.
The DOH was also busy supporting their requested Senate Bill 6095, which would give the Secretary of Health Standing Order powers. The Secretary of Health Dr. Umair Shah himself promoted (propagandized?) his bill in committee on January 18 with testimony that didn’t seem time-limited (while the public was limited to a single minute of comment). We assume that DOH Chief Science Officer Tao Sheng Kwan-Gett really likes the coffee in the basement café of the Legislative building, or something, since he bothered to appear in person to promote SB 6095 at the January February 16 House Committee hearing.
So, it’s looking as if the DOH will be getting all that it has been seeking since the last State Board of Health Meeting. At their last meeting, the BOH also noted that they would be watching all the bills by reviewing the bill titles and then “flagging” the ones that would need a health impact review.
Instead of the State Department of Health update, the board will be focusing on local reports, starting at 11:25 with the Swinomish Tribe. Board member Mindy Flores will be their featured speaker. At 1:15, the meeting will have a “State Health Report Community Panel” with the following representatives:
Amanda Shi, Manager of Research and Evaluation, Tubman Center for Health and Freedom
Dominique Horn, Community Mobilization Coordinator, Southwest Washington Accountable Community of Health
Molly Parker, Family Health Provider and Chief Medical Officer for Population Health, Jefferson Healthcare
Nyka Osteen, Director of Innovation, North Sound Accountable Community of Health
Board of Health Participation Instructions
The twenty-minute public comment period will begin at 9:25 a.m. For in-person comment, the board strongly encourages people to sign up with the board by sending an email by 12:00 noon on Tuesday, March 12 to wsboh@sboh.wa.gov. For those attending the public attending virtually, they can provide public comment, by signing up through the following Zoom webinar link by 12:00 Noon on Tuesday, March 12:
Written public comments sent to wsboh@sboh.wa.gov. before 12:00 Noon on Friday March 8 will be included in the published meeting packet. Written comments received after 12:00 p.m. Friday will be shared with board members; however, board members may not have the capacity to read or review the comments in advance or during the meeting.
Below is the access information for dial-in phone listen-only mode:
Call in: +1 (253) 215-8782, Webinar ID: 818-6445-6351, Passcode: 682856
Homework Ideas Served up by the Conservative Ladies of Washington
You might already have seen this end-of-session legislative call to action from the Conservative Ladies of Washington, with whom we strongly agree on medical freedom and parental rights issues. We love their ideas, since they send strong messages of your passion on the issues, that you are committed to more being active with than just clicking Pro and Con buttons, and that you’ll be back next year to advocate for a better state.
The call to action was first announced Thursday, February 29, during their regular lunchtime meeting for key activists, during which founder Julie Barrett handed out the following legislative homework assignment:
“Dead Bills”: Identify at least one bill that died this session that you were concerned about. Commit to learning more about it.
Town Halls: Research your legislators and find out whether they are having upcoming town halls or other citizen events scheduled.
Say Thanks: Pick one legislator—doesn’t have to be yours—that you appreciated this session and send a message of thanks and encouragement.
Washington Legislative session concludes on March 7th, while Veto appeals can be sent to the Governor up until the time he signs bills into law which can happen at random times. He will often sign with some fanfare and might travel unannounced to locations around the state to give the appearance that citizens support the new law.
Four Years of COVID - Four Deceitful Dialogues
(Warning: long article, but well worth it. So many gem quotes from officials)
February 29th, leap day, conspicuously marked four years since the first reported COVID-19 death in the United States - coincidentally here in Washington State - and the beginning of a nightmare of global elite deceit. In ways, it seems hard to believe it’s been four years. Congratulations if you made it through with body and soul intact.
On February 26 to commence his roundtable discussion with world experts, U.S. Senator Ron Johnson eloquently memorialized what we had experienced:
The COVID pandemic has opened my eyes to the failure and corruption of the global elite and their institutions, including government. Unfortunately, many eyes remain closed, and the global elite will use all of their power to keep them closed.
In this case, they overhyped fear over a virus they helped create, in order to push a profitable gene therapy platform and gain greater control over our lives. Along the way, they sabotaged early treatment, denied natural immunity and vaccine injuries, caused trillions of dollars of economic devastation and destroyed an untold number of people’s lives.
The past four years witnessed dialogues that personified Senator Johnson’s opening remarks better than what any playwright could come up with. We bring you four notable discussions that highlight the absurdity of it all.

During this latest roundtable, Senator Johnson mentioned the “sabotage of early treatment.” The most glaring sabotage was the gaslighting and restrictions placed on ivermectin, which would have provided the world with an early exit from the COVID-19 crisis. The Epoch Times produced a 14-minute video titled The Untold Story of a ‘Miracle Drug’ on this work of deceit to keep the Nobel prize-winning product away from consumers.
Dr. Pierre Kory provides a more detailed account in his book The War on Ivermectin, about his personal and professional crusade to recommend ivermectin - a safe, inexpensive, generic medicine - as the key to ending the pandemic.
Because it was a generic drug with very low profit margins and because Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for a vaccine requires that there be no other effective alternatives, ivermectin was kept off the market for treating COVID-19. These “nefarious efforts,” as Kory terms it, are best exemplified in a January 13, 2021 Zoom call between Dr. Andrew Hill and Dr. Tess Lawrie concerning the World Health Organization’s (WHO) failure to consider ivermectin for treating COVID-19.
Borrowing from The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., here is the backdrop and transcript of this amazing discussion.
Dr. Lawrie’s consulting group, the Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy, Ltd., performs the scientific reviews that develop and support guidelines for global public health agencies, including the WHO and European governments. Dr. Hill’s research for the WHO at the University of Liverpool was a meta-analysis of six ivermectin studies that showed a cumulative 75 percent reduction of risk of death in a subset of moderate to severe COVID-19 patients in whom the drug reduced inflammation and sped up elimination of the virus. Dr. Hill also had testified enthusiastically in favor of ivermectin before the National Institutes of Health COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel. But during the Zoom call, Dr. Hill admitted to Dr. Lawrie that pressure from Unitaid caused him to do a volte-face. Unitaid is a quasi-governmental advocacy organization funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and several countries—France, the United Kingdom, Norway, Brazil, Spain, the Republic of Korea, and Chile—to lobby governments to finance the purchase of medicines from pharmaceutical multinationals for distribution to the African poor.
Zoom call Transcript (it is recommended to add many uncomfortable, pregnant pauses while you read).
Dr. Tess Lawrie: “These are studies conducted around the world in several different countries. And they’re all saying the same thing. Plus, there’s all sorts of other evidence to show that it works. Randomized controlled trials do not need to be the be-all and end-all. But [even] based on the randomized controlled trials, it is clear that ivermectin works… It prevents deaths and it prevents harms and it improves outcomes for people . . . I can see we’re getting nowhere because you have an agenda, whether you like it or not, whether you admit to it or not, you have an agenda. And the agenda is to kick this down the road as far as you can. So . . . we are trying to save lives. That’s what we do. I’m a doctor and I’m going to save as many lives as I can. And I’m going to do that through getting the message [out] on ivermectin. . . . Okay. Unfortunately, your work is going to impair that, and you seem to be able to bear the burden of many, many deaths, which I cannot do.”
Dr. Tess Lawrie: “Would you tell me? I would like to know who pays you as a consultant through WHO.”

Dr. Andrew Hill: “It’s Unitaid.”
Dr. Tess Lawrie: “All right. So who helped to . . . ? Whose conclusions are those on the review that you’ve done? Who is not listed as an author? Who’s actually contributed?”
Dr. Andrew Hill: “Well, I mean, I don’t really want to get into, I mean, it . . . Unitaid . . . .”
Dr. Tess Lawrie: “I think that . . . It needs to be clear. I would like to know who, who are these other voices that are in your paper that are not acknowledged. Does Unitaid have a say? Do they influence what you write?”
Dr. Andrew Hill: “Unitaid has a say in the conclusions of the paper. Yeah.”
Dr. Tess Lawrie: “Okay. So, who is it in Unitaid, then? Who is giving you opinions on your evidence?”
Dr. Andrew Hill: “Well, it’s just the people there. I don’t . . . .”
Dr. Tess Lawrie: “So they have a say in your conclusions.”
Dr. Andrew Hill: “Yeah.”
Dr. Tess Lawrie: “Could you please give me a name of someone in Unitaid I could speak to, so that I can share my evidence and hope to try and persuade them to understand it?”
Dr. Andrew Hill: “Oh, I’ll have a think about who to, to offer you with a name…. But I mean, this is very difficult because I’m, you know, I’ve, I’ve got this role where I’m supposed to produce this paper and we’re in a very difficult, delicate balance….”
Dr. Lawrie interjects: “Who are these people? Who are these people saying this?”
Dr. Andrew Hill: “Yeah . . . it’s a very strong lobby . . .”
Dr. Tess Lawrie: “Okay. Look I think I can see [we’re] kind of [at] a dead end, because you seem to have a whole lot of excuses, but, um, you know, that to, to justify bad research practice. So I’m really, really sorry about this, Andy. I really, really wish, and you’ve explained quite clearly to me, in both what you’ve been saying and in your body language that you’re not entirely comfortable with your conclusions, and that you’re in a tricky position because of whatever influence people are having on you, and including the people who have paid you and who have basically written that conclusion for you.”
Dr. Andrew Hill: “You’ve just got to understand I’m in a difficult position. I’m trying to steer a middle ground and it’s extremely hard.”
Dr. Tess Lawrie: “Yeah. Middle ground. The middle ground is not a middle ground… [Y]ou’ve taken a position right to the other extreme calling for further trials that are going to kill people. So this will come out, and you will be culpable. And I can’t understand why you don’t see that, because the evidence is there and you are not just denying it, but your work’s actually actively obfuscating the truth. And this will come out. So I’m really sorry . . . As I say, you seem like a nice guy, but I think you’ve just kind of been misled somehow.” Hill promised he would do everything in his power to get ivermectin approved if she would give him six weeks.
Dr. Andrew Hill: “Well, what I hope is that this, this stalemate that we’re in doesn’t last very long. It lasts a matter of weeks. And I guarantee I will push for this to last for as short amount of time as possible.”
Dr. Tess Lawrie: “So, how long do you think the stalemate will go on for? How long do you think you will be paid to [make] the stalemate… go on?”
Dr. Andrew Hill: “From my side. Okay . . . I think end of February, we will be there six weeks.”
Dr. Tess Lawrie: “How many people die every day?”
Dr. Andrew Hill: “Oh, sure. I mean, you know, 15,000 people a day.”
Dr. Tess Lawrie: “Fifteen thousand people a day times six weeks . . . Because at this rate, all other countries are getting ivermectin except the UK and the USA, because the UK and the USA and Europe are owned by the vaccine lobby.”
Dr. Andrew Hill: “My goal is to get the drug approved and to do everything I can to get it approved so that it reaches the maximum. . . .”
Dr. Tess Lawrie: “You’re not doing everything you can, because everything you can would involve saying to those people who are paying you, ‘I can see this prevents deaths. So I’m not going to support this conclusion anymore, and I’m going to tell the truth.’”
Dr. Andrew Hill: “What, I’ve got to do my responsibilities to get as much support as I can to get this drug approved as quickly as possible.”
Dr. Tess Lawrie: “Well, you’re not going to get it approved the way you’ve written that conclusion. You’ve actually shot yourself in the foot, and you’ve shot us all in the foot. All of . . . everybody trying to do something good. You have actually completely destroyed it.”
Dr. Andrew Hill: “Okay. Well, that’s where we’ll, I guess we’ll have to agree to differ.”
Dr. Tess Lawrie: “Yeah. Well, I don’t know how you sleep at night, honestly.”
This chapter of the pandemic fighting for greater access to ivermectin was well covered by the Oracle films documentary A Letter to Andrew Hill | Dr. Tess Lawrie, and further explained during Del Bigtree’s March 3, 2022, interview with Tess Lawrie.
So, with the withholding of ivermectin from the market, the COVID-19 jabs got their Emergency Use Authorization on December 11, 2020. To supposedly ‘stop the spread’ of the disease, some Washington residents willingly queued up to get the jabs. Hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of Washington citizens, were mandated to take the shots in order to keep their jobs. In October 2021, Whatcom County resident Dam Pham and his school bus driver colleague Kent met with two Ferndale School District transportation supervisors to inquire about the mandates. Dam carried a digital recorder with him into the meeting. The following key moments from the conversation with Mr. Pham show deceit at the tip of the mandate iceberg here in Washington.
Kent: Is everybody in the school district being tested on the same schedule of twice a week?
Supervisor: No.
Kent: They’re not because they’re vaccinated?
Supervisor: Correct, however if somebody comes in, and they have symptoms or something, then they will get tested.
Kent: So, basically it’s the people who are unvaccinated who are getting tested twice a week?
Supervisor: Correct.
Kent: Okay. So, here in the transportation department, we’ve had three positive tests?
Supervisor: Yes.
Kent: Two people were vaccinated, and one person was unvaccinated?
Supervisor: Correct.
Kent: So then, here’s my question. If were being singled out, so to speak, as a group and put over here and made to do things different from everybody else who have the same chance at catching it and the same chance of spreading it, isn’t that like the exact definition of discrimination? Those questions and answers basically lead me to that this is segregation, discrimination, and persecution.
Supervisor 2 who had just entered the room: It is not.
Kent: And how so?
Supervisor: Basically, what it is, is, um. So, vaccinated people have that bit of immunity. I know that they’re still getting COVID. You can still get COVID, right?
Kent: And spread it.
Supervisor: And spread it, yes.
Kent: Right.
Supervisor 2: And so the fact is, okay, here’s the system we’re in. When you made your decision on, rightfully so, your personal decision about whether you were going to get vaccinated or not, at the very beginning, it was said that if you make those choices, then the employer is going to have to decide if they can make accommodations for you to keep working for them in a safe environment.
Supervisor: And I’ll be honest with you; your fight isn’t with the district.
Kent: Mm hm …
Supervisor: Right, okay? They are not the ones who made the mandates. They have to follow the mandates. We don’t want to get shut down. We’re lucky we didn’t get shut down when we had three people, right, get COVID. We’re very lucky.
Kent: Well, there are school districts that refuse the governor’s mandate.
Supervisor: Okay, let me tell you what’s happening in those school districts. You look at OSPI. It’s a fact that they are not getting funded. They (state government) are holding their funds back. They have been flagged. And if they do not comply, they’re not going to get funded, and they cannot run their school districts without funds. So there are consequences for not complying.
Dam: What you just told me was evidence of coercive tactics in order to force all school districts in the state to comply.
Supervisor: That’s right.
Supervisor 2: We’re following what were being told to do.
Kent: Okay, so are we getting fired?
Supervisor 2: Above my pay grade.
Kent: Okay, so …
Supervisor 2: You guys can’t work today.
Supervisor: We’ll go cover your guys’ routes.
Kent: Sounds good.
Supervisor: Thank you.
Dam: Thank you for your time.
Supervisor: Yep, you bet.
As reported in Episode 233 of The Highwire, by September 2021, 14,500 deaths had been recorded in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following the COVID-19 shots. But the following recorded dialogue exchange among Deborah Conrad PA-C and two hospital administrators shows the deceitful policies and tactics used that undoubtedly led to undercounting the number of deaths and other adverse events from the shots. (some emphasis added).

Chief Medical Officer: You know you sent out an email to some folks this morning, and so I wanted to make sure we had an opportunity to talk about this sooner than later. So, you know Deb, I absolutely understand your concerns about the vaccine, and I absolutely believe that your heart is in the right place with wanting to make sure that we are doing our due diligence and reporting the adverse events. That said, the email that went out this morning really needed to be discussed, but I think we really need to make sure that we are providing a consistent message to our team, and we need to make sure that’s also in alignment with what our health system is asking us to do. There’s a risk to the organization from a perspective of both underreporting and overreporting. So how do we make sure that we’re sending the right message out to our providers and that they have the information that they need to be doing this correctly, because I share your belief that it’s important that we get these reports in. But I think we need to be thinking a little bit more about the process and sort of what’s expected here. From what our risk team is telling us is that really you can only be reporting on the patients that you are providing direct care for, and so you cannot, and I know you’ve been volunteering and trying to be helpful, but we need you to kind of dial it back and focus on the patients that you are directly responsible for. And then if folks do reach out to you because you’ve been saying, “Hey, reach out to me,” they need to be directed to VAERS, and they need to do the process themselves for the patients that they think that they need a report on, okay?
Deborah Conrad: I have been telling them to do it, and they don’t do it. The reason I took this on is because nobody wants this responsibility. I mean it’s brutal because you’ll then be getting phone calls from the CDC every single day as a result. I mean the FDA is the real problem here because they did not advise hospital systems what we’re supposed to be doing.
Chief Medical Officer: The approach has been that this is the responsibility of the individual provider who believes that they have identified a potential adverse event. I know this is frustrating, but you can’t control whether or not someone else is going to put the report in. You can control what you do for your patients and then I think that if you’re concerned that folks are not reporting on their patients, you’re welcome to put in a safe connect, you’re welcome to talk to Peter, myself, and we can kind of address those with the providers.
Deborah Conrad: But like I said, I brought this stuff back in February, and I see no response. I mean that’s my frustration is that we are not doing these patients a service. And, again, the FDA did not tell us, and they will still not tell me what conditions are we supposed to be reporting. They are vague. They don’t know because they never got the clinical trials. They never did them. We are the clinical trials. That’s basic.
Chief Medical Officers: I don’t want us to go down any kind of that rabbit hole here, but I think the thing that we need to be clear about, I’m just going to be frank with you because that’s the only way I know how to be, Deb. But I will tell you in reading the few emails that you sent and then reading the email that went out to the provider, it does come across a bit very vaccine (the officer stutters and hesitates), it comes out quite almost anti-vaccine. Right? And clearly as an organization, as a health system, right? And as someone who, as an organization that’s working on following CDC guidelines and following the guidance of the Department of Health, we are very much advocating for patients to receive the vaccine. And we’re very much working on, and there’s tons of efforts out there to try to reduce vaccine hesitancy. I have some concerns that the tone that you have with this a little bit is certainly being felt on the floor, right? And being felt by your colleagues. We need to be a little careful about that, right? I support your mission and goal of wanting to make sure that we are following the law and that we are reporting adverse events. But I also want to make sure that as a leader in the organization and as a provider within the organization that you understand that we want people to get the vaccine, right? We want people to understand that on the whole, this is a very safe vaccine, right? And that the science supports that.
Deborah Conrad: I appreciate that. I do. But I can’t understand why, as a whole, in the world people are acting like everything is grand. It’s not. It’s clearly not.
Chief Medical Officer: I think we might have to agree to disagree on what’s happening globally with the vaccine. I do think that we’re seeing, yes just like other vaccines, there are folks who are going to be negatively impacted, but certainly on the whole we’ve seen a tremendous benefit to the vaccine. You and I are not individual providers. We are employee providers. We tow the company line. That’s part of our responsibility is to be supporting the mission of the organization.
Deborah Conrad: So, even when we’re getting COVID-19 patients who are positive and fully vaccinated in the hospital, we’re going to leave it up to the individual provider to report? Because I’m telling you that they’re not reporting. That should be reported every time, and it’s not. I can tell you I know patients because I finally reported them because the provider didn’t. I have to see one double-blinded randomized control clinical trial that shows that these vaccines are going to effective long term after six months or whatever. We don’t know that. And if we’re not reporting hospitalized patients who are coming fully vaccinated but still get COVID, that’s an atrocity. I mean, it’s an absolute atrocity.
Hospital Director: But we do see, though, and I know it’s an FDA approved thing, but we see people the Pneumovax coming in with pneumonia all the time. The people who get the flu shot come out of the flu all the time. Just because the vaccines, whether they’re COVID or flu or the Pneumovax, they’re not perfect vaccines.
(That is ICWA’s favorite quote!)
Deborah Conrad: I agree. We have no long-term studies. Right now, the CDC is saying that these vaccines are only effective for six months, but we’re telling people to take off your masks and run around if you’re vaccinated. But at the same time, the CDC is saying you’re not. So, I mean it’s crazy. It’s just crazy. This is new for all of us.
Chief Medical Officer: This is certainly a different thing than what we’ve seen. Just to be clear again, I absolutely support your work and making sure that you’re reporting these events. You cannot report for other folks and so direct them to report on their own. You’re a leader, and your voice carries a lot of weight with the team, and it seems to be very widely known that you’re extremely skeptical of this vaccine. You know, you have every right to your beliefs and your personal opinions, Deb, but we just need to be careful as providers and leaders that we are also trying to be consistent with the mission and the message of the organization.
Deborah Conrad: For now on, if someone comes up to me, I’m just going to tell them, “Look, you’ve got to do your own research.” I don’t know.
Chief Medical Officer: Or talk to their medical doctor. If they’re asking for themselves, tell them to talk to their provider, right? I would just be a little careful about that, Deb. Okay?
Hospital Director: Whenever you take a new medicine or even a vaccine, it’s a risk-benefit decision. It’s a little bit unknown, but at the same time the CDC and the Department of Health are recommending it for everybody. I think that letting people know that yes there’s risk, but yes there are benefits. Currently the national sort of people are pushing to have these things done. I look at your own research or things, but I just want to be careful that we don’t discourage people in a time where we’re really trying to get the population vaccinated and get this disease under control.
Deborah Conrad: I’m mad at our governing organization in this country because I do not feel that they prepared us providers with this rollout for what we are supposed to be doing. We have no guidance. We have no answers. And when I try to call the drug companies for answers, they give me the same song and dance about how everything is under experimental use and we don’t have any answers, and we can’t advise you. I wouldn’t buy a damn, you know, dryer from a company that who won’t stand behind their product. I mean, it’s unbelievable.”
Your ICWA authors don’t know who should get a Best Actor award in the last dialogue: Deborah Conrad, who now must be anti-vaccine as she points out the many absurdities of VAERS reporting in the large hospital, or is it the hospital administrators who found a thousand different ways to level veiled threats and say ‘shut up and just do your job, comrade’ without actually saying it.
The COVID-19 shot deceit hit a climax with bald-faced lies by NIAID Director Tony Fauci and CDC Director Rochelle Walensky when, on January 11, 2022, they told Senator Tommy Tuberville under oath during a United States Senate hearing that the deaths reported to VAERS following the COVID-19 shots were actually due to auto accidents.
Of note, heading into this hearing, the VAERS reports on the CDC website showed 21,382 deaths following shots for COVID-19 when one includes foreign reports. Of the 9,778 deaths following the shots in the United States alone, 20% occurred within twenty-four hours after injection, 24% occurred within forty-eight hours, and 61% occurred in people who experienced an onset of symptoms within forty-eight hours.
The Washington Post covered the hearing, starting at 30 minutes into the 5-hour recording. The following deceitful dialog starts at 2:49:00 with questions to the double-masked Rachelle Walensky and the single-masked Anthony Fauci from Sen. Tommy Tuberville:
Senator Tuberville: It has been reported by virologists and scientists that this year about 170 people have died from taking the regular flu vaccine. The vaccine advisory reporting system reported that the number of people dying after or following the COVID vaccine is actually in the thousands. Now, this is what I’m hearing. I’ll give you a chance to refute that or confirm that you know. Is this true? Do we have that many people die after taking one of these vaccines?
Dr. Walensky: Senator Tuberville, thank you for that question. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reports System is a mandatory system of any adverse event that happens after being vaccinated, so if you get hit by a car tragically after getting vaccinated that gets reported in the vaccine adverse events reporting system, their system, so the vaccines are incredibly safe, they protect us against Omicron, they protect us against uh Delta they protect us against COVID. They don’t protect us against every other form of mortality out there.
Senator Tuberville: Do we keep numbers of people that died following taking a COVID test from taking this vaccine? Do we have any idea? I’m just asking.
Dr. Walensky: I’m sorry those who have died after taking …
Senator Tuberville: Following taking the vaccine, is there any number count? Do we keep records on that that died of just uh from …
Dr. Walensky: Absolutely yes. I couldn’t give you then the absolute number off the top of my head, but our staff could absolutely get back in touch with you. We collect this data.
Senator Tuberville: Do you know, Dr. Fauci? Do you have any clue?
Dr. Fauci: On how many died … (inaudible)
Senator Tuberville: One hundred?
Dr. Fauci: I don’t know the number, but I think it’s really important for people …
Senator Tuberville: Microphone.
Dr. Fauci: I’m sorry. (removes his mask) I don’t have a number, but I think part of the confusion is that when you do a reporting, if you get vaccinated, and you walk out and get hit by a car (laughs) that is considered a death. I mean that the thing that gets confusing that everything that happens after the vaccination even if you die of something completely obviously unrelated, it’s considered a death, so if I had metastatic cancer, got vaccinated, and died two weeks later, that’s a death that gets …
Senator Tuberville: I understand that ,..
Dr. Walensky: And everyone of those gets adjudicated.
An astute questioner, such as trial lawyers Aaron Siri and Robert Kennedy Jr., would have followed up with requests for the VAERS adjudications to know how many of those 21,000-plus deaths were actually due to auto accidents and not the COVID-19 jabs. But Senator Tuberville and others didn’t pull on that thread any further during the hearing.
Nowadays, Washingtonians are hit daily with doomsday predictions of another global crisis: Disease X, a cyber attack, or another ‘heat dome’ global warming disruption. What has transpired over the past four years leads one, as a matter of course, to wonder what kind of deceit will be used to push an agenda forward, if it’s not being done already.
Epilogue on auto accidents following the COVID-19 shots:
The latest February 23, 2024 VAERS report shows 437 adverse events for “road traffic accidents” following the COVID-19 shots.
Of those 437 total cases of “road traffic accidents,” thirty-nine resulted in death.
Washington has had eight “road traffic accidents” following the COVID-19 jabs with none of them resulting in death. The latest case was of a 24-year-old female who, on September 10, 2022, passed out ten minutes after taking the Pfizer shot. She said in the write-up, “I was driving, resulted in a car accident. The pharmacy did not have me wait after vaccination.”
Don’t worry. They’re safe.
In the comments, please help us with a future article on auto accident frequency compared to vaccine rollout that might indicate an auto ‘vaccident’ pandemic. Accident rates in excess of normal and accident rates in certain jurisdictions (low vaccine uptake vs. high vaccine uptake) would be very interesting to see.
Upcoming Events
On Wednesday, March 6, the Health Freedom Information group in Jefferson County will hold its weekly breakfast club meeting at the Highway Twenty Roadhouse, 2152 West Sims Way in Port Townsend, from 10 a.m. to noon. One can buy breakfast or just come for coffee/tea. The club discusses areas of health freedom education.
That same evening (Wednesday, March 6), Be Brave Washington will hold its monthly meeting.at 7 p.m. at the VFW, 7011 Hannegan Road in Lynden.
CHD Bus Stops “The People’s Study” in Washington.
Book an Interview
April 16 - The People’s Study Bus in Olympia – 12-2 PM Lunch with Legislators.
April 17 - The People’s Study Bus in Seattle, Westlake Park, 9 AM - 4 PM. The Refusers band at noon. Speakers Brian Hooker, PhD, and Dr. Paul Thomas at 1 PM.
April 19 - The People’s Study Bus in Spokane. 8 AM - 5 PM. Get your tickets for the speaking event at 4 PM. Dr. Scott Jensen, Dr. Paul Thomas, Dr. Kelly Victory.
Also in Spokane on April 18-20:
April 18-20 WSRP State Convention, Spokane Convention Center, find us at the ICWA table.
Medical Freedom Northwest April 20 retreat in Spokane; continuing ed credits for providers: Kelly Victory, Scott Jensen, Mary Talley Bowden, Kim Overton.