ICWA Weekly News 4-24-24
COVID shots most studied? CHD RV in WA gathering stories, inspiring community; Host "Protocol 7"; Radio Show links.
In this issue:
Washington DOH epidemiologist Calls COVID-19 Shots “The Most Extensively Studied Vaccine in the History of the United States.”
CHD People’s Study Comes through Washington
Host a Screening of Andy Wakefield’s Film Protocol 7 in Your Town
Radio Show Links
Washington DOH Epi Calls COVID-19 Shots “The Most Extensively Studied Vaccine in the History of the United States.”
Scott Lindquist from the Washington Department of Health (DOH) said on April 10, 2024, “COVID vaccines are the most extensively studied vaccine in the history of the United States.”
Huh? Lindquist is confusing controlled clinical trials with uncontrolled mass vaccination of the global population.
First, there isn’t just one vaccine. In the U.S., there are currently two brands based on the mRNA platform (Pfizer and Moderna) and one brand based on a protein subunit design (Novavax).
Pfizer’s main Phase 3 clinical trial was their Study 2 (NCT04368728), Moderna’s was their Study 1 (NCT04470427), and Novavax was their Study 1 (NCT04611802). Pfizer and Moderna tracked adverse reactions for no more than six months post second dose, and once Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) was granted, they “unblinded” their studies, allowing the saline placebo recipients to get the shots. This effectively ended the clinical trials, although officially, Pfizer’s ended in February of 2023, Moderna in December of 2022. Novavax ended their trial in November of 2023, and while they did track adverse events longer, because EUA had been granted to Pfizer and Moderna while their trial was ongoing, participants were allowed to switch to a “blinded crossover” study, in which all participants eventually received the Novavax vaccine.
As we know from the deep investigations into the Pfizer clinical trials, from FOIA requests to Congressional Hearings, the results of these inadequate studies are dubious at best.
As for the uncontrolled mass vaccination of the global population, even the lame passive adverse event reporting systems indicate the unprecedented levels of harm.
But Dr. Scott Lindquist stated the shots “are the most extensively studied vaccine in the history of the United States” at the 2:15 mark during the April 10 Board of Health (BOH) meeting held in Spokane.
Lindquist began his twenty-minute VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) presentation with an overview of his personal history with it, while emphasizing that it’s all the responsibility of the FDA and CDC:
My experience with this system is different than a lot of different people because, one, that as a public health person I see potential health adverse events associated with vaccines, and I want people to report. But I’m also one who sees these diseases as a clinician, and I have to weigh what’s more dangerous: the infection or the vaccine. And VAERS is one of those tools to allow us to keep our finger on the pulse of “are these vaccines causing adverse events?” So, what is VAERS? It is really a national system that has been in place since 1990 to monitor vaccine safety. It’s really the responsibility of the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control.
In as much as Lindquist had left the impression on the BOH that VAERS is a wonderful government service to the public, he neglected to mention why VAERS was created in the first place. The system was established by Congress pursuant to the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (the 1986 Act), which shields childhood vaccine manufacturers, and those who administer them, from legal liability for the harms caused by their products. By providing a means of recording such deaths and injuries, VAERS was intended to mitigate the removal of product makers’ accountability to consumers.
It should be required for all our readers to understand the background of the 1986 Act. At the 5:00 mark of the recent Episode 353 of The Highwire, Barbara Loe Fisher shares insights as to how VAERS came about, and how the 1986 Act was quickly distorted to favor manufacturers:
We fought through to the end, and we got, in the only law in this country, that acknowledges that vaccine injuries and deaths are real, and that vaccine safety should be a national priority. The only law that says that. And we got most of what we wanted. When that law was passed, the companies were still on the hook for design defect. When that law was passed, doctors could still be sued for medical malpractice We had the informing, recording, reporting safety provisions. We had VAERS. We had the VIS. And so what we were trying to say, okay, you can either go to the court, or you can have compensation. And that compensation system, if it worked the way it was designed to work, would put pressure on by doing two things. It would protect the vaccine supply because people would go for injury compensation. They wouldn’t sue the manufacturers. They would go for the sure thing. I thought it was an intelligent and rational compromise.
After the law was passed, they immediately gutted it. Congress with amendments. HHS and [Department of] Justice with rulemaking authority. Basically, HHS with their rulemaking authority, but Justice was there as their legal arm. And they gutted the safety provisions. They gutted the compensation provisions. We had created a table of compensable events and that is for the seven vaccines because there were only seven vaccines back then. If you fit that table, you can have automatic compensation. It was something to help facilitate compensation. What’s one of the first things they did? They gutted the table of compensable events.
Meanwhile, back in the April 10 BOH meeting, Lindquist was sure to include the most common disclaimer about VAERS data, “A report to VAERS does not mean that a vaccine caused an adverse event.”
We in Washington have a very important role here, and myself included, as a state employee or even as a clinician, and that is to really collect information about any possible side effects. And I use that word—say it again—possible side effects. I think that’s the biggest misunderstanding about the VAERS reporting system. It is not a cause and effect, so you cannot just rattle off the numbers “there were 200 cases of VAERS reports around COVID here in Washington State.” That does not say it was a cause and effect. You have to be really careful about this, and actually when you go on the VAERS system . . . to look at the data or report, it really tells you the disclaimer that you cannot use this information to try and establish cause and effect due to these vaccines. It is a reporting system that then becomes the platform for doing much further investigation, like “was this event associated and what else went on?” and, as you can imagine, when you report an event, you’re only getting a piece of the story. You’re not understanding what the underlying condition was with this person, what else happened, what really contributed to this adverse event. So, it helps scientists, though, notice these trends.
When Lindquist had said, “You cannot just rattle off the numbers of 200 cases of VAERS reports around COVID here in Washington State,” he was undoubtedly referring to a public comment that mentioned the 233 deaths in Washington as part of the 37,382 deaths in the United States reported to VAERS following the COVID-19 shots. Lindquist did not acknowledge that the public commenter had admitted that some of those reports were not legitimate, for the commenter had gone over almost all the reports himself. The public commenter said that even excluding those questionable reports, the number of compelling reports was well over two hundred. The public commenter then rattled off four cases of deaths in which the patients had no underlying conditions:
VAERS ID: 1683324. The 38-year-old mother of two children, who had to take the shot to be a classroom mom, and died a week later of blood clotting.
VAERS ID: 1690161. The 34-year-old Amazon manager with no health conditions died just sixteen days after taking one Pfizer shot from an acute aortic dissection.
VAERS ID: 2715729. The 67-year-old female, who had no current illness or preexisting conditions, but died suddenly eight days after taking a sixth Pfizer shot.
VAERS ID: 2303434. The 65-year-old avid marathon runner, who after one shot, suddenly died after suffering atrial fibrillation (AFib).
Even in the face of such obvious and severe adverse events, we see that DOH employees remain consistent in their message. Colleague Tao Shen Kwan-Gett, at the November 8, 2023 BOH meeting, told the board, “The VAERS data and the analysis of the VAERS data just bring home the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine to where I made sure that my parents got the updated COVID-19 vaccine now, because I had the confidence that the VAERS data showed that the vaccine is safe.”
The DOH joins the CDC and FDA by continuing to insist that COVID-19 vaccines are “safe and effective.”
What’s more, Lindquist never mentioned, nor did the Board of Health members ever ask, why the US swine flu vaccination program of 1976 was halted after thirty-two deaths, but today the establishment mercilessly presses forward despite over 37,382 reports of deaths following the COVID-19 shots.
Lindquist also discussed the accessibility of reporting to VAERS:
It also shares the safety-related information with parents and guardians and health care providers. Anyone can report to and access information to VAERS. Let me give an example from this week. A child came and saw me. I am still a pediatrician, and I practice one day a week for the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe, by the way, and this child got a fever twenty-four hours after a vaccine, vomiting and diarrhea, not necessarily specific, but I encouraged that we make a VAERS report on this. That does not say that this vaccine caused vomiting and diarrhea. Very likely, we’re going to find that the cause is something different. But I encouraged everyone involved in this case to make this VAERS report. That’s the kind of data, that’s the situation you use this for anyone, parents, family members, the nurses, clinicians.
Then those VAERS reports are then entered into a system that you can access. This really shows you that healthcare providers are required by law to report any condition that may be associated with this vaccination. Not only are they required, I spent a lot of my time really encouraging every provider I talk to, especially when we started down COVID and started with a new vaccine, report any condition so that we can do further investigation, seeing if VAERS can actually find a signal here. And then of course, manufacturers are required to report to the system also.
If all those who administered vaccines were as diligent about reporting to VAERS as Lindquist described, we may actually have good data, but tragically, most are not and many are even actively discouraged from reporting. Historically, underreporting is a huge concern. A 2011 HHS-sponsored study of Atrius Health by Lazarus, et al, revealed that an estimated “fewer than 1 percent of vaccine adverse events are reported” to VAERS. Put another way, VAERS misses over 99 percent of vaccine injuries.
Many anecdotes exist that demonstrate the underreporting issue. Here in Washington, ICWA Weekly News ran an August 28, 2023, story on a Steve Kirsch interview in which Jay Bonnar provided him with a rundown of people he personally knew who died suddenly following the COVID-19 shots.
Only one of those fifteen deaths has appeared on the VAERS website: Jessica Wilson Berg, the 38-year-old mother of two children mentioned during the public comments given earlier in this story.
Further, Episode 233 of The Highwire reported on a recorded dialogue exchange among Deborah Conrad, PA-C, and two hospital administrators, which showed the deceptive policies and tactics used that undoubtedly led to undercounting the number of deaths and other adverse events from the shots. The issue was that Conrad was doing the VAERS reports about adverse events following the COVID-19 jabs for doctors who didn’t have the time or inclination to do it themselves.
The chief medical officer told Conrad, “Just to be clear again, I absolutely support your work and making sure that you’re reporting these events. You cannot report for other folks and so direct them to report on their own.” The hospital director later on said, “Currently the national sort of people are pushing to have these things (COVID-19 shots) done. I look at your own research or things, but I just want to be careful that we don’t discourage people in a time where we’re really trying to get the population vaccinated and get this disease under control.”
Lindquist then showed the following slide to the BOH:
WSBOH Meeting Packet April 2024 (wa.gov), p. 47
He said the following:
How does it work? Anyone, as we say, can report, but the report does not mean that the vaccine caused the reaction. So please don’t use this information to mislead the public about what a condition is, that, “oh, there were X number of deaths due to COVID vaccine.” That is not the use of this system. Be very, very careful with that. It is a disservice to generalize with this information. You cannot calculate how often an adverse event reports. I would say in my experience doing this for over twenty years, there is both an overreporting of conditions, which is what we want, but there’s also an underreporting, so it is not a perfect system by any means.
Overreporting? Underreporting? Which is it? It is estimated by independent scientists that the underreporting factor to VAERS for COVID-19 vaccine is 41.
Finishing up, Lindquist said:
So, this is VAERS. It is not a perfect system. It is a [sic.] early indication system. It is not a cause and effect system. But to be honest, it serves its purpose.
But a 2023 investigative report in the British Medical Journal all but says that VAERS is too broken to be servicing its purpose:
VAERS’s standard operating procedure for covid-19 states that reports must be processed quickly, within days of receipt. “Serious reports” trigger the requisition of medical records and at minimum a “manual review,” while deaths and other “adverse events of special interest” may undergo a more “in-depth” clinical review by CDC staff.
However, The BMJ has learnt that in the face of an unprecedented 1.7 million reports since the rollout of covid vaccines, VAERS’s staffing was likely not commensurate with the demands of reviewing the serious reports submitted, including reports of death. While other countries have acknowledged deaths that were “likely” or “probably” related to mRNA vaccination, the CDC—which says that it has reviewed nearly 20 000 preliminary reports of death using VAERS (far more than other countries)—has not acknowledged a single death linked to mRNA vaccines.
Later on, the BMJ article revealed the following:
Freedom of Information Act documents seen by The BMJ suggest that Pfizer has around 1000 more full time employees working on vaccine surveillance than the CDC, despite the latter’s responsibility for handling adverse event reports on all products. The CDC didn’t provide The BMJ with specific numbers, instead stating that its staffing “reflects the needs of the office” at any given time and can range from “several dozen to hundreds,” including contractors and individuals reassigned “from across the agency.” The latest confirmed number of staff, as of November 2022—at the Immunization Safety Office, which houses VAERS—is 70-80 full time equivalent workers.
The BMJ then reported on “The User Experience.” The first three paragraphs said the following:
Interviews with more than a dozen VAERS users by The BMJ—all of whom were trying to file reports of a serious nature—revealed a patchy and frustrating experience. Some users heard back from clinical reviewers months after making their first report, while others never heard anything. Some of those making reports were told conflicting information about updating their report or were discouraged from making a report altogether.
Those people include Patrick Whelan, a rheumatologist and researcher at the University of California Los Angeles, who in 2022 reported how one of his patients, a 7-year-old boy, had a cardiac arrest after covid vaccination. The patient was intubated when Whelan filed a VAERS report, and he expected a prompt follow-up call from a CDC investigator.
“I assumed that, since it was a catastrophic event, the safety committee would want to hear about it right away,” he says. But, to his knowledge, nobody called or requested medical records. In an email sent to Whelan months later the FDA said that it had followed up “soon after” receiving his report and had made “several requests” for medical records. The agency added, “Generally speaking, staff might not reach out to providers unless they have specific questions about a case or a VAERS report.”
Furthermore, none of the BOH members asked Lindquist why, as he stated, “It is not a DOH job to establish cause and effect.” Instead of asking the Washington State legislature for $35 million dollars to combat mis- and disinformation, can’t the DOH request funding for investigating the 23,779 VAERS reports here in the state? The state has the resources for investigating causal relationship of the 233 deaths. For such an investigation, DOH could commission pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole, who has testified at numerous US Senator Ron Johnson roundtable discussions and before the European Union Parliament.
BOH Member Stephen Kutz then asked about whether the CDC is “looking at a grouping of immediate cause and effect type of things.”
Lindquist answered with the following:
Most of this is on the CDC website. What they do at first blush is they look at death, because that is a pretty dramatic thing associated through the VAERS reporting system. And they look at vaccine-associated death versus death in non-vaccinated folks, and if they were to find a signal where it’s higher with the vaccine, that’s considered a concern. So, these studies have all been done, and they actually found quite the opposite; the rate of just background death is much higher in the general population not vaccinated, and that they didn’t see an increased signal in those who had received [the vaccine]. So, those kinds of studies are done right away. I think you’re right. The longer issues like long-term COVID, those are going to be harder to parse out as many of us have been vaccinated and had COVID altogether. So, I think those are gonna take a lot more time. You know, like I said, at the very beginning of the COVID outbreak, we had the first case. I had no idea how long to isolate that person. And I think about what we did early in the vaccine because of the lack of data that gets refined and refined over time, so I have faith that over time – probably a decade – as we gain more knowledge and understanding of the effect of COVID and the effect of the vaccine and what about those who have both, we’ll have better data, and VAERS will help support that and identify any early signals.
Another board member commented, “I think something that impressed me with the VAERS system was that there were so many inputs coming in.” She then asked, “I’m sitting here at the local level where I’m with a defined group of folks that I’m analyzing data and trying to support in the best way possible, but when you’re thinking about this at, say, the national level, I’m wondering: do you have any sense of how much effort and resources are needed on the other side of that reporting system to separate out and deeply analyze that signal to noise?”
The question led to the climax of Lindquist’s presentation:
“It’s a big team. I think that the best way to summarize it is, and again this is at the federal level, CDC and FDA, these are big teams looking at this. COVID vaccines were the most extensively studied vaccine in the history of the United States. To put it that way, a lot of resources have gone into this, continue to go into it.
So, it is a massive team. You can imagine the amount of detail to review a single report in the VAERS system; it’s hours of investigation, so, then again, like I said earlier, that’s our role at DOH is to respect the system and make sure that those reviewing the cases have access to the records—that there’s no burden to them. So, we usually get all this stuff ready for them. We have a vaccine safety officer at DOH that really works on this.”
The WA DOH gathers records for the CDC on WA reports to VAERS? With just one assigned safety officer?
At the CDC level, readers should be reminded: the aforementioned BMJ report revealed that these are not “big teams” looking at the adverse events from the COVID-19 shots. A recent congressional hearing, as reported by The Defender, further drove this point home:
Inadequate vaccine safety surveillance systems “jeopardized the safety and health of Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic,” according to evidence uncovered during a hearing held last week by the U.S. House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), chairman of the subcommittee, said last month’s hearing revealed the government was unprepared for “this massive wave of reports to its surveillance systems and claims to its compensation programs.”
During last week’s hearing, “Witnesses testified to personal experience reporting vaccine injuries that were not recognized by the federal government and described the legal ramifications of flooding an overwhelmed system with vaccine injury claims,” according to a press release.
CHD People’s Study Comes through Washington
Last week during three stops in Washington, the Children’s Health Defense People’s Study Vax-unVax RV documented over thirty vaccine injury stories.
The first stop was on Tuesday, April 16, in Olympia, where the video crew recorded six stories, ranging from a hospital social worker who was diagnosed with postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS) after taking the COVID-19 shot to a story about “The Moderna shot killed my mother.”
Washington State Senator Phil Fortunato, Representative Jim Walsh, and pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas spoke at the event.

Dr. Thomas also spoke at the April 17 event in Seattle. He told the attendees on a sunny afternoon at Westlake Park about the financial benefits that doctors receive for administering vaccinations. He also informed the crowd about the insurance companies’ intimidation of doctors, through a quality measures system, to see “how well your patients are vaccinated.” Doctors who do not measure up risk the penalty of not getting a full reimbursement.
Dr. Brian Hooker, author of Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak, who received his PhD from Washington State University (WSU), told the crowd that he was getting more and more encouraged by seeing so many people waking up every day. He then said that mRNA shots, through transcriptase, affect chromosomes 9, 12, and 20. Number 12 is a human cancer cell. “This is why we have a huge rise in turbo cancers,” he said. He encouraged everyone to research this.

Chiropractors Michael Breneman and Sarah Kotlerman also spoke to the crowd. Kotlerman discussed the four areas that she looks at, one of which is the blood toxin level. She then gave an example of Lyme disease to show that it’s not the deer ticks in themselves that trigger the disease, but it’s the abnormal level of blood-tested toxins.
The rock band “The Refusers” also performed for the crowd with lyrics such as, to a reggae beat, “My child, my choice; don’t surrender your voice.”
The band’s guitarist and lead singer Michael Belkin was one of the thirteen on that day who had a vaccine injury story recorded by the CHD crew.
Be Brave Washington leader Misty Flowers provided two singing performances. One of the songs was a tribute to CHD President Mary Holland.
The final stop was in Spokane on Friday, April 19. The CHD crew video recorded thirteen stories ranging from a mother whose son has vaccine-induced autism and a wife whose husband was killed by the COVID-19 hospital protocols.
Dr. Paul Thomas finished his trilogy of Washington appearances by addressing the Spokane crowd as well. The emcee was Moses Lake pharmacist Shawn Needham. The other featured speakers were Dr. Jason Kinley, Dr. Kelly Victory, and Dr. Scott Jensen, a former Minnesota State Senator for Carver County. Dr. Jensen called out the sudden change to standard death certificates during COVID and is currently suing the Minnesota medical board on First Amendment free speech complaints.
Host a Screening of Andy Wakefield’s Film Protocol 7 in Your Town
Andy Wakefield’s latest project exposes the ongoing fraud around Merck’s MMR Vaccine. You can host a screening of the Premiere on May 29, with access to livestream Q&A – if you sign up to host by this Sunday, April 28.
Many members of ICWA used Gathr to host screenings of Vaxxed I and Vaxxed II, so we will be able to consult you on how to host. There is no risk to start the hosting process. It will be up to you to promote the screening locally. ICWA staff will help provide you materials.
Andy Wakefield is the heroic but still-maligned British doctor who questioned the rationale behind combining measles with mumps and rubella vaccine antigens, and pointed out the high rate of autism in kids with children who also had chronic bowel issues such as Crohn’s disease. His call to further study this issue enraged the establishment, and he was attacked mercilessly. He disproved all the accusations against him, became disenchanted with the practice of medicine, and now produces movies like 1986: The Act as he continues to educate the public about pharmaceutical and public health agency malfeasance.
Be sure to request May 29th at 7pm if you'd like to participate in the PEOPLE'S PREMIERE. However, feel free to request whatever date/time works for you!
Notice that you can also plan a post-screening panel discussion with Andy and/or the film's cast/crew/subject matter experts by sending them inquiries. (Note: subject to availability and fees).
The CHD Washington Chapter will also benefit, with excess funds going to chapter activities the more the theater is filled.
Become a Part of This Historic Event: The goal is 100+ concurrent screenings across the country, and we need your help! Will you become a Movie Captain for Andy and his team?
Deadline for scheduling a May 29th special screening of Protocol 7 in your community is this Sunday, April 28th.

April 19, 2024, Episode of Informed Life Radio - - notes and links
Health Hour: Cancer Treatment Options
Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine (OCCAM)
Alternative Medicine | Alternative Cancer Treatments | American Cancer Society
Ivermectin Could Be a ‘Powerful Drug’ for Fighting Cancer–Here’s Why | The Epoch Times
Ivermectin as a ‘Powerful Drug’ for Fighting Cancer | Facts Matter | EpochTV
Hallelujah! The Welcome Table: A Lifetime of Memories with Recipes: Angelou, Maya
Liberty Hour: Informed Voting
Stand for Health Freedom resources
It is so hard to believe that all but a few of the 223 VAERS death reports in Washington are not causally related to the shots. If there were investigations, then show why can’t we know a summary of the results - report by report? We need a public records request of the DOH safety office to reveal if information was actually shared with the CDC.