Informed Choice WA Weekly News 2-14-24
3 Shots in the News; 🪱The Washington Worm 🪱ays watch out for a new shot; Feb 23 Rally in Olympia; Feb 24 WCRC Town Hall; CHD Vax/Unvax Bus confirms 3 Stops in April in Olympia, Seattle and Spokane.
Vaccines in the News:
MMR: CBS News Builds Measles Fear While Ignoring Vaccine Injured Woman in Clark County
HPV: Congressional Briefing Shows Dr. Schrier’s Determination to Maximize HPV Vax Uptake
COVID-19: Pericarditis VAERS Reports in Washington
🪱The Washington Worm 🪱ays: Batten Down the Hatches as WA Prepares for Disease X with SB 3366
Upcoming Events:
Feb 23 Rally for the Initiatives, Olympia
Feb 24 WCRC Town Hall, Wooden Valley
Vaxxed Bus: April 16 in Olympia, noon-2 PM / April 17 in Seattle’s Westlake Park / April 19 in Spokane
April 19-21: Medical Freedom Northwest Retreat in Spokane
Radio Show Links
Meme o’ the Week
Quick Call to Action: Please register CON by Thursday 5 PM to oppose SB 6095 giving the Secretary of Health the power to prescribe across the state via Standing Orders to all patients. This was an emergency power they want to make permanent. It is scheduled for the House Health Committee at 8 AM Friday Feb. 16. Ask your legislator to amend it as well, making it less arbitrary.
CBS News Builds Measles Fear While Ignoring Vaccine Injured Woman in Clark County
In this article, we summarize the ongoing CBS National News measles fear campaign and highlight important parts of the history they’re not telling anyone about the 2019 measles ‘inbreak’ in Southwest Washington. A full-length, in-depth article is also posted on the ICWA website.
In late 2023, Stephen Stock of CBS visited Clark County to resurrect the history and interview stakeholders involved during that time, from Clark County Local Health Officer Alan Melnick to an immune-compromised family. Many of our members, supporters and followers were very involved during the 2019 events and are painfully aware of the many details to the story.
As we reported on December 27, they also interviewed Misty Gehrke who, at the advice of the health department, took a booster MMR shot ‘just in case.’ Her interview has not yet aired.
In summary:
CBS News recently released many reports like “Thousands of school-aged children are at risk of getting sick from measles, and “Data shows at least 8,500 U.S. schools at greater risk of measles outbreaks as vaccination rates decline.”
Some of the common fear tactics that were utilized:
Tactic 1: False vaccination rates - quoting data from an optional, under-utilized database, Washington’s Immunization Information System (WA IIS), rather than the required-by-law school reports.
Tactic 2: Stating that low rates led to a lack of “herd immunity” and rapid spread – however, infections spread because of intentional susceptibility in a smaller ethnic community among families with many children, and who self-isolated, greatly lowering any risk to the immune compromised.
The CDC’s own report says: “Households and churches were the predominant settings for transmission, associated with 36 (51%) and 18 (25%) of the 71 patients, respectively . . . Among the 30 patients identified after February 1, 26 (87%) were known contacts in quarantine and under active surveillance, decreasing public exposures by implementing effective social distancing strategies.”Tactic 3: Raising alarm that a child undergoing immune-compromising medical treatment will die if everyone else doesn’t get vaccinated. While it’s true that measles is potentially more serious and life-threatening to those with severely compromised immune system, such individuals are also at risk from many viral infections and unlikely to be attending school or other public places during outbreaks, no matter the community vaccination rate.
Clark County resident Misty Gehrke was permanently disabled in 2019 by an MMR vaccine. Although CBS interviewed her, they did not include her in any report yet. See our initial story.
CBS also conspicuously left out the group interview of Misty, ICWA Director Bob Runnells, the former president of the Family Freedom Coalition Janna Meyer, and ICWA data researcher Karl Kanthak.
Karl Kanthak provides analysis of the 2019 House Bill 1638 that removed the personal exemption to the MMR, showing it did not increase vaccination rates, but instead drove up religious exemptions and drove families out of the school system.
To-date, 111,945 adverse events have been reported to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) for any measles-targeting vaccine. These data must take into account the underreporting inherent in this passive reporting system, where a 2011 CDC study found that “fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.” Thus, the actual injuries must be more common than ‘rare.’

The CBS video and article conclude with Jessica Fichtel, who shook her head about people not taking the measles vaccines: “I just can’t wrap my head around why you wouldn’t do it,” she said.
This would have been a perfect moment to cut to the story of Clark County resident Misty Gehrke. She provides a good reason why someone would not want to take the vaccine. Until early March 2019, Misty Gehrke was an early childhood educator in Clark County. Both of her seven-year-old twins had received childhood MMR shots, so she wasn’t worried about them or the so-called outbreak before she was called by the health department. She had read that state legislators proposed a bill requiring daycare workers to be up-to-date with their MMR shots. She got the shot.
Please read the entire article on our website.
Congressional Briefing Shows Dr. Schrier’s Determination to Maximize Vaccine Uptake
The January 24, 2024 congressional briefing began with Alayna Effron from Healthy Women, an organization funded by the BioPharma industry, thanking Merck for supporting the HPV briefing.
Eight minutes into the briefing, Representative Dr. Kim Schrier from Washington’s eighth congressional district began her six minute presentation on the need for passing H.R. 3633, which would create a taxpayer-funded marketing campaign for HPV vaccination and testing to the tune of $5 million annually for the next four years and increase funding for breast and cervical cancer testing.
Since Merck’s sales in 2023 for Gardasil came to $8.9 billion, they certainly can afford to pay for their own marketing. So why is Schrier shilling for them? It’s not the money Merck is after, it’s the access. Merck is after the long tentacle-like reach of Public Health. When taxpayers fund pharma marketing campaigns, the entire public health system is put to work, from the federal to the city and county level, reaching into every home, every school, and every doctor’s office. Public Health has everyone’s email addresses, phone numbers, home mailing addresses. Public Health can send direct mailings, emails, and place “public service announcements” at no cost on the radio and TV. Public Health is everywhere Merck wants to be.
What does Dr. Kim Schrier actually know about Merck’s Gardasil and this cutthroat vaccine marketing world she is entering? ICWA fact-checked a few of the statements she made during the congressional briefing.
SCHRIER: “Vaccines are the safest way to prevent or even eradicate disease, avoid suffering, and protect our communities.”
ICWA: Safest? How does she define safe? Safe for whom? Compared to what? Her claim of “safest way” ignores vaccine injuries, unintended consequences (like strain replacement, age shift in disease risk, and long term chronic health problems), and the more broad and durable protection of naturally acquired immunity. Her claim ignores the direct association between nutrition, Vitamin D status, glutathione status, and disease resistance.
Check out the information from the Physicians for Informed Consent about diseases targeted by vaccines and the limitations and risks of the products.
What does the science say? Does exposure to vaccine products and skewing of the maturing infant/child immune system at critical stages of development lead to healthier children and adults? Read Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak (Children’s Health Defense)
SCHRIER: “However, despite generations of celebrating the opportunity to be vaccinated, I saw in my own practice a steady increase in vaccine hesitancy and even in some cases outright refusal. Now much of this began with the fraudster Dr. Wakefield’s claim that the MMR vaccine was a cause of autism, which understandably scared parents. He has since lost his medical license and has been completely discredited.“
ICWA: It’s clear Schrier is merely repeating what the drug industry spoon-fed to the media and the public health infrastructure years ago. Her comment reveals she knows nothing about Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the case series paper that was attacked six years after publication, the thirteen authors, the twelve children studied, or the paper’s conclusion: “We did not prove an association between measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine and the syndrome [autism] described. Virological studies are underway that may help to resolve this issue.” See this ICWA post for more information: The BMJ Correction.
SCHRIER: “Now adding to that was an EPA assessment that the tiny amount of mercury used as an adjuvant to make vaccines more potent might be too high of an exposure for a single shot of hepatitis B vaccine in a neonate, even though this was a one-time exposure to the less bio available form, and there was no medical concern outside of the EPA.”
ICWA: Wrong, in so many ways. The NIH, CDC, FDA and all the pharmaceutical companies were in a panic when a meeting was called at the Simpsonwood Retreat Center, Jun 7-8, 2000 to review alarming new data that the mercury-containing preservative thimerosal was causing neurological injuries. See the transcript of that meeting: And read Robert F. Kennedy, Jr’s Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak: The Evidence Supporting the Immediate Removal of Mercury―a Known Neurotoxin
SCHRIER: “The growing wave of misinformation around vaccines has contributed to healthcare decision making based on unfounded fears and not on evidence-based scientific facts. Furthermore, between November and December of 2021, over 692,000 preventable hospitalizations occurred in unvaccinated individuals, costing the United States economy over $13.8 billion and costing many patients their lives. That’s just a one-month period.”
ICWA: What? Where did she get that absurd number? And since the shots don’t prevent infection, hospitalization, or death, there must be other factors involved. How about the war against ivermectin? The silence on Vitamin D? Telling symptomatic people to take Tylenol, depleting their critical stores of glutathione?
SCHRIER: Regarding giving HPV vaccine to boys, Schrier said “the vast majority of oral cancers today are caused by HPV, not smoking, and incidents are on the rise.”
ICWA: Uh, no. Nearly everybody gets HPV at some point in their lives, usually when young. They have no idea they got it, and fully clear it on their own, without developing cancer. Smoking, long term birth control use, poor diet, and other lifestyle factors that undermine immune function have long been known to reduce the ability to clear infections and increase cancer risk. Just for fun, use the WayBack Machine to see how CDC has changed this page over time:
Has Schrier ever read a Gardasil insert? It’s well worth a close, critical read.
More information about HPV vaccines can be found in two videos by Children’s Health Defense: HPV Vaccine Exposé AND HPV Vaccine on Trial: Gardasil Claims in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
For reading material, a fine resource is The HPV Vaccine on Trial: Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed, by Mary Holland et al.
Pericarditis in Washington following the COVID-19 shots
While myocarditis has been the most discussed side effect following the COVID-19 shots, pericarditis has been an alarming cardiac issue as well.
During the August 12, 2022 episode of An Informed Life Radio, Xavier Figueroa pointed out to host Bernadette Pajer, “The pericardium is the sac that is around the heart, and that can get inflamed, which constricts the heart and keeps it from beating properly. Myocarditis is affecting the heart itself.”
Pericarditis has been in the news recently, where the South Australian Employment Tribunal has ruled that the Department of Child Protection (DCP) must pay compensation and medical expenses to a youth worker who developed pericarditis after getting a COVID-19 booster under a workplace vaccination directive.
Nationwide, VAERS reports 11,647 cases of pericarditis following the COVID-19 shots with seventy-six of those cases resulting in death.
VAERS reports 105 of these pericarditis cases here in Washington.
That number is just thirty-one cases fewer than the 136 reported cases of myocarditis in Washington following the COVID-19 jabs.
As with myocarditis, the number of teens with pericarditis following the COVID-19 shots has been alarming as well. Below is the list of the twelve cases for the six through eighteen age range.
VAERS ID: 1344363
Submitted write-up for this 17-year-old male: 17 y/o M with no PMHx presenting to ED from another ED for work-up of acute onset chest pain. Patient experienced this pain at approximately 2200 on 5/23 and this prompted ED visit. His chest pain was 8/10 at that time. Did not radiate. He mentioned pain with deep inspiration. Prior to Sunday night he describes feeling tired, malaise on Saturday. He says he had a fever on Saturday. Temperature at that time unknown. Otherwise patient was in usual state of health. Of note, Friday 5/21 was his second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. He denies having any adverse effects after vaccine #1. Patient diagnosed with acute pericarditis at this time thought to be due to COVID-19 vaccine
VAERS ID: 1376892
Submitted write-up for this 17-year-old male:
Patient presented to Urgent Care and then was sent to the ED for evaluation. Found to have pericarditis on EKG. Labs including troponin reassuring. Patient discharged home with referral to Cardiology for outpatient follow up.
VAERS ID: 1386366
Submitted write-up for this 13-year-old female: Myalgias and low grade fever on first day. Chest pain requiring ER visit on second day. Exam, ECG, lab work, echo consistent with pericarditis.
VAERS ID: 1392137
Submitted write-up for this 17-year-old male: Pericarditis
VAERS ID: 1515018
Submitted write-up for this 16-year-old male: Chest pains, hard at breathing, high blood pressure, swollen lymph nodes, swollen sinus glands, pericarditis.
VAERS ID: 1592534
Submitted write-up for this 12-year-old female: 2 days after getting first dose of Pfizer COVID vaccine, patient developed shortness of breath at night when trying to lay flat. Initially attributed to anxiety or possibly asthma and so did not seek care until 9 days later. Continues to report shortness of breath when laying flat, chest tightness, occasional chest pain with radiation to back. Pain improves with sitting forward. No dyspnea on exertion.
VAERS ID: 1926072
Submitted write-up for this 12-year-old female: Chest pain consistent with pericarditis, incessant..
VAERS ID: 1954762
Submitted write-up for 16-year-old male: Muscle cramping ekg shows pericarditis
VAERS ID: 2051037
Current illness section lists the following for this 16-year-old male: Patient had episode of pericarditis with effusion in June 2021, 2 weeks after second dose of Pfizer vaccine; recurrence in October but related to COVID infection with pleural effusion consistent with MIS-C. Had been on colchicine at time of this episode.
VAERS ID: 2099357
Submitted write-up for this 16-year-old male: pericarditis, IVIG- had chest pain, fatigue, SOB onset aprx 12-24 hours after shot. Presented to urgent care- EKG remarkable for pericarditis and troponin elevated. IVIG started once troponin $g10 (peaked at 12). Downtrended after one bag. Echo shows no wall motion abnormalities. Completing daily ekg- so far unchanged from admission. Plan for discharge once troponin <3 an d will follow up with cards for evaluation for stress test, holter and repeat echo.
VAERS ID: 2166262
Submitted write-up for this 15-year-old female: 15 year old F without prior HX of heart condition, chest pain, or dyspnea, with onset of intermittent recurrent chest pain and dyspnea, starting 1w after her dose #2 of Pfizer Covid-19 vax. Chest pain symptoms duration 30m to several hours, with pain up to 8/10 = squeezing/sharp/aching, central deep chest, and sometimes associated with dyspnea. Individual is an athlete, and symptoms worsened late basketball season during State Championship, with worsening Chest pain and increased frequency and duration, to 8/10 pain with significant dyspnea = had to terminate play. Individual''s pain worsens with positional change = leaning forward or sitting upright and better with lean backward. C/w Pericarditis = in w/u and tx.
VAERS ID: 2685583
Submitted write-up for this 15-year-old male: Admitted for mild pericarditis/myocarditis 9/23
🪱The Washington Worm 🪱ays:
Batten Down the Hatches as Washington State prepares for Disease X
By the deep-digging Luke Tenateen
OLYMPIA, WA - State Senators June Robinson and Javier Valdez, at the request of the Washington State Board of Health, announced their sponsorship of a new bill today, SB 3366, which would raise funds to ready the public for Disease X and all future pandemics, whether they have received a letter designation or not.
Said Senator Valdez, “this will add real resources to fight, as of yet, a still mythical disease, but one that could become real at any moment the WHO declares it.”
Added Senator Robinson, “Today, we hope to have an imaginary vaccine ready for the public within 100 days to combat all unknown public threats which could kill either several or billions of Washingtonians. We simply do not know how many lives will be lost, but it is important we start the stage 1 psyop of placebo theater now…(oops, did I just say that?), I mean prepare the public and save every one of them. When paired with our bill, SB 6095 on Standing Orders, we will guarantee public safety by being able to forcibly prescribe a lifesaving, non-existent product for all Washingtonians.”
Sen. Robinson ended with:
“We aren’t sure what that disease will be, but we know it will cost a lot, and need a scary name that scores high with focus groups, so it is imperative we begin our preparations today!”
Of course, this has led many Washingtonians to ask the obvious question of why call it Disease X in the first place and not, say, Disease A or give it multiple letters like Disease ME.
For further clarification, we reached out to local legend, vaccine guru and public health hero Bill Gates for comment.
Well, we really felt that we wanted to make it simple enough so the public could understand the basic concept but complicated enough that only the experts could describe what was happening. We felt the general populace simply couldn’t make it all the way down the alphabet to X and that is where the experts could, you know, fill in the gaps. Plus, it adds room for us to say “X marks the spot;” boy, do we love saying that!
He added, “There is also a secondary function for the name in terms of the time frame. Conspiracy theorists aside, most people don’t know that X also means 10, and in this case ten years. We felt that Disease I (one), or Disease V (five) simply didn’t allow us enough time to really ramp up the fear and lockdown folks for the long term. I mean who is really scared of a 1-year pandemic anymore. And just wait until we get to Disease C or Disease M. a 100 or 1000-year pandemic, that will really get the people’s attention next time!”
He generously confided with us that he’s also trying to head off that meddling upstart billionaire Elon Must who’s having way too much fun with the letter X.
Always one to inject humor into dire situations, Gates chuckled, “Just don’t ask me about disease MCMXIII; I’ll have to dust off my abacus!”
While a tiny minority of critics have scoffed at the idea of preparing the public for imaginary diseases as simple fear mongering and social engineering, it has become clear that most of the public, mainly those still wearing masks and screaming from their basements over Zoom, has demanded action from their leaders to protect them and their loved ones so they can be safe in their basements.
Said longtime Kirkland native, Ram Pupdafear:
I have had Covid 4 times already but would have had it several other times without double masking. I am scared that Disease X will be able to literally phase through my masks. It gives me a little comfort knowing that our Congress Women, Men and Others are on the job and really getting ahead of Disease X!
At publishing time, it is still unclear what Disease X might be…or not be for that matter.
Upcoming Washington Events
Let’s Go Washington Rally – Support the 6 Initiatives
WHEN: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2024, at 12:00PM
Join Let’s Go Washington sponsor in telling Olympia to support the 6 Initiatives!
WEAR GREEN or your Let's Go Washington shirts !
These initiatives address critical issues:
I-2113 - Allowing police to pursue dangerous criminals
I-2117 – Lowing gas prices by repealing the carbon tax
I-2081 – Empowering parents through broad notification laws
I-2024 – Lowing payroll taxes
I-2117 – Prohibition of state and local income tax
I-2109 – Repealing the capital gains income tax
Be part of the rally to tell Olympia that over 2.6 million signatures is not a silent minority and the will of the citizens should be heard!
Stay connected with the Medical Freedom Community
The Washington Civil Rights Council will be hosting a town hall on Saturday, February 24 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Wooden Valley Baptist Church in Bothell. “Our side is having success and gaining momentum. Come hear the wins! I'll be one of the guest speakers,” says Victoria Palmer. RSVP directly to WCRC at
Vax/Unvax Bus Stops - Schedule an Interview
April 16, Olympia Capitol, North Diagonal, Lunch with Legislators, Noon - 2 PM
April 17, Seattle, Westlake Park, 400 Pine Street, 9 AM - 4 PM
Resistance rock with The Refusers, noon - 1 PM
Speaker Dr. Paul Thomas, MD - Pediatrician studying vaxxed/unvaxxed at request of medical board, then harassed by the medical board.
Speaker Dr. Brian Hooker, MD - Author of Vaxxed/Unvaxxed and many other key studies
More to be confirmed
Music by Misty Flowers
Food truck on site
April 19, Spokane, Location TBD, 9 - 6 PM
Speaker Dr. Scott Jensen, MD, former state senator from Minnesota, called out CDC for falsely-elevating COVID-19 death counts and criteria
Speaker Dr. Kelly Victory, MD
Speaker Dr. Jason Kinley, ND
Speaker Dr. Paul Thomas, MD
Medical Freedom Northwest April 19-21 retreat
The retreat’s theme will be “Starting or Finding Successful Cash Healthcare Businesses.” It will start on Friday, April 19, at 7 p.m. and go to Saturday, April 20, at 9 p.m.
Speakers include Dr. Scott Jensen, Dr. Kelly Victory, Kimberly Overton, RN, and more.
February 9 Episode of Informed Life Radio notes and links
Health Hour: Glutathione – Essential for Life
Have you ever heard of glutathione? Touted as an ‘antiviral,’ this substance is produced naturally by the body and helps with cell function and promotes immune system health.
Three pages of Search Results for Glutathione on Informed Choice WA
Healthy Immunity Now on Glutathione: Dr. Gutman, Dr. Seheult
Liberty Hour: Science For & By the People
Guest: Dr. James Lyons-Weiler
James Lyons-Weiler, PhD, provides updates on the work of the Institute of Pure and Applied Knowledge, an organization funded by the people (not industry or the government) with a mission to provide unbiased, uncaptured research (IPAK), publications (Public Health Policy Journal), and education (IPAK-EDU).
Science, Public Health Policy and the Law (
Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses along the Axis of Vaccination – Summary Chart. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, Weiler & Thomas
Meme o’ the week:
Love the new satire feature. Mockery is an effective tool against tyranny.