Reader's Survey: Medical Freedom Bill ideas for 2025 [4 minutes]
ICWA seeks your input on bill ideas for the next legislative session in Olympia. [4 mins]
Every year, Informed Choice Washington closely watches Olympia legislation, searching through thousands of bills to identify good ones to support and bad ones to oppose. That’s important work, but we can be more proactive. The game is dominated by paid lobbyists who typically produce bill ideas favorable to their employer, and who will often draft bills for legislators to sponsor. Like in recent years, ICWA wants to draft bills for legislative sponsorship again.
Help us get in the game. The following bill ideas are being considered and we would like your input on which to pursue since it will be difficult to pursue them all.
Please select the bill you’d most like to see drafted and which you would be inspired to ask your District Legislators to support. More details on each are provided below the poll.
Do you have a great new idea? Let us know in the comments.

1. Restoring Trust in Public Health through Consumer Protection
Purpose: see title
Synopsis: Given that the Department of Health parrots information from the CDC and other agencies that have been shown to be completely false, this bill would protect consumers and rebuild trust in public health by preventing certain conflicts of interest, and by requiring government agencies in Washington to adhere to state consumer protection laws and federal labeling and advertising laws that apply to drug and medical device manufacturers and their products.
History: bi-partisan HB 1610 and companion SB 5596 (2022-23) were were filed but not heard in committee.
2. Equitable Access to School-Entry Exemptions
Purpose: To overcome difficulties that families experience when seeking a personal or religious exemption to daycare or school requirements.
Synopsis: Given that pharmacists and a variety of medical technicians can administer vaccines, and that these healthcare providers should also be trained in the risks and benefits of vaccination, then they shall be authorized to present to parents/guardians a risk/benefit consultation and sign the state’s Certificate of Exemption (COE) document.
History: this bill has not been run in any other state; Related: HB 2842 (2017-18): Notifying parents and guardians about immunization exemptions.
3. Maintaining Sovereignty from WHO, UN & WEF
Purpose: To prevent non-U.S. governments and organizations from having any jurisdiction in Washington under the guise of a health or other emergency.
Synopsis: Given that the Biden administration has: A) promoted revisions to International Health Regulations (IHR) that would grant the WHO General Secretary sweeping powers in the case of an international health emergency; B) indicated he will enter into a pandemic treaty using executive authority only; C) indicated consent with a U.N. Pact on Global Shocks, bypassing U.S. Senate approval on the ‘treaty’ that gives the U.N. Secretary General sweeping powers in the event of an <open-ended list> emergency; THEREFORE, states need to protect themselves.
Example bill language (based on SB133 passed in Louisiana):
Relative to certain international organizations; to disallow the exercise of jurisdiction by certain international organizations; to prevent the use of communications from certain international organizations as a basis for action in the state of Washington;
The World Health Organization, United Nations, and the World Economic Forum shall have no jurisdiction or power within the state of Washington. No rule, regulation, fee, tax, policy, or mandate of any kind of the World Health Organization, United Nations, and the World Economic Forum shall be enforced or implemented by the state of Washington or any agency, department, board, commission, political subdivision, governmental entity of the state, parish, municipality, or any other political entity.
History: Louisiana SB 133, passed in 2024. Also,
Florida SB 252, Status: Passed.
Oklahoma SB 426, Status: Passed.
Utah SB 0057. Nullification of Federal Authority. Status: Passed
4. Prohibiting Use of Vaccination Status in Certain Administrative and Legal Proceedings Related to Children and Incapacitated Adults
Purpose: To remove a child’s vaccination status from being used by one parent against the other during separation/divorce proceedings that currently always default to ‘must vaccinate.’
Synopsis: Child vaccination status is regularly used by one parent against another when families separate. But even if any specific vaccine was actually capable of preventing transmission, the vaccine status of children in one family will not impact a community’s health status. A judge should not be making health decisions:
Example bill language:
Vaccination status prohibited as evidence or grounds for decision [or action]. A court may not:
Admit into evidence in any proceeding under this part the vaccination status of a parent or a minor child; or
Consider a person's vaccination status in making any order related to child support, child custody, visitation, or parental rights.
History: Montana HB 684 Signed into law April 26, 2023
5. Relative to foods that contain certain substances
Purpose: To forever prevent vaccine antigens or immune-system-inducing chemicals from being added to foods with the intent to vaccinate humans, as has been studied/discussed/proposed (e.g., mRNA and other technologies).
Example bill language:
Definition of “Drug” also includes foods with vaccines or vaccine material;
"Vaccine or vaccine material" means a substance intended for use in humans to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against disease, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease, that is authorized or approved by the United States food and drug administration.
History: This bill is the ‘No mRNA in lettuce’ bill passed in Tennessee HB1894.
I would like to see #4 & #5 drafted