ICWA Weekly News 5-1-24
Covid shots related to seizures; the change in vaccine definition - what really happened; host a screening of Protocol 7 in a local theater.
In this issue:
Seizures Following COVID-19 Shots in Washington
It’s Official: Washington State Changes Definition of Vaccine
Host Protocol 7
April 26, 2024 Episode of Informed Life Radio - - notes and links
Health Hour: Nature First, Drugs Last
Guest: Michael Gaeta.
Natural approaches (e.g., cholesterol, vitamin D and ginkgo) to common health issues.
Liberty Hour: Medical Industrial Complex Lies
Guest: Sally Saxon, J.D.
Retired attorney Sally Saxon discusses her award-winning book The COVID-19 VACCINES & Beyond …: What the Medical Industrial Complex is NOT Telling Us, written in collaboration with Deborah Viglione, MD, and James A. Thorp, MD.
Seizures Following COVID-19 Shots in Washington
Last week, The Defender published a story about the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) detection of a safety signal for seizures in young children following the COVID-19 shots, according to a study published Wednesday in JAMA Network Open.
The article opens with:
Researchers analyzing near-real-time monitoring data on vaccinated children identified this new safety signal in children ages 2-4 who received the original Pfizer vaccine (BNT162b2) and children ages 2-5 who received the original Moderna vaccine (mRNA-1273).
For all ages, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) shows 11,991 seizures in the United States and its territories following the COVID-19 shots.
The reports show that sixteen of those seizures resulted in death, but only initial reports are available to the public and researchers. Only the FDA and CDC know how many initial reports to VAERS with non-serious or non-lethal outcomes were later followed up with reports of escalating injury or death.
139 seizures have been reported by Washingtonians.
The above chart shows that two of the cases were for those under the age of five.
The first one was of a female who was sixteen months old. The report was also entered into V-safe. VAERS ID: 2339217. The child had Severe Pulmonary Stenosis as a preexisting condition and also had a mild cough.
Write-up: The day following her first does of the COVID-19 vaccine We were battling fevers up and down all day but right before we put her to bed, she was behaving abnormally and was very lethargic. We kept her up until we were able to give her another dose of TYLENOL. When we put her to bed, we put her pulse oxygen monitor on. While she was sleeping her levels dropped into the 70''s. When we went to check on her, she was not responding in the way we had hoped. Her temperature was at 103.5 and it is believed that she had a fever induced seizure. Paramedics came to our home and we noticed that she was unresponsive and they advised that we take her directly to the emergency room. Once she was evaluated at the emergency room they gave her a dose of ibuprofen as her temperature was still elevated. They monitored her for an hour or so after that and determined that she was safe to be sent home. She continued to run fevers for a few days after and is finally getting back to normal levels as of today 06.28.
The second case VAERS ID:2491375 was of a four-year-old female who had a history of petite mal seizures.
Write-up: Pt. vaccinated 10/24/22. 10/26/22, pt. had seizure during school, history of petite mal seizures. 10/26/22 Mother of pt. notice redness and swelling on right thigh. Pt. and mother presented to clinic 10/26/22 for symptoms. Tech examined leg and drew line of demarcation around redness and advised mother to monitor to see if changes in size occur. Sent message to Pediatrician team marked urgent for symptoms. RN followed up with pt. 10/26/22 and Pt. had appt. 10/27/22 for same symptoms. Pediatrician further assessed pt. and provided treatment and had vaers report filed.
At the April 10 Washington Board of Health meeting, Washington Department of Health’s (DOH) Scott Lindquist pointed out the most common disclaimer about VAERS data, “A report to VAERS does not mean that a vaccine caused an adverse event.” With this in mind, the DOH might be expected to say that you’re “only getting a piece of the story,” as Lindquist had said at the meeting, about these 139 reports of Washington seizures following the COVID-19 shots.
It bears repeating that the public and researchers have access only to initial reports. Any follow-up reports are known only to the CDC and FDA.
But what temporal association? Doesn’t Dr. Lindquist understand the importance of timing? Why does he not mention the twenty-four VAERS cases of Washington seizures occurring just twenty-four hours after these shots?
Granted, many of those twenty-four patients had preexisting conditions, such as diarrhea, depression, Down syndrome, high blood pressure, and epilepsy. But if a pre-existing condition means those individuals are at an increased risk of adverse reaction, shouldn’t those conditions be considered a contraindication, or at least a warning? It used to be that precautions were taken for vaccine administration. Now, it seems that only death due to a previous dose excludes one from a jab.
More than half of the twenty-four cases of seizure within twenty hours of administration listed no preexisting conditions or current illnesses. They are listed below in chronological order of reporting date.
VAERS ID: 1084517. The seizure of this 50-year-old male was submitted March 19, 2021.
Write-up: Friday at 1:30 (3/5 my husband received the first shot. That evening he wasn’t feeling well at all. Went to sleep in the morning on 3/6 he still was feeling horrible. Looked gray in color- thought he was getting the flu. At 2AM I woke to him having a seizure. Followed by another seizure at 10AM (3/7) followed by another seizure at 3PM (3/7) followed by another seizure at 3AM (3/8) and another seizure at 6:30 AM on (3/8).
VAERS ID: 1205830. This seizure of a 30-year-old male was entered on April 13, 2021.
Write-up: Janssen Covid-19 Vaccine EUA First 12 hours after the shot I experienced headaches, body aches, and chills. Within the next 24 hours all of these symptoms increased severely, and around 5pm on 4/11/21 I experienced a seizure that resulted in me being taken to the ER.
VAERS ID: 1211087. This seizure of a 38-year-old male was entered on April 14, 2021.
Write-up: Patient began seizing after several hours of fever of 100 degrees F, post-vaccination. He was transported by ambulance from his home to the Emergency Department where he experienced another seizure. Patient was hospitalized overnight and discharged with medication for control of seizures.
VAERS ID:1361057. This seizure of a 56-year-old female was entered on May 21, 2021.
Write-up: Convulsions, twitching at 1:00am. Strong adrenalin rush. Got out of bed and worked, moved around rapidly. I’ve had mild twitching, muscle contractions, numb nerves in arms and hands ever since. It is mild though. Seems to come and go in waves, along with intense fatigue. June 1, 2021 first day I did not have intense fatigue. Just found out I was supposed to receive a CDC text or reaction monitoring form; I did not.
VAERS ID: 1904069. This seizure of a 55-year-old female was entered November 27, 2021.
Write-up: I started getting feverish chills around 6pm, and I went to bed around 9.30pm. Just be before or after midnight my right leg started getting seizures. It came in sets of three. Each one lasted 8 to 10 seconds and happened 3 times in a row. Once I start to fall asleep, it would happen again. When I walked around nothing happened. But once I started to fall asleep, it would happen again; this occurred throughout the night. The next day, I took a small nap, and I had reoccurring cramps at the bottom of my foot and it also happened 3 times in a row. This time, it occurred for a short while and stopped. I called the healthcare provider as it was the weekend to confirm that it was not life threatening. I went to a walk-in clinic on September 7th and reported the event to a doctor. He performed some balance and reflex exercise. I was discharged.
VAERS ID: 1984891. This seizure of a 43-year-old male was entered on December 28, 2021.
Write-up: Started off with chills, tremors, convulsing, sweating profusely, hallucinating, flashbacks, out of body experiences. Couldn’t sleep for three days. It was worse at night. Reactions were the same for both shots and lasted the same amount of time. Felt extremely intoxicated, blurred vision. It was acting out history for me, looking for things that weren’t there, hunting bad guys, PTSD. Reported to NP, who made a house call the first time to check on me. I made it known to her that getting these shots was under duress if anything was to happen to me. Quarterly f/u appointments with urologist with have noted continued elevated BP and HR. Also noted brain fog.
VAERS ID: 1985059. The seizure of this 10-year-old female was entered December 28, 2021.
Write-up: Mother of patient called to report that patient had a seizure on Sunday morning 12/12/21 in which their PCP believes to be related to the second dose Pfizer pediatric vaccine that patient received on Saturday 12/11/21 at a clinic held at a vaccination Center. Patient has no prior history of seizures and did not have any problems from the first dose administered on 11/20/21. Mother describes the seizure as a full tonic clonic seizure that lasted about 5 minutes. The patient’s vitals were all normal by the time EMS arrived, and the seizure had stopped. No last effects post-seizures were reported by mother.
VAERS ID: 2025065. This seizure of a 51-year-old male was entered on January 11, 2022.
Write-up: chills/ nausea / vomiting/ fever uncontrolled convulsions lasting 30 min. aching body 3 days
VAERS ID: 2025238. This seizure of a 51-year-old male was submitted on January 11, 2022.
Write-up: Woke up with shakes turning into convulsions lasting thirty minutes, followed by uncontrolled vomiting and four-hour fever, headache, dizziness. Four days sore muscles from vomiting and convulsions.
VAERS ID: 2036316. The seizure of this 12-year-old female was entered on January 14, 2022.
Write-up: Patient became unresponsive, had a few convulsions and got back to her senses. It started about 1 minute after the shot and was revived in about 30 seconds. Patient rested fifteen minutes and went home, feeling well.
VAERS ID: 2214898. The seizure of this 40-year-old male was entered on April 4, 2022.
Write-up: Myocarditis: Chest pain and small frequent convulsions in my center chest. Heart beats that feel irregular. Leaning forward and sleeping on my stomach make it happen, and make it happen more frequently. Heart beats that feel irregular.
VAERS ID: 2509680. The seizure of this nine-year-old male was entered on November 16, 2022.
Write-up: At 9:25PM the night after his first dose vaccine, I heard a noise from his room. I found him unresponsive and his entire body shaking. He was having a seizure that lasted about a minute and a half. His postictal state was about 20 minutes. He did not have a fever and his glucose was normal. We went to the hospital. They did a work-up and assessment. They set him up with neurology. He is on KEPPRA for at least 2 years to ensure he does not have any more seizures. He did receive his second dose in December 2021 but he was already on KEPPRA.
Two of the above patients experienced a bad reaction to a first dose, yet they went back for a second shot. Why? Let us know in the comments your thoughts on why anyone would choose to get a second dose after experiencing a bad reaction, or why a medical provider would administer a dose to someone who had previously experienced such a reaction.
It’s Official: Washington State Changes Definition of Vaccine
At the April 10 Washington Board of Health (BOH) meeting in Spokane, it is safe to say that Kelly Cooper spoke with the most satisfaction. She is the legislative director (staff lobbyist) for the Washington Department of Health (DOH), and she proudly informed the board at the 1:56:30 mark, “We were able to pass all three of our bills.”
On Zoom in the upper right-hand corner, DOH Legislative Director Kelly Cooper reports her good news to BOH members: SB 6095, SB 5982 and SB 2721 all passed. (SB 2721 does not exist; they meant to say SB 5271).
First, she mentioned the passage of Senate Bill 6095. “The standing order is like a prescription . . . It is like what we had during the COVID emergency, and it was very valuable in terms of reducing barriers to COVID vaccines and testing.”
ICWA put much of its lobbying efforts into stopping this bill, as we summarized in the first paragraph of an article in the January 24 issue of ICWA Weekly News:
Senate Bill 6095 about issuing standing prescription orders for patients across the state is a power grab by the Department of Health (DOH) trying to hold on to what they had during the pandemic. The DOH, headed by the Secretary of Health Dr. Umair Shah, requested the bill and Dr. Shah was given free rein to promote it during its initial committee hearing on January 18.
Ms. Cooper then discussed the second bill that passed, Senate Bill 5982.
“The second bill is updating the state’s definition of vaccine,” she said. “This is relative only to the Washington Vaccine Association’s chapter, and they updated the definition to include all FDA-approved and CDC-recommended immunizations, so that meant that we will be able to include the new RSV immunization for use in the child vaccine program. The important thing to remember here is that this bill and the definition here is about how we purchase vaccines. It has nothing to do with a mandate or anything needed for entry to school or childcare.
The definition change to accommodate injectables like RSV monoclonal antibodies was made despite doctors like Meryl Nass, who, in the first place, opposed the addition of the rarely-needed treatment to the list of CDC recommendations. And it is difficult to understand why the bill was passed with an emergency clause, stating it was “necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately.” Perhaps it was because they used a ‘workaround’ to purchase Covid and RSV shots and they wanted to cover their backsides as soon as possible?
Do they know that even with the definition change, they are STILL VIOLATING THE LAW by purchasing COVID-19 shots for children under the age of 12? And by purchasing any Novavax vaccine, which is not licensed for any age? Those products are still protected under Emergency Use Authorization. All of the Covid-19 injections—both EUA and licensed—are not covered under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Instead, they fall under the woefully inadequate (basically useless) Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program.
So what is Washington Vaccine Association (WVA)?
In her April 16, 2024, essay published in a Conservative Ladies of Washington post, ICWA director Lisa Templeton described the quasi-governmental group:
The Washington Vaccine Association (WVA) is a non-profit organization established by Washington State statute in 2010 for the purpose of collecting mandatory assessments from private insurers each time an insured patient under age 19 receives a vaccine on CDC’s pediatric schedule. These are billed at a price set by WVA. WVA remits those funds to the Department of Health (DOH), which then purchases pediatric vaccines directly from the CDC at its wholesale price. The DOH then distributes the products to doctors/providers to give to all their patients, whether insured privately or via Medicare/Medicaid/other public insurance programs.
Lisa also explained why the WVA wanted the language changed:
WVA, through DOH, filed Senate Bill 5982 in January 2024 to change the definition of “vaccine” in its statute to expand it to include new technologies, such as monoclonal antibodies. The Washington State Legislature passed the bill, and it took effect immediately upon Governor Inslee’s signature on March 13, 2024. The pertinent portion of the bill is as follows:
"Vaccine" means ((
a preparation of killed or attenuated living microorganisms, or fraction thereof, that upon administration stimulates immunity that protects against disease and is)) an immunization.
Lisa provided more background behind the need for the change:
WVA’s meeting minutes, as well as statements by its chair and other public health officials in other public meetings, indicate that WVA wanted to expand its universal vaccine funding mechanism beyond vaccines to include additional products they call “immunizations.” The proposed change, they declare, was prompted by a new product called Beyfortis (nirsevimab), which is a monoclonal antibody for RSV, the newest (and most expensive) shot on CDC’s pediatric schedule, that the agency recommends for all infants under 8 months entering “their first RSV season.” The change allows WVA to participate in the funding of all products included on the CDC pediatric schedule in the future. Until recently, the CDC schedule included only vaccines, which matched the statutory definition of WVA’s purview, but now the schedule is expanding to include other types of products. WVA expects the CDC-recommended childhood schedule to continue to expand.
However, WVA and public health officials publicly stated that they “found a workaround” to begin funding nirsevimab--in advance of the passage of their definition-changing legislation. They also stated that over 8,500 doses had already been administered before January 11, 2024, and that they had reserved $14.3 million for the product. These activities contravene the statutory authority that WVA had before the bill passed.
It should also be mentioned that the WVA, with money collected from vaccine administration to children, hired lobbyists Leonard & Kolan to escort the bill through the back halls of Olympia, spending at least $15,000 on Kathryn Kolan and Cameron Long, according to PDC filings.
Page three of the minutes for the WVA’s October 12, 2023, Executive Committee Meeting memorializes the moment when the lobbyists were hired:
Ms. Kolan provided information on her background and proceeded to outline her thoughts regarding legislative changes to WVA’s governing statute. Ms. Zell provided additional background and recommendations as to how Ms. Kolan’s expertise could benefit the WVA. Dr. Dunn asked for a motion to approve engaging with Leonard & Kolan to provide lobbying services for updating WVA’s governing statute. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: To approve lobbying engagement with Leonard & Kolan.
So, with the help of a lobbying firm, the WVA got its vaccine definition change. The bill passed through the Senate and House largely along party lines, with only a few Republicans (Stephanie Barnard, Keith Goehner, Paul L. Harris, and Mike Steele) joining the Democrats, who continue to have a pathological kinship with public health agencies and vaccination programs.
The Epoch Times consulted with ICWA and published a story on the new law.
A medical freedom advocate has described Washington state’s effort to change the definition of vaccine to allow novel injections into the state’s universal childhood vaccine purchase program as “another opportunity to enrich public health and pharmaceutical companies without liability or adequate product testing.”
The existing language that the product must be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) remains the same.
The term “immunization” is not defined in the statute.
An earlier Epoch Times article, this one on September 1, 2022, showed that this charade of changing vaccine definitions began with the rollout of COVID-19 gene therapy shots. Under the subheading “The Vaccine Doesn’t Work, so the Definition Was Changed,” TheEpoch Times wrote:
For nearly 15 years, from November 2007 to August 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) working definition of “vaccine” was:
“A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from the disease. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but can also be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.”

But in September 2021, according to Daniels, U.S. public health authorities changed the definition of “vaccine.”
The new definition, which the curious reader can find under the title “Vaccine Basics” on the CDC’s BAM! Body and Mind webpage, a classroom resource for teachers, became:
“A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.”
The COVID-19 vaccines don’t produce immunity protecting people who are vaccinated from getting the illness. This fact should have spurred the CDC and every other health authority in the world to stop the current vaccination program and work overtime to create a better, more effective, and safer vaccine.
But, instead, the CDC is working hard to dupe the American people by claiming that the mission of these vaccines was never to stop the spread of coronavirus in the first place.
Additionally, Peter Doshi, a senior editor at The British Medical Journal told a panel of experts in a November 2022 Senator Ron Johnson roundtable discussion about this change in the dictionary:
I argue these products which everyone calls mRNA vaccines are qualitatively different from standard vaccines, so I found it fascinating to learn that Merriam Webster changed the definition of vaccine early this year.
mRNA products did not meet the definition of vaccine that has been in place for over fifteen years, but the definition was expanded such that mRNA products are now vaccines.
If you were concerned that WVA members might be legally exposed for any of their decisions to follow the jab-happy CDC, there’s no need to worry: RCW 70.290.080, which was created for the WVA in 2010, limits their liability with very open-ended language:
No liability on the part of, and no cause of action of any nature, shall arise against any member of the board of the association, against an employee or agent of the association, or against any health care provider for any lawful action taken by them in the performance of their duties or required activities under this chapter.
However, note the key phrase “lawful action.” Does that leave them open to some complaints?
ICWA Director Lisa Templeton points out other facts about the WVA that should give rise to doubts about its performance:
Pursuant to the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation Program of 1986 (NCVICP), manufacturers of most products on the CDC pediatric schedule enjoy legal immunity from lawsuits for injuries and deaths caused by the products; they cannot be sued for damages.
As mentioned above, no deaths or injuries from any Covid shots, on the pediatric schedule or not, even qualify for compensation under the NCVICP. Instead, those harms must be claimed under the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program, which is even more restrictive. For example, claims must be filed within one year of taking the shot. As of April 1, 2024, of the 13,116 Covid product claims submitted to CICP, only 2,514 had been decided, and only 47 of those had been found to be eligible for compensation. So far, the highest compensation amount was under $9,000, with an average payout overall of $3,616.
According to its financial statements online, WVA’s executive director is paid over $26,000 per month, not including travel, education, and other support costs.
To provide context as to the scope of WVA, it collected over $84 million in assessments in the year ending June 2023.
WVA records its public meetings and destroys the recordings after minutes are prepared. This is stated on its online meeting packets.
mRNA Covid shots, which WVA has included in its scope for many months, do not appear to meet the statute’s definition of “vaccine,” either.
WVA’s own meeting minutes and agendas indicate that they received legal counsel that participating in the funding of nirsevimab in advance of the statute change would lie outside its authority.
WVA’s minutes and agendas include information from counsel on various options for the funding “workaround” that the chair referenced in a public meeting of another public health agency.
Financial records and public statements show that WVA utilized its cash reserves for the purchase of nirsevimab. This means that the organization did not utilize any of the “options” proposed by legal counsel.
In recent WVA meetings, members have discussed the providers who are "non-compliant" in submitting their mandatory assessments. These include school-based health centers, which are increasing in number in Washington. Given Washington’s minor consent laws, many parents are already concerned about what medical procedures their children could undergo right in the school, without parental knowledge or consent. Now, they’ll also have to be concerned about shoddy record-keeping and lack of compliance with the WVA.
Screen Protocol 7 in a Local Theater
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Protocol 7 is a true story about the corrupt practices of the vaccine industry. It’s time for the world to know, and the corruption and harm to stop.
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Meme o’ the Week: Do arrows cause seizures?